Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 419: A Long Flow! [4,000-word chapter for subscription]

"In the past three years, the number of monks who have gone to explore the new world of cultivating immortals through the No. 1 oasis has reached more than 2,300, including 13 monks in the foundation period."

"According to your instructions, Elder Supreme, our Zhou family gave each monk who went to explore the new world of cultivating immortals via No. 1 oasis a map leading to Xijiaozhou, and told them that they can go to various artificial oases to recuperate and replenish things."

"After three years of continuous exploration, the number of oases that have been explored in the new world of cultivating immortals has reached eight, including a medium-sized oasis with a third-level low-grade spiritual vein, and a small-to-medium-sized oasis with a second-level high-grade spiritual vein. There are two small oases of the second-level middle-grade spiritual veins, and the rest of the oases are small oases, even if there are spiritual veins, they are not good first-level spiritual veins, and cannot become a family foundation."

"At the same time, during the three years of continuous exploration, our Zhou family received news of seven ore veins, including two second-tier ore veins, five first-tier ore veins, and even a large refined iron ore vein."


In the Zhou Family Affairs Hall, Zhou Yang, who recovered from his injuries, listened to the report from the Zhou family monks on the development of the new world of cultivating immortals.

In fact, he has been paying attention to this news all the time, and he even knows that the medium-sized oasis discoverer is actually a cultivator of a foreign relative of the Zhou family. For this reason, he specially rewarded the other party with 20,000 family contribution points.

However, the news he knew must not be as detailed as the specific person in charge below, so now he came out of the cave after recovering from his injury, so he came to listen to the detailed report.

At this time, after listening to the other party's report on the exploration of the new immortal world, he thought about it silently, and then asked again: "Where is Xijiaozhou? Guangxiang and the others have been in Xijiaozhou for three years, but they can find out clearly what's going on there?"

"There are a total of 20 proven spiritual veins in Xijiao Continent, including one low-grade spiritual vein of the fifth rank, two upper-grade spiritual veins of the third rank, four lower-grade spiritual veins of the third rank, seven upper-grade spiritual veins of the second rank, and middle-grade spiritual veins of the second rank. Six pulses!"

"At the same time, there are a total of seven proven ore veins on Xijiao Continent. Excluding the almost hollowed out Lingshi mine, there are six ore veins, including a small third-tier ore vein [Xuanjing Iron], and a large second-tier ore mine. The ore lode [platinum stone] mine..."

"In addition, the family's animal trainers also discovered several monsters with great taming value on Xijiao Island, such as [Iron Armored Rhinoceros], [Blue-spotted Deer], [White-tailed Black Sheep], and [Fiery Horse]. Four monsters."

"Oh, by the way, the patriarch sent a message some time ago to say that a dark river with a large amount of water was found underground in Xijiao Island, and the breath of a third-level water demon was found in it. He suspected that the water in this dark river was very likely It flowed down from the snow-capped mountains of the Duanyun Mountains."

Xijiao Continent is undoubtedly rich in resources. Although the previous battle on Xijiao Continent, most of the spiritual herbs and elixir that were easy to mine on the oasis were pulled out by immortal cultivators, but no one could take away the spiritual veins and mineral veins.

The Zhou family has only occupied Xijiaozhou for three years now, and has discovered as many as six ore veins before investing all the manpower in the development, which shows the abundance of resources above.

Zhou Yang originally thought that this Rhinoceros Island could feed the Zhou family for a hundred years, but he was not aimless.

"I understand the situation. Next, we can ask the monks in the financial hall to sell those low-level instruments, magic symbols, and pills that have been hoarded over the years. It is time for our Zhou family to spend so much manpower and material resources in order to open up the road to the new world of cultivating immortals." Get some rewards!"

Zhou Yang's eyes flickered, and Shen Sheng said another plan of his own.

When he held a family meeting after his return, Zhou Guangyun, the elder of the Zhou Family Finance Hall at the time, suggested to him to temporarily reduce the flow of low-level materials to the market. The reason was that the market was saturated and the supply exceeded demand.

