Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 389: Zhou Yang Accepts Apprentice 】

Becoming Zhou Yang's apprentice can definitely become a foundation-building monk!

When Zhou Yang heard Lu's Patriarch say these words, he frowned, looked at the other party with a half-smile, and did not speak.

Patriarch Lu's face blushed immediately when he saw it, knowing that his little thoughts had been seen through, but for the sake of his daughter's path, he could only bite the bullet and act as if nothing had happened, and lowered his head and dared not look at it. Zhou Yang.

As for his daughter Lu Xuewei, who was urged by him, she came back to understand what happened.

The little girl is smart, and she also understood what happened in the Lu family in the past two years from the occasional conversations of the adults. At this time, she heard that her father "sold" herself to Zhou Yang, an overly handsome uncle, as an apprentice. She didn't cry either.

She rolled her eyes, looked at Zhou Yang crisply and said, "Master, please accept my disciple Lu Xuewei's respect."

"Okay, okay, from today onwards, you will be my great disciple of Zhou Yang."

Zhou Yang said hello several times with a happy face, and Dang even stepped forward to help the kneeling little girl Lu Xuewei, then flipped his hands over, and took out a pair of second-order high-grade magical weapons refined from ice jade "Xuan Ice Bracelet" was given to her.

He has a lot of this second-tier high-grade magic weapon in his storage ring, all of which he found after killing enemies in the immortal cultivation world of Liuyunzhou.

Because he had enough storage rings in his hand, he didn't bother to take the time to clean them up, so he kept them in the storage rings for later use as rewards for low-level monks, but he didn't expect to use them now.

"Your cultivation base is too low, this pair of [Xuanbing Bracelets] is just right for you. You only need to inject a little mana into this thing to stimulate it, and you can release a shield of Xuanbing. The monk strikes three times."

"The other jade bracelet can also be activated by the same method. After activation, it can release a sword-like spell, Xuanbing Slash, to attack the enemy. If an ordinary Qi-training ninth-level monk does not have a second-level top-grade defensive magic weapon and defensive spells, he will definitely Can't stop this attack."

Zhou Yang handed a pair of male and female blue and white bracelets to the little girl Lu Xuewei. Seeing her joyful face, he chuckled and explained the effect of this magic weapon.

And the little girl Lu Xuewei received the gift from Zhou Yang, and when he heard him explain the effects of the two instruments, her face was filled with a happy smile, and she quickly stretched out her two white and tender hands to put the jade bracelet on her hands.

Her wrist was only two-thirds the size of an adult woman, and wearing a jade bracelet would have looked empty and unattractive.

However, this pair of "Xuanbing Bracelets", as a second-order high-grade magic weapon, has the function of shrinking and growing according to the size of the owner's wrist, and soon automatically shrunk to a suitable size for her wrist, and it was firmly wrapped around her wrists. .

The Patriarch of the Lu family on the side looked at his daughter's happy face, but his face was extremely complicated.

He knows that after wearing this jade bracelet, his daughter is no longer a member of the Lu family, and the affairs of the Lu family are no longer her business. If she does something against her duty, Zhou Yang, the master, will He has the right to discipline her and punish her severely, making her miserable.

However, when the Patriarch of the Lu family was thinking about these things in a complicated mood, Zhou Yang knew what he was thinking like a mind reader, and immediately said something to Lu Xuewei that surprised and delighted the two father and daughter Come.

"Xiao Wei'er, I will add your name to the Zhou family tree. From now on, your name inside the Zhou family will be Zhou Guangwei. As for going outside, you can continue to use the name Lu Xuewei."

Zhou Yang smiled slightly, touched the head of the little female apprentice with a smile, and gave the father and daughter a big gift.

No matter which world you are in, changing your name and surname is always an uncomfortable thing.

Even a little girl like Lu Xuewei who is not familiar with the world, who is used to being called by her own name, will instinctively resist being unhappy when she suddenly knows that she needs to change her name to another name that is not easy to pronounce.

Not to mention the deep meaning brought about by this change of name and surname.

Now that Zhou Yang said this, it can be said that he took care of Lu's father and daughter to the extreme emotionally.

"Thank you seniors, thank you seniors, seniors have great kindness, we father and daughter can't repay you, and we will be at the mercy of seniors in the future!"

The Patriarch of the Lu family immediately knelt down on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly, thanking Zhou Yang for this great kindness with a happy face.

And when Lu Xuewei heard that she didn't need to change her name, and saw her father kneeling down, she also knelt down and kowtowed to Zhou Yang in a very obedient manner: "I thank Master for giving you the treasure, and thank you for giving me the name!"

"Okay, let's settle things like this first. Let's wait five years for the official acceptance ceremony. At that time, my Zhou family will hold a big auction. At that time, all parties will be invited to attend the meeting." Fellow Daoist, as a witness, you can also bring your Lu family monks to watch the ceremony."

Zhou Yang nodded slightly, nodded and said his plan.

When the head of the Lu family heard the words, he dared not obey, and quickly responded respectfully: "Yes, everything is obeyed by the senior!"

Next, after living with his daughter Lu Xuewei on Chihu Mountain for a few days, the Patriarch of the Lu family felt worried and the family was in a hurry to go back.

The news that Lu Xuewei became Zhou Yang's great disciple quickly spread throughout the Zhou family, and under Zhou Yang's deliberate publicity, soon even the Chen family and Huang Shamen knew about it.

