Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 415 Besieged and Killed the Heart Devouring Devil Wolf

Human high-level monks like to open up sects and families, gather together and let low-level monks serve themselves.

The same is true for high-level monsters.

The largest population of monsters on Xijiao Continent will become wolf monsters for a very simple reason, that is, the fifth-level monster occupying the fifth-level spirit mountain has become a fifth-level low-level monster "Heart Devouring Wolf".

This "Heart Devouring Demonic Wolf" and the group of wolf monsters it led were originally subordinates of a demon king in the Duanyun Mountain Range, and they had their own mountain as their territory.

But because this "heart-eating demonic wolf" has the vicious habit of eating the heart of a third-level monster every other month, and also likes to cross borders to poach the descendants of other fifth-level monsters, he was attracted by other fifth-level monsters. Not happy, and then boycott the hunt.

With the strength of the "Heart Devouring Demonic Wolf", of course he is not afraid of being chased and killed, and the wolf's nature holds vengeance. Whichever fifth-level monster is the most ruthless in chasing and killing it, the more vicious it will retaliate afterwards, sometimes even the opponent's fourth-level monster The offspring of the beast will not be spared.

This kind of thing has been done too much, and those fifth-level monsters saw that they couldn't help the "Heart-eating Demon Wolf", so they jointly went to the Demon King to file an imperial petition, asking the Demon King to take action to suppress the "Heart-devouring Demon Wolf".

To be honest, at the level of the demon king, he didn't care about the life of a mere third-order monster.

In the eyes of the Demon King, the fact that the "Heart-eating Demonic Wolf" must devour the heart of a third-order monster beast once a month is just a way for the "Heart-eating Demonic Wolf" family to survive and evolve, and it is not a big evil. Don't the fifth-order monsters also occasionally hunt the third-order monsters to make tooth sacrifices?

But even the demon king knows the truth that public anger is hard to offend. If he can't respond to the demands of most fifth-level monsters, then those fifth-level monsters can naturally switch to other demon kings. It is not without precedent.

So when the demon king discovered that there was a super-large oasis vacant in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, he took advantage of the opportunity to drive the "heart-eating demon wolf" and some of its clansmen here, and ordered him to stay here. Fend for itself.

If the "Heart-eating Demonic Wolf" can be promoted to a fifth-rank top-grade monster here in the future, the Demon King may not be able to let it return to the Broken Cloud Mountain Range.

As for the "Heart Devouring Demon Wolf", being exiled from the food-rich Duanyun Mountains to the food-poor Xijiao Continent certainly made it very angry and annoyed, but its anger did not dare to direct its anger at the Demon King. Go to those monsters that it treats as food.

Most of the herbivorous monsters on Xijiao Continent were brought by the "Heart Devouring Demonic Wolf" who was driven by his wolves when they migrated to Xijiao Continent.

Fifth-level monsters have wisdom, and the wisdom of "Heart-eating Demonic Wolf" is even higher than that of ordinary monsters of the same level. Naturally, it is difficult to find enough food for oneself and the group in the boundless sand sea full of sand everywhere. .

So after it learned the specific situation of Xijiaozhou from the demon king, it thought of a way to raise other herbivorous monsters for its own food.

This kind of captive food, in fact, ordinary wolves know how to do it, and the "heart-eating demon wolf" just carried it forward.

Now, the "Heart Devouring Demonic Wolf" often lives on the fifth-level spiritual mountain on Xijiao Island, and the wolf demons that spread throughout the oasis are its younger brothers.

When they first migrated to Xijiao Continent, these wolf demons had to donate the heart of a third-level monster every month to be devoured by the "Heart Devouring Demonic Wolf".

But as the original third-tier monsters on Xijiao Continent were gradually killed, the wolf monsters had to go deep into the surrounding sand seas to find suitable prey for the "Heart Devouring Demonic Wolf" to devour.

