Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 386 Long-term plan

With the level of Xu Song's fifth-order formation master, it is naturally easy to set up a phantom formation to test the monks in the Qi training period.

The Zhou family itself has a "Misty Jade" mine, and the "Misty Jade" produced is the necessary material for setting up the magic formation, and there is no shortage of formation materials.

As for Zhou Guangyin, the female cultivator of the Zhou family who fell in love with Zhou Tongming, after the family meeting, Zhou Guangtai, a foundation-building cultivator of the Zhou family, rode a Gryphon to the Lingmai of Haoyang Mountain to pick her up.

From Zhou Yang's point of view, this Zhou Guangyin's appearance is just average, not to mention his appearance compared with the stunning beauties like Jiang Fengxian and Yun Yiyi he has seen, even compared with his Taoist companion Xiao Ying Inferior more than one chip.

Even among the female cultivators of the Zhou family in the Zhou family's meeting hall that day, there were quite a few who were at the same level of appearance as them.

So Zhou Yang also didn't understand why that Zhou Tongming was willing to go so hard for this woman.

"Maybe this is love!"

Looking at the young couple who were crying and laughing together after reuniting after a few years, he thought slightly absentmindedly.

At this moment, he actually felt a little envious of the young couple.

He knows his family affairs because of his own family. Although he and Xiao Ying have been a Taoist couple for decades, the relationship between the two has always been tepid. It is not as in love as the young couple Zhou Tongming and Zhou Guangyin. The possibility of death and life.

Zhou Yang remembered that he had heard a saying in his previous life that love would gradually evolve into family affection in the end.

Two people who love each other can grow old together, not because their love can last for so long, but because after being together for too long, the two people have regarded each other as the closest relatives to each other, and they don't want to separate, just because they don't want to let go This family relationship is nothing more than that.

Zhou Yang felt that the relationship between himself and Taoist Xiao Ying gradually developed in this direction as time went by.

"Maybe it's because we've never really double cultivated!"

His eyes shone brightly, and he found a reason to comfort himself.

Xu Song was in charge of arranging and building the testing magic formation, but Zhou Guangxiang, the head of the Zhou family, was the one who controlled the formation.

On the day of the test, many members of the Zhou family who were still on Chihu Mountain took the initiative to come over to watch. The presence of these people put great pressure on Zhou Tongming and Zhou Guangyin.

It is conceivable that if the two of them failed the test under the watchful eyes of the public, they would be ashamed to see others for the rest of their lives.

"Yingu, let's go in, you and I are stronger than gold, no matter what kind of illusion and danger, we can't separate you and me!"

Zhou Tongming tightly held the palm of his beloved woman, glanced at those fellow clansmen who looked optimistic about the show, and pulled Zhou Guangyin firmly into the formation.

Looking at Zhou Guangyin again, as a woman, although she had a natural sense of shyness in such a large crowd, she didn't show any signs of timidity. His eyes were full of happiness and love that couldn't be concealed.

"I hope you can really succeed!"

Zhou Yang, who watched this scene from a distance, sent his blessing in a low voice.

In the entire Zhou family, he is probably the only one who is neutral or even agrees with this affair between aunt and nephew.

The illusion test will begin soon.

According to Xu Song's arrangement, the young lovers who enter the fantasy array to be tested will face various illusion tests such as mountains of swords and flames, a hundred years of loneliness, lingering love, accusations of all men, and enemies of the world.

In these hallucinatory tests, if two young couples who have only cultivated in the Qi training period can pass the test, they can only do so by sticking to their affection for each other.

For example, in a sea of ​​flames, a young couple will be placed in the sea of ​​flames, and faced with the choice of who will survive first, only if they choose each other can they pass.

In a hundred years of solitude, young couples will face the situation of being separated for a hundred years in different places, and they need to stick to an agreement for hundreds of years, and still not forget the agreement and still love each other.

In the midst of the world's enemies, the fact that two young lovers are in love with their aunt and nephew is not tolerated by the world, and they will be pointed at, ridiculed and ridiculed wherever they go. Under such circumstances, the two still have to be together without complaint or regret go on.

These ideas that test the illusion are all Zhou Yang's ideas, and then Xu Song realizes his ideas in the illusion.

However, in order to protect the privacy of the testees, the figures of Zhou Tongming and Zhou Guangyin who entered the phantom formation to take the test automatically disappeared from the eyes of those watching the Zhou family. The expression of the person changed and he heard the voices of the two.

In Zhou Yang's eyes, after encountering various illusions, the two young lovers sometimes screamed in panic and anger, sometimes cried and cursed at the sky, sometimes sang and whispered with flushed faces, and sometimes looked gloomy Biting his lip tightly, his face was full of resentment and grievance... All kinds of expressions were fully revealed.

In this way, when the two-hour scheduled test time ended, Zhou Tongming and Zhou Guangyin in the phantom formation actually supported each other until the end by virtue of their deep love for each other!

"Easy to get a priceless treasure, rare to have a lover!"

