Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 390 Addition of Heaven's Family

After creating the magic weapon "Yuanyang Shield", Zhou Yang did not get the legendary "Heaven's Family".

The reason is very simple, he is the only one who has mastered the refining method of this magic weapon, and has not passed it on for others to copy.

In layman's terms, he is still only enlightened, not preaching.

Only by preaching on behalf of the heavens can one be granted the "heavenly family".

So after Zhou Yang refined the first "Yuanyang Shield" magic weapon, he immediately called Liu Xuanxuan, the most talented refiner of the Zhou family, into Qianyang Cave.

Liu Xuanxuan joined the Zhou family at the age of 21, and is now in her thirties.

Because the foundation was not established to prolong life, the little girl who was still a little green back then has now grown into a pretty lady exuding a mature and confident temperament.

She was wearing a scarlet red spider silk dress, which was woven with the "flame-eating spider" spider domesticated by the Zhou family. The mana used to resist the high temperature can be saved as much as possible.

At the same time, the jade bracelet on her hand, the gold hairpin on her head, and the jade pendants on her ears are all magical artifacts refined by herself, each of which is a fine-quality magic artifact of the same level, beautiful and practical.

As the chief craftsman and deputy hall master of the Zhou family's Hundred Arts Hall, she has used her outstanding crafting skills to convince all the Zhou family's fellow monks over the years. The self-confidence in her body is the result of continuous success.

However, in front of Zhou Yang, the Supreme Elder of the Zhou family, a cultivator of the Purple Mansion, and a fourth-level craftsman, Liu Xuanxuan did not dare to show her pride at all. After entering, she bowed respectfully towards Zhou Yang. A salute said: "Junior Liu Xuanxuan, pay my respects to the Supreme Elder."

"They're all from my own family, so there's no need to be too polite."

"I have a refining method for a new magic weapon here, Xuanxuan, take it and study it carefully to see if you can refine it."

"If there is anything you don't understand, you can come and ask me at any time."

Zhou Yang flicked his sleeves with a smile on his face, waved the "Yuanyang Shield" refining method and a storage bag full of materials that he had organized, and threw them in front of Liu Xuanxuan, and softly stated his purpose of calling the other party over .

Hearing that he asked her to come here for this matter, Liu Xuanxuan was obviously stunned for a moment, but she quickly came back to her senses, took the jade slip and the storage bag with a happy face and replied loudly: "Your order, you must Do your best to get this done.”

It is her dream to be able to ask Zhou Yang about the art of refining weapons at any time.

Zhou Guangxiang had already told her Zhou Yang's words, as long as she could forge a third-order magic weapon during the Qi training period, the Zhou family would guarantee her success in foundation building!

What a temptation!

Today, Liu Xuanxuan is no longer the youthful girl who was obsessed with crafting crafts. She already has a very clear idea of ​​what foundation building represents, as well as the meaning and benefits it represents.

She is only a second-rank high-grade weapon refiner now, and she has enjoyed various conveniences and benefits within the Zhou family. If she can successfully build a foundation, with her talent for refining, there will definitely be a place for her in the Zhou family in the future.

"Elder Taishang Mingjian, this junior did encounter some doubts and difficulties when refining weapons recently, please give advice to Elder Supreme."

Given this rare opportunity, Liu Xuanxuan couldn't care less about being polite, and immediately explained to Zhou Yang all the difficulties and doubts she encountered in the crafting technique.

And Zhou Yang had just succeeded in creating his own magic weapon, so he was in a good mood, and he needed Liu Xuanxuan's help to obtain the "Heaven's Friend", so he naturally answered Liu Xuanxuan's questions and taught him very attentively.

He taught with all his heart, and Liu Xuanxuan was a fast learner. Many problems were understood by Zhou Yang, and his reputation as a craftsman genius was not false at all.

"This little girl is not simple. Her talent for crafting is so high that she is no worse than the old man back then. Unfortunately, her spiritual root aptitude is almost inferior. If she has the same high-grade spiritual root aptitude as the old man back then, no matter how much you accept her, Zhou Daoyou Becoming a concubine or accepting her as an apprentice is equivalent to picking up a fifth-level master craftsman for nothing in the future!"

In Qianyang Cave, when Zhou Yang looked thoughtfully at Liu Xuanxuan who was Pingping Tingting turned and exited the cave, Xu Song who had previously been hiding in a corner of the cave suddenly appeared, with a surprised expression on his face. He said something that left Zhou Yang speechless.

What is this all about!

Although Liu Xuanxuan was good-looking and talented in refining weapons, how could he be attracted to such a woman who was hundreds of years younger than him and whose cultivation was only at the stage of Qi training.

What's more, he is devoted to cultivation, and he hasn't even had intercourse with his official Taoist partner, so how could he have the thought to go elsewhere for flirting.

He glanced at Xu Song with a strange expression, and said with a dry smile, "Ahem, Senior Xu, after you lost your body, you started yearning for sex instead?"

After finishing speaking, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he smiled and said: "Speaking of which, isn't ghost cultivator also able to use the double cultivation of divine friendship? Senior, if you are really lonely, Mr. Zhou can also ask someone to find some female ghosts for you. Come as a concubine for your entertainment!"

Xu Song didn't care about his teasing, instead he made ghostly eyes and said, "Hmph, I don't mind double cultivating with a female ghost, but can you find a female ghost equivalent to the foundation-building period for this old man? There are not many people in your world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, let alone ghosts!"

Zhou Yang heard the words, but he laughed and said: "Hehehe, you are wrong, senior. After you have deciphered the body-refining supernatural power, you can create the magic tools that the junior needs. I promise to find you An excellent place to practice for you to practice there."

"Oh, do you know where there is a land of evil spirits?"