The time to present the prey has also been delayed again and again, until now it is only every six months that a third-level monster's heart can be guaranteed to be devoured by the "Heart Devouring Demonic Wolf".

When the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle carried Zhou Yang and his party into the sky above Xijiao Island, they were quickly spotted by wolf demons scattered all over the oasis, and then these wolf demons notified other The wolf demon has news of the invasion of foreign enemies.

And these wolf demons howled to deliver the news, and at the same time actively followed the figure of the golden-winged thunder eagle to chase after them. This is different from the reaction of those rhinoceros monsters when Zhou Yang came to Rhinoceros Island last time. very different.

Of course, relying on those monster wolves to catch up with the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle is simply wishful thinking.

The speed of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle was so fast that the "Heart Devouring Demon Wolf" on the fifth-level spirit mountain had just heard the warning sound of the same clan on its front feet, and rushed to the outside of the fifth-level spirit mountain with Zhou Yang and others on its back feet.


A wolf howl full of ferocity and brutality suddenly sounded from the mountain.

Zhou Yang and the others on the eagle's back only saw a flash of blue light in the sky, and a giant green-haired wolf with a body length of twenty or thirty feet appeared.

This giant green-haired wolf was nearly thirty feet long, with a pair of blood-red blood eyes, and the wolf fur on its chest and neck was also dark red as if it had been stained with blood.


While Zhou Yang and the others were looking at the green-haired giant wolf opposite, the green-haired giant wolf stared at the golden-winged Thunder Eagle they sat down with wolf eyes, and let out a wolf howl full of anger.

Before being driven out of the Duanyun Mountain Range, the "Heart Devouring Demonic Wolf" belonged to the same demon king as the fifth-rank top-grade monster, the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle. How rare, and how protective that fifth-tier top-grade monster, the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle, is.

That's why it didn't kill the intruder directly after discovering that it was a golden-winged Thunderhawk.

It may not be afraid of other fifth-rank monsters, but the fifth-rank top-rank monster Golden Winged Thunder Eagle is the existence that scares it the most besides the monster king.

Even with its madness and ferocity, he knew that once he offended the ancestor of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle clan, he would definitely die.

But now, when it saw that the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle in front of it was actually carrying a group of humans, willing to serve as their mounts, it became angry.

The monsters in the Broken Cloud Mountain Range regard human beings as mortal enemies, and they will kill those humans who enslave monsters as mounts. Although the "Heart Devouring Demonic Wolf" has a bad reputation among monsters, it is very effective in dealing with humans. On the monk side, its position is consistent with that of all monsters.

Therefore, while roaring and yelling that the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle has lost face as a monster, it mustered up its momentum to kill all the humans in front of it.

But just before it made a move, Zhou Yang had already made a move.

With a flash of black light, Xu Song's spooky ghost body appeared in midair, and then he released the huge python corpse and the bone clone together.


A low shout sounded from Xu Song's mouth, and the giant python corpse immediately neighed, and a layer of dark blue corpse flames rose from its body and flew towards the green-haired giant wolf.

At the same time, the bone clone also gave a strange "quack quack" laugh, and when the figure moved, it instantly turned into a white light and rushed towards the giant green-haired wolf.

"Let's do it together!"

Zhou Yang saw that Xu Song, who was the main force in the lead, had already made a move, and immediately let out a magic weapon and joined the battlefield with a low shout.

According to the pre-discussed plan, Xiao Ying, who was weak in cultivation, and Zhou Guangxiang, Gryphon, and Golden-winged Thunder Eagle intercepted the other fourth-order wolf monsters outside, while Xu Song, Jiang Yuyan, and Zhou Yang jointly attacked the green-haired giant wolf. siege.

"Heart Devouring Demonic Wolf" was expelled from the Duanyun Mountains and came to Xijiao Continent, and there were only two fourth-order wolf demons following it.

As for the fourth-order monsters of other races that were originally within its territory, they all wished that this killer star would go away quickly, how could it be possible to suffer with it in a place like the boundless sand sea.

