Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 404: Joy and Sadness!

The news of Liu Xuanxuan's success in foundation building quickly spread among Zhou's family, and even the fact that she succeeded in taking two foundation building pills was also spread.

For this matter, not to mention those Zhou family's relatives, monks and guest ministers, most of the Zhou family's children are also envious and jealous.

In the Zhou family, Liu Xuanxuan was the first person to take two Foundation Establishment Pills consecutively.

But no matter whether these people are jealous or envious, no one dares to discuss this matter openly.

Because after Liu Xuanxuan successfully established the foundation, Zhou Yang accepted her as his second apprentice after obtaining her own consent, and decided to pass on his mantle of refining art to her.

With Liu Xuanxuan's talent for refining a third-order magic weapon at the ninth level of Qi training, there is no problem in the future, not to mention carrying forward his legacy of weapon refining, at least passing it on.

After successfully building the foundation and becoming a teacher of Zhou Yang, Liu Xuanxuan's life has reached its peak.

With her example in front of her, many Zhou family monks, guest ministers, and those high-quality casual cultivators who are still hesitating whether to join the Zhou family seem to have seen a guiding light, and the idea of ​​​​loyalty to the Zhou family has been strengthened. .

Since the Zhou family can spend two Foundation Establishment Pills for one Liu Xuanxuan's Foundation Establishment, they can naturally spend the same price for the second person, as long as you are good enough!

However, the good news brought by Liu Xuanxuan's success in building the foundation did not last long, and was washed away by the news that Zhou Guangxiang failed to open up the Purple Mansion.

After half a year of retreat, Zhou Guangxiang's opening of the Purple Mansion ended in failure.

This failure caused a lot of trauma to his soul. Even if Xiao Ying concocted the healing soul elixir for him, he would not be able to try to attack the Purple Mansion for at least ten years, let alone easily fight with others. hands on.

"Eat a pit, gain a wisdom, this failure should let you understand that top-grade spiritual root aptitude is not a rare existence among high-level monks!"

"Having self-confidence is a good thing, but blind self-confidence will only harm others and yourself in the end!"

When Zhou Guangxiang came to visit Zhou Yang after leaving customs, what he received was not the caring words of comfort from his elders, but Zhou Yang's cold words of admonition.

No one will show mercy to losers, and neither will Zhou Yang.

Before Zhou Guangxiang, everything was smooth sailing, and because Zhou Yang and his elders had been taking care of him, he hadn't even experienced life-and-death battles a few times.

When a person always does things smoothly, his self-confidence will rapidly expand, and he will not listen to other people's advice.

In Zhou Yang's eyes, Zhou Guangxiang before the retreat was undoubtedly like this.

However, as an elder, he would not dampen his confidence at that time.

Because at that time, if he hit his confidence, not to mention it would affect the relationship between the two of them, it would be easy for him to fail the pass.

But now that Zhou Guangxiang has failed, Zhou Yang will no longer tolerate him like this.

"Uncle Jiu taught me the lesson. My nephew knew it was wrong. It was my nephew who failed Uncle Jiu's trust and your cultivation!"

Zhou Guangxiang nodded dejectedly and kept making noises. He didn't dare to refute Zhou Yang's admonition, and honestly admitted his mistake.

He himself is a smart person, after the failure, of course he understood where his failure was, and he also knew why Zhou Yang, who had always loved him so much, suddenly treated him so coldly.

At this time, admitting mistakes honestly is more effective than saying anything.

Sure enough, seeing his attitude of admitting his mistakes was pretty good, Zhou Yang didn't say anything more about this matter, he just waved his hand and said: "Since you have nothing serious, you can honestly take care of family affairs at home for the next few years, next time Come to me when you're ready."

There is no way to increase his cultivation base to the ninth floor of Foundation Establishment, plus he cannot re-attack the Purple Mansion for at least ten years, and he cannot fight with others. For the next ten years or so, Zhou Guangxiang can only deal with clan affairs in the family. Spent with the research formation.

And after handing over the family affairs to Zhou Guangxiang, Zhou Yang resumed his retreat.

After a year and a half of retreat like this, his cultivation base has been promoted to the fifth floor of the Purple Mansion as scheduled.

This year, he was one hundred and sixty-three years old.

One hundred and sixty-three-year-old Zifu fifth-floor cultivator, which is rare even in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou. Except for those spiritual monks, basically few Zifu monks can have this cultivator at this age. for.

So Zhou Yang is quite satisfied with his cultivation speed.

According to this speed, as long as he continues to practice step by step, it should not be any problem to reach the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion before the age of 250. At that time, he still has half his life to hit the golden core stage.

Good things come in pairs. Not long after Zhou Yangxiu's breakthrough, Xu Song, who had been studying the method of breaking the formation at the underground ruins, also sent him good news.

After he received the news, he quickly took his Taoist companion Xiao Ying and rode the Gryphon to the underground ruins.

"After nearly ten years of comprehension by the old man, the operation principle of this formation has been mastered by the old man. Next, as long as you follow the old man's instructions and attack the point pointed out by the old man when he breaks the formation, you will definitely be able to break this formation. Formation method!"

Outside the underground ruins, after Xu Song waited for Zhou Yang and his wife to come over, he explained his research results to the couple.

Of course, Zhou Yang and his wife definitely don't understand the array knowledge he mentioned, they can only serve as his thugs and follow his orders to attack the array.

According to Xu Song's method of breaking the formation, in order to break the formation, one Jindan stage monk and four Zifu stage monks must attack the five weak points of the formation together.

