Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 406 Fire Phoenix True Feather! 【Second update for subscription】

"It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity that it's just the remains of a fake baby monk who didn't survive the [Heart Demon Tribulation]!"

"That's right, if it's a Nascent Soul cultivator, how could it be possible to sit in such a place!"

"But the old man is too greedy!"

In the Hall of Light, Xu Song, who had already figured out the truth, looked at the remains on the ground with a look of pity and sighed.

Earlier, he had seen faint golden spots of light appearing on the bone of this remains, and mistook it for the remains of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

But after breaking the protective formation set up by the owner of the remains and examining the remains carefully, he realized that he had misjudged just now.

This is not the remains of a monk from the Yuanying period, nor the remains of a monk from the Jindan period, but the remains of a "fake baby" monk.

The so-called "false baby" monk is actually a name for a monk in a special realm by immortal practitioners.

When a monk at the ninth level of the golden elixir is ready to transform the elixir into a baby, he must first melt the golden elixir, and then use the melted golden elixir to fuse the spirit and soul into the Nascent Soul. Devil's Tribulation".

Only after going through the "Heart Demon Tribulation" can the Nascent Soul truly stabilize and master all kinds of exclusive supernatural powers possessed by monks in the Nascent Soul Stage.

The "fake baby" monks specifically refer to the monks who have just formed the Nascent Soul and have not yet passed the "heart demon calamity".

This kind of "fake baby" monks, in terms of mana, is actually no different from the monks of the Nascent Soul Stage, but because they have not survived the "Heart Demon Tribulation", they do not have the magical powers possessed by the monks of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Because there is no difference in mana between Nascent Soul stage monks, the body of a "fake baby" monk is tempered with Nascent Soul stage mana, which is naturally different from ordinary Golden Core stage monks, and is closer to Nascent Soul stage monks.

However, because the "fake baby" state of the "fake baby" monks can only last for a short period of time, their bodies cannot be tempered to be as powerful as the Nascent Soul stage monks after all.

The remains before Zhou Yang and the others are the remains of a "fake baby" monk who failed to cross the "Heart Demon Tribulation".

The "Heart Demon Tribulation" is extremely dangerous. Even if those Jindan ninth-level monks who hit the Nascent Soul stage can pass through the initial stage of turning into an infant, the probability of failure in front of this stage is as high as 70%.

And once the "Heart Demon Tribulation" fails, those so-called "false babies" monks will 100% lose their minds and die!

The "heart demon" triggered by the "heart demon tribulation" directly hits the monk's Taoist heart, and if the Taoist heart is lost, it is difficult to save it even if the Taoist god takes action.

Even if many Nascent Soul Stage monks have passed through the "Heart Demon Tribulation", if they had to choose again, they would rather choose to face the forty-nine heavenly tribulations faced by true immortals during the Transcendence Tribulation Stage than experience the "Heart Demon Tribulation" again. robbery".

Although the Heavenly Tribulation is dangerous, at least it can be weakened by foreign objects such as magic tools, but there are very few foreign objects that can help the "Heart Demon Tribulation", and it basically depends on the cultivator's own state of mind to resist.

Apparently, the reason why the owner of the remains in front of Zhou Yang and the others died here was because after failing to overcome the "Heart Demon Tribulation", he lost his Dao Heart and died of insanity.

Zhou Yang didn't care what the cultivation level of the owner of the bone was. When Xu Song looked at the bone and sighed, he had already taken the treasures from the bone and inspected it.

Since the owner of the remains was a Jindan ninth-level cultivator in front of him, of course his wealth would not be bad.

Not to mention anything else, but the light golden robe that was put on the remains was actually a fourth-order high-grade magic weapon.

This magic robe is woven with spirit silk spit out by a fourth-order alien spirit beast "Golden Silkworm". I don't know how many years it is still intact. In terms of value alone, it is not inferior to the ordinary fifth-order low-grade magic weapon.

At the location of the dantian of the remains, Zhou Yang also found a golden bell magic weapon with dim aura. Judging from the location of the golden bell magic weapon, it should be the natal magic weapon sacrificed by the owner of the remains before his death.

It's a pity that with the death of its owner, this magic weapon has lost its spirituality and become a waste product because it has not been kept for a long time, and has no value for sacrifice.

It may be because the impact on the Nascent Soul Realm cannot leave other foreign objects in the body. Except for the golden bell and the magic robe worn outside, the owner of the remains only has a storage item worn on the thumb of his right hand. Ring up.

The imprint of spiritual consciousness in the storage ring has dissipated due to the passage of time. After Zhou Yang took off the ring, he easily opened the ring and took out all the things inside.

There are a lot of things in the storage ring, but it should be because it has been too long. Many things in it have lost their effect because they have been in a spiritless environment for a long time, and there are even several items that should be fifth-order magic weapons. treasure!

Even the fifth-order magic weapon has lost its effect after the aura has dissipated for a long time, and other treasures can be imagined.

