Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 412 Don't let the fat and water flow to outsiders' fields!

"Huh? This feeling of being spied on, could it be..."

On Chihu Mountain, Zhou Yang was originally explaining the confusion to his second apprentice Liu Xuanxuan who came to ask him about the art of refining weapons. Suddenly, as if he had sensed something, he looked in surprise at some kind of cave on the mountain.

It was the place where Zhou Guangxiang retreated. After he entered the closed state, Zhou Yang manipulated the mountain protection array to seal off that area, and no one but him could approach it.

But just now he clearly felt a peeping thought coming from there. For him who had the same experience, he understood the reason almost immediately.

"Master, but what happened?"

Liu Xuanxuan stopped when she saw Zhou Yang talking, and saw the change of expression on his face, so she boldly asked him why.

Since becoming a teacher of Zhou Yang, her status in the Zhou family has also been increasing day by day, and through dealing with Zhou Yang and his wife these years, she also knows that Zhou Yang and his wife are very talkative people, so she doesn't shy away from their apprentices Ask questions that have nothing to do with practice.

Sure enough, after Zhou Yang heard her question, he didn't shy away from anything. He immediately laughed and said, "Hahaha, it's a good thing. Guangxiang has just successfully traveled around the world, and my Zhou family will have another Zi." Mansion monk!"

It is a great joy for any family to have one more Zifu monk, and it is worthy of congratulations by the whole family.

Liu Xuanxuan has been in the Zhou family for so many years, and has worshiped Zhou Yang as her teacher, so she has long regarded herself as a member of the Zhou family.

Hearing Zhou Yang's words at this time, she couldn't help but opened her mouth in surprise and exclaimed: "Really? That's really great!"

Then a smile flashed on her face, and she quickly cupped her hands in congratulations: "Congratulations, Master, for having a successor!"

There are indeed successors.

Zhou Guangxiang was the heir of the Zhou family cultivated by Zhou Yang. His success in opening up the Zifu not only proved that Zhou Yang's vision was correct, but also made the inheritance of the Zhou family's Zifu family completely stable.

There have been two generations of Zifu monks, and there is no doubt about the name of the Zifu family of the Zhou family.

Therefore, after Zhou Yang heard her words, "There are successors", the smile on his face suddenly became more intense.

Laughing like this, Zhou Yang looked at the pretty disciple in front of him, his heart suddenly moved, and he couldn't help but come up with an idea.

As soon as this idea popped up, he pondered in his heart for a while, and finally decided to talk about it.

The smile on his face faded, and he suddenly looked at Liu Xuanxuan and asked, "Xuanxuan, what do you think of this kid Guangxiang?"

Liu Xuanxuan didn't expect him to ask such a question suddenly, and she was stunned immediately after hearing the words.

Even though she was quick-witted and intelligent, she couldn't figure out why Zhou Yang would suddenly ask her such a thing, and she couldn't think of how to answer it for a while.

Zhou Yang saw that she didn't know how to speak, and knew in her heart that she might have some taboos and dared not speak easily, so he couldn't help but smiled and encouraged him: "It's okay, just talk casually, I also want to know what you people think of Guangxiang. What does the kid think of it?"

When Liu Xuanxuan heard him say this, she thought he wanted to investigate Zhou Guangxiang's character. Although she wondered why Zhou Yang would do this suddenly, she was relieved, and she couldn't help but nodded slightly: "Since Master said so That's right, that disciple will just say it, if the disciple is wrong, please don't mind the master, just treat it as a disciple talking nonsense."

"The patriarch's cultivation aptitude is of course needless to say. There are very few people in our Zhou family who can surpass him, and his personality is quite mature and stable. He is very organized and treats all the clansmen. But generally speaking, he can still satisfy the majority of the tribe, and he is respected by the big guys, at least the disciples admire him very much."

While talking, Liu Xuanxuan secretly observed Zhou Yang's face, and she spoke very slowly. It can be said that she was choosing her words carefully, probably because she was afraid that Zhou Yang and Zhou Yang would be offended if she accidentally said something bad about Zhou Guangxiang. Zhou Guangxiang and the two were dissatisfied.

As the old saying goes, you can't stay close.

Although she is Zhou Yang's apprentice, it can be said that she is a body of honor and disgrace, but compared with the intimate relationship between Zhou Yang and Zhou Guangxiang, she is more than one level behind, so of course she dare not speak nonsense.

Zhou Yang has experienced so much in his life, how can he not see Liu Xuanxuan's scruples? While he felt amused in his heart, he continued to ask without changing his face: "What else? What do you think of his character? In your opinion Compared with Guangtai, Guangqing and others, do you like it more?"

Hearing what he said, Liu Xuanxuan became more and more convinced that he wanted to investigate Zhou Guangxiang's thoughts, and then retreated in her heart, not daring to participate in the power struggle within the Zhou family.

So she deliberately lowered her head in a state of contemplation. After a while, she looked up at Zhou Yang with apologetic expression and said, "This...Master, forgive me, this disciple, fellow Daoist Guangtai, fellow Daoist Guangqing, and the others. In fact, I am not very familiar with it, so it is not easy to express my views on this aspect.”

Zhou Yang was refreshed when he heard her words, he couldn't help but looked at her with a smile and asked, "Oh, what does this mean that you are very familiar with Guangxiang?"

"No, it's not... yes, I'm just more familiar with the patriarch than the other friends, um, that's it."

Liu Xuanxuan was startled at first and shook her head, then she was afraid that her big reaction would cause Zhou Yang to misunderstand, so she explained a few words with an unnatural expression, which made Zhou Yang laugh inwardly.