At that time, his opinion was not only to reduce the supply of low-level materials, but also to reverse purchase low-level materials from other places, which aroused the confusion of many Zhou family monks at that time.

Now his plan back then is finally about to show its power.

"Great! Now more and more monks are participating in the exploration of the new oasis, and the demand for various low-level materials has skyrocketed, especially the prices of materials such as magic charms, healing elixir, and bigu elixir. new highs!"

"Our Zhou family now has 350,000 bigu pills, more than 80,000 healing and detoxifying pills, more than 40,000 second-order magic symbols, and more than 5,000 second-order magic weapons..."

"According to the current price, no, even if these things are sold at a 20% discount from the current price, at least a profit of 500,000 yuan can be made!"

Zhou Tongxin, the current financial elder of the Zhou family, his eyes lit up, and his face was full of excitement, and he couldn't help but applaud loudly.

As the financial elder of the Zhou family, he has been under a lot of pressure in recent years.

Not to mention the spiritual stones spent on building a new oasis every year, but as the number of monks of the Zhou family is increasing year by year, the spiritual stones spent on purchasing various resources every year are already so worrying that he can hardly eat.

In the early years, the resource bonus brought by the Zhou family with less land and more is almost eaten up now. If you want to eat this kind of bonus again, you can only eat it after Xijiaozhou is fully developed.

However, as the elder in charge of the finances of the Zhou family, he knew better than anyone else that, given the distance between Xijiao Continent and the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, Xijiao Continent would not be able to provide much benefit to the Zhou family for at least thirty years.

After all, whether it is mining or farming, a large number of mortals must join in, and it is almost impossible for the Zhou family to directly migrate hundreds of thousands of mortals like they did when they migrated to Chihu Mountain.

Even if there are twenty-five oasis where you can rest and recuperate during the two to three hundred thousand li journey, it is difficult for one out of ten mortals to reach Xijiao Island alive.

Under such circumstances, as the financial elder of the Zhou family, how could he not be in a hurry in the face of increasing expenditures year by year.

If the Zhou family's financial expenses are greater than their income in his hands, then he, the financial elder, will appear too incompetent.

"Okay, I also know the family's financial situation. It's not your fault. Just two years later, the second big auction will be held. At that time, I will ask Guangxiang to take out some precious treasures from the inner treasury for auction. , this should allow the family to survive the next period of financial difficulty!"

Zhou Yang glanced at this excited junior, smiled lightly and told another piece of news.

That's right, it has been more than 30 years since he returned to his family from the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou. The grand auction he had planned for every 30 years will be held for the second time soon.

The first auction allowed the Zhou family to earn hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, and thus enabled the "New Homeland Project" to have start-up capital. Now that the second big auction is being held, all subsequent sources of funds for his plan will be used be resolved.

Next, Zhou Yang asked about some matters within the clan, and then set off for Huang Shamen.

After the Battle of Xijiaozhou, Jiang Yuyan did not hold on for half a year before going back to sit down.

But Zhou Yang was too seriously injured at the time to go to mourn for the other party. Now that he has recovered from his injuries, he has to go to pay respects to him.

What's more, he also has some things to discuss with Zhang Yunpeng.

With the fourth-order monster golden-winged Thunder Eagle, Zhou Yang rushed to the gate of Huangsha Gate after only a few hours.

Then he was received by Zhang Yunpeng who came over after hearing the news, and went to Jiang Yuyan's tomb to pay homage, and then talked about serious matters with Zhang Yunpeng.

"Master Zhang, you personally participated in the last big auction and saw the benefits of this kind of auction. Now my Zhou family is about to hold the second big auction. I wonder if Huang Shamen is interested in joining it? "

In the main hall used by Huang Shamen to entertain distinguished guests, after Zhou Yang and Zhang Yunpeng were seated as guests and hosts, they just politely took a sip of the spiritual tea at the table, and then directly stated their intentions without politeness.

Hearing what he said, Zhang Yunpeng's expression changed, and he couldn't help but look at him and said, "Oh, but I don't know how to join?"

