Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 411 Family ugly!

The day is finally here!

When Zhou Yuanchen rushed to Zhou's house again, his mood was extremely complicated.

Zhou Yuanchen was more than 20 years older than Zhou Yang, and he only celebrated his 200th birthday the year before last. Since he hadn't suffered any injuries in his life, it shouldn't be a problem for him to live to be more than 230 years old.

However, compared with Zhou Yang's long lifespan of hundreds of years, his remaining thirty years of life are nothing.

Although his current cultivation base has reached the ninth floor of foundation building, he has no illusions at all when he hits the Purple Mansion.

Without attacking the Purple Mansion, given his physical condition, it is possible for him to live up to the 240-year-old limit of a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

And if he attacks the Purple Mansion now, if he fails and hurts his soul, given his current physical condition, the end of his lifespan may come more than ten years earlier.

That's all, if he has no other worries now, it's okay to give it a go.

After all, he can tell which is more important, the life span of more than ten years that may be lost after failure and the life span of more than two hundred years that may be gained after success.

But he still has a lot of concerns that he can't give up, and these concerns come from his children and grandchildren.

After Zhou Yuanchen got married and had children, besides sending the eldest son Zhou Guangde to the Zhou family to make him recognize his ancestors, there were other sons and daughters who flourished in Huangshamen.

Since the children of Huang Shamen did not enter the Zhou family tree, they naturally had nothing to do with the Zhou family, and the Zhou family would not invest a spirit stone in those people.

Whether those people can live well or not depends entirely on whether Zhou Yuanchen is still alive.

As long as he is alive, those descendants who don't have spiritual roots, those descendants with poor spiritual roots, will be able to eat as long as a little bit of goodness leaks through his fingernails.

If he died, even if he left a rich inheritance to those people, if no one took care of it, it would definitely be ruined in a short time. This point has already been demonstrated by countless examples from the same sect.

And his eldest son Zhou Guangde, Zhou Guangde is the one with the best and most intelligent spiritual root among all his children and grandchildren, and he is also the one he loves and looks forward to the most.

This time he came to Zhou's house just for the matter of the elder son's foundation establishment.

"Ninth brother, elder brother, I know. With my current status, it's not easy for me to speak up about this matter."

"But brother, I'm just such a promising son. If I don't talk about his foundation building, I'm afraid he will blame me for the rest of his life!"

Zhou Yuanchen looked at Zhou Yang with a pleading look on his face, and explained his purpose of coming this time with a trembling voice in his words.

He came to obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill for his son Zhou Guangde.

Zhou Guangde is now fifty-four years old, and his cultivation has reached the ninth level of Qi training for more than five years.

It's a pity that because Zhou Yuanchen couldn't get the Zhou family's contribution points, it was even more difficult for Zhou Guangde to collect 20,000 family contribution points while practicing alone, even with the help of many treasures supported by his father Zhou Yuanchen.

Up to now, he has collected the family contribution points in his hands through various methods, and there are only more than 15,000 points. It will take at least ten or eight years to collect the 20,000 points needed to exchange for the Foundation Establishment Pill. do it.

If it is other Zhou family members who can collect enough family contribution points to exchange for Jidan before the age of eighty, they will wake up laughing from a dream.

But Zhou Guangde is different. He has a father who is a foundation-building monk that most Zhou family monks do not have. He has no need to wait ten or eight years.

Taking the foundation building pill in his fifties, his success rate is at least 60% based on his middle-grade spiritual root aptitude.

But if you wait until you are sixty or seventy years old and then take the Foundation Establishment Pill, the success rate will drop to more than 50%.

What's more, everyone knows which one has the greater potential between the monks who succeeded in building the foundation in their fifties, and the monks who only built their foundation in their sixties and seventies.

The simplest example is Zhou Guangtai and Zhou Guangqing who successfully established the foundation of the Zhou family at the same time.

Now more than thirty years have passed, Zhou Guangqing has already cultivated at the third level of foundation building, while Zhou Guangtai is still at the second level of foundation building.

Moreover, Zhou Guangqing could always practice on Chihu Mountain and accept the guidance of Zhou Yang, the Supreme Elder, but Zhou Guangtai would be sent to Chihuling to sit in town, and he could not leave easily.

These subtle differences in treatment are obvious to all.

So even Zhou Yuanchen himself didn't want to see his son build the foundation so late.

"Originally, if you open your mouth, big brother, you will give it to me no matter what."

"But brother, do you know what this kid Guangde has done recently?"

Zhou Yang looked at Zhou Yuanchen with a serious face, and said in an angry voice: "In order to earn family contribution points in exchange for foundation building pills, this kid actually set up a small casino in the clan, using the thunder charms you gave him as rewards, Lure other clansmen to fight in private, and then sit on the bank to draw the contribution points of the clans who participated in betting on the clansmen!"

"From the information collected by the law enforcement hall, my little brother, at least five clansmen were seriously injured because of participating in the gambling fight organized by him, and one person even lost an arm because of it, completely ruining the way!"

"Big brother, Guangxiang suppressed this matter because of your face, but big brother, tell me, if this kid causes such a big incident, and he can still get the foundation building pill from the family, what will the other clansmen think? Where will the family rules be placed?"


Zhou Yuanchen's mind suddenly went blank.

He really didn't know anything about it.

Zhou Guangxiang actually played a trick on this matter, that is, although he suppressed Zhou Guangde's matter, he did not immediately notify Zhou Yuanchen of the result, but left it to Zhou Yanglai, who handled the clan affairs on his behalf, to finally set the tone .

It can even be said that Zhou Guangxiang's attack on the Zifu at this time meant that he deliberately avoided it.

After all, the matter involved Zhou Yuanchen, the elder with the highest seniority in the Zhou family, so it was difficult for him, the patriarch, to handle this matter.

