Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 410 Twelve years in a hurry!

Zhou Xuanyu quickly sat down.

She didn't have much lifespan in the first place, and she was able to support it until now, and it can even be said that it was all supported by a belief.

And after returning to Zhou's house and Yuquan Peak where she was born and raised, the belief that supported her to continue living no longer had the soil to survive.

After learning from Zhou Yang about the changes that have taken place in the Zhou family over the years, and knowing that everything in the Zhou family is better than expected, she has made her wish and has nothing more to worry about.

So less than three months after returning to Yuquan Lake Oasis, she sat down on Yuquan Peak with a smile on her face and a peaceful face.

Because she was declared a dead person in the Zhou family, after Zhou Xuanyu passed away, neither Zhou Yang nor Zhou Yuanyao could hold any mourning activities for her, let alone invite various forces to send people to mourn her like Zhou Xuanyu died.

In the end, she could only follow her last wish, and Zhou Yang used the "Qianyang True Fire" to turn her body into ashes and bring her back to Chihu Mountain, where she was buried beside the cemetery of the old patriarch Zhou Minghan. Grandparents and grandchildren can always be together under the nine springs.

After dealing with Zhou Xuanyu's funeral, Zhou Yang's life returned to normal.

Most of the time, he spent retreating to improve his cultivation, and the rest of the time, he was either spending time with his Taoist companion Xiao Ying, or refining weapons, making talismans, and practicing swords. His life was relaxed and happy.

During the period, he also studied the white orb that was suspected to be the "Eye of Light", but no matter how hard he tried, he could not sacrifice this treasure, so it was impossible to use it.

This made him admire Xu Song's old ghost's eyesight even more. After just a few glances, he judged that this thing must master the power of light attribute before it can be sacrificed and used.

Another thing that made Zhou Yang happy was that after nearly 80 years of practice, Zhou Yuanyao finally transformed the love he had for him when she was a girl into a brother-sister relationship, and she was no longer hostile to Xiao Ying.

Even she, who had almost forgotten alchemy because she was trapped in the underground ruins for nearly eighty years, took the initiative to ask Xiao Ying about alchemy, hoping to inherit Zhou Xuanhao's original position and contribute to the Zhou family's alchemy cause.

Of course Zhou Yang is happy to see the results, and at the same time he can't help but sigh that the power of time is really powerful.

Zhou Yuanyao, who was such a willful girl back then, has been smoothed by the years after living in a lonely place for nearly eighty years, and succumbed to reality.

This may be related to Zhou Xuanyu's decades-long teachings, but no one can deny the importance of the power of time.

If it hadn't been for decades of calm thinking and seeing the truth clearly, Zhou Yuanyao would probably continue to regard Zhou Yang's sister-like affection and care for her as an expression of love between a man and a woman.

In this way, the beautiful time is another twelve years in a blink of an eye.

Twelve years later, Zhou Yang's cultivation is still the fifth floor of the Purple Mansion, not far from the sixth floor of the Purple Mansion.

However, during this period of time, he finally comprehended the second advanced sword formation "Twelve Yuanchen Sword Formation" in "Da Yan Jian Jue", which raised his sword control skills to another level .

At the same time, his talisman-making skills have also been diligently practiced for many years, and he was successfully promoted to the fourth level, becoming the first fourth-level talisman maker in the history of the Zhou family.

Another piece of good news is that half a year ago, his spiritual pet Golden Winged Thunder Eagle also fell into a deep sleep. If there is no accident, when he wakes up, he will officially enter adulthood, condensing the demon core to become a fourth-order monster.

These are just the changes in Zhou Yang himself and around him.

As far as the Zhou family is concerned, twelve years have passed, and the Zhou family has added two new foundation-building monks, one of whom is Zhou Yang's big apprentice, Lu Xuewei.

Lu Xuewei with top-grade spiritual root aptitude succeeded in building a foundation easily after taking a foundation-building pill, and she was thirty-four years old when she built the foundation, and she was 34 years old when she succeeded in building the foundation. Became a third-tier low-grade talisman maker.

As for the other foundation-builder, named Zhou Tongyao, whose parents are both Qi-training ninth-level monks of the Zhou family, and because of his good formation talent, he was successfully selected into the "Seed Project" of the Zhou family.

He was able to succeed in foundation establishment entirely because of the family contribution points he inherited from his parents, and then, as a member of the "Seed Project", he exchanged 10,000 family contribution points at half price for Foundation Establishment Dan.

In fact, over the years, Lu Xuewei and Zhou Tongyao were not the only ones who used the Foundation Establishment Pill. There was also a monk from the Zhou family who exchanged the Foundation Establishment Pill for use.

It's a pity that even with the help of Jidan, that person still failed in the end.

At the beginning, Xiao Ying followed Zhou Yang's words and practiced two batches of foundation building pills, producing a total of nine pills.

As a result, two pieces were removed from the Fangshi Auction, and Huang Yi was rewarded with one. Liu Xuanxuan used two for Foundation Establishment, plus three used by Lu Xuewei and the other three. In fact, these two batches of Foundation Establishment Pills have almost been used up. However, when he killed many opponents in the Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation World, he gained a lot of Foundation Establishment Pills, so there is no need to worry that the Foundation Establishment Pills will not be enough for the next Zhou family monks to exchange.

Counting the two newly established foundation cultivators, the Zhou family currently has as many as eight foundation cultivators, including Zhou Guangxiang, Zhou Guangxiang, Zhou Yuanyao, Zhou Guangtai, Zhou Guangqing, Zhou Tongyao, Liu Xuanxuan, and Lu Xuewei.

