Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 416 Besieged and Killed the Heart Devouring Demonic Wolf (Continued)

The wolf roared, and the ghost roared.

The sky over Xijiao Island, which was originally a clear and clear sky, is now covered by ghosts and no one is seen.

Xu Song was an eighth-level golden elixir monk during his lifetime, so his strength naturally cannot be measured by ordinary golden elixir level one ghost cultivators.

Although Zhou Yang didn't know the origin of the ghost way and devil art he practiced, he knew that its grade would definitely not be inferior to any high-level exercises.

At this time, the "Sen Luo Ghost Curtain" that covered the sky and covered the sky for dozens of miles was Xu Song's supernatural power.

In this "Senluo Ghost Screen", no matter whether it is a human or a monster, their spiritual consciousness and five senses will be greatly suppressed, and they will encounter numerous phantom attacks.

But Xu Song, who is a ghost cultivator, can move the ghost body to any position in the ghost screen like a teleportation technique, making it impossible for people to attack his real body.

The green-haired giant wolf had never fought against Guixiu before, so how could he know how to do this, he was trapped in the ghost screen as soon as he fought, and then he was surrounded by the bone clone and the giant python corpse inside.

And whenever the green-haired giant wolf was unwilling to be trapped and wanted to break out of the ghost screen, Jiang Yuyan and Zhou Yang who were waiting outside would beat it back inside together.

At this time, it was obvious to Zhou Yang how important it was for him to stop the two fourth-tier demon wolves and many third-tier demon wolves.

If those Tier 4 and Tier 3 demon wolves hadn't been stopped, and with these younger brothers desperately trying to rescue them, the giant green-haired wolf would have easily broken out.

And once it runs out of the range of the ghost screen, it will be difficult to trap it again.

However, the green-haired giant wolf is a fifth-level monster after all, and after failing to break through many times in a row, it also realized the danger.


Only the sound of a wolf howling could be heard from the ghost screen, the mouth of the giant green-haired wolf opened wide, and it actually spit out its own demon pill.


As soon as the blue-red demon pill came out of the wolf's mouth, it crushed towards the outside of the ghost screen with an incomparable momentum.

Where the demon pill passed by, the black ghost curtain seemed to be cut open by a knife, and a white line was drawn out of thin air, revealing the bright sunlight outside.

The demon pill itself is one of the strongest attack methods of the monster. Once the monster spits out the demon pill to attack, it means that it has started to desperately.

Due to the sudden incident, by the time Zhou Yang and Jiang Yuyan outside realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

Under the blow of this demon pill, no matter it was the golden mace and golden sword of the royal envoy Jiang Yuyan, or the flying sword and thousand-bladed magic weapon of the imperial envoy Zhou Yang, they were all blown away at once.

But the green-haired giant wolf rushed out following the demon pill.

"Give me back!"

Zhou Yang shouted angrily, and with a thought, a silver lightning flashed and blocked the path of the green-haired giant wolf, revealing a puppet giant ape several feet high made of silver-white metal.

This puppet giant ape appeared in front of and behind the giant green-haired wolf, and with a loud roar, lightning flashed on the silver fist, and he raised his hand and punched the giant green-haired wolf's head fiercely.

This change was somewhat beyond the expectation of the green-haired giant wolf, but it was a fifth-order monster that had experienced many battles after all. After being dazed for a while, it opened its mouth to bite the fist of the puppet giant ape with a fierce look in its eyes.

It is a fifth-level monster. This wolf tooth can even bite through the defense of a fifth-level monster rhinoceros and giant elephant. If you don't believe it, it can't stop biting the arm of a fourth-level monster ape.

But this time it really miscalculated.

The giant puppet ape's fist was so fast that it completely exceeded the blue-haired giant wolf's expectation. As soon as it opened its mouth, it seemed to be punched by the puppet giant ape, almost It didn't smash its wolf teeth into pieces.