It's better to let Zhou Yang, who is also an elder, handle it. Anyway, with Zhou Yang's prestige in the Zhou family, how to deal with this matter is not afraid of what the clansmen say.

And Zhou Yuanchen practiced in Huangshamen all the year round, and sometimes he would come to visit and accompany his son Zhou Guangde every few years.

All along, he was not worried that Zhou Guangde would be bullied in the Zhou family, because he knew that whether it was Zhou Yang, Zhou Guangxiang, or other monks in power in the Zhou family, they would take good care of his son for his sake.

Even the reason why he came to Zhou's house as little as possible was because he was afraid that such frequent visits would spoil his son.

But what he never expected was that his son would do such a thing that Zhou Yang said!

Setting up a private casino is actually not a big deal, and there is no rule in the Zhou family rules not to allow clan members to gamble, at most it is morally condemned.

However, it is a serious crime to set up a private casino to cause monks of the same clan to fight and become disabled.

For any family or sect, it is an absolute taboo to fight each other.

Even if those Zhou family members who participated in the gambling fight organized by Zhou Guangde did not attack each other to injure each other because of hatred, but in a practical sense, they were indeed doing the same thing.

As the organizer, Zhou Guangde cannot escape the guilt no matter what.

And just like what Zhou Yang said just now, if Zhou Guangxiang and Law Enforcement Hall had tried their best to suppress this scandal for Zhou Yuanchen's sake, Zhou Yuanchen would not be begging Zhou Yang to give him Jidan now, but I beg Zhou Yang not to abolish or exile his son.

"How could this be! How could this be..."

Zhou Yuanchen muttered to himself with trembling lips, his face instantly pale as snow.

After muttering to himself for a long time, he raised his head to look at Zhou Yang with a pale complexion, closed his eyes, and then sighed: "Brother Wei understands! Thank you Brother Jiu and Guangxiang for giving Brother Wei this face." , that little bastard will be brought back to Huang Shamen for the brotherhood to be strictly guarded, and he will never be allowed to step into the family again!"

However, he has stopped talking about Zhu Jidan.

After this kind of thing happened, Zhou Yuanchen didn't even have the face to stay in Zhou's house anymore, so he forcibly knocked Zhou Guangde unconscious that day and brought him back to Huang Shamen. After that, he really didn't let him step into Zhou's house for decades.

Zhou Yuanchen is undoubtedly very self-aware. In the current Zhou family, there are not many more foundation cultivators like him, and one less.

If it wasn't for the fact that he is now the highest seniority in the Zhou family, and he still has a bit of a face in the past, Zhou Guangde's affairs will definitely not be so easy.

So he didn't say anything at all to give his son a chance to reform himself. Not only would that not help, but it would completely ruin his relationship with the Zhou family.

He didn't have only one son, Zhou Guangde, and he couldn't harm his other children and grandchildren because of this unfulfilling son.

Keep the relationship with the Zhou family, at least he will die in the future, Zhou Yang thinks about this relationship, and will not let his blood be cut off in the Huangshamen.

Zhou Guangde's example and lessons are also a wake-up call for the other foundation-building monks of the Zhou family and some monks in the qi training period who know the inside story, making them pay more attention to educating the younger generation.

Zhou Yang could even deal with Zhou Yuanchen's sons in this way, and even Zhou Yuanchen could not lose face when he came here in person, let alone younger generations like them.

Later on, Zhou Yang also took advantage of Zhou Guangde's incident to grasp the Zhou family's family tradition and discipline, and dealt with some of the Zhou family's children who corrupted the family tradition and discipline very seriously, and showed his understanding of this kind of thing with practical actions. Zero tolerance attitude.

After his rectification movement, the Zhou family's family style and discipline have indeed improved a lot, and they have also won the favor of many outside cultivators and small family monks.

When Zhou Yang rectified the family style, he also dealt with some bullying children of the Zhou family.

These Zhou family disciples themselves are not capable, but they love to use their status as Zhou family monks to domineering in front of casual monks and small family monks, and even seek money and kill them.

It's just that these guys did it secretly. No one had come to cry and complain before, and the Zhou family didn't investigate carefully. No one knew these things at all.

But this time when Zhou Yang caught these scumbags when rectifying his family style, he immediately confessed all the bad things he had done under the "mind-inquiring technique".

However, Zhou Yang killed any monk who had done this kind of murder, no matter whose son or grandson he was, and killed him on the spot, and crossed out his name from the family tree, so that other After death, even the spirit cards cannot enter the Zhou family ancestral hall.

This kind of thing can be said to be a family scandal, and Zhou Yang didn't deliberately publicize it.

But the Zhou family is now in full swing, and I don't know how many people are staring at the Zhou family. This kind of thing was seen by many Zhou family monks in full view. Naturally, it spread quickly to the family.

Some cultivators from the Immortal Cultivation Family who were jealous of the Zhou family heard about these things, of course they had to laugh at the lax family style of the Zhou family, and even poured dirty water on Zhou Yang.

But for those casual cultivators and small family monks, Zhou Yang's actions made them extremely happy and relieved. They praised Zhou Yang's act of "killing relatives with righteousness", and they were more willing to deal with the Zhou family.

To put it bluntly, this kind of thing of seeking wealth and killing one's life is not only done by someone from the Zhou family, but also by other immortal cultivating families and even many casual cultivators themselves if they have the opportunity.

Basically, only monks who have spent some years in the world of cultivating immortals know this.

And Zhou Yang now has the courage to directly shoot and kill his own clansmen who did such a thing, no matter whether he is showing off or really jealous, he can gain the favor of outsiders.

After all, even bad guys are more willing to deal with good guys.

In the eyes of many monks, Zhou Yang represents the Zhou family.

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