Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 417: The Curtain Ends

After Zhou Yang made the decision to fight, it wasn't him and Jiang Yuyan who fought first, but Xu Song who trapped the green-haired giant wolf.

After receiving his order for a decisive battle, Xu Song immediately performed a magic technique, which aroused the potential of the giant python corpse.

Then the giant python demon corpse, which was severely injured by the green-haired giant wolf, surged with corpse energy, instantly repaired the broken wounds on its body, roared and rushed to the green-haired giant wolf, and directly entangled with the green-haired giant wolf.

It had used this trick to trap the giant green-haired wolf before, but it was quickly freed by the giant green-haired wolf, and cut its body into several pieces.

If it hadn't been turned into a demon corpse, its body could be repaired by sacrifice at any time, and it could be slaughtered in one fell swoop.

So seeing it entangled again without knowing life and death, the giant green-haired wolf was ready to repeat the same trick and teach it a lesson of dismemberment.

It's just that the green-haired giant wolf didn't expect that the body of the giant python corpse was much stronger than before after being aroused by the secret magic technique.

After repeating its old tricks, not only did it fail to escape from the entanglement of the giant python demon corpse, but it wasted the best escape time.

When it broke free from the giant python's entanglement, Xu Song's bone clone flew over it, opened his mouth and spit out, and directly spit out a cloud of white magic flames and landed on it.


The white magic flame, which was only the size of an adult's fist, fell on the green-haired giant wolf, like sparks falling into an oil drum filled with gasoline, and instantly ignited a white magic flame that soared into the sky.

The difference is that it is not gasoline that supports the burning of the white magic flame, but the corpse aura of the giant python corpse wrapped around the body of the giant green wolf, which is the vitality of the giant green wolf itself.

Xu Song was planning to use the "lose-lose" style of play, inflicting heavy damage on the green-haired giant wolf by sacrificing the corpse of the giant python.

Over the years, no matter how he cultivated it, he couldn't raise the giant python corpse to the fifth level, which made him understand that the potential of this monster corpse was just like this, so he didn't feel any pity in sacrificing this monster corpse now.

Good steel must be used on the blade, sacrificing a fourth-level giant python corpse can kill a fifth-level monster, this deal is undoubtedly very lucrative.

It's just that the giant green-haired wolf is of course not willing to stand still.

The burning of the white magic flame made him feel the threat of death. If the white magic flame on his body could not be extinguished, no matter how great its vitality was, it would be burned by it little by little.


It roared furiously, and all the blue wolf hairs all over its body suddenly fell off and turned into steel needles that shot out, instantly smashing the giant python corpse that was entangled with it.

Although this was not enough for the painless giant python corpse to loosen its entanglement, the wolf hair breaking out also consumed and dispersed a lot of power of the giant python corpse, reducing the entanglement power a lot.

However, the giant green-haired wolf seized this opportunity, struggled violently, and broke free half of its body in one fell swoop.

Then the wolf claws that came out of it grabbed the body of the giant python demon, and the sharp wolf claws easily tore the python body and tore the giant python demon corpse apart.

But at this moment, Xu Song's bone avatar jumped down again, riding directly on top of its head and stretching out its bone claws to poke one of its wolf eyes.


The bone claw was like a hook, piercing into the eye socket of the giant green-haired wolf, abruptly pulling out a wolf eye as big as a sea bowl.


The wolf's eyes were plucked, and the giant green-haired wolf howled in pain. Dang Lian raised a wolf paw and ruthlessly swept towards the bone clone above his head.

It's a pity that the bone avatar is extremely flexible, and the eyeballs holding it flew away at once.

Finally, the green-haired giant wolf knew that the most urgent task was to extinguish the white magic flames on its body, and instead of chasing the bone clone, it released a large amount of mana in the demon core, and used powerful mana to extinguish the white magic flames on its body.

Then it looked up at the bone clone with its only remaining eye, a look of hatred flashed in its eyes, and its body quickly turned into a blue light and rushed out, but it was ready to flee the battlefield first.

It's just that although it can restrain the anger in its heart and make the right choice, it doesn't know that today's enemy has no intention of letting it escape alive.

Just as it rushed out of the ghost screen, a huge golden mace suddenly smashed down on the head with a thousand mace shadows, hitting it on the back in an instant.

Suddenly, the green-haired giant wolf felt as if his back had been slapped by a palm of the fifth-order bear demon, and half of his body was so painful that he lost consciousness.

Then before it could recover from the severe pain, a golden sword shadow rushed up from under it again, piercing through the wolf claw it hastily intercepted and piercing into its abdomen.

In an instant, the sharp sword energy erupted from its body, instantly cutting its intestines, liver and other internal organs into countless wounds, and even its heart was cut many wounds by the sword energy.

That is to say, the vitality of its fifth-order monster body is so strong that it didn't die instantly.

If it was a human monk, even if it was a Jindan stage monk who was hit by such two long-charged fifth-order magic weapons, he would definitely be dead.

Blood therapy!

The bloody light emerged from the body of the giant green-haired wolf, and the innate healing powers of the "Heart Devouring Demonic Wolf" clan were stimulated to the extreme by it.