The monks of the Zhou family were naturally overjoyed when they learned that they had picked up a gifted female cultivator with high-grade ice-type spiritual roots for nothing.

Lu Xuewei's name has been widely circulated in the Zhou family these years, and now this piece of meat is finally eaten by her own family. Many Zhou family monks regard it as a good omen for the prosperity of the Zhou family.

Originally, there were no particularly outstanding geniuses in the "Tong" generation of the Zhou family. Now that Lu Xuewei has joined the Zhou family, the younger generation of the Zhou family has a genius monk with a top-grade spiritual root again. This is undoubtedly a great thing for the inheritance and development of the Zhou family. Very helpful.

After the Chen family and Huang Shamen learned about this incident, although it was a pity, as Zhou Yang expected, it was impossible to hate the Zhou family because of this, and they couldn't even take revenge on the Lu family.

The current Zhou family, not counting Zhou Yang's hidden combat power, even on the surface, there are two Zifu period monks, Zhou Yang and Xiao Ying, sitting in the town, and the two are still young compared to the Zifu period monks. very young.

Under such circumstances, as long as the people in power of the Chen family and Huang Shamen are not fools, it is impossible for them to fight against a powerful family like the Zhou family for the sake of a high-grade spiritual root monk whose future path is unknown.

Although he accepted an apprentice in a daze, Zhou Yang was obviously not ready to be a master.

In addition to changing Lu Xuewei's low-level ice-type exercise "Ice Jue" to practice, he would only spend half a day every month to test Lu Xuewei's practice effect, and to answer and correct some practice mistakes for her.

The daily practice of this apprentice is taught by the masters of the Zhou family school.

Of course, as Zhou Yang's disciple, Lu Xuewei's status is there. As long as she has any doubts about her practice, she can ask all Zhou Family Foundation Establishment monks, including Zhou Guangxiang, the patriarch, for advice at any time.

Two months later, all the low-level refining materials collected by Zhou Yang were brought to Chihu Mountain by Zhou Guangqing, a foundation-builder monk of the Zhou family, who flew from various oases with his sword.

At the same time, Zhou Guangxiang also temporarily handed over the family affairs to his younger sister Zhou Guangxiang and several law enforcement elders, and concentrated on retreating to take the intensive cultivation elixir given by Zhou Yang to attack the eighth foundation building.

It is not easy to create a magic weapon by yourself, and Zhou Yang has already experienced the difficulty when he was still in the foundation building stage.

But now he is trying to create his own magic weapon again with the cultivation base of the fourth floor of the Zifu, which is much easier than before.

First of all, with his current cultivation base, it only takes less than half an hour to refine a second-level high-grade magic weapon.

Secondly, his spiritual sense has become stronger and sharper, his art of refining weapons has become more sophisticated, and it is easier to find some mistakes that he could not find before.

Again, the experimental materials he can use now are not comparable at all.

In the end, he also had Xu Song, the fifth-level master craftsman, give advice and suggestions.

With all these advantages superimposed, the process of creating his own magic weapon this time is naturally ten times or a hundred times smoother than before.

It only took half a year in a semi-closed state, and after consuming materials worth about 30,000 low-grade spirit stones, Zhou Yang successfully created the first unique magic weapon "Yuanyang Shield" in his life.

The magic weapon is called "Yuanyang Shield", which belongs to the second-tier top-rank. Not only does it have outstanding defensive power, it can easily block the attack of ordinary second-tier top-rank flying swords, and it can also activate a "Yang Yan" whose power is equivalent to the second-tier top-rank fire spells. ray" to strike back at the enemy.

Of course, you get what you pay for, and the power of the "Yuanyang Shield" is inseparable from its refining cost.

Not to mention anything else, just a piece of third-order spiritual object "fire spar" was invested in this magic shield to stimulate the "Yangyan Ray" spell, and the raw material value reached five hundred low-grade spirit stones.

Therefore, in general, even if the labor cost of the refiner is not counted, and the material cost wasted due to the failure of refining, under normal circumstances, the cost of a "Yuanyang Shield" has reached nearly 600 low-grade Lingshi!

And an ordinary second-order high-grade magic weapon in Liuyunfang City on the Chihushan Oasis, the current market price is only four to five hundred low-grade spirit stones!

From such a calculation, we know that if it is only from the perspective of use value, the "Yuanyang Shield", a magic weapon with a huge refining cost, cannot be sold in the market normally, and no monk in the Qi training period will be willing to use more than a thousand Buy a piece of low-grade spirit stone to buy a second-order high-grade magic weapon.

But Zhou Yang didn't care about these things, he didn't want to let this magic weapon spread out.

This "Yuanyang Shield" was specially designed and created by him for the future monks of the Zhou family's battle hall. Only the monks of the Zhou family's battle hall can use this magic weapon. In the future, this magic weapon will also become a side of the Zhou family's battle hall monks Shop sign.

For this reason, he also specially painted the color of the round shield light gold, and in the center of the light gold round shield is inlaid with a crimson "fire spar" the size of a cat's eye. This combination of gold and red , is Zhou Yang's favorite style.

Today's update is complete. Starting from the early hours of tonight, the normal update habit of the two updates will resume. Thank you for your continued support and subscription, and thank you for your rewards, Ollie!

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