Moreover, under the burning of the silver-white lightning carried by the fist of the puppet giant ape, the tender meat and tongue in the mouth of the giant green-haired wolf were directly roasted, and there were bursts of black smoke that smelled like meat, wisps of smoke It overflows from the gaps in its wolf mouth and nostrils, and the smell makes your index finger move.

Fortunately, the puppet giant ape is just a puppet, and has no sense of taste or smell at all, and can only execute the orders of its master coldly.

Therefore, it was not affected by the smell of the meat at all, and it punched the giant green-haired wolf several times in succession, until its huge wolf body flew back for a while.

It's a pity that the green-haired giant wolf is a fifth-order monster after all, and its ability to resist beatings is not for boasting.

Every punch of the puppet giant ape's attack is enough to kill or seriously injure a low-grade monster beast of the fourth rank, but when it hit the giant green-haired wolf, it only left a black fist mark on its body after the electric current burned its hair. The injury is not enough.

If it weren't for the electric paralysis that slightly affected the giant blue-haired wolf's ability to move, it might not have had a second chance to punch.

But even so, after several punches in a row, the green-haired giant wolf came back to his senses a little bit, and launched a counterattack in a rage.

With a wave of its wolf claws, a cyan claw light directly left a foot-deep wound on the puppet giant ape, and then opened its mouth to spit out a sharp wind blade and slashed at the puppet giant ape.

At the same time, with a thought, the demon pill that was spit out to break through was summoned and flew back into its mouth.

The demon core is the source of power for high-level monsters. Without the demon core, the strength of high-level monsters will drop a lot.

If the green-haired giant wolf was still in the body with the demon core, the puppet giant ape would not have the possibility of punching the second time, because the green-haired giant wolf can completely rely on the power brought by the demon core to be immune to the effect of electric current paralysis, and then directly tear it into pieces .

Facing the wind blade attack of the green-haired giant wolf, the puppet giant ape once again demonstrated the ability to quickly cut into the battlefield at the beginning. With a flash of lightning on his body, he disappeared in place and appeared in mid-air hundreds of feet away .

Then it suddenly raised its fist and slammed it on its chest.


There was a thunderous explosion, and a bowl-thick silver-white beam of lightning suddenly shot out from the silver mirror on the puppet giant ape's chest, and directly hit the giant green-haired wolf.

The power of this blow is not comparable to the previous simple fist attack.

Even though the green-haired giant wolf is a fifth-order monster with thick skin and strong defense, it was blown away by the lightning beam for dozens of feet, leaving a scorched wound the size of a bucket on its body. The wolf bones that were also burnt black could be faintly seen.

This hit the giant green-haired wolf in pain, and completely enraged it.

It took a serious look at the giant ape puppet beast, and activated the supernatural power "blood therapy" of the "Heart Devouring Demonic Wolf", and the rotten flesh and rotting bones fell off piece by piece from the wound on its body caused by the puppet giant ape, and then The blood and flesh in the wound squirmed, and healed quickly visible to the naked eye and returned to its original state.

While it was healing, its revenge attack was also launched.

It opened its mouth and sucked in, and a strong wind pressure covered the giant ape puppet, unable to move even an inch, and could only watch it turn into a blue light and rush towards him.

"Get back!"

Just when the green-haired giant wolf was about to kill the puppet giant ape, a red giant sword fell from the sky and slashed on it fiercely, interrupting its attack.

Then a gleaming golden mace and an extremely sharp golden sword fell on it, injuring it again.

It was Zhou Yang and Jiang Yuyan who finally recalled the magic weapon dropped by the demon pill after the puppet giant ape procrastinated for a while and joined the siege.

Immediately afterwards, the bone avatar controlled by Xu Song also turned into a white light and rushed out of the ghost screen, and directly threw itself in front of the green-haired giant wolf and started a hand-to-hand fight with it.

