Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 391 Canglong Body Training Art 】

"I didn't expect that there is such a thing as body training in this world!"

"This body-refining supernatural power is indeed very different from the cultivation method of magic spell supernatural powers, and the requirements are much higher!"

"Fortunately, I can barely meet the requirements for getting started, at least it's not a problem to complete the getting started with supernatural powers!"

In the retreat room in Qianyang Cave, Zhou Yang sat cross-legged on a century-old cold jade bed, holding a jade slip in his hand, closed his eyes and looked through the information recorded in it, then suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of amazement and joy Exclaimed.

The supernatural power of body training translated by Xu Song in the jade slips is called "Canglong Body Training Jue", which is a supernatural power of body training created by a great master in the world of cultivating immortals after comprehending the body training secrets of the Jiaolong family.

This "Canglong Body Refining Art" is divided into five layers, corresponding to the three realms of Zifu, Jindan, and Yuanying.

There are five layers of supernatural powers, but they only correspond to three realms of practice, so there are naturally unusual mysteries in them.

This mystery lies in the word "Canglong" in the supernatural power.

The first level of the "Canglong Body Refining Art" is not difficult to practice, as long as the physical strength of the practitioner reaches the level of the third-order flood dragon, it is enough to practice.

But starting from the second floor, if you want to continue to practice the "Canglong Body Refining Art", you need to take a medicine bath with the dragon's blood to assist in the practice, otherwise you will not be able to make progress at all.

If there is enough pure dragon spirit blood to assist in the practice, the progress of this body training supernatural power will be improved very quickly, and many powerful supernatural powers will be developed.

However, the spiritual blood of the flood dragon is rare, and the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea has never heard of a monster like a dragon appearing. It is almost impossible for Zhou Yang to obtain the spiritual blood of the flood dragon here.

Fortunately, the first level of the "Canglong Body Refining Art" does not need the assistance of the dragon's blood to practice, it only needs to be equipped with some medicines to assist in body refining.

The materials used for the medicines used to assist body training are not particularly precious. Zhou Yang recalled the various elixir he brought out from Xu Song's cave mansion, and then searched for the elixir in the Zhou family's inventory. All the materials, and asked Taoist Xiao Ying to refine them into liquid medicine for herself.

And when Xiao Ying was refining the medicinal liquid, he did not sit idle, but refined several second-order magic weapons that Xu Song had given him one by one.

These second-order magic weapons were all improved by Xu Song according to his requirements.

For a fifth-tier crafting master, it is really not difficult to improve the refining method of a second-tier magic weapon by replacing a certain material that was originally used with another.

In this way, all kinds of magic tools were refined one by one and tested, and after discussing with Xu Song and making some changes, Zhou Yang made up his mind to mass-produce them, and taught Liu Xuanxuan the refining method to let him Responsible for refining all the equipment used by the battle hall monks.

Then he also fulfilled the agreement, and personally took Xu Song to the site where the Yin Puppet Sect site was, allowing Xu Song to absorb Yin Qi and continue to practice in this dark place.

"This storage ring is also returned to the senior. If the senior has any needs, he can send a message to the junior. At the same time, if the junior has something to ask the senior, he will personally send the message to the senior."

"Let's talk about the ugly things first, it's fine for the junior to send the senior here to practice, but if the senior leaves here without the junior to do bad things, don't blame the junior for being ungrateful!"

At the site of the Yin Puppet Sect, Zhou Yang sent Xu Song here, raised his hand, and returned the storage ring containing the monster python corpse to the other party, leaving a warning.

After all, the ghost cultivator is a demon cultivator. Although Xu Song didn't show any crazy tendencies of a demon cultivator when he followed him, he didn't dare to relax his vigilance because of this. , to make a big news in this closed world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea.

Xu Song was very angry at Zhou Yang's suspicion of his own ghost character, so he couldn't help but snorted heavily: "Hmph, boy Zhou, you don't believe me too much. In your eyes, is this old man the kind who kills people like hemp?" Is it a monster?"

As soon as the snort fell, he said with a dejected expression: "Don't worry, you are bound by the [Deed of Netherworld], and the old man's life is still in your hands, so how dare you do evil things!"

"Cough cough, senior speaks too seriously, since senior understands the benefits and disadvantages, then junior will not disturb senior's practice, let me leave."

Zhou Yang laughed dryly, wisely he didn't provoke Xu Song any more on this matter, and after saying a few words, he took the initiative to withdraw and leave here.

And after Zhou Yang left, Xu Song also directly released the demon corpse, chose a place full of evil spirits and buried it in it, and then set up a magic circle to gather the evil spirits and sacrificed it. head demon corpse.

Zhou Yang didn't allow him to draw people's souls to refine those sinister and poisonous magic tools of ghosts, so he could only turn to the corpse path and learn the secret art of refining corpses.

If he could sacrifice a fifth-order demon corpse, he, a Jindan ghost cultivator, would really have the confidence to wrestle with Jindan stage immortal cultivators.

Otherwise, just with the ghost skills he knows and a magical weapon converted from a magic weapon, he is really not an opponent of a normal Jindan stage monk.