Zhou Yang searched for a lot of treasures on the ground. Except for fifty-four high-grade spirit stones, even the thousands of middle-grade spirit stones lost their spirit energy and turned into ordinary crystals.

"Even the spiritual energy of the middle-grade spirit stone and the fifth-order magic weapon has been exhausted. Could it be that the owner of this bone is a person from ten thousand years ago?"

Zhou Yang looked at the rubbish all over the floor with a look of surprise, and his mind was greatly shaken.

Although he heard Xu Song say that the altar was a large teleportation circle, he realized that this underground relic was by no means built in the past few thousand years.

But now that he saw the treasures turned into waste in the storage ring of the owner of the remains, he realized that he might have far underestimated the establishment time of this underground ruin.

He did not give up and inspected all the remaining items, especially some jade boxes specially used to preserve rare spiritual objects, and finally got another harvest.

There are more than a dozen various jade boxes in the storage ring of the owner of the bones. After Zhou Yang opened them all, he found that most of the treasures stored in the jade boxes also lost their aura due to the passage of time and became a collection of treasures. Useless waste.

But there are also three spiritual objects in the jade box, because of their extraordinary quality and proper protection, they can still be used.

Among these three jade boxes, one jade box contained a fiery red feather, which was about two feet long, and a large number of mysterious flame inscriptions were naturally formed on it. When Zhou Yang took it out, the surrounding fire attribute aura Then they rushed towards it, and then everything was absorbed by it.

After absorbing a large amount of fire-attribute aura, the flame inscriptions on this fiery red feather suddenly burst into flames, and there was a faint tendency to burn.

"Quick, put this thing away!"

Xu Song, who was thinking about the bone on the ground, sensed the change in the aura, turned his head and glanced at the fiery red feather in Zhou Yang's hand, and then his face changed wildly and he quickly drank.

In fact, without him making a sound, Zhou Yang also faintly sensed that something was wrong, and knew that he could not let the fiery red feathers in his hand continue to absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world.

So when he heard Xu Song's shout, he quickly put it back into the red jade box that contained it, and covered the jade box to isolate it from contact with the outside world.

"You kid almost got into a catastrophe, do you know? Do you know what it is? If the old man is not mistaken, it is the legendary Fire Phoenix True Feather!"

"Of course, a real phoenix exists at least at the level of a true fairy. That feather may be just the feather of a juvenile fire phoenix, or a real feather of a phoenix attribute bird with extremely strong phoenix blood."

"But no matter what the possibility is, that feather is at least the real feather of a sixth-order bird demon king!"

"If you didn't put away this fundamental life feather in time just now, after it absorbs enough aura, it will directly stimulate the magic power of the demon king level, and not only will this immeasurable feather be Destroy it, all of us here will die under its attack!"

As soon as Zhou Yang closed the jade box, he was greeted with scolding from Xu Song. This was the first time he saw this old ghost so scared after he was with this old ghost.

Yes, be afraid.

The genus of ghosts is itself restrained and targeted by masculine forces such as flames, thunder and lightning, and the fire phoenix is ​​a divine beast in the fire. "Probably even better.

If Xu Song is right, if the fiery red feather just now really inspired the fire magic power of the demon king level, let alone a Jindan stage ghost cultivator like him, even a Nascent Soul stage ghost cultivator would be in danger of death.

"Ahem, this junior is reckless, and it has caused seniors to be frightened. I hope seniors will forgive me."

Embarrassment flashed across his face, and Zhou Yang honestly admitted his mistake and apologized.

After all, this incident was indeed caused by his mistake. Because of his mistake, he almost killed everyone, and he should really apologize for this.

Seeing his good attitude of admitting mistakes like this, Xu Song restrained his anger a little, and couldn't help but waved his hands and said, "Forget it, you will learn a lot of wisdom if you suffer from it. If you encounter such a thing in the future, you just need to take it easy."

Then he straightened his face, looked at Zhou Yang with a serious face and explained: "So that you know that some of the sixth-level demon kings have extraordinary blood, and a scale and a feather on their bodies contain their will and power." If they don't deliberately take back the will of the original source, even if these things are obtained by outsiders, it will be easy for people to set themselves on fire!"

"The feather just now is not bad, the will of the demon king inside should have dissipated in the long years, otherwise it will spontaneously ignite as soon as it leaves the jade box that seals it, and no one suppresses it with great magic power Turn into a phoenix with real fire and attack all nearby creatures!"

This is the first time Zhou Yang has heard of such a thing, and the Zhou family's background is still too shallow after all. Except for those disciples of the great sect, only Jindan stage monks can get in touch with these things that involve the top beings in this world.

"The junior has been taught, thank you senior for your guidance."

He nodded with a dazed look on his face, and bowed his hands as a thank you.

Then he flipped his palm, put away the red jade box containing the phoenix feather, and looked at the remaining two jade boxes containing spiritual objects.

Tomorrow, depending on the situation, return the owed chapter of Gagen!

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