Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 393 Zhou Yang's Perseverance

After Huang Yi was sent to find the way for himself, Zhou Yang greeted his Taoist companion Xiao Ying and headed to the site of the Yin Puppet Sect.

"It's only been half a year, Zhou Daoyou, why are you looking for Xu again?"

At the ruins of the Yin Puppet Sect, Xu Song, who sensed Zhou Yang's arrival, came out of the cave deep underground to meet him with an unhappy face.

Facing his complaint, Zhou Yang's face flashed with embarrassment, he could only pretend he didn't see it, Gu Zuo said to him, "Senior, are you still used to it here?"

Xu Song is old and smart, so he didn't know that he was changing the subject, but the situation was stronger than others, so he could only follow Zhou Yang's words and reply: "This place is not bad, it seems that many people died in the past, even in the past I don't know how many years, but the resentment has not dissipated, and it is very beneficial to my practice."

Hearing his nonchalant tone, Zhou Yang frowned immediately, and couldn't help but look at him to persuade him: "I advise seniors to be more careful, although ghost cultivators can absorb all kinds of yin and evil qi while practicing cultivation. , but if this kind of resentment is absorbed too much, senior, your will will inevitably be polluted by it, will you still be you by then?"

When Xu Song heard his words, he rolled his ghostly eyes angrily and said: "Your words are easy, if I don't absorb this resentment and practice, how can I improve my cultivation? Do you think I don't know about this resentment?" Is it a future trouble of evil spirit? This old man can’t help it!”

In the end, the words were full of helplessness.

Zhou Yang fell silent immediately.

For practitioners, whether they are immortal cultivators or demon cultivators, improving their cultivation is always the top priority.

If a practitioner can't even do meditation and practice, then what is he going to do?

Even if he is Xu Song's master, it is impossible for him to kill the other party's idea of ​​improving his cultivation.

What's more, he is also the beneficiary of the improvement of Xu Song's cultivation base.

After being silent for quite a while, he couldn't help but asked with an unwilling face: "Senior, you study heaven and man, so there is no way to solve this matter?"

"Of course there is a way, it depends on whether you are sure the old man will do it!"

The corner of Xu Song's mouth curled up, and he slowly stated his real purpose.

It turned out that he had been waiting for Zhou Yang to mention this for a long time!

As an old ghost cultivator, he certainly knows what Zhou Yang values ​​most about him.

If he was polluted and lost his wisdom due to absorbing too much resentment, his use value to Zhou Yang would undoubtedly be greatly reduced, and Zhou Yang might have to personally kill him by then.

This is certainly not a good thing for him, but it is also a huge loss for Zhou Yang.

So he was determined that Zhou Yang couldn't let him continue to practice like this.

And although Zhou Yang knew from his words that he was setting him a trap, he also had no way to break free, so he could only follow his words and say: "Senior, please tell me your solution, junior, take a look. Is it feasible."

"The old man knows that you are kind and soft-hearted, and I don't want to see the old man use magic methods to harm innocent people."

"So the old man's solution is actually very simple, that is, you help the old man find some vicious villains, and the old man takes their souls and sacrifices to refine them into ghost clones, so that when the old man is practicing, these ghost shadow clones can replace the old man Bearing the erosion of resentment in those evil spirits, it will be nothing but the loss of a ghost clone!"

Xu Song smiled grimly, and said his solution in a dark tone.


Zhou Yang's eyelids twitched, and he immediately rejected Xu Song's request almost without thinking.

Killing people to practice kung fu is a standard way of magic, how could he agree to Xu Song's request.

He looked at Xu Song with an ugly face, and said in a strict voice: "No matter what, killing people and practicing kung fu is absolutely not allowed! Senior, you should think of other ways!"

Xu Song didn't expect his reaction to be so big. After hearing the words, he was stunned for a moment, then his face darkened, and he said in an angry voice full of anger: "It's just killing some wicked people! You boy has practiced to this day, and you Are there still fewer people killed?"

"No, you can kill people, but the old man can't kill people!"

How could Zhou Yang be held back by such words, Dang even retorted with a straight face: "Senior's words are wrong, although the younger generation also killed many people, but those were normal fights between immortal cultivators. Life and death are fate, and you can't blame others."

"However, as the senior said, using people to practice kung fu is a demonic practice that is hated and hated by all immortal cultivators. This is a dispute over the Dao. As an immortal cultivator, how can this junior agree with this matter!"

What he said in these words were righteous words, his face was full of righteousness, and there was no falsehood at all.

Seeing his upright face, Xu Song somehow felt a nameless anger rising from his heart, and he was about to yell at him as soon as he opened his mouth.

But as soon as the words came out of his mouth, thinking that his life was still in Zhou Yang's hands, his heart felt cold, but he suddenly changed his mind.

"Then what do you do? I can't find any other way, old man. If you have any good solution, feel free to say it."

He looked at Zhou Yang full of resentment and complained, just like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

When Zhou Yang heard his words, it was hard to answer.

If he had a way, he wouldn't have asked Xu Song.

After thinking for a while, he put on a soft tone and sincerely persuaded him: "Senior, it's better not to absorb the energy of resentment and cultivate. Take it easy!"

Hearing his tone softened, Xu Song couldn't help but waved his hands and said, "Let's talk about this later, you haven't said why you came to see the old man today!"

