Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 407 The Eye of Light and the Great Teleportation Order 】

The incomparably precious sixth-order spiritual object "Fire Phoenix True Feather" was opened in the first jade box, and Zhou Yang also had great expectations for the treasures contained in the remaining two jade boxes.

He first opened the second blue jade box.

The jade box was opened, and the treasure inside was immediately revealed.

It was a white orb the size of a pigeon's egg. The orb seemed to be a magic weapon, but it didn't have the aura of a magic weapon. Zhou Yang swept the orb with his consciousness, and faintly felt that there seemed to be a powerful force hidden in the orb.

"Senior Xu, do you know the origin of this orb?" He turned his eyes and asked Xu Song who was at the side.

"This thing seems to be made from the eyeballs of some kind of creature. The old man can feel that there is an extremely pure light attribute power in it. Maybe it is a unique secret treasure that can only be sacrificed by monks who practice light attribute power!"

Xu Song looked at the white orb in amazement, and expressed his opinion with some uncertainty, but he didn't recognize the specific origin of this treasure.

"Light attribute power? As far as this junior knows, unless a human monk possesses the legendary [Bright Spirit Body], it is impossible for a human monk to master this extremely rare power!"

Zhou Yang's eyes were fixed, and he let out a low cry with surprise on his face.

There are three thousand avenues, and each avenue has its own unique power. In fact, there are very few powers that are easily accessible to human monks, and there are only eight kinds of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, wind and thunder.

Light attribute power is not among them.

Not to mention human beings, even among monsters with all kinds of strange and supernatural talents, it is rare to be able to master the power of the light attribute.

Because it is almost impossible to be mastered by human monks, if they encounter light attribute power attacks, it is difficult for human monks to use restraint power to weaken their defenses like dealing with five element attribute power attacks.

So if there is a cultivator who can really master the power of the light attribute, unless other cultivators have prepared relevant restraint treasures in advance, if they really fight against them, they will easily be defeated and die.

Of course, it is not impossible for all human beings to master the power of the light attribute. As far as Zhou Yang knows, among the various spirit bodies counted by human monks, there is a very rare spirit body named "Bright Spirit Body".

People with this "bright spiritual body" are born with light-attribute powers, and can easily condense light-attribute mana through practice.

"[Bright Spirit Body] monks are born with light attribute power, so they can naturally master and use light attribute power, but other monks are not completely unable to use and master this power."

"As far as I know, some high-level monks can use the power of the magic weapon to master the power of the light attribute by refining the treasures with the power of the light attribute into magic weapons."

"Even the old man has heard a secret rumor that Nascent Soul stage monks can implant treasures with light attribute power or other rare attribute power into their bodies through secret sacrifices to achieve the purpose of direct driving!"

When Xu Song heard Zhou Yang's exclamation, he smiled coldly, and whispered some secrets with disdain on his face.

What low-ranking monks thought was impossible, in the eyes of high-ranking monks, was just an excuse for not having enough cultivation.

There are so many capable people and strange people in this world of cultivating immortals, and there are countless kinds of miraculous skills and secret techniques. Things that have never been seen are not impossible.

Zhou Yang didn't care about the sarcasm implied in Xu Song's words, his attention was completely attracted by the secret that Xu Song said at the end.

His eyes lit up, and he looked at Xu Song with a look of surprise and asked, "Senior, what you mean is that this treasure, which is suspected to be refined from the eyeballs of some kind of light-attributed creature, is a treasure that can make people master light after being sacrificed." A secret treasure of attribute power?"

Hearing this, Xu Song shook his head and said, "Whether this is the case or not, the old man is not sure now, you put it away first, and give it to the old man to study before you can make a conclusion."

Even though he said so, Zhou Yang seemed to confirm the guess, and happily put the jade box back on and put it away.

Having obtained two incomparably precious treasures in a row, Zhou Yang looked forward to the third jade box even more.

With excitement, he also opened the third white jade box.

This white jade box was the largest among the three jade boxes. After the lid was opened, the two treasures inside were revealed to Zhou Yang.

The two treasures contained in the jade box are a blue-gray simple token and a "mysterious crystal stone" as big as a human head.

"That's right, this token magic weapon is called [Great Teleportation Token], its function is similar to that of a teleportation talisman, but it can be used repeatedly, and it can protect multiple people for teleportation at one time."

"This piece of [Xuanjing Stone] is so big, it must be the cornerstone of the large teleportation circle, as long as it is placed back, and then filled with the spirit stone that activates the teleportation circle, the magic circle can be opened to teleport The other side of the circle!"

When Xu Song saw the two kinds of treasures in the jade box, he screamed with ghostly eyes.

Compared with the previous two treasures that he couldn't use at first glance, these two treasures related to the large teleportation circle are what he pays most attention to.

Although he has become a ghost, as a fifth-order formation mage, he still has a strong desire to study such a large-scale long-distance teleportation formation after seeing such an advanced formation.

Space-attribute magic circles like teleportation arrays, which involve the knowledge of space transmission, have always been the secrets of various top schools.

Although Xu Song was a Tier 5 formation master and knew how to arrange various Tier 5 formations, the field of space teleportation formations has always been a field that he wanted to dabble in but could not enter.