He decided not to tease this apprentice who was about to be frightened by him anymore, and said directly with a smile and showdown: "Hahaha, it scares you. I ask you so many questions as a teacher, but I just want to ask you, have you ever considered finding a Taoist?" If you have any intentions in this regard, you might as well consider Guang Xiang, he is not young anymore, it is time to think about life-long events!"

It turned out that when he heard Liu Xuanxuan's words "There are successors", he thought of another meaning of this sentence, and couldn't help but think about it.

Although he himself and Xiao Ying have been married for nearly a hundred years, but because he has made up his mind long ago that he will not become a golden core or break the body of Yuanyang, the two of them have never consummated each other, let alone have children.

And on the other hand, even if he has formed a golden core, in order for the two of them to stay together for a longer time in the future, he will probably restrain himself, and wait for the Taoist couple Xiao Ying to form a golden core before they can combine and practice together .

After all, for female cultivators, keeping the pure vital yin energy is also helpful for forming alchemy.

But in that case, the time for them to give birth to offspring will be greatly extended for many years.

Moreover, monks in the golden core stage have already attained the Dao for the first time, and are restricted by the laws of heaven. It is not as easy as the monks who established the foundation and the monks from the Purple Mansion to have offspring. It is still unknown whether they will be able to leave offspring at that time.

So now that Zhou Guangxiang succeeded in opening up the Purple Mansion, Zhou Yang wanted to let him leave behind descendants.

After all, the descendants of high-level monks usually have a high chance of possessing spiritual roots, and the possibility of having good aptitude is also higher.

Most importantly, if Zhou Guangxiang can leave behind a descendant, it will have a great effect on a plan he plans to implement in the future.

Of course, he can only mention this kind of thing. Whether Zhou Guangxiang is willing to take the risk of damaging his path to do such a thing depends on his own opinion.

And Liu Xuanxuan's side, he can only show his willingness to match up as he is now, and it is impossible to really force her to marry a certain monk of the Zhou family.

Should you consider finding a Taoist companion for life?

After Liu Xuanxuan heard Zhou Yang's words, a shy look appeared on her face, and then she really lowered her head and thought about Zhou Yang's question.

She knew in her heart that Zhou Yang was alluding to her when he said that Zhou Guangxiang was old enough to be the boss and it was time to think about lifelong affairs.

After all, she was almost seventy years old, and the Zhou family's female cultivators at this age, except for the two Foundation Establishment female cultivators, were almost all married and had children long ago.

And although she succeeded in building the foundation with the foundation-building pill given by Zhou Yang, she actually didn't have many illusions in her heart about opening up the Zifu.

Resources are limited, and the treasures that help open up the Zifu are even more precious.

The Zhou family can produce the Foundation Establishment Pill by themselves, even if they give her two consecutive foundation establishment pills, it is just a matter of words for Zhou Yang.

But those treasures that help to open up the Purple Mansion are so precious, and the foundation-building cultivators of the Zhou family are eagerly looking forward to competing for them. What can she, an outsider, use to compete with those people?

She's not a top-grade spiritual root monk like Lu Xuewei, and she doesn't even have the blood of the Zhou family!

In this case, instead of thinking about the way, why didn't she consider finding a Taoist partner to stay with her for the rest of her life, marry and have children like a normal woman?

If you want to consider getting married and having children, with her cultivation base and lifespan, you definitely don't consider Qi training stage monks, so you can only choose among foundation building stage monks and higher-level monks.

And because of her apprenticeship with Zhou Yang, and the fact that the Zhou family invested so much in her training, she definitely didn't want to see her marry into another family.

If she wanted to get married and have children, she had to choose one of the Zhou family's unmarried Foundation Establishment and Purple Mansion cultivators, or recruit a husband from abroad, recruiting a Foundation Establishment casual cultivator to work with her for the Zhou family.

But here comes the question, how many casual cultivators who can build foundations will not marry wives and have children?

Even if there are no wives and children, there must be concubines.

Even if you don't have any of these, you still have to match her in terms of age and conduct to satisfy her.

Thinking about it this way, Liu Xuanxuan almost immediately rejected the way of recruiting a son-in-law.

Then if she wants to get married and have children, she can only consider the Zhou family's monks like Zhou Yang.

That being the case, Zhou Guangxiang seemed to be the best choice for her, no matter in terms of cultivation base or the degree of familiarity between the two parties.

When she entered Zhou's house, Zhou Guangxiang had been ordered to look after her secretly and helped her a lot, and she always remembered this favor.

And just like what she said to Zhou Yang earlier, Zhou Guangxiang has a mature and stable personality, and has a well-organized way of doing things. For a woman, she should be a person who lives a good life and can be reliable at critical moments.

In the end, if she could become Zhou Guangxiang's Taoist companion, then her status in the Zhou family would be really extraordinary.

At that time, with Zhou Yang as the master and Zhou Guangxiang as the husband to take care of her, if she wants to go further on the road and compete for the right to use the treasures that open up the Zifu, she will have an advantage over many Zhou family monks.

After thinking about it for a long time, Liu Xuanxuan's face flashed with embarrassment, and she whispered to Zhou Yang in a low voice: "Master's kindness to this disciple is as great as a mountain, and all the elders in the disciple's family have passed away. This important matter of marriage should be decided by Master."

"If, if the patriarch doesn't dislike the appearance of Pu Liu, the disciple, the disciple is willing to become a Taoist partner with him!"

Khan, there is a bug in the previous chapter. I forgot the more than ten foundation building pills that the protagonist got in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou. At that time, there were eight foundation building monks in the Zhou family, not seven. I also missed Zhou Tongyao, thank you book friend Please correct me, and the mistakes and omissions have also been revised. In addition, the list of Zhou family monks in the book review area has also been updated. If you are interested, you can go and have a look.

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