Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 418 Seriously Injured

When Zhou Yang woke up, the battle of Xijiaozhou had been over for half a day.

At that time, he was cut down into the clouds by the wind blade all over the sky. Although he was not killed on the spot with the protection of the fourth-tier top-grade defensive magic weapon "Celestial Silkworm Treasure Clothes" and his own powerful physical defense, he was also thrown unconscious and seriously injured. .

Fortunately, he came to Xijiaozhou this time and brought his Taoist companion Xiao Ying.

At that time, after Jiang Yuyan activated the fifth-level low-grade spiritual talisman "Heavenly Fire and Meteor Talisman" to inflict heavy damage on the green-haired giant wolf, Xu Song immediately seized the opportunity to attach himself, and directly sacrificed the magic banner to cooperate with the soul-destroying ghost technique to suppress the green-haired giant wolf. Beast souls, to prevent the green-haired giant wolf from exploding its demon core in a desperate situation.

Then Jiang Yuyan drew the flying sword, and beheaded the giant green-haired wolf that Xu Song had suppressed the beast soul and demon core.

As soon as the green-haired giant wolf died, Xu Song only had time to collect its beast soul and demon pill, and then hurriedly found Xiao Ying and cast a spell to treat Zhou Yang.

After Xiao Ying performed "Qinghua Crossing Evil Immortal Light" more than a dozen times with tears in her eyes, most of Zhou Yang's bones were broken, and most of his internal organs were shattered. Finally, he saved his life.

"Guangxiang, you take my dakini building boat to sacrifice, everything goes according to plan, and immediately take over the middle and low-level monks in the family."

"Jiang Daoyou, thank you Jiang Daoyou for your help this time, our Zhou family was able to win Xijiaozhou in one fell swoop. Zhou and the Zhou family are very grateful for the help of Daoist friend this time, and there will be rewards in the future. The puppet beast is also troublesome." You bring it back to Zhang Sect Leader."

"Senior Xu, this junior needs to go back to his family to heal his wounds, so I will ask you to sit in the town for a while in Xijiaozhou. After the junior recovers from his injuries, he will replace the senior."

In the cave of the fifth-order monster "Heart Devouring Demon Wolf", Zhou Yang woke up after listening to the battle, endured the piercing pain in his body, gritted his teeth and calmly watched the people in the cave say process result.

He is very aware of his injuries, even if he is treated with Taoist companion Xiao Ying's supernatural powers, even if he is restored with the healing elixir, he will not be able to recover completely within two or three years.

During this period of time, the Zhou family's plan to develop Xijiaozhou couldn't be delayed just because he was injured.

Now that the fifth-tier monster "Heart-eating Devil Wolf" is dead, and the other two fourth-tier monsters and a large number of third-tier monsters have been killed, the fertile land of Xijiaozhou is completely open for the Zhou family to develop.

"Uncle Ninth, you can rest assured that you are recovering from your injuries. There is a nephew for everything in the family."

Zhou Guangxiang patted his chest, and complied with his order with a straight face.

Jiang Yuyan looked at Zhou Yang who was pale as gold paper on the bed with a complicated complexion, and said in a low voice: "After I go back this time, I should be able to sit down for a year at most. From now on, Huang Shamen will ask Fellow Daoist Zhou for help." I've taken care of it, and I hope fellow Taoists don't forget the agreement with my master to ensure that my Huang Shamen will continue to pass on!"

Although Zhou Yang looked seriously injured and dying, Jiang Yuyan didn't dare to underestimate this young junior any more.

Rumors are just rumors after all, far less shocking than witnessing.

Today, as a personal participant in besieging the fifth-order monster "Heart-eating Demon Wolf", Jiang Yuyan certainly contributed a lot, but she knew very well that her contribution was only to ensure that the "Heart-devouring Demon Wolf" could be killed.

Even without her action, defeating the "Heart Devouring Demonic Wolf" would not be a problem at all with the means Zhou Yang and Xu Song showed today.

So even though she was very reluctant to admit it, she had to admit that the Zhou family was the well-deserved overlord in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea.

