Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 414 Return to Rhinoceros Continent

"It is indeed very strong!"

"If this junior didn't know that Senior Xu was with you, it would be impossible for this junior to have an accident. Just now, this junior would have come up with a trick out of fright."

Zhou Yang jumped out from the cave wall, looked at Xu Song with an unkind expression, looked at Xu Song with a bland smile, and said with a pointed smile.

"Ahahaha, what Fellow Daoist Zhou said is very true, what he said is very true, Xu is still counting on Fellow Daoist for his future path, so how could he hurt Fellow Daoist?"

With a flash of black light, Xu Song's ghost body flew out of the underground ruins, landed in front of the bone clone, looked at Zhou Yang and laughed dryly, and introduced his bone clone to Zhou Yang.

Xu Song's bone avatar is much more powerful than Zhou Yang expected.

This bone clone made from the remains of monks in the "fake baby" realm is not only as hard as a fifth-order magic weapon, but can be used as a powerful puppet, and it can also drive a powerful weapon. The Bone Demon Flame has supernatural powers to attack the enemy.

Xu Song's first-level Golden Core cultivation is also a ghost cultivator, so his actual combat ability is much worse than that of the same-level Golden Core stage monks.

But after sacrificing this bone clone, if an ordinary Jindan third-tier monk confronts him, he will be severely injured by him if he is not careful.

The way of magic is like this, once you have the opportunity to get suitable materials, your strength will skyrocket immediately.

For example, if a Demon Dao Jindan cultivator can obtain a complete Nascent Soul stage cultivator's remains, and then refine it into a demon corpse, as long as he does not meet an enemy who has practiced special demon-killing supernatural powers, he will not be able to find an opponent at the same level.

Therefore, the cultivators of the Corpse Demon Dao have been thinking all day long about how to steal the remains of the senior monks from the major cultivating sects and families, or excavate the tombs of some ancient monks, hoping to dig out the remains of ancient monks who are strong enough.

Sometimes some great sects even use this as bait to lure out the monks of the Corpse Demon Dao and catch them all.

Even so, it is still unable to stop the enthusiasm of the monks of the Corpse Demon Dao for stealing corpses. Every once in a while in the world of cultivating immortals, there will be rumors that the bodies of several generations of ancestors of a certain sect have been stolen, and the ancestral graves of a certain family have been picked up. Come.

Once you hear this kind of thing, there is a 99% chance that it is the monks of the Corpse Demon Dao who did it.

"Senior Xu has been studying the teleportation circle for so many years, I wonder if he has researched anything?"

Zhou Yang didn't want to talk to Xu Song about those monks, so he changed the topic to Xu Song's research results.

The oases in the Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation Realm are too far apart, and the traffic is extremely inconvenient. If Xu Song can develop a short-to-medium-range teleportation array with low demand for use and short transmission distance, and connect all large oases in series, it will be of great help to the entire cultivation world. The development of the fairy world is extremely beneficial.

"Difficult difficulty!"

"There is no specific method of array formation. It is extremely difficult to deduce the layout method of the teleportation array just by studying a finished product!"

"In particular, for this teleportation circle to take effect, it needs to implant the corresponding space markers in the [Xuanjing Stone]. According to the old man's speculation, only the Nascent Soul stage monks who have begun to comprehend the laws of space can use it. The spatial beacon is driven into the 【Xuanjingshi】."

"So even if the old man really masters the method of arranging the teleportation array, you can find a spiritual object like [Xuanjingshi]. Without the help of the Nascent Soul stage monks, don't even try to arrange the teleportation array!"

Xu Song shook his head, sighed in frustration, and expressed the research results in a helpless tone.

It was only when Zhou Yang heard his words that he realized how ridiculous his thoughts were, and immediately he no longer had such thoughts.

Think about it too, if this teleportation array doesn't have so many restrictions, why has it always been rumored that only the sect with Nascent Soul stage monks can master it?

He is not the only smart person with ambition and brains in this world!

"However, the old man has studied this teleportation array for so many years, and it is not true that he has found nothing!"

"According to the old man's research, the teleportation circle opposite the teleportation circle is indeed intact and ready to be activated at any time."

"As long as you fill the thirty-six high-grade spirit stones into the spirit stone grooves of the teleportation circle, and then put that piece of [Xuanjingshi] back in place, you can teleport to the opposite side at any time."

Probably seeing Zhou Yang's dissatisfaction, Xu Song paused, then restrained himself and revealed another discovery of his own.

He is an old man, so of course he knows what Zhou Yang's plans are for this large teleportation array, so picking up what Zhou Yang likes to hear now, it really has an immediate effect.

"Really? Then this is indeed good news."

Zhou Yang's face softened slightly, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Although he had already decided that he would not use this large teleportation array in a short time, it was also very important to ensure that the teleportation array could be used.

Of course, while he was happy, he didn't forget his reason for coming.

Immediately, he looked at Xu Song and asked, "Decades have passed, and the younger generation's plan needs to be formally implemented. I wonder if senior is ready for battle?"

Hearing him ask about this, Xu Song immediately promised confidently: "Don't worry, although the old man has focused his energy on the study of formations these years, he has not neglected to practice all kinds of supernatural powers. It is not a problem to keep a fifth-rank low-grade monster."

Seeing this, Zhou Yang felt relieved, nodded and said, "In that case, let's go!"

Immediately, Xu Song arranged a fourth-order formation that Zhou Yang carried with him outside the ruins to prevent monks and monsters from breaking into it and destroying the large teleportation formation, and then left the underground ruins with one person and one ghost .

