Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 387 Lu's Prostitute

Creating a magic weapon by yourself is not something that can be done overnight, and Zhou Yang didn't intend to do just one thing wholeheartedly.

He had just returned to the family not long ago, so he hadn't done many things yet, and it was impossible for him to renege on his promise to accompany his father Zhou Xuanhao through the last few years of his life.

As for the matter of finding the adoptive mother Zhou Xuanyu and the adoptive sister Zhou Yuanyao, it can be postponed for a while. It will not be too late to find the father Zhou Xuanyu after his death. After all, he is not sure how much it will cost to find the mother and daughter. How much time.

On this day, after Zhou Yang ordered someone to help him buy a large amount of low-level materials needed to create his own magic weapon, he brought his first spiritual pet, the Gryphon, to the top of Chihu Mountain.

This griffin was tamed when he first went to Liuyunzhou to cultivate immortals decades ago. Over the years, he and the Zhou family have also made a lot of contributions to the southern and northern wars.

It's a pity that the monsters are limited by the shackles of blood, and it is very difficult to break through the big realm, and it is impossible to do it without a great opportunity and great luck.

The Gryphon was already a third-tier high-grade monster when it followed Zhou Yang. After so many years, its strength still has not improved.

The only thing that has changed is probably its wisdom.

After living with humans for so many years, and the Zhou family's animal trainer often communicated with it through a special animal language, its spiritual wisdom became stronger and stronger.

Now if we only talk about spiritual wisdom, this Gryphon is not much worse than ordinary fourth-order monsters.

At this time, Zhou Yang, the master who had not seen him for many years, was suddenly taken to the top of Chihu Mountain. The Gryphon seemed to sense something, looking at Zhou Yang with a pair of eagle eyes full of flattery, and kept rubbing his head against Zhou Yang's eyes. legs, and a gentle cry of "cuckoo" came out of its mouth.

Ever since Zhou Yang brought back the third-rank top-grade Golden Winged Thunder Eagle, the Gryphon has never dared to approach Zhou Yang, the master, because of the pressure of the noble bloodline on the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle.

Zhou Yang brought it out today, and put the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle in the spirit beast bag first, otherwise it really wouldn't dare to compete with the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle.

Because of the "Deed of the Demon Soul", Zhou Yang could barely understand the meaning of the Gripen Beast. Knowing that the beast was asking for credit from him, he couldn't help but patted the beast's head and scolded with a smile: " Well, well, I know that you are loyal and have done a lot of things for my Zhou family, this time I come back, the benefits must be indispensable to you."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and took out the treasures that he had prepared to give to the Gryphon, a third-level top-grade savage heart, and Zhong Chuming's fourth-level mid-level bird mount "Kamikaze Eagle" The demon pill taken out of the body.

The Gryphon itself is a kind of strange beast, and it is very likely that it also has the blood of the beast. The heart of the beast may allow it to awaken the blood of the beast, and no matter how bad it is, it can help it increase the strength of its physical body.

And the "Kamikaze Eagle" demon pill, which belongs to the wind system and is also an eagle monster, is a vital treasure related to whether the Gryphon can be promoted to the fourth rank.

For monsters like the Gryphon who are restricted by their bloodlines, if they want to break through the shackles of their bloodlines and become higher-level monsters, the most effective way is to devour higher-level monsters with attributes similar to their own.

However, it is very dangerous to devour high-level monster pills to advance. Once the power in the monster pills cannot be controlled, or the power of the monster pills conflicts with the power of the monster itself, it will easily lead to blood backlash and sudden death, or even directly Exploded and died.

The reason why Zhou Yang chose to give the demon pill of the "Kamikaze Eagle" to the Gryphon to devour it was because both the Gryphon and the "Kamikaze Eagle" had wind attribute mana, and both had eagle blood, which caused conflicts of power and blood. The chance of backlash will be much lower.

But even so, it is only a matter of fifty or five whether the Gryphon will be able to advance successfully in the end.

"I have done everything I can, and whether I can succeed in the future depends on your own good luck!"

On the top of the mountain, Zhou Yang looked at the Gripen, which was lying on the ground and fell into a deep sleep after taking the beast heart and the demon pill, turned around and walked down the mountain.

It is a big hurdle for a third-level monster to be promoted to a fourth-level monster. Even if the Gryphon can finally pass this hurdle, it will take at least several years to make it possible. Zhou Yang naturally has no need to continue to accompany him here.

What's more, he has mobilized the power of the mountain protection formation to set up a protective barrier on the place where the Gryphon is sleeping, and no one can pass him past and disturb the sleeping Gryphon.

After going down the mountain in this way, Zhou Yang handed another third-rank high-grade savage heart to his niece Zhou Guangxiang, and asked him to feed it to the Zhou family's other third-rank low-grade monster, the Flying Leopard.

The Flying God Leopard was originally placed high hopes by Zhou Yang, and he was always raised as the Zhou family's town clan spirit beast.

But now that he has the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle, and he has a golden core, Zhou Yang doesn't care much about this spirit beast.

The person who took care of this spirit beast had already been replaced by Zhou Guangxiang.

At this time, he gave the heart of the wild beast to Zhou Guangxiang to feed it to the flying panther, and he also wanted this niece to take this opportunity to deepen his relationship with the flying panther.

Zhou Guangxiang was naturally aware of these, and he was extremely grateful for Zhou Yang's actions.

She only has a middle-grade spiritual root aptitude, and the possibility of opening up the Zifu in the future is extremely slim. As the current elder of the Zhou family, Zhou Xuanzhen, is getting old, she will definitely take over this position.