"The two of you can still not forget each other and stick to your love for each other after facing many illusions and obstacles. God's will can be seen, and people can also see it. I can't find a reason to separate the two of you!"

Outside the magic formation, Zhou Yang looked at the young couple who had just gone through many trials and successfully held hands together, and sighed with emotion on his face.

Then he turned his face solemnly, turned his eyes to those Zhou clan members who were watching the excitement outside the venue, and shouted loudly: "Now, as the elder of the Zhou family, I announce that I recognize and complete the relationship between Zhou Tongming and Zhou Guangyin. Anyone from my Zhou clan, relatives of the Zhou family or guest ministers who dare to attack the two of them with this matter will be punished according to the family rules of slandering the same clan!"

"Yes, we will follow the orders of the Supreme Elder!"

As the patriarch, Zhou Guangxiang was the first to kneel down on one knee and responded loudly to Zhou Yang's order.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the Zhou family didn't dare to have any hesitation, and immediately knelt down, some even knelt down on both knees, and shouted in response: "I respect the order of the Supreme Elder."

Hearing the voices of these people, Zhou Tongming and Zhou Tongming, who were tightly hugging each other in the phantom formation, just came back to their senses.

Then Zhou Tongming kowtowed heavily to Zhou Yang and kowtowed loudly: "Thank you for the greatness of the elders, and the greatness of the patriarch. Zhou Tongming will never forget the great kindness of the two elders. Command, Zhou Tongming will not hesitate to die!"

"Let me give you a word, if the relationship between the two lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night!"

"If you really want to be together forever, you should work hard to practice in the future and put all your energy into it. If you can build a foundation, isn't two hundred years of lifespan enough for you to love me?"

Zhou Yang looked at the two juniors, left some earnest words, turned and left.

As a cultivator of the Purple Mansion Stage, there is actually no need for him to pay so much attention to the matter of the two Qi Cultivation Stage cultivators. The reason why he pays attention to this matter this time is also because he wants to set a benchmark for similar matters in the future.

With the examples of Zhou Tongming and Zhou Guangyin first, if similar things happen to the Zhou family in the future, they will have to go to that phantom array first.

This time Zhou Tongming and Zhou Guangyin were able to successfully pass the test, that is because their true love is more indestructible than gold.

Zhou Yang didn't believe that every pair of men and women who fell in love could stick to the phantom formation until the end.

Back at Qianyang Cave where he practiced, Zhou Yang began to prepare another thing, which was to design a set of exclusive magical equipment for the monks in the family battle hall.

A set of exclusive standard magic weapon equipment can not only greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of a cultivator, but also greatly enhance the sense of honor of the monks who use this equipment, making other Zhou family monks want to join the battle hall and let the outside world When the other monks saw the appearance of the monks from the Zhou family's war hall, they naturally respected them and took the initiative to avoid them.

Of course, for Zhou Yang, designing such a set of exclusive magic weapon equipment has a more important meaning, and that is to prepare for the impact on the fifth-level weapon refiner in the future.

Although a Tier 4 refiner is also called a Master Refiner, the gap between a Tier 5 refiner and a Tier 5 refiner is like the gap between a cultivator at the Zifu stage and a cultivator at the Golden Core stage, or even greater.

A true craftsman must be creative, and must create a unique magic weapon that is different from ordinary magic weapons, that is, self-created magic weapons.

Zhou Yang once tried to create his own magic weapon shortly after the foundation was established, and then failed without a doubt.

Looking back now, he realized how ridiculous it was for him to want to create his own magic weapon.

It is even more difficult for an alchemist who is not even a third-tier alchemist to create his own magical artifacts than for a Jindan stage monk to conceive a baby. It is normal for him to fail.

But now, he is already a fourth-level middle-grade weapon refiner, and he has the guidance of Xu Song, a real fifth-level weapon refiner, so he can completely try to create his own magic weapon again.

Moreover, this time he created his own magic weapon, it is impossible to create a simple first-level magic weapon like the "flame sword" as his goal, but to create a second-level top-grade magic weapon that can really be used in the fighting skills of immortal cultivators during the Qi training period .

After some discussion with Xu Song, Zhou Yang decided to design the first self-created magic weapon as a second-tier high-grade defensive magic weapon shield.

However, the complete set of equipment he designed for the monks of the Zhou family's battle hall consisted of five pieces of equipment including flying swords, shields, inner armor, iron armor, and puppet beasts, as well as at least ten second-tier top-grade talismans with different functions.

A seven-level qi-training cultivator equipped with all five pieces of equipment and magic talismans can easily kill a second-level high-grade monster or an ordinary nine-level qi-training casual cultivator.

This is only the combat power of a single monk. Zhou Yang expected that the monks of the Zhou Family Battle Hall will be equipped with a second-level top-grade formation in the future. In this way, as long as nine late-stage Qi training monks deploy a second-level top-grade formation, even ordinary In the early stage of foundation establishment, it was difficult for monks to get them.

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