After returning to the family with Xu Song, Zhou Yang ordered to go down, and the whole Zhou family began to get busy.

In this expedition to Xijiao Continent, not only high-ranking monks like them will participate, but also the foundation building monks and Qi training monks will also have something to do.

After they wiped out the high-level monsters on the Rhinoceros Island, they would immediately send these middle and low-level monks to the Rhinoceros Island to develop the oasis.

And the second new oasis construction monk team that has been contacted will immediately start construction from the other end to build a new oasis, and strive to open up that "road of life" as quickly as possible.

At the same time, Zhou Yang personally went to Huang Shamen to invite Jiang Yuyan to the appointment. At the same time, he also rented a fourth-order top-grade puppet beast "Thunderbolt Ape" from Huang Shamen at the cost of the rent of two high-grade spirit stones. .

Zhou Yang passed through the Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation World, and the number of high-grade spirit stones on his body reached nearly 20. Later, he found as many as 54 high-grade spirit stones among the monks' relics in the Great Bright Immortal Palace.

So much so that the number of high-grade spirit stones he possesses on his own now far exceeds the number of high-grade spirit stones owned by a sect like Huang Shamen.

However, he had to keep thirty-six of these high-grade spirit stones to open the large teleportation circle, so the number of high-grade spirit stones he could use now was actually not that many.

This time, if it wasn't for the sake of completing his work, he would not be willing to use the top-grade spirit stones as rent to hire a fourth-order puppet beast from Huangshamen.

After more than half a year of preparations like this, Zhou Yang, who was all ready, finally set off with the team.

In order to win, Zhou Yang even brought out his Taoist companion Xiao Ying this time, so their lineups this time are as follows.

Xu Song, a ghost cultivator with a first-level Golden Core cultivation, is as powerful as an ordinary third-level Golden Core monk after refining the bone clone.

Jiang Yuyan, who has refined the "Golden Elixir of Heretics" and has the combat power of a Golden Elixir monk.

The sixth-level cultivator of the Purple Mansion, his actual combat power surpassed that of Zhou Yang, who was a ninth-level monk in the Purple Mansion.

Xiao Ying, a third-level cultivator of the Purple Mansion, and Zhou Guangxiang, a newcomer to the Purple Mansion.

The fourth-rank low-grade monster Golden Winged Thunderhawk and the fourth-rank low-grade monster Gryphon.

A Golden Core cultivator, a "Fake Golden Core" cultivator, plus three Zifu cultivators and two fourth-rank monsters.

With this kind of lineup, there is no problem in sweeping the entire boundless sand sea and immortal cultivation world.

Because they are all high-level monks, and there are two low-level fourth-level flying monsters, the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle and the Gripen Beast, who take turns to fly, Zhou Yang and his group arrived in the past half a month after they set off from Chihu Mountain. Outside Rhinoceros.

Except for Zhou Yang, none of the monks who came here today participated in the last battle of Xijiaozhou, so when they saw the scenery on Xijiaozhou, they all just looked at it with a strange look.

But Zhou Yang is different.

He still remembered that the last time he came here with Cao Wenjin, there were herds of rhinos on the Rhinoceros Island, all kinds of rhinoceros monsters could be seen everywhere, and other kinds of monsters were rarely seen.

But now, Rhinoceros Continent is still the same Rhinoceros Continent with lush water and grass, rhinos and rhino monsters have become rare species.

Instead of rhinoceros monsters on the oasis, there are different kinds of monster wolves. In addition to wolves, there are also a large number of wolf prey groups on the oasis, such as cattle, sheep, red deer, etc. Zhou Yang even saw some monkeys climbing trees to pick fruits.

"Senior Qingyang Daoist said that the sixth-level demon king in Duanyun Mountain Range and the Great Bright Immortal Palace signed a contract tens of thousands of years ago, and they would not interfere in the battles in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, let alone set foot in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea soil of."

"However, those giant rat monsters and monkey monsters that dug up spirit stones in the spirit stone mine back then obviously couldn't have been created by fifth-level monsters. There must be a demon king behind the scenes to control them by remote control!"

"Fortunately, the spirit stone mine has been hollowed out. The demon king should have looked down on this oasis, and it is impossible to pay attention to the life and death of the monsters here!"

On the back of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle, Zhou Yang looked at the monsters and beasts on the oasis that were playing chase and escape games every moment, and the light in his eyes flashed away.

Since he dared to make Xijiaozhou's idea, he naturally took all aspects of the situation into consideration.

Back then when I met Master Qingyang in the Immortal Cultivation Realm of Liuyunzhou, when he talked about Cao Wenjin being chased and killed by the fifth-level top-grade golden-winged Thunder Eagle, Master Qingyang felt strange because of this, saying that the sixth-level demon king should not It is the matter of meddling in Rhinoceros Continent.

Later, he should have seen the broken horn of the sixth-level demon king that Cao Wenjin entrusted him to transfer. Master Qingyang figured out the inside story, and even comforted him on purpose, so don’t worry about a fifth-level monster rushing out of the Duanyun Mountain Range to attack Boundless An oasis in the world of cultivating immortals in the sand sea.

At that time, he also specifically asked Master Qingyang about this, if the Zhou family develops to the extent that they can occupy Xijiaozhou in the future, can they occupy Xijiaozhou as a new foundation for the family.

Master Qingyang also told him with certainty at that time that as long as the direct descendants valued by the demon king were not killed, and the fundamental interests of the demon king were not touched, the demon king would definitely not intervene in the affairs of the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea.

That's why he made his trip today.

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