"Well, Boy Zhou still has a corpse bead in his hand, that's a good thing, after I finish sacrificing this demon corpse, I'll find a chance to trick him into giving me the corpse bead, and then let this demon corpse swallow the corpse bead." Beads, refined and catalyzed by the secret method, may not be able to make the demon corpse succeed in advancing, Jie Jie Jie..."

Green light flickered in the green ghost's eyes, Xu Song looked at the demon corpse quietly absorbing Yin energy in the magic circle, and couldn't help laughing smugly when he thought of his own plan.

It has to be said that demonic exercises really change people's minds a lot. Even Xu Song, an immortal cultivator who had cultivated at the eighth level of Jindan in his lifetime, changed his mind after becoming a ghost cultivator.

Fortunately, as he himself said, after signing the "Deed of Netherworld" with Zhou Yang, his life and death are beyond his control.

In this way, before he does evil things, he often has to consider the consequences of being discovered by Zhou Yang.

In a sense, the existence of the "Pact of the Netherworld" has instead become a boost to help him maintain his human existence, preventing him from truly becoming a devil who does all kinds of evil.

On the other hand, after Zhou Yang returned to the family, Xiao Ying had already refined the medicinal liquid to assist in the cultivation of "Canglong Body Refining Art".

"Thank you Yinger, but there is still something you need to be busy with, that is to refine two furnaces of Foundation Establishment Pills. In addition, if you have time, you might as well teach some low-level alchemists in the family. Those incompetent guys have wasted the elixir that the family has collected so hard over the years."

Zhou Yang took the refined medicinal liquid from the Taoist companion, and watched the Taoist companion tell his new arrangement with a slight apologetic expression on his face.

If it weren't for the fact that the Zhou family really didn't have any alchemists, he wouldn't want to make the Taoist couple so tired, but who told the Zhou family to rely on the two of them to play the leading role now!

After seeing the apology on his face, Xiao Ying felt sweet, and said with a smile: "I understand, Zhou Lang, you can rest assured and practice."

Hearing this, Zhou Yang felt relieved, nodded with a smile, turned around and prepared to enter the cave retreat room.

However, he quickly seemed to remember something, turned his head and said, "By the way, there is one more thing I need to tell you, Ying'er, don't spoil Xiao Wei'er too much, it's easy for a child to spoil her if she is too spoiled." bad."

When Xiao Ying heard what he said, her smile froze immediately, then she looked at him thoughtfully and nodded heavily: "I know, I won't let Xiao Weier learn to be bad."

Seeing this, Zhou Yang entered the retreat room with peace of mind and began to practice the supernatural power of "Canglong Body Refining Jue".

The first level of this "Canglong Body Refining Art" is not difficult to practice, as long as the medicinal liquid is prepared, and the physical strength of the cultivator meets the requirements for practice, the entry is still very fast.

Zhou Yang practiced in the retreat room for half a year. He used the medicinal liquid refined by Xiao Ying for medical bath assistance once a month, and almost successfully completed the first level of introductory practice.

Although it was only an entry-level practice, Zhou Yang's physical strength improved a lot after he had truly completed the first level of the "Canglong Body Refining Art", which was almost comparable to some low-level monsters of the fourth rank.

He raised his hand, took out a third-tier high-grade flying sword, held it in his hand, and first slashed at his wrist with a burst of magic power to activate the sword light.

I saw the sword light flickering, with the sharpness of the third-level high-grade flying sword, after cutting on his wrist, it was like cutting on a rubber tire, leaving only a faint red mark before being bounced away.

Being a dragon and snake, the body itself is extremely resilient. After practicing the "Canglong Body Refining Art", Zhou Yang's body also possessed similar characteristics.

Body training is also subdivided into hard and soft. Among them, the hard and fierce body training monks advocate using the body as a magic weapon to sacrifice and make the body as indestructible as fine steel. Zhou Yang's "Golden Body of Qianyang" "Shentong is the way to go.

And the body-refining cultivator who practiced flexibility took the physical body of monsters belonging to the dragon and snake as the strengthening direction, continuously strengthening the flexibility of the body, and making the body flexible and strong.

A body-training cultivator with flexibility may not be as strong in defense as a body-training cultivator with a strong body, but his ability to survive and preserve his life is actually better.

The test was not over yet. After Zhou Yang tested his body's defense, he stretched out his big hand again, and directly stretched out two fingers to clamp the tip of the flying sword and squeeze it hard.

Suddenly, Zhou Yang pinched the flying sword, which was refined with third-order spirit gold, to the point where there were a few cracks. Finally, as Zhou Yang increased his strength, the tip of the flying sword made a "clang" sound. He broke it off with two fingers!

Body-refining supernatural powers strengthen not only physical defense, but also physical strength.

Since Zhou Yang's physical defense is comparable to that of a fourth-order monster, his physical strength is naturally not bad.

"It's a pity that you can't practice the second level without the blood of the flood dragon. Otherwise, if you can practice the second level [Canglong Body Refining Art], not only the strength of the physical body can be greatly enhanced again, but also the [Dragon Scale Armor] can be condensed to protect the body. If you can practice the dragon clan combat skills recorded in the supernatural powers to attack the enemy, then the body training supernatural powers will be worthy of the name!"

Zhou Yang looked at the tip of the flying sword in his hand that he had pinched off, sipped his mouth lightly, and sighed deeply with a fly in the ointment.

The insufficiency of the human heart is probably the reason for his current state of mind.

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