Now a large teleportation circle is in front of him, which can be researched by him at will, how can this not make him extremely happy.

He stared at the two treasures in the jade box, and in a blink of an eye, looked at Zhou Yang and said anxiously: "Boy, I will study the large teleportation circle here next, if there is no urgent matter , you must not come here to disturb this old man!"

That anxious look, he looked like a groom who was in a hurry to enter the bridal chamber, for fear of being stopped by others and delaying his good deeds.

Zhou Yang also understood his urgency, so he just nodded and said: "Senior, there is no problem in researching the teleportation array, but senior must ensure that the teleportation array will not be destroyed because of the research!"

"Don't worry about this, even if the old man doesn't gain anything, he will never conduct destructive research."

Of course Xu Song understood the intention of Zhou Yang's words, and immediately made a guarantee for him, and then directly took the two treasures in the jade box.

After taking away the two treasures, Xu Song did not study the teleportation circle immediately as he said, but pointed to the remains on the ground and said: "By the way, can this remains be handed over to the old man as well?" ? The old man has a sorcerous supernatural power called the Bone Clone Technique, and he needs a Nascent Soul stage monk's remains to practice, and this remains can barely be used!"

After he finished speaking, he seemed to be afraid that Zhou Yang would not agree, and he lured Zhou Yang and said: "Aren't you going to deal with a fifth-level monster in a few years? As long as you hand over this bone to The old man is practicing supernatural powers, how about I promise to kill that fifth-order monster for you when the time comes?"

"This..." Zhou Yang's face flickered with hesitation, and he hesitated.

Seeing this, Xu Song knew something was going on, and quickly said again: "Why do you hesitate? This person has been dead for many years, and now there is only one bone left here, this kind of bone of a monk in the Yuanying stage , itself is an excellent material for refining, and you are also a master of refining, don't you know that some high-level refining masters in the world of immortals often use the bones left by senior monks to refine their weapons?"

This is true.

The monks in the Nascent Soul Stage have amazing supernatural powers, and their every move has great power. Their bodies are also called "half-immortal bodies" to distinguish them from the "true immortal bodies" possessed by true immortals in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage.

If the bones of the Nascent Soul Stage monks are real, not only the bones themselves are as hard as the fifth-order spirit gold, but also contain some supernatural powers practiced by the Nascent Soul Stage monks, and the principles of the Dao that they have comprehended and mastered.

If such a thing is refined into a magic weapon, it will often have some special effects.

For example, a Nascent Soul cultivator who practiced fire-type kung fu during his lifetime, the bones left after his sitting down may contain some of the fire-type supernatural powers he practiced during his lifetime, or the power of fire-type laws.

Using this kind of bone with special power to refine a fire-attribute magic weapon may stimulate the supernatural power mastered by some Nascent Soul stage monks and greatly enhance the power of the magic weapon.

Even if the supernatural power of a Nascent Soul stage monk is less than 10%, it is enough to kill an ordinary Jindan stage monk!

Therefore, in order to refine some powerful magical artifacts, some refining masters in the world of cultivating immortals sometimes do their best to obtain some corpses of monks in the Nascent Soul Stage who have been melted down as materials for refining the artifacts to enhance the power of the magical artifacts.

Although this kind of thing would be hated and disgusted by many immortal cultivators, and some monks in the Nascent Soul stage would even be chased and killed, but it would indeed not be classified as an act of the devil, and it would be regarded as the same as the evil cultivator of the devil.

Xu Song is not killing people to practice martial arts now, nor is he going to a certain sect to steal the remains of other ancestors and ancestors. He just wants to use a bone that has been dead for many years without an owner to practice supernatural powers.

For Zhou Yang, although this matter was not done by a righteous person, it has not yet touched the bottom line in his heart.

So after hesitating for a while, he just turned his head away without making a sound.

No sound, this is the default.

Xu Song, an old ghost who has lived for nearly a thousand years, didn't know what this meant. When he saw this, he didn't say anything, waved happily, put away the remains and walked out of the Guangming Palace.

After Zhou Yang waited for him to leave, he turned his head and looked at the three women, old and young, in the hall and said, "Let's go home first. If there is anything, we can talk about it after we get home."

"Yes, go home first, go home!"

Zhou Xuanyu, who had been silent all this time, nodded vigorously when he heard what Zhou Yang said.

She doesn't have much lifespan, and what she wants to do most now is to go back to the family to have a look, and then wait quietly in the family for the arrival of the deadline.

Zhou Yuanyao and Xiao Ying had always followed Zhou Yang's words, so naturally they would not object.

So several people immediately walked towards the outside of the hall, preparing to go home.

Before leaving the main hall, Zhou Yang couldn't help but look back at the holy statue emitting white light in the hall, and the three words "Bright Hall" shining brightly on the door of the hall, the light in his eyes flashed away.

The reason why he was in a hurry to go home was not only to send Zhou Xuanyu's mother and daughter home, but also to verify a guess in his mind, a guess about the remains and this underground ruin!

The third update, ask for a full order! Now that the hint is so obvious, everyone should guess where the teleportation array leads to! If you can't guess, go back and watch it again, hahaha!

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