When Zhou Yang heard his words, he knew that he didn't want to listen to his own opinion and give up his practice, but it was really not good to say anything more, so he could only suppress the matter, and said honestly: "I am going to talk to senior Speaking of this matter, this junior wants to go to the Huangshamen, and I want to ask the senior to go with me, and then I may ask the senior to come forward to frighten me!"

Hearing this, Xu Song saw a green light flash in the ghost's eyes. He looked at him with a half-smile and said, "Oh, aren't you afraid that if the old man shows up, it will cause counterproductive effects?"

Zhou Yang looked at him like this, but his expression did not change: "So this is just a backup method for the younger generation. If it is not used, it will be better."

"In this case, it doesn't matter if the old man walks with you."

Immediately, Xu Song entered the "Yunshen Card" that Zhou Yang carried at any time, and then followed Zhou Yang to the gate of Huangshamen.

Because it was an official visit, before Zhou Yang arrived at the oasis where the gate of Huangshamen was located, he notified Zhang Yunpeng by sending a letter with a flying sword.

Therefore, after he arrived outside the mountain gate of the Huangshamen, Zhang Yunpeng, the head of the Huangshamen, actually greeted him out of the mountain gate in person.

This kind of courtesy fully demonstrated how high Zhou Yang's status is in Zhang Yunpeng's heart.

"After nineteen years, Zhou Daoyou's cultivation has reached this level. It's really enviable and jealous!"

Inside the Huangsha Gate, after Zhang Yunpeng welcomed Zhou Yang into the main hall of the mountain gate, as soon as he opened his mouth, he expressed his admiration for Zhou Yang's cultivation.

Nineteen years may not be enough for ordinary Zifu period monks to raise their level of cultivation.

However, in the nineteen years since Zhou Yang left, his cultivation base had been raised from the first floor of the Purple Mansion to the fourth floor of the Purple Mansion. Although Zhang Yunpeng had known the news for a long time, after witnessing it with his own eyes, he couldn't help but exclaim.

He looked at Zhou Yang in amazement, his eyes flickering.

After Zhou Yang opened up the Purple Mansion, his cultivation had not broken through for twenty years. He thought that Zhou Yang's potential was just that.

But the facts he has seen now tell him that compared with the wily and calculating Cao Wenjin, he is still younger.

Zhou Yang is still the same Zhou Yang, and his cultivation is still improving as fast as before, which is far beyond comparison.

"As expected of a genius valued by monks in the Nascent Soul Stage!"

Sighing softly in his heart, Zhang Yunpeng looked at Zhou Yang with a look of expectation on his face and asked, "Dare to ask Fellow Daoist Zhou, have you handed over the relics of the master to Senior Qingyang?"

Back then, Cao Wenjin left a storage bag for Zhou Yang to transfer to Master Qingyang, and asked Master Qingyang to give Huang Shamen some care. Zhou Yang completed this task when he went to Xianyang City for the second time.

Originally, after he came back, he should have explained the situation directly to Zhang Yunpeng, but for some reason, he did not inform his clan brother Zhou Yuanchen who came to inquire about the matter that day.

At this time, he had a face-to-face meeting with Zhang Yunpeng, and heard the other party directly asking about this matter, so it was not easy for him to hang on to the other party.

Dang even said with a smile: "Senior Master Qingyang accepted it, and asked Zhou to tell the head Zhang that every fifty years, Xuanyang Immortal Sect will sell a batch of Foundation Establishment Pills and Purple Purple Pills to Huang Shamen at a low price. Yun Dan, for a period of five hundred years, the time will start counting from the first time you went to buy Dan."

Zhang Yunpeng was stunned when he heard the words, and then couldn't help but ask with a look of disappointment on his face: "Did Master Qingyang just say that?"

He seemed not very satisfied with Zhou Yang's answer.

"What? Does Zhang Zhang feel that this benefit is not enough?"

Zhou Yang's complexion changed, and his tone became a little subtle.

Since the storage bag was specially restricted, if someone opened it, the person who opened it later would know, so he didn't know what kind of treasure was inside.

But from his point of view, the value of this promise made by Master Qingyang to Huang Shamen is really not low.

With the purchase of a batch of cheap Foundation Establishment Pills and Ziyun Pills every fifty years, the number of Foundation Establishment Stage monks and Zifu Stage monks who will be the backbone of the sect in the future will definitely be much more than it is now.

Isn't that enough?

However, for Zhang Yunpeng, who knew everything, although the promise of Master Qingyang was good, it was not the promise they most wanted!

You must know that what is contained in the storage bag is half of the broken horn of the sixth-order demon king that Cao Wenjin worked so hard to get!

But the things have already been sent out, how can their little Huang Shamen have the capital to bargain with Daoist Nascent Soul Stage.

Therefore, after hearing Zhou Yang's subtle words, Zhang Yunpeng's complexion changed, and he said with a coy smile: "Zhou Daoyou misunderstood, of course Zhang is satisfied, of course satisfied, if Zhou Daoyou sees senior Qingyang again, please remember to represent him." Zhang and Huang Shamen thank the old man for his kindness!"

"If there is a chance, Zhou will certainly not hesitate to do this little favor to fellow Daoist Zhang."

Zhou Yang smiled lightly and did not expose him.

Then he changed the subject, looked at Zhang Yunpeng with piercing eyes and asked, "Friend Zhang, do you know if Fairy Jiang is in the door? Zhou has something important to discuss with two fellow Taoists!"

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