Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 392 The picture is huge! 【Seek full order】

After half a year and half a year, when Zhou Yang completed the first level of "Canglong Body Training Art" and passed the test, it has been almost two years since he returned to Zhou's house.

"Uncle Nine, the head of Huang Shamen Zhang sent someone to send an invitation a month ago, saying that he and his aunt are invited to Huang Shamen to attend Elder Jiang Yuyan's 450th birthday!"

In Qianyang Cave, after Zhou Guangxiang heard the news that Zhou Yang had left the customs, he rushed to see him and reported an important matter.

"Oh, Jiang Yuyan is having a birthday?"

Zhou Yang took a look at the big red invitation that Zhou Guangxiang handed over, and it was indeed Zhang Yunpeng's own handwriting, and there were also the mana marks of Zhang Yunpeng and Jiang Yuyan, which could not be faked.

"Cultivators in the Zifu period said that their life expectancy is 500, but almost none of them can live to the fullness of 500 years old. Although Jiang Yuyan has refined the [Heterogenetic Golden Elixir], it is estimated that it is impossible to die at the end of his life."

"So, her deadline is not far away!"

"In this case……"

Zhou Yang's eyes flickered, and he looked at the invitation in his hand and began to think.

Although Huang Shamen has promoted a new Zifu monk in recent years, even if this new Zifu monk is added, the total number of Zifu monks in Huangshamen is only four.

It is no easier for four Zifu period monks to support a sect than one of them Zifu period monks to support a family.

Among these four, Jiang Yuyan, who had refined the "Heterogenetic Golden Elixir", was undoubtedly the pillar supporting the entire sect.

If Jiang Yuyan sits down, Zhang Yunpeng, a ninth-level monk in the Purple Mansion who also lives less than a hundred years, plus Yang Xiong, a fourth-level monk in the Purple Mansion, and Xiao Ming, an early-stage monk in the Purple Mansion, want to support Huang Shamen It is even more difficult for a large family business.

"If I give that treasure to Zhang Yunpeng as a congratulatory gift, in exchange for Jiang Yuyan helping me with that great event, and by the way ask Huang Shamen for a complete inheritance of puppet art, I wonder if he will be willing to do it? "

Zhou Yang's mind was full of thoughts, and he suddenly looked at Zhou Guangxiang and asked, "Guangxiang, how are you doing recruiting monks from Keqing? How many monks of the water and wood systems I want have been recruited so far?"

"Returning to Uncle Jiu, the recruitment of guest monks by our Zhou family has spread all over the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, but the transportation to and from Chihushan Oasis is inconvenient. The number of guest monks recruited by the family is only 46. People are all the lowest-level third-class guest officials."

"Among these 46 people, there are 37 people who are monks of the water and wood systems that Uncle Jiu specially explained to you. Among them, the lowest level of cultivation is only the fourth level of Qi training!"

Zhou Guangxiang was as careful as ever in handling affairs, and quickly explained the relevant situation.

It's just that Zhou Yang was not very satisfied after hearing his answer.

His face changed slightly, he shook his head and said: "The number of people is too small, even if there are relatively few monks who practice water and wood two systems of kung fu in the Boundless Sand Sea Immortal Cultivation World, it shouldn't be the only ones."

After he finished speaking, there was a flash of hesitation on his face, and soon he seemed to have made up his mind. He gritted his teeth and said, "In this way, in addition to continuing to recruit people, spread the word that our Zhou family hires practitioners at a high price." Cultivation monks of the water and wood systems create an oasis, and no matter they are foundation-building monks or Qi-training monks, they can sign up to join the employment queue."

"For the monks who join our Zhou family's employment queue, not only can they receive a fixed salary of spirit stones every year after they officially work, but they can also learn some unique spells for free, and as long as they have served for ten years, they can pass on these spells to future generations! "

Zhou Guangxiang's expression changed suddenly when he heard his words, and he couldn't help exclaiming, "Why are you here! Uncle Jiu, why are you here!"

"What kind of plan do you have, that you would rather pay such a high price than you will!"

He looked at Zhou Yang with a puzzled face, his eyes full of doubt and anxiety.

Ever since Zhou Yang asked him to relax the conditions for recruiting monks, he had these doubts, but he always believed in Zhou Yang, and believed that Zhou Yang would not let himself do unnecessary things.

But now, after hearing what Zhou Yang said, he had no choice but to ask.

Because if he really did what Zhou Yang said, then the Zhou family would have to pay a sky-high price for hiring a monk.

The matter is very important, as the head of the Zhou family, he has to ask the real reason, otherwise he really dare not agree to this matter easily.

"Forget it, this matter should really be known to you, the patriarch!"

Zhou Yang looked at the family nephew with a puzzled and anxious expression, sighed lightly, and it was the sound transmission that explained the reason to him.

Hearing his explanation, Zhou Guangxiang's expression suddenly changed, his eyes widened.

After Zhou Yang's sound transmission was over, Zhou Guangxiang was stunned for nearly half an hour before he came back to his senses and nodded his head in response: "Nephew understands, please rest assured, Uncle Jiu, I will definitely do my best to deal with this matter." !"

"Then you go down to do business first, and send a letter to Huang Yi to come and see me by the way."

Zhou Yang nodded slightly, and gave him a new order.