The era when Huang Shamen ruled the boundless sand sea and the world of cultivating immortals is over!

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Jiang, this Xijiao Island and the surrounding sand sea area are enough for my Zhou family to develop for hundreds of thousands of years. Zhou's promise to Senior Cao will always be valid. Please tell Fellow Daoist Jiang about this again. Master."

Zhou Yang understood the meaning of Jiang Yuyan's words, and immediately gave her a reassurance, and promised again and again that he would abide by the agreement and not move the foundation of Huang Shamen.

"The old man will take his leave first."

Jiang Yuyan's expression relaxed, she nodded slightly, and was the first to turn around and leave the cave.

After she left, Zhou Yang forcibly mobilized a bit of mana to open the storage ring, took out the sky boat inside, wiped off the imprint of his own spiritual consciousness, and handed it to Zhou Guangxiang.

"Give this object to Guangxiang for you to sacrifice and refine. After we clean it up, we will return to the family first."

Zhou Yang was eager to return to his family to recuperate from his injuries, naturally he was worried that he would repeat the same mistakes as Cao Wenjin did last time.

Although he believed in Master Qingyang's judgment very much, he valued his own life more.

If he hadn't been seriously injured like this, he might not be so conservative, but now, he prefers to call this conservativeness cautious.

After nearly a month passed like this, Zhou Yang and his party finally returned to Chihu Mountain safely.

After returning to Chihu Mountain, Zhou Guangxiang, who had just refined the Kongxinglouchuan, immediately began to transfer those low- and middle-level monks.

At this time, it had been a month since the death of the "Heart Devouring Demon Wolf". It would take at least one more month for Zhou Guangxiang to transport the monks to Xijiao Island.

Even if the demon king in the Duanyun Mountain Range could sense the death of the "Heart Devouring Demon Wolf" and send that fifth-rank high-grade monster golden-winged Thunder Eagle to take revenge, the time would still be enough for the opponent to run back and forth several times.

But they came all the way, and they didn't encounter any monsters to chase them, and they didn't receive any warning from Xu Song who lives in Xijiaozhou, so the situation is already clear.

So Zhou Yang is not worried about the safety of Zhou family monks going to Xijiaozhou.

It is even a bit too much to say that even if the fifth-level monsters continue to come, the Zhou family will lose some middle and low-level monks at most.

And if you want to get benefits, how can you not take risks?

Zhou Yang, as the supreme elder of the family, was able to risk his life to fight ahead. Those middle and low-level monks should naturally contribute more to the development of the family.

For the next two or three years, Zhou Yang recuperated on the Chihu Mountain with peace of mind, receiving daily treatment from Taoist companion Xiao Ying's "Qinghua Crossing Evil Immortal Light".

Because of his severe injuries, he couldn't even carry out his daily practice, and he couldn't use mana beyond the foundation establishment period.

In this way, he could only spend his time accompanying Xiao Ying, his Taoist companion, and occasionally pointing out the two apprentices and other Zhou Family Foundation Establishment monks who came to ask for advice.

This kind of leisurely life made him very uncomfortable and depressed.

Contrary to him, Xiao Ying is extremely satisfied with her life in the past two or three years.

The two have been together for hundreds of years. Since Zhou Yang's cultivation has become higher and higher, he has rarely been by her side every day like in the past few years.

Even if Zhou Yang is not in retreat, he is always busy with various things, and the two of them will not spend more than an hour together in a day.

But now, on the grounds that Zhou Yang was injured and needed to recuperate, she forbade the monks of the Zhou family to disturb Zhou Yang too much, and finally she was able to monopolize Zhou Yang for several years.

Zhou Yang naturally sensed the Taoist companion's little thoughts, and he was quite ashamed of this. Out of compensation, he also acquiesced to the Taoist companion's arrangement.

However, compared to Zhou Yang's leisurely and comfortable life, the movements in the Zhou family and outside the world of cultivating immortals are a bit louder.

