Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 403: There Are Successors!

A small family meeting to understand the family situation made Zhou Yang aware of the hidden dangers of the Zhou family that had not been taken seriously. From this aspect, the meeting was extremely successful.

After he noticed the hidden danger between the two Zhou family monks with different backgrounds, although he was eager to find a solution to the hidden danger, he didn't dare to speak out, lest the hidden thunder be detonated in advance.

Even the elder Zhou Guangjian, who had vaguely guessed something, was given a password by him, ordering him not to reveal today's conversation to anyone.

Next, Zhou Yang acted as if nothing had happened, listened to the reports of other law enforcement elders of the family one after another, made some relevant guidance, and announced the adjournment of the meeting.

After the meeting was over, Zhou Yang quietly checked the law enforcement records of the Law Enforcement Hall for the past twenty years, and found some heresies.

In the past two decades of law enforcement records, the number of cases of fighting between clansmen has increased year by year.

Although the law enforcement records did not record what kind of quarrel caused the fight, but Zhou Yang compared the roster of Zhou family monks he had transferred from the Chuangong Hall, and it was easy to find that the two parties in the fight were often from the "Fengyue Building" The monks and the direct line monks of the Zhou family.

The only thing that comforts Zhou Yang now is that those tribesmen who are fighting are basically young people.

Those Zhou family members over the age of 60 or 70, because they have shared joys and sorrows in the past, even though they may have been influenced by some young people, they can all exercise restraint and do not do things like cannibalism.

But as time went on, because the new generation of Zhou family monks lacked the experience of sharing weal and woe, when they competed for the family's internal resources, the so-called distinction between pure blood and mixed blood would definitely become an excuse for them to attack each other.

At that time, even if the people above can keep their heads clear and see clearly the consequences of their end, sometimes they will inevitably be dragged down by their juniors.

After all, not everyone like Zhou Yang has no siblings, no children and relatives, and can be "alone".

When one's brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces, sons and daughters are all insulted and attacked by others as "mixed bastards", how many people can hold back their anger and not protect their cubs?

"Worth arousing vigilance!"

In the quiet room, after Zhou Yang finished reading all the materials, he couldn't help raising his hand and rubbing the corners of his eyes, sighing with a complex expression.

It is impossible for a family to be peaceful and beautiful forever, and he knew this when he first took over the family a hundred years ago.

However, the Zhou family was on the rise in the past, and the standard was that there were fewer people and more resources. Even if there were some conflicts, they would soon be temporarily forgotten due to various busy things.

It's not that the conflict is gone, it's just being suppressed by more important things.

After hundreds of years of development, the number of monks in the Zhou family has increased by twenty or thirty times. When there are more people, all kinds of bullshit that big families must have will surely follow.

In fact, the relationship between Zhou Guangyin and Zhou Tongming's aunt and nephew had already revealed something, but at that time Zhou Yang didn't think about it, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

But now, he knew that he had to start to resolve the matter of pure blood and mixed blood in advance, otherwise, when the conflict between the two parties really rose to the point of escalation, it would be impossible to resolve this conflict without bloodshed.

In fact, to solve this matter, Zhou Yang also has a way, but he can't implement this way yet.

Because once this method is implemented, it will inevitably deal a serious blow to the development of the Zhou family, and it will also be opposed by many clansmen.

So now he has to wait, wait until the conflict escalates, and wait until the conflict escalates to the point where most of the clansmen are aware of the serious consequences of this conflict before implementing it.

At that time, there should be few clansmen who oppose it.

Of course, this conflict can be escalated, but it must be under Zhou Yang's control. It cannot be escalated indefinitely, nor can it break through the bottom line in his heart.

It just so happened that Zhou Guangxiang was now in retreat to open up the Purple Mansion, and Zhou Yang regained the power of the patriarch, giving him a legitimate opportunity to reorganize the layout.

He first cut the expenditure of "Fengyue Building", which in disguise reduced the number of births of mixed-race monks.

Then he mobilized the work of some monks in the clan, and secretly transferred some monks who were born as mixed-race monks to garrison on the Lingshan Mountain outside Chihu Mountain.

Then he asked people to let out the rumor secretly, saying that the number of deacons and elders in the family was too small and their power was too great, and that the Supreme Elder intended to expand the number of elders and reduce the power of deacons and elders.

As he expected, when some Zhou family monks heard the news, they immediately began to inquire about the authenticity of the news, eager to win a seat.

But at this time, he responded with a thunderbolt that the rumors were rumors, and severely punished those who spread the rumors, saying that if anyone spread rumors in the clan in the future, they would be exiled directly.

Seeing that the "rumors" were learned by Zhou Yang so quickly and dealt with seriously, those Zhou family monks immediately knew that Zhou Yang, the Supreme Elder, did not care about the world affairs with all his heart. In fact, he knew everything about the family affairs Chu.

Frightened by Zhou Yang's words, some members of the Zhou family who had small calculations in their hearts restrained a lot, and the family became more harmonious.

At the same time, after this commotion, Zhou Yang mobilized his clansmen to work. Except for some parties who were a little bit unwilling, no one else paid attention to this matter.

Most immortal cultivators are actually refined egoists. As long as their own interests are not affected, they will not care about what happens to other people. Wouldn't it be better to focus on cultivation?

"Elder Supreme, I report to Elder Supreme, this junior has something important to ask for an audience!"