When it was time to break the formation, Zhou Yang, his wife and the Gryphon were counted as three Purple Mansion forces, the corpse that Xu Song sacrificed was counted as one Purple Mansion force, and he himself was the main attacker.

Before breaking the formation, Zhou Yang looked at the demon corpse that Xu Song sacrificed and refined. He clearly remembered that the demon corpse used to be a giant python without horns, but now, there was a growth on the top of the demon corpse. A dark green unicorn half a foot long.

"Is it because of swallowing that corpse bead?"

He thought secretly in his heart, shook his head, and didn't pay any more attention to this matter.

The most urgent task is to destroy the guardian formation of the underground ruins.

"It's all ready, wait for the old man's mana to mark, and you will attack there. The old man didn't stop, don't stop, and don't hit the wrong direction!"

Outside the big formation, after Xu Song repeatedly instructed Zhou Yang and his wife, he directly sacrificed his black umbrella magic weapon and black banner magic weapon to attack the big formation.

His black treasured umbrella magic weapon can attack and defend. When attacking, the magic light on the umbrella surface shines, condensing a thick black beam of light and blasting towards the corner of the formation.

The shield of the earth-yellow relic guardian array was hit by the black beam of light, and suddenly shook slightly.

At the same time, a tortoise hissed on Xu Song's black banner magic weapon, and the beast soul of "Genshan Turtle" came out from inside, opened its mouth wide, and also spit out a beam of black light and landed on the black treasure. Umbrella attack that point.

"Now, attack these locations."

A loud shout came from Xu Song's mouth. While maintaining the offensive, he waved three shots of mana to hit three weak points on the shield of the formation, and then directed his own demon corpse to attack the fourth point.

After Zhou Yang, his wife and the Gryphon heard his shout, they all used their means to launch a fierce attack on the point he marked.

Just like that, after the two of them, a ghost, a beast, and a corpse, stormed for nearly an hour, the formation barrier protecting the ruins finally began to shake violently in a state of being unsupported.

After another half an hour passed like this, the formation barrier finally shattered with a loud bang.

As soon as the shield of the formation is broken, the situation in the underground ruins can be seen at a glance.

The situation inside was more or less beyond Zhou Yang's expectations.

He thought it would be an underground building like an underground palace, but he didn't expect it to be a huge underground plaza that was hollowed out.

This underground plaza is square in shape as a whole, with a length and width of a thousand feet. In the center of the square is a round altar with a height of ten feet. Behind the altar stands a palace about an acre in size. Light.

Zhou Yang glanced at the altar and the palace, and then stopped looking again. His eyes fell directly on the two figures below the altar.

Those two figures were Zhou Xuanyu's mother and daughter who had been missing for many years.

It's just that decades have passed, and Zhou Xuanyu has turned into an old woman with white hair and wrinkled face. She looks like she is dying. Anyone who sees it will know that she has a few years to live.

As for Zhou Yuanyao, over the past few decades, she has successfully established the foundation and became a foundation cultivator, and her cultivation level is no worse than that of Zhou Guangxiang who is in the Zhou family, and she is also at the sixth level of the foundation establishment.

"Yang'er, is it really you, Yang'er?"

Zhou Xuanyu tried his best to open his eyes wide to look at Zhou Yang's handsome face. After decades of not seeing him, Zhou Yang's face has not changed at all. He is still so young and handsome, full of vitality and vigor.

"It's me, mother-in-law, you read that right, it's the baby, the baby is here to pick you up!"

Zhou Yang looked at the gray-haired Zhou Xuanyu, his eyes sore, and his voice choked up.

After careful calculation, it has been almost 80 years since Zhou Xuanyu's mother and daughter went out to travel, and the two sides have not seen each other for nearly 80 years!

Eighty years!

Even if the lifespan of a monk in the Foundation Establishment Period was as long as 240 years old, 80 years would still take up one-third of the length.

And an ordinary mortal may not be able to live so long even in his old age.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you finally came here, i knew that..."

Staring blankly at Zhou Yang's handsome face, listening to Zhou Yang's familiar yet unfamiliar voice, Zhou Yuanyao, who had been trapped in this underground space with her mother for nearly eighty years, couldn't help but threw herself into Zhou Yang's arms. Li burst into tears.

Trapped for these years, the biggest expectation of the mother and daughter is to wait for the family to rescue them, and wait until Zhou Yang comes to rescue them.

Now that Zhou Yang finally came, and the nearly eighty-year wait finally came to fruition, it was no wonder that Zhou Yuanyao, who was over a hundred years old, would lose her composure and cry on the spot.

"Don't cry, don't cry, Yaoer doesn't cry, Brother Jiu is here, of course Brother Jiu will not ignore you, you are the little oil bottle behind Brother Jiu, of course Brother Jiu will not leave you alone."

Zhou Yang didn't care about Taoist couple Xiao Ying at the side right now, he just hugged Zhou Yuanyao tightly in his arms, and softly coaxed her like a child.

He knew that Zhou Yuanyao needed to vent his emotions at this time, and crying was the best way to vent.

Only when the emotions of Zhou Yuanyao and Zhou Xuanyu's mother and daughter have stabilized can he ask the reason why the mother and daughter were trapped and the origin of this underground ruin.

The plot of Zhou Xuanyu’s mother and daughter has been arranged long ago. The underground ruins are also an important foreshadowing. In fact, this foreshadowing was buried in the chapter before it was released. In the world of cultivating immortals, this foreshadowing will continue to be buried there. Now that I think about it, it's time to activate it.

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