In this way, with the bone avatar nearby, and many magical weapons besieged far away, the green-haired giant wolf failed again to break through, and was soon swept in by Xu Song's control of the ghost screen.

At this time, Zhou Yang had time to call the puppet giant ape back to his side, and replace the high-grade spirit stone in the spirit stone groove in his body for him.

The rank of this puppet giant ape is as high as the fourth-rank top-rank, and a piece of top-rank spirit stone can only support it to continue fighting for a quarter of an hour.

But if he uses a big attack like the lightning beam like just now, a high-grade spirit stone can only be used by him for one blow and needs to be replaced. Otherwise, the remaining spirit power can barely sustain him to continue fighting for a quarter of an hour, and he still can't. Do your best.

This is also the reason why the giant ape puppet beast was easily suppressed by the green-haired giant wolf with magical powers just now, and was unable to move an inch.

Moreover, this puppet giant ape is a rare thunder-attribute puppet beast. Only by using top-grade lightning-type spirit stones can it display its full strength, and only by using high-grade lightning-type spirit stones as energy can it activate the previous lightning beam. Big move.

However, there are only three high-grade spirit stones of this attribute in Zhou Yang's hands!

After replacing the spirit stone of the puppet beast, Zhou Yang turned his eyes, but looked at Jiang Yuyan seriously and said: "Friend Jiang, the test is almost over, we should really go all out, otherwise when the puppet beast loses its effect, this one The generals are even more difficult to fight!"

It turned out that in the battle just now, the two of them hadn't used their full strength. All their attacks were just to test the strength of the giant green wolf and learn about its supernatural powers.

Now that he has discovered the core talent of the green-haired giant wolf, "blood therapy", Zhou Yang doesn't plan to test it anymore, and is ready to finish his work and deal with this fifth-order monster directly.

"Since Daoist Zhou said so, the old man can only risk his life to accompany him!"

Jiang Yuyan glanced at him, and answered with a hoarse voice.

Seeing that she agreed, Zhou Yang was refreshed, and with a wave of his hand, he took out a gleaming fiery red talisman and handed it to her, saying, "Zhou's mana is weak, so I will give this talisman to Fellow Daoist Jiang for safekeeping. If that beast can If you survived our joint attack, fellow daoists, use this talisman to give it the final blow!"

This fifth-order low-grade spirit talisman "Heavenly Fire and Meteor Talisman" was obtained by killing Zhong Chuming, a monk in the Jindan period of the Beast Master Sect.

If it weren't for the fact that the Xijiao Continent was really important to the Zhou family, and if the green-haired giant wolf were released, it might bring a huge disaster to the Zhou family, he would never be willing to use this thing.

"Fifth-order attack talisman!"

"I didn't expect Zhou Daoyou to hide such a good thing!"

Jiang Yuyan is also a person who knows the goods. When she saw the fifth-order magic talisman, her face was shocked, and she couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Then she glanced at Zhou Yang with complicated eyes, raised her hand to put away the talisman, and said with a serious face: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Zhou, I will definitely not use this unless it is absolutely necessary."

The fifth-order magic talisman that can only be used once, of course, cannot compare with the fifth-order magic weapon that can be used repeatedly in terms of value.

But for a force that doesn't have a monk in the golden core period, the value of this thing is actually greater than that of a fifth-order magic weapon.

Jiang Yuyan originally had the fifth-level talismans inherited from the sect, but before she came out this time, she had already handed over all the fifth-level talismans to Taoist Zhang Yunpeng for safekeeping.

Now, apart from the two fifth-order magic weapons, there are only a dozen middle-grade spirit stones left on her body to replenish mana, which can be described as poor.

For her, Zhou Yang entrusted her with the fifth-order talisman for safekeeping. Apart from the lack of magic power he said, he couldn't activate it as quickly as she did. It was a temptation of trust.

That's why she said what she said just now seriously, to show that she will never take the opportunity to consume the Zhou family's heritage.

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