At the same time, the power of the demon core in its body surged out, forcing the flying sword and sword energy pierced into the body out of the body.

What's rare is that while it was healing, its body didn't stop at all, and it was still desperately yearning to break out and escape.

"Leave it to me!"

Zhou Yang let out a low shout, and a flame dragon condensed with golden flames roared and blocked the path of the green-haired giant wolf.


The flames soared into the sky, and the green-haired giant wolf broke out from the center of the flames again, covered in flames.

It's just that at this time, its body is covered with blood blisters scalded by high-temperature flames, like a huge mangy dog, ugly and ferocious.

When Zhou Yang saw the green-haired giant wolf break out again, his expression did not change at all.

His attack is not the only one.

There was a flash of thunder, and the green-haired giant wolf that had just rushed out of the center of the fire, before he could take a breath, was bombarded by a thick silver-white lightning beam, and was directly blasted back into the flame area behind him .

Immediately afterwards, a crimson giant sword fell from the sky, slashed fiercely on the back of the green-haired giant wolf, and directly tore a bloody mouth several feet long there.

Since Zhou Yang was promoted to become a fourth-level middle-grade craftsman, he added some materials to refine the twelve damaged "Da Yan Shen Light Swords" at the beginning, not only repairing the damaged sword body, but also It is to raise its grade to the fourth-order middle grade.

Now that the twelve "Da Yan Shen Light Swords" have been combined into one, the power has already caught up with the fifth-order flying sword.

And the green-haired giant wolf's back was hit hard by Jiang Yuyan's golden mace, and was burned with many blood bubbles by the "Qianyang True Fire", and its defense power was no longer as good as before.

Under various conditions, the damage he caused to the green-haired giant wolf with this sword seemed to be better than that of Jiang Yuyan's attack with a fifth-order magic weapon.


The giant green-haired wolf howled miserably, and the remaining one eye was full of fear and panic.

It has never been hit so hard like it is today, even when faced with the pursuit of several fifth-level monsters, it was able to retreat calmly.

Today's battle is also the most embarrassing battle it has experienced since it was promoted to the fifth-level monster. From the beginning to the end, it didn't even touch the enemy's body, and it was always passively beaten.

Now that it has been wounded one after another, it has already felt the threat of death. It knows that if it does not fight back and break out, it is really possible to die at the hands of these hateful humans today.

Ever since, in order to break out of the siege and escape for its life, it spit out its demon pill that has been cultivating for thousands of years for the second time.

The difference is that this time after the green-haired giant wolf spit out the demon pill, it didn't smash it at anyone like a magical weapon, but activated the majestic power contained in the demon pill, and cast a powerful wind spell.

Whoosh whoosh!

The sound of piercing the air was loud, and the wind blades filled the sky.

Thousands of blue wind blades shot out in all directions centered on the blue-haired giant wolf in an instant, making people unable to hide but to resist.

The attack power of these cyan wind blades alone is equivalent to a third-tier high-grade spell, but there are too many of them.

Facing the wind blade attack all over the sky, the high-cultivation Xu Song and Jiang Yuyan were fine, they could rely on the powerful magic power of the Jindan stage to prop up the shield magic weapon defense.

Zhou Yang, whose cultivation base was much worse, was miserable.

He sacrificed the spirit turtle shield magic weapon he refined from a part of the "Genshan turtle" to block in front of him, but it only blocked forty or fifty wind blades, and this extremely hard fourth-order middle-grade magic weapon was hardened. It was broken into pieces.

Caught off guard, he only had time to activate the "Golden Light of the Dry Sun" and the fourth-order top-grade magic weapon "Celestial Silkworm Clothes" obtained from the relics of the monks of the Great Bright Immortal Palace to protect him, but he was struck by the subsequent wind blade and fell into the air. On the ground, life and death are unknown.

A fifth-order monster is a fifth-order monster. Even if Zhou Yang’s strength is difficult to meet in the Zifu period, after facing the attack of the fifth-order monster, he will not be able to survive a single move without a fifth-order magic weapon to resist it. .

His fighting skills are actually far superior to many ninth-level cultivators of the Purple Mansion, but his mana is not as strong as the ninth-level cultivators of the Purple Mansion after all, and he cannot sacrifice fifth-tier magical weapons to defend himself.

Otherwise, with the many fifth-order magic weapons on his body, he would not be as miserable as he is now if he just sacrificed a piece of self-defense.

Fortunately, the green-haired giant wolf's counterattack at this time was just to escape better. After seeing him fall to the ground, he did not make up for him at all, but directly broke through the blank area left by his fall.

"Hey! It seems that we still need to use this thing!"

Seeing that the green-haired giant wolf was about to break out, Jiang Yuyan couldn't help sighing softly, then raised her hand, took out the fifth-order low-grade spiritual talisman "Skyfire Meteor Talisman" given by Zhou Yang, injected it with mana and activated it.

It was also the first time for her to use such a high-level talisman. As a talisman maker, she was actually very happy to be able to use such a high-level talisman before sitting down.

After the talisman was activated, it immediately turned into a huge crimson fireball like a house and shot towards the green-haired giant wolf.

The fireball was extremely fast, as fast as a meteor, without giving the giant green-haired wolf any time to react, it had already landed on it and exploded.

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