First of all, after he returned to the family, the news that the Zhou family occupied Xijiaozhou was officially announced. At the same time, the news announced was also that the Zhou family allowed outside monks to explore in the direction of Xijiaozhou.

At this time, Zhou Yang's "New Homeland Project" was no longer a secret, and the fact that the Zhou family built a "Road of Life" to connect Xijiaozhou and the existing world of cultivating immortals was widely publicized.

Then, as Zhou Yang expected, many unsatisfactory small family monks and daring casual cultivators, even some casual cultivators at the foundation establishment stage, were attracted by the news of the new cultivation world.

In the existing world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, even after the monks explore the unowned oasis with spiritual veins, they can still occupy and open up families.

But in fact, without the blessing of a strong backstage, and without strong strength to sit in charge, it would be very difficult to keep the oasis with spiritual veins from being violated.

The new immortal world is different. In order to attract monks to help develop the new immortal world, the Zhou family will not only protect those monk families who discover new oases and open up families, but also provide array masters to help arrange third-order array protection.

In the face of such generous conditions, it is no wonder that some casual cultivators in the foundation building period could not bear the temptation and went to the new world of cultivating immortals to explore the oasis.

In the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, it is too difficult for casual cultivators to go further during the foundation-building period. Therefore, except for a very small number of casual cultivators with extraordinary talents and lofty aspirations who are willing to attack higher realms, the vast majority of casual cultivators After the cultivation base reached the foundation building stage, they all put the pursuit of improving the realm of personal cultivation base on the establishment of the power of the Xiuxian family.

Compared with the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, the geographical environment of the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea is undoubtedly more suitable for the survival of the cultivating family.

A medium-sized oasis with a third-order spiritual vein is enough to support a foundation-building family, and as long as the location of the oasis is not disclosed to the public, there is almost no external risk except for guarding against some monsters that occasionally break into the oasis.

Back then, the Zhou family was so weak that there were only a few dozen monks left, and it was proof that the family could survive until the family re-emerged.

If this situation were placed in a place like Liuyunzhou's Immortal Cultivation World, as long as a family declined a little bit and there was no powerful main family to take care of it, it would soon be swallowed up by other nearby families.

Now there are many cultivating families in the world of immortality in the boundless sand sea, only a small number of them are like the Zhou family, and the foundation-building monks of the Huangshamen directly resigned to start the family. Most of the founders of the cultivating families are actually casual cultivators.

Including the Chen family known to Zhou Yang, the original founder was also a Foundation Establishment Loose Cultivator.

In the past, after these monks established a family, they would try their best to gain a relationship with the Huang Shamen, and strive to become a vassal family of the Huang Shamen, enjoying the protection and care of the Huang Shamen.

But the Huang Shamen, who used to dominate the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, would not easily protect a family of cultivators. If the family opened by the monks who built foundations scattered wants to rely on the Huang Shamen, they must pay three times the tribute of normal vassal families for a hundred years. OK.

If a newly established family pays such a high tribute, how many resources are there for cultivating the younger generation of the family?

So later, after some casual cultivators established their families, they turned to join the Zifu family like the Chen family, hoping to obtain the protection of the Zifu family.

For example, the vassal Jianji families on the Baisha River Oasis of the Chen family, as well as the Guo Shaoyang family, Huang Yi family and other families that the Zhou family is now protecting.

However, the foundation-building families that a Zifu family can protect are actually limited. The Chen family can only protect a few foundation-building families in the Baisha River Oasis. For the foundation-building families outside the Baisha River Oasis, even if they accept their vassals, how much protection can they provide in the end? The power is also unknown.

The Zhou family was the same before.

But it's different now, the Zhou family now has the power to protect one side of the world of cultivating immortals.

As long as it is a family that goes to the new cultivation world to explore a new oasis and start a family, it can accept the protection of the Zhou family. This alone is worth the heart of many families who are interested in starting a family, or even those who have already started a family but have not yet found a main family.

Therefore, in the past two or three years, there has been an endless stream of monks who went to explore the new world of cultivating immortals, with new people joining every day.

Kawen is so uncomfortable, there is one more update tomorrow!

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