Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 408: Asgard's Secret! 【One more subscription】

At Zhou Xuanyu's request, Zhou Yang first took her to the Yuquan Lake Oasis.

When the Zhou family got the Chihu Mountain oasis, Zhou Xuanyu was still trapped in the underground ruins, so for her, home was not the Chihu Mountain that was so unfamiliar to her, but the one where she grew up. Yuquan Peak.

In particular, after learning that the old patriarch Zhou Minghan committed suicide on Yuquan Peak, and entrusted Zhou Yang to find their mother and daughter in his last wish before his death, Zhou Xuanyu was even more reluctant to go to other places.

Falling leaves return to their roots, the older a person is, the more he misses his hometown, Zhou Yang can be said to understand Zhou Xuanyu's thinking very well.

Therefore, halfway through, he asked Taoist companion Xiao Ying to return to the Chihushan Oasis in the Gryphon to take charge of the family, and he himself took the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle to take Zhou Xuanyu's mother and daughter to the Yuquan Lake Oasis.

Time has passed, and Zhou Xuanyu's appearance has changed drastically. In addition, the Zhou family's monks who were the same age as her or who had seen her before were almost dead. No one can recognize the true identity of this half-buried old woman.

As for her identity as a demon cultivator, if she is not a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period, she can't see through her identity at all.

As for the Zhou family, there is only one foundation cultivator, Zhou Guangtai, sitting on Chihu Ridge, so he will not come to Yuquan Lake Oasis easily.

But just in case, after Zhou Yang arrived at Yuquan Lake Oasis, he directly drove most of the monks stationed on the oasis to Haoyang Mountain and Chihu Ridge, leaving only a few monks at the beginning of Qi training to look after the Lingtian , and it is strictly forbidden for them to go up the mountain to disturb Zhou Yuanyao who is recuperating here in name.

"Godmother, you rest on this Yuquan Peak first. My son needs to check some things. After my son has checked the situation clearly, I will come back and tell you about the changes in the family over the years."

On Yuquan Peak, Zhou Yang sent Zhou Xuanyu's mother and daughter here. After familiarizing them with the situation for a long time, he couldn't help but bid farewell first.

He had to verify and find out the guess in his mind, otherwise he would always worry about this matter in his heart and would not be at peace.

After leaving Jade Spring Peak in this way, Zhou Yang rode the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle all the way to Huang Shamen.

"Your Daoist Zhou paid a sudden visit, what's the matter?"

Inside the Huangsha Gate, Zhang Yunpeng was also very surprised to see Zhou Yang's sudden visit to see him.

Zhou Yang didn't intend to be courteous to him, and said directly: "It's really a bit abrupt to visit the house, but this time when Zhou comes here, he really needs to ask Zhang Zhang for help."

"I would like to ask Master Zhang to help me retrieve all the information about the Great Bright Immortal Palace in the noble family. I wonder if Master Zhang is willing to help?"

When Zhang Yunpeng heard his words, he was taken aback immediately, then his expression changed slightly, he looked at him solemnly and asked, "Excuse Zhang for taking the liberty, can Zhang know the reason why Fellow Daoist Zhou suddenly wanted to check these materials?"

According to the records of the Great Bright Immortal Palace, the realm of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea is more controlled by the Huang Shamen than the realm of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou.

After all, many years ago, the real ruler of the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea was actually the Great Bright Immortal Palace rather than a local sect.

Now that Zhou Yang came to the door suddenly and said that he wanted to check the materials that only high-ranking monks could read in Huangshamen, how could Zhang Yunpeng not let his imagination run wild.

And since Zhou Yang came to ask for help, of course he also knew that it would be impossible not to say something dry.

With a slight smile on his face, he said calmly: "Actually, it's nothing. It's just that a member of my Zhou family who disappeared many years ago was trapped in the ruins cave for decades when he was exploring the ruins of the senior monks. Zhou found and rescued him."

"And Zhou found something related to the Great Bright Immortal Palace in that relic cave, so he came to the noble gate to check the information and see if he could find out the origin and use of those things based on the information!"

"Something related to the Great Bright Immortal Palace? Could it be that you discovered a cave for a monk in the Golden Core stage thousands of years ago?"

A look of surprise flashed across Zhang Yunpeng's face, and he looked at Zhou Yang in amazement and asked back.

Zhou Yang didn't answer, but just looked at him with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Zhang Yunpeng immediately thought that he had acquiesced, and couldn't help but looked at him with envy and muttered to himself: "You are really lucky to be able to find a senior monk's cave of this level in the sand sea. It seems that Master is right, Fellow Daoist is indeed a person with great luck!"

Although the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea is barren, it was once rich in the past.

Back then, when the Great Bright Immortal Palace was not split due to civil strife, the Boundless Sand Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm was backed by this giant, and it was not as closed and backward as it is now. At that time, there were also monks in the Nascent Soul Stage and many monks in the Golden Core Stage.

Not to mention those monks in the Nascent Soul stage, they basically left this remote place after they became Nascent Souls, and some even moved their sects and families away.

However, many of those Jindan stage monks are still cultivating in caves in the sea of ​​sand.

The monks in the golden dan stage have supernatural powers, and the caves they opened are hidden deep in the sand sea, so it is difficult for people to find them.