On this day, Zhou Yang was processing some accumulated documents within the clan in the palace where the patriarch did his daily work, when he suddenly heard Liu Xuanxuan, the deputy head of the Zhou Family's Baiyi Hall, shout in great surprise.

"It turned out to be Liu Xiaoyou, little friend, why did you come here?" He called the person in, and asked the other person why he came with a smile.

However, when Liu Xuanxuan heard the words, she reached out and patted the storage bag, took out a pair of gleaming blue feather fans and handed it to him.

"Elder Taishang, please take a look, this [Wind Feather Fan] is newly refined by the junior, what do you think?"

The cyan feather fan is made from the eagle feathers that faded after the Gryphon was promoted to the fourth level. The handle of the fan is made of a third-level spirit wood, and the magic weapon aura emitted from it is impressively at the third-level level!

After Zhou Yang plucked all the eagle feathers that faded from the Gryphon, most of them were filled into the Zhou family's treasure house, and he always knew that in order to fulfill his promise, Liu Xuanxuan had been consuming the accumulated spiritual stones and Contribution points are exchanged for these materials from the treasury to refine the third-order magic weapon.

Now it seems that she really succeeded!

Of course, it is up to Zhou Yang to judge whether it is really successful.

He didn't say a word, he just reached out to take the lupine handed over by Liu Xuanxuan, and sacrificed this magic weapon on the spot.

With his fourth-level cultivation in the Purple Mansion, it would take only a short while to sacrifice such a low-grade third-tier magic weapon.

Then he walked out of the room and waved his fan towards the sky outside the room. Suddenly, a blue light flashed on the fan surface, forming three feet long blue wind blades that shot towards the sky, flying four to five hundred feet. Just dissipated.

Then he shook the feather fan again, the blue aura flashed on the fan, and soon formed a blue-gray wind wall to block in front of him.

He gently poked at the wind wall with his hand, and found that the wind wall was very resilient, and it was hard to pierce it.

"After fifteen times of failures, this junior finally made this [Wind Feather Fan] using nine Gryphon feathers as the main material, combined with Qingkong wood."

"This fan can not only release a third-level low-level attack spell level wind blade spell to attack the enemy once a day, but also release a wind wall equivalent to a third-level low-level defensive spell every three days for defense."

"In case of a critical situation, you can also use the method of self-destruction magic weapon to activate the nine eagle feathers on the fan to cover the attack. The attack power of each eagle feather should not be inferior to the blow of the third-level low-grade flying sword!"

When Zhou Yang was experimenting with the magic weapon, Liu Xuanxuan introduced the function of her magic weapon with a smile on her face, as if she had finally seized the opportunity.

It is indeed a rare thing for a third-tier low-grade magic weapon to have three different supernatural powers. It is no wonder that she couldn't help showing a sense of pride in her words.

However, Zhou Yang didn't try the third magic weapon that Liu Xuanxuan said, because that would destroy this magic weapon that Liu Xuanxuan is very commemorative.

What's more, with his status as a fourth-level middle-grade craftsman, he can certainly tell whether Liu Xuanxuan's words are true or not.

After testing the magical powers of the first two magic tools of the "Wind Feather Fan", he put away the magic weapon, looked at Liu Xuanxuan with deep eyes and asked, "How old are you this year?"

Liu Xuanxuan was startled when she heard the words, and then, as if she had thought of something, she replied respectfully, "Master Taishang Mingjian, the junior entered the Zhou family at the age of 21, and he is already fifty-five years old this year."

"Time flies so fast, before you know it, thirty-four years have passed!"

Zhou Yang sighed with emotion, and then, under Liu Xuanxuan's unclear gaze, nodded lightly and said, "Very good, since you can refine a third-order magic weapon with the ninth level of Qi training, I will I will also fulfill my promise to ensure your foundation building success!"

Guarantee your foundation building success!

When Liu Xuanxuan heard these words, even though she had cultivated a state of indifference over the years, she couldn't stop showing extreme joy at this moment.

"Here is a foundation building pill, you take it first, if you fail, come to me to get it."

Zhou Yang was straightforward, knowing that it is better to say than to do, no matter how many good words he said, there was no actual action to make people believe. Dang even raised his hand and took out a jade bottle containing the foundation pill and handed it to Liu Xuanxuan.

"Thank you, Elder Tai, for giving me the pill!"

With an excited face, she reached out and took the jade bottle containing the Jidan from Zhou Yang's hand. Liu Xuanxuan didn't even know how she walked back to her cave.

She has served the Zhou family for many years, and has already used her crafting skills to obtain the right to live in a foundation-building cave on Chihu Mountain.

After returning to the cave at this time, with excitement, she began to retreat and build a foundation.

A month later, Liu Xuanxuan walked out of the cave with an ugly complexion. At this time, her cultivation base was the tenth level of Dzogchen Qi training.

Regarding Liu Xuanxuan's failure in taking the Foundation Establishment Pill, Zhou Yang didn't have any thoughts. The success rate of the foundation establishment of the Zhongpin Linggen taking the Foundation Establishment Pill was not 100% in the first place, and failure was normal.

So he didn't say much, and after comforting Liu Xuanxuan with kind words, telling her not to have too much psychological pressure, he gave her the second Foundation Establishment Pill.

Fortunately, Liu Xuanxuan didn't waste another chance this time, and after a month and a half of retreat, she successfully established her foundation and walked out of the cave.

So far, the Zhou family's first first-class guest minister was born.

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