Xu Song's ghostly eyes lit up, and he looked at Zhou Yang with surprise in his eyes.

"Of course." Zhou Yang nodded with a smile.

"Okay, then you wait, kid. In half a year at most, the old man promises to decipher that body-training supernatural power!"

As soon as Xu Song gritted his teeth, he immediately made a promise.

In the following time, Zhou Yang continued to let people collect various low-level refining materials, while paying attention to the selection of monks in the Zhou family's battle hall and the recruitment of guest ministers, and waiting for Liu Xuanxuan to bring good news to him.

According to Zhou Yang's opinion, the recruiting of Zhantang monks is better than lacking, and the cultivation level can be relaxed appropriately, but they must have the will and determination to dare to fight and kill, and they must have a certain fighting talent.

The cultivation base is low, and the Zhou family has a lot of panacea to help him improve his cultivation base, but if he has cultivation base but no fighting spirit, for example, someone like Xiao Ying who has no talent in fighting skills, joining the battle hall will only harm others and himself.

There are hundreds of monks from the Zhou family, plus relatives and guests, but Zhou Yang only plans to recruit 36 ​​people, and they will be divided into three teams.

Soldiers are expensive and elites are not expensive. Zhou Yang, who has participated in many large-scale monk battles, has a deep understanding of this.

If all the thirty-six members of the Zhou family's battle hall can meet his requirements, with the magical equipment he equips these people, the fighting power displayed by these thirty-six monks in the Qi training period on the battlefield will be ten times that of the infinite Organize casual repairs.

This is the gap between the regular army and the miscellaneous army!

Three months later, Zhou Guangxiang, who had broken through the retreat, was successfully promoted to the eighth floor of foundation building and left the customs, and re-handled family affairs.

Then Liu Xuanxuan finally succeeded in refining the "Yuanyang Shield" magic weapon after experiencing dozens of failures.

It was late at night, and Liu Xuanxuan had just refined the magic weapon "Yuanyang Shield" in the public ground fire room on Chihu Mountain. Zhou Yang, who was in the Qianyang Cave, entered a state of epiphany as if he was blessed with spiritual blessing.

This state of epiphany is somewhat similar to the state of "spiritual wandering around the world" after the foundation-building cultivator opened up the Zifu. The difference is that Zhou Yang is in this state of epiphany, and it is easier to comprehend the avenues related to the refining technique.

After this epiphany, he not only made great progress in his refining skills, but also realized that it was only a matter of time before he broke through to the fourth-rank high-grade refining master, and he also made some improvements in the refining method of the magic weapon "Yuanyang Shield".

Although the improved "Yuanyang Shield" magic weapon cannot save on material costs, it is easier to refine successfully.

Zhou Yang asked Liu Xuanxuan to try refining according to his improved method, and found that with Liu Xuanxuan's refining technique, the refining success rate could be 50%.

And if Zhou Yang was to refine it himself, the success rate would be almost 10%!

Although refining by himself would save a lot of material costs, Zhou Yang still entrusted Liu Xuanxuan with the task of refining the "Yuanyang Shield" magic weapon.

The reason is very simple, he is a majestic cultivator in the Purple Mansion, and his time is very precious. It would be too demeaning to spare time to refine the second-level top-grade magic weapon.

The other one is that he came to refine the "Yuanyang Shield". Although the success rate is not a problem, he can't make any improvement in the refining technique.

And if Liu Xuanxuan were to refine the "Yuanyang Shield", although a lot of materials would be wasted, she could continue to improve her refining skills and accumulate valuable experience for her to become a third-tier refining master in the future.

With the current financial resources of the Zhou family, this waste is still affordable.

Two months later, Xiao Ying, who had been in retreat for nearly a year, finally healed her injuries and walked out of the retreat room.

"Xiao Wei'er, this is your mistress Xiao Ying, come and pay your respects to your mistress."

In Qianyang Cave, after Xiao Ying left the customs, Zhou Yang sent his new female apprentice, Lu Xuewei, to come to visit his wife through sound transmission. By the way, he also wanted to hand over the job of teaching Lu Xuewei to practice cultivation to Xiao Ying.

Because he will be busy with a lot of things in the next period of time, but he doesn't have much time to teach this apprentice, and this apprentice has only been in contact with practice for a few years, so he can't be taught.

Lu Xuewei has lived in Zhou's family for more than a year, and has fully felt the benefits of being Zhou Yang's apprentice. Now that she heard Zhou Yang's words, she, who was smart, quickly stepped forward and kowtowed obediently: "Xuewei sees you!" Madam, I wish Madam youth to stay forever, and enjoy immortal blessings forever."

"Wei'er is so good. From now on, you can stay by Mistress's side. Mistress will cook a lot of delicious food for you."

Xiao Ying looked at Lu Xuewei, who was as lovely and beautiful as pink carvings and jade carvings, with beautiful eyes. She was also very happy to have such an additional apprentice. She hurriedly stepped forward to help Lu Xuewei, took out some preserved fruits made by herself with spiritual fruits, and stuffed them to Lu Xuewei.

These candied fruits are not only delicious, but also contain good aura. Lu Xuewei quickly fell in love with this kind of food after just one bite, and also quickly fell in love with Xiao Ying, a beautiful and kind mistress.

Zhou Yang looked at the two beauties, one big and one small, who quickly got together, and he could only sigh in his heart, "Women are foodies", and then he smiled and let the two of them play by themselves, but he entered the closed room. middle.

It turned out that after nearly half a year of urgent deciphering, Xu Song finally deciphered all the "silver inscriptions" rubbed by Zhou Yang from the sixth-order magic weapon, the animal-face pattern dragon cauldron.

ps: Credited author, character guarantee, thank you book friend "Mumu's Reinforcement Bar" for rewarding 10,000 starting coins, plus more gifts!

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