When the time comes, the third-order spirit beast, Flying God Leopard, under her envoy will become a strong support for her to secure the position of Great Elder.

Zhou Yang really had nothing to say to their brother and sister.

"Uncle Nine, I have something to report to you. Among the offspring of the flying fire bats domesticated by the family, a mutant with dual attributes of fire and darkness appeared. Several animal trainers in the family wanted to get this Only the mutated fire bat that is expected to be promoted to the third level can be accepted as a spiritual pet, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Zhou Guangxiang silently put away the savage heart given by Zhou Yang, his expression changed, but he suddenly mentioned another matter and asked Zhou Yang to help him deal with it.

She is not only the elder of the Zhou family, but also the top manager of the Zhou family's beast garden. In name, all the domesticated spirit beasts of the Zhou family are under her jurisdiction.

The mature body of the Flying Fire Bat is a second-rank high-grade monster. When the Zhou family caught this kind of spirit beast, they also killed a third-rank Flying Fire Bat King.

Now that Zhou Guangxiang said that the descendants of the flying fire bats domesticated by the Zhou family have mutants that are expected to advance to become the Bat King, Zhou Yang is not surprised, and with his current strength, it is difficult for him to catch the third-level monsters. up.

After thinking for a while, he set the tone and said directly: "The cubs of third-tier monster beasts are also a rare resource, and you know what those beast trainers are planning. Tell them, unless they have someone who builds a foundation, otherwise they want to use it as a rare resource." Take the mutated firebat as a spiritual pet, and exchange it with the family for 10,000 family contribution points!"

Beast tamer is also a relatively special profession. If there is a beast tamer who can tame a monster whose strength is one level higher than his own as a spirit beast, then the status of this beast tamer in the world of cultivating immortals will be far higher than that of his peers.

This is just a reputation gain.

In fact, if a monk in the Qi training period can have a third-level monster as a spiritual pet, then the gains he will get from going out on adventures must be many times greater than that of a monk in the Qi training period of the same level.

If those monks in the Qi training period of the Zhou family have a third-level monster as a spiritual pet to drive them, if they are lucky, they can earn enough contribution points to exchange for the foundation building pill in thirty to fifty years.

Therefore, out of balance considerations, other tribes might feel that the family is biased, Zhou Yang must let these beast tamers spend family contribution points to obtain the ownership of the third-level monster spirit pet.

"My niece understands, I will tell all the animal trainers in the family about your decision!"

Zhou Guangxiang nodded emphatically, and immediately bid farewell to Zhou Yang to do this matter.

But not long after she said goodbye to Zhou Yang, her elder brother Zhou Guangxiang found Zhou Yang again.

"Elder Supreme, that boy from the Lu family brought his high-grade spiritual root daughter to visit you and said that he must see you."

As soon as Zhou Guangxiang found Zhou Yang, he explained his intention.

"Boy from the Lu family? He's also an old friend!"

Zhou Yang muttered to himself, waved his hands with some emotion and said, "Forget it, you can take him to my cave, and I'll meet him there!"

After a while, Zhou Yang received the father and daughter of the Lu family in Qianyang Cave.

The father and son of the Lu family who discovered the Chihuling Oasis back then, his father had passed away many years ago, and his son is now a white-haired old man in his 100s.

And the Lu family opened by their father and son, thanks to the unique geographical advantages of the Chihuling Oasis, coupled with the care of the Zhou family, has developed in a decent way. Now it is said that the population of monks with spiritual roots has reached There are more than ten people, and the ordinary people also spread branches and leaves and reproduced for three or four generations, with nearly ten thousand people.

For a small family that didn't even have a foundation-building monk, this scale is already pretty good.

"Boy from the Lu family, why don't you take good care of your family in Lingshan, what are you doing here? Did your Lu family encounter any trouble?"

In the living room of the Dongfu, Zhou Yanggao was at the head. After the father and daughter of the Lu family came in and saluted, they didn't talk nonsense, they just looked at each other and asked why they came.

He, a young man who looked like he was in his thirties, directly called a gray-haired old man a "boy".

Seeing this scene in the eyes of the seven or eight-year-old girl next to the old man, the little girl immediately pouted her pink lips, her face was full of displeasure.

But thinking of her father and daughter coming over, the father's expression was serious and repeated, the little girl still gritted her teeth to hold back her dissatisfaction, and did not dare to speak nonsense.

Zhou Yang naturally saw the little girl's reaction. While he was amused in his heart, his eyes glowed with gold, and he took a closer look at the little girl with the magical power of "Lihuo Golden Pupils".

"Lihuo Golden Eyes" not only has the ability to see through illusions and discern weaknesses, but can also see through the spiritual roots of low-level monks and see the realm of people's cultivation.

The little girl's cultivation is only the second level of Qi training, so of course she can't stop Zhou Yang's supernatural power from peeping.

In the state of "Lihuo Golden Pupils", Zhou Yang could see that a blue-white icy light condensed on the little girl's body.


Seeing Zhou Yang's eyes suddenly turned golden red and looking at her, the little girl was startled, and quickly jumped behind her father and hugged her father's thigh, secretly showing half of her head to look at Zhou Yang, her eyes full of tears. It's the color of surprise and curiosity.

"Don't dare to lie to seniors, this junior came here this time to seek a future for the little girl Xuewei, and I want to ask seniors to take Xuewei into the Zhou family!"

The Patriarch of the Lu family did not dare to be as presumptuous as his daughter. As soon as his eyes touched Zhou Yang's golden red pupils, he quickly lowered his head, pulled his daughter to the ground with a face full of panic, and said respectfully. intention of coming.

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