For thousands of years, many of the caves of these senior masters were also excavated by later generations, and all the treasures left inside were looted.

Huang Shamen, as the overlord of the boundless sand sea and the world of cultivating immortals, had of course excavated the caves of some senior monks in the past.

So Zhang Yunpeng didn't doubt Zhou Yang's statement, but just envied his good luck.

But envy is envy, Zhou Yangqiu came to the door to ask, he must help this little favor.

Huang Shamen blocked the news of Daguangming Immortal Palace and Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation World, mainly to prevent the monks below from thinking about the existence of these giants and downplaying the authority of Huang Shamen.

But for Zhou Yang, a high-level monk who can leave the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, this kind of news blockade obviously does not make any sense, it is better to be a favor.

Immediately, Zhang Yunpeng personally went to the Buddhist scripture pavilion in Huangshamen, and brought out all the materials about the Great Bright Immortal Palace in it for Zhou Yang to read in a quiet room.

Due to the lapse of thousands of years, the information about the Great Bright Immortal Palace preserved in the Huangsha Gate is not as detailed as Zhou Yang imagined before.

It’s normal to think about it carefully. When the Huangshamen was established, the Daguangming Immortal Palace had been cut off from the Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation Realm for many years. How could they have any detailed understanding of the Daguangming Immortal Palace? Just collected information.

But fortunately, some of the things Zhou Yang wanted to know happened to be included in the relevant materials.

The first is the "Bright Palace" and the white jade statue.

According to the records above, almost all the residences of the Great Bright Immortal Palace will have a "Bright Palace", and a statue of the Founder Patriarch who created the Great Bright Immortal Palace will be placed in it.

The founding patriarch of the Great Bright Immortal Palace is also called "Hanguang Zhenren", a true immortal in the Transcendence Tribulation period. When later disciples address him, they often call him "Guangming Zhenjun" or "Guangming Venerable".

"True Monarch" is the respectful title of the Earth Immortal in the Void Returning Stage. The disciples of the Daguang Immortal Palace titled their ancestors as "True Monarchs", especially to distinguish them from the titles of "True Monarchs" of the founding patriarchs of other sects. In Zhou Yang's opinion It's shameless enough to come here.

Of course, these are not the key points. Anyway, other sects don't care about these, so why should he be bothered.

The point is, through the two points of the "Palace of Light" and the statue of "True Bright Lord", his previous guess was undoubtedly confirmed.

The large teleportation circle was indeed established by the real overlord of the Great Western Land, the Great Bright Immortal Palace. The remains of the "fake baby" monk are obviously also a monk of the Great Bright Immortal Palace, and their status should not be low.

And about the white eye jewel he got, he also found some clues.

According to what he saw in a biography that should be an unofficial legend, the founding patriarch of the Great Bright Immortal Palace should be the owner of the legendary "Bright Spirit Body".

The exact time and date of the existence of this "True Bright Lord" is no longer available. Anyway, it was at least tens of thousands of years ago.

According to the biography of unofficial history, this "True Bright Lord" did not go to the place where the immortals lived outside the sky like some famous immortals at the same time, but chose to sit in this world.

And before he sat down, it is said that the primordial spirit came out of his body, and he personally dismantled the immortal body that he had tempered for many years, and refined several powerful seventh-order immortal artifacts and many sixth-order magical artifacts, which were passed on to descendants and disciples .

These instruments are refined from the immortal body of the "True Light Lord", and they all contain the power of the True Immortal Transcending Tribulation, and it is a light attribute power that is difficult to be restrained.

And the Great Bright Immortal Palace has been able to shake this world for tens of thousands of years because it has a large number of powerful magical weapons that were sacrificed by the ancestors of the founding school to sacrifice their own immortal bodies.

And among the many magical artifacts refined by the "True Bright Lord" by sacrificing his own immortal body, the most famous ones are of course the several seventh-order immortal artifacts.

It is said that the "True Bright Lord" concocted a total of three seventh-level immortal artifacts with his own immortal body. The seventh-level immortal weapon "Scepter of Light", and the seventh-level immortal weapon "Bright Skull" refined from skull sacrifices.

These three seventh-order immortal artifacts are the inherited immortal artifacts of the Great Bright Immortal Palace. As long as any monk in the Nascent Soul stage of the Great Bright Immortal Palace is approved by the spirit of the immortal artifacts, with the immortal artifacts in hand, as long as they do not encounter the same mastery The monks of the same level as the immortal weapon can basically be invincible at the same level.

And if there is a "half-step true immortal" monk in the ninth level of the Nascent Soul who gathers three seventh-level immortal weapons in his hands, he can even fight against ordinary true immortals in the tribulation stage without defeat.

The great reputation of the Great Bright Immortal Palace was achieved little by little by relying on these immortal artifacts.

However, during the civil strife in the Great Bright Immortal Palace thousands of years ago, it is said that the holders of the three seventh-order fairy weapons fought with each other, which eventually led to the Nascent Soul cultivator who held the seventh-order fairy "Eye of Light" fall.

What's interesting is that after the Nascent Soul cultivator fell, the seventh-order fairy artifact "Bright Eye" did not fall into the hands of any party, but was lost.

Zhou Yang suspected that the white orb he got was one of the two missing "Eye of Light".

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