Hearing Zhou Yang's order at this time, the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle immediately carried Xiao Ying and Zhou Guangxiang to the outside of the battlefield, intercepting the wolf demon that came to support him, and the Gryphon followed closely behind.

"Jiang Daoyou, Senior Xu will let the bone avatar and the giant python corpse desperately entangle the demon wolf, and Zhou will also replace the fourth-order puppet beast in due course, so your task is to attack with all your strength and cooperate with Senior Xu to kill the demon wolf. !"

Zhou Yang waited for the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle to take the people away, and immediately looked at Jiang Yuyan with a serious face and explained the situation.

At this time, nearly thirty years later, Jiang Yuyan's face became much older, and there was already a sense of death in her body. It was obvious that her life was not long, and she had only two years to live.

Hearing Zhou Yang's words at this time, she glanced at Xu Song, who was full of ghosts, with cloudy eyes, nodded silently, and responded in a hissed voice: "I understand, Zhou Daoyou is also careful, the fifth-order monster is not so It's easy to kill, beware of it detonating its demon core in a desperate counterattack!"

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand directly, urging the power of the "outer Dao Golden Elixir" in her body, sacrificed a golden mace and a golden flying sword, and struck towards the giant green-haired wolf.

After Yang Wenxiong was ordered by Zhang Yunpeng to go to Liuyun Island to shop with Xuanyang Xianzong and inquire about Zhou Yang's news, he brought back the news that Zhou Yang killed Zhong Chuming, a monk of the Imperial Beast Sect's Jindan period.

Naturally, Zhou Yang raised a Jindan stage ghost cultivator, and was brought back together.

Ever since they knew that Zhou Yang was following Jin Danqi's ghost cultivator, although Zhang Yunpeng and Jiang Yuyan didn't mention it, their hearts were full of jealousy and fear towards Zhou Yang.

Whether it was Zhou Yang's killing of Jindanqi cultivator Zhong Chuming, or the matter of making Jindanqi ghost cultivator recognize him as the master, it was completely beyond the imagination of these two people. They didn't understand how Zhou Yang did it at all. Such an incredible thing.

This kind of unknown made the two of them feel weak when they faced Zhou Yang, and they didn't dare to say harsh words at all.

For example, Zhou Yang went to Huangshamen to rent a fourth-order top-grade puppet beast. It stands to reason that such treasures passed down by the sect and used to suppress the sect cannot be lent to outsiders, especially after learning that Zhou Yang is going to use the puppet beast. In the case of dealing with fifth-order monsters.

But after Zhou Yang explained the importance of opening and expanding Xijiaozhou to the Zhou family and Huang Shamen to divide and rule the boundless sand sea and immortal cultivation world, Zhang Yunpeng still gritted his teeth and agreed to his request to rent a fourth-level high-grade puppet beast.

Zhou Yang had already made it very clear at that time, if you don't support me in opening up Xijiaozhou to obtain resources, then if my Zhou family wants to develop, it can only compete with your Huangshamen for resources on the existing site.

And facing the Zhou family with Jindanqi cultivators in charge, what would Huang Shamen do to rob the Zhou family?

Jiang Yuyan was a bit skeptical about the news from the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, thinking that the news might be a bit exaggerated, and regarded a powerful ghost as a ghost cultivator in the golden elixir stage.

In other words, even if Zhou Yang is really accompanied by a ghost cultivator at the golden core stage, since the ghost cultivator's combat power is weaker than that of monks of the same rank, she shouldn't need to be too afraid.

But now, after seeing the two monsters under Xu Song's command, she felt very lucky that she didn't fall out with Zhou Yang.

Otherwise, the strength displayed by Xu Song would be enough to crush her, a "false golden elixir" monk.

"Maybe we can really win today!"

Jiang Yuyan, who had this thought in his mind, urged the magic weapon with all his strength to cooperate with Xu Song to attack the giant green-haired wolf.

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