The Huang family opened by Huang Yi is on the oasis of Chihu Mountain. Although he himself was allowed to go out and start a family with Zhou Yang's permission, the status of the elder of the Zhou family guest Qing has not been removed.

After receiving Zhou Guangxiang's summons, he hurried to Chihu Mountain with his sword to meet Zhou Yang.

"Friend Huang, do you still remember the route to Xijiaozhou?"

In Qianyang Cave, after Zhou Yang waited for Huang Yi who came in to salute, he directly explained the reason for calling him over.

Hearing him suddenly ask about this matter, Huang Yi was obviously stunned for a moment, and then quickly responded: "Return to the words of the elder, the younger generation remembers it, but I am afraid that the memory is not accurate or there are omissions."

"It doesn't matter if there is a little bit of omission. I have a road map here for you to compare. Next, I have another important task for you to do. As long as you complete this task, I will give you one from the Huang family." Zhujidan!"

Zhou Yang nodded slightly, not talking nonsense, and directly seduced Huang Yi with Xu Yizhongli.

As his cultivation became higher and higher, when dealing with foundation-building monks like Huang Yi, he didn't bother to play tricks anymore, and just talked about things.

This is the privilege of high-level monks to low-level monks. As a high-level monk, when letting low-level monks do things, there is no need to waste time talking to low-level monks about those twists and turns.

Sure enough, as soon as Huang Yi heard the words "Zhu Ji Dan", his breathing suddenly became heavy.

In the years when Zhou Yang was away, he was allowed to start a family, and he also accepted concubines widely. In more than ten years, he took hundreds of concubines, and then widely spread the seeds to give birth to two or three hundred offspring.

It is also thanks to the "Golden Body Jue of Shutu" that he practiced, which is a method of dual cultivation of law and body, and his body bones are many times stronger than ordinary monks, so he did not break his body in this crazy human-creating movement.

Hundreds of offspring were born in this way, and naturally several of them had spiritual roots, and there was even a middle-grade spiritual root offspring.

With descendants, Huang Yi of course has to worry about the growth and cultivation of these descendants. He doesn't want his Huang family to disappear after his death because there are no successors.

So these years, while continuing to be busy with the man-creating movement, he also devoted himself to teaching those sons and daughters with spiritual roots to practice, and wanted to train these second-generation members of the Huang family to become the backbone of the Huang family's development.

Since Zhou Yang wants to order Huang Yi to do things, he naturally has a certain understanding of Huang Yi and the Huang family's experiences over the years, and he knows exactly what Huang Yi needs most now.

A Foundation Establishment Pill, if used well, can allow Huang Yi's Huang family to completely lay down the heritage of the Foundation Establishment family.

Huang Yi, who is full of ambition, is absolutely unable to resist this temptation!

"Elder Taishang, please give me your orders. Whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, this junior is at your disposal!"

His knees softened, all Huang Yi's persistence was worthless in front of Zhu Jidan's temptation, he looked at Zhou Yang with fiery eyes, the fiery gaze in his eyes was enough to melt gold into iron.

For Huang Yi who hadn't taken the Foundation Establishment Pill, he understood too well the difficulty of wanting to establish a foundation without the Foundation Establishment Pill.

He was able to succeed at the beginning, it was definitely God's favor, it was a fluke, it can be said that it took half a lifetime of luck.

But he never thought that if he could succeed, his children would also succeed in the future.

Not to mention anything else, as far as he knows, in the past ten years or so, there have been three or four qi-training ninth-level monks in the Zhou family who failed to attack the foundation establishment without taking the foundation-building pill, and those losers all fell to the ground without exception. Passed the foundation building checkpoint.

So, if he could earn a Foundation Establishment Pill for his descendants, even if what Zhou Yang asked him to do was life-threatening, he would do it.

"What I want you to do is very simple, that is, take the [Yuan Magnetic Traction Array Disk] I gave you, and go to Xijiaozhou, and along the way, you have to find me every five thousand to ten thousand miles. Find a water source point where an artificial oasis can be built, and then bury the [Elemental Magnetic Traction Array Disk] in it and mark it."

"Five years, I will give you another five years at most, within five years, you must complete this task!"

"As long as you complete this task and come back, I guarantee you can get a Foundation Establishment Pill!"

Zhou Yang looked at Huang Yi, and slowly revealed his true purpose for letting him come over with a serious expression.

Hearing his words, even though Huang Yi had some mental preparations for listening to his words before, at this time he was so shocked that his eyeballs were about to fall out.

"Senior, do you want to occupy Xijiao Continent?"

He stared at Zhou Yang dumbfounded, his throat throbbed, and finally he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"This is not something you have to worry about. You just need to follow my request and do the things I told you well!"

Zhou Yang gave him a cold look, as if warning him not to talk too much.

Huang Yi was shocked when he heard this, and immediately slapped himself hard, and said quickly: "Yes, this junior is talking too much, please rest assured, this junior will keep his mouth shut and complete the task you have given him! "

With the constraints of the "Netherworld Blood Contract", Zhou Yang was not worried that he dared to do something unfavorable to the Zhou family. Seeing this, he waved his sleeves and said, "Okay, you should go home and prepare to say goodbye to your family. In a few months, Guangxiang will prepare those [Yuan Magnetic Traction Array Disks], and he will naturally notify you to pick them up when the time comes."

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