One double purple mansion, eight foundations.

This kind of power has not appeared for the third time in this boundless sand sea in the world of cultivating immortals, except for the Chen family back then.

What's more, in addition to the power of these monks, the Zhou family also has a fourth-level low-grade spirit beast Gryphon, a golden-winged Thunder Eagle that is about to be promoted to a fourth-level monster, and a third-level mid-level monster flying panther.

Adding up these powers, apart from the fact that the number of monks in the foundation building period is not as good as that of Huang Shamen, the high-end power is not inferior to that of Huang Shamen, the ruler of the boundless sand sea of ​​cultivating immortals.

Now when the monks in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea mention the Zhou family, there is no one who does not envy and fear.

And Zhou Yang, who led the development of the Zhou family from a family whose inheritance was almost cut off to the current prominent position in just over a hundred years, has become the heart of the monks in the entire boundless sand sea. a legendary person.

The younger generation of monks in the Boundless Sand Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm may not know the name of Cao Wenjin, the last Golden Core stage monk in the Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation World, but they definitely have not heard of the Zhou family Zhou Yang.

Having a child should be like Zhou Yuanyang, this has become a saying that is often talked about by the elders in countless cultivating families.

"Look at Zhou Yuanyang, he is also a mid-level spiritual root monk, but he succeeded in building a foundation at the age of thirty-four. You are also a mid-level spiritual root monk, why don't you learn from him?"

"Son, you have to fight a bit. I don't ask you to be like Zhou Yuanyang, but you must succeed in building the foundation and continue the inheritance of our family!"

"Nizi, you know how to mess with these messy things. You are eighteen years old. At your age, Zhou Yuanyang has already gone out to practice and be on your own. Are you going to piss me off?"


When a person becomes a legend, his farts are delicious.

How Zhou Yang succeeded, ninety-nine out of ten people don't know, they will only try to find out about Zhou Yang's deeds when he was young, inquire about Zhou Yang's life, and then let their descendants learn to follow suit.

As if this could really make their descendants become the next Zhou Yang.

Of course Zhou Yang didn't know about these things.

For the past twelve years, he has lived in seclusion and devoted himself to cultivation. Apart from sometimes participating in the annual lectures to teach and solve doubts for the younger generations of the family, few Zhou family disciples below the foundation building level can see him, and even more so. Don't say it's an outsider.

If it hadn't been for Zhou Guangxiang's sudden visit, stating that he wanted to attack the Zifu again, he might not have realized that so many years had passed.

"Cross the barrier with peace of mind, don't need any psychological pressure, even if you fail, the Zhou family will still have Uncle Ninth with me!"

In Qianyang Cave, after Zhou Yang handed over the incomparably precious "Purple Heart Chalcedony" to Zhou Guangxiang, seeing the nervous look on his face, he couldn't help but smiled and comforted his nephew.

Just like what he said, even if Zhou Guangxiang failed to attack the Zifu again, the Zhou family would still have his sea-fixing needle.

As long as he doesn't die for a day, the status of the Zhou family will be as stable as Mount Tai.

So he had a very good attitude towards Zhou Guangxiang's attack on the Purple Mansion. Of course he was happy when he succeeded, but he was disappointed at best when he failed.

"Nephew, you must not disappoint Uncle Jiu!"

Zhou Guangxiang nodded, tightly clenched the jade bottle containing the "Purple Heart Chalcedony", turned around and left Qianyang Cave, and returned to his own cave for retreat.

Since Zhou Guangxiang has not yet determined a candidate to succeed him as the patriarch, Zhou Yang can only continue to perform the duties of the patriarch of the Zhou family after he retreats.

When he took over the duties of the patriarch again, the first thing he did was, of course, understand the situation within the clan.

The result made him quite satisfied. Although the growth rate of the Zhou family's monk population has slowed down in the past ten years, but because the base of the monk population is already large enough, the number of monks in the Zhou family has now exceeded 600. , plus those foreign monks and guest monks, the total number is already close to a thousand.

With the increase in the number of monks, the spiritual mountains and mines occupied by the Zhou family have naturally been fully developed, and their financial income has also improved compared to before.

What's more, 24 years have passed since the "New Homeland Project" was officially implemented, and the Zhou family has built nine man-made oases in the boundless sandy sea leading to Xijiao Island.

The existence of these nine man-made oases has directly pushed the area that monks in the boundless sand sea can explore to the depths of the sand sea by nearly 60,000 miles.

Many monks of the Zhou family entered that area four or five years ago to venture into the area to explore resources, and have already found several spiritual mines and several underground spiritual veins.

"Calculating the time, there are still three years until the time Jiang Yuyan and I agreed to do it. I don't know how she is preparing?"

"In three years, I should be able to further advance to the sixth floor of the Purple Mansion, and the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle should also be able to advance to the fourth-tier monster within this time."

"In this way, if Guangxiang succeeds in opening up the Zifu again, the high-level existence that our side can participate in the war will be much stronger than what was planned at the beginning!"

Zhou Yang calculated his own combat power with his fingers, and found that if the foundation-building monks were not counted, their lineup of high-level beings going to Xijiaozhou this time would not be much worse than the one organized by Huang Shamen.

And as far as he knows, there are not many fourth-order monsters on Xijiao Continent.

"This battle is sure to win!"

A smile flashed on his face, and his eyes were full of confidence.

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