The last time the Zhou family earned hundreds of thousands of spirit stones through a big auction, he was naturally envious, and even came up with the idea of ​​holding a big auction after returning.

However, thinking that doing so might make Zhou Yang feel that he was deliberately targeting the Zhou family, he had no choice but to stop this thought.

Now that Zhou Yang took the initiative to ask Huang Shamen to join the big auction, he was naturally moved.

"Zhou knows that Guimen has purchased a large number of Foundation Establishment Pills, Ziyun Pills, and other mid-to-high-level spirit pills from Xuanyang Xianzong over the years."

"These elixirs must not be digested normally by the noble family for decades, so it is better to take out 10% and participate in this big auction for sale, so that you can exchange for a large amount of spirit stones to buy [Purple Heart Chalcedony] ], [Jade Liquid Golden Elixir] and other treasures can benefit the entire world of cultivating immortals, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?"

"And Zhou can promise that the Zhou family will not charge any commission for the treasures consigned at the big auction in the future."

With a faint smile on Zhou Yang's face, he had already prepared to speak out his plan.

Apart from Zhang Yunpeng himself, there are probably few people who know more about Huang Shamen's situation than him.

Now that Huang Shamen and Xuanyang Immortal Sect are on the line, and after they have obtained the right to purchase Foundation Establishment Pills at a reasonable price, there will be no shortage of Foundation Establishment Pills in the next few hundred years.

But the monks of the Zifu period are a big shortcoming of the Huangshamen. So far, including Zhang Yunpeng, there are only three Zifu monks in the entire Huangshamen.

A sect is only supported by three Zifu monks. This is a situation that only occurs in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea. If it is replaced by the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, such a weak sect would have been wiped out long ago.

Therefore, Huang Shamen now urgently needs to increase the number of monks in the Zifu period.

However, the "Purple Heart Chalcedony" used to assist in the development of the Zifu is an extremely rare treasure, and it is not in the transaction list of Xuanyang Xianzong and Huang Shamen. If they want to obtain this treasure, they can only rely on participating Obtained from various high-level auctions held in Liuyunzhou's Immortal Cultivation World.

But in places like auctions, flower spirit stones are like flowing water. Once a treasure like "Purple Heart Chalcedony" appears, the price will be driven up to two to three hundred thousand spirit stones.

For the sake of long-term development, the former Huang Shamen would be willing to buy a copy of "Purple Heart Chalcedony" at such a premium every 20 to 30 years and return it to the monks of the sect to exchange for use.

But this was in the past. In the past, Huang Shamen had long-term monks at the golden core stage, and had maintained more than five Zifu monks for a long time.

These forces are completely sufficient to suppress the entire boundless sand sea and immortal cultivation world, and ensure that the Huang Shamen's dominance is as stable as Mount Tai. Of course, they can continue to flow like this.

Just like the current Zhou family, Zhou Yang obviously still has more than a dozen Foundation Establishment Pills in his hand, and obviously there are still materials that can be used to refine dozens of Foundation Establishment Pills. Sex created dozens of foundation-building monks for the family?

The reason is simple, it's not worth it.

It should be known that the resources in the world of cultivating immortals are limited, and every foundation-building cultivator appears, and a part of the resources of a faction must be allocated.

If Zhou Yang creates dozens of foundation-building monks for the Zhou family, not to mention where he will go to build Jidan for use by other younger generations in the next tens of hundreds of years, just the family contribution points and The resources such as panacea and magic tools used in various cultivations are not affordable by the Zhou family.

At that time, if he doesn't want these foundation-building monks cultivated by himself to leave the family, the only choice is to launch a war to plunder Huang Shamen and his vassal Xiuxian family, and then he will die because of the "ghost blood contract" !

From another point of view, it is basically impossible for these foundation-building monks who forcibly created a large number of foundation-building pills to break through the Zifu.

No matter how many such foundation-building monks there are, what is the effect on the Zhou family, which is actually the number one force in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea?

It's just an extra batch of "rice worms" enshrined by the Duoling family!

Therefore, even if it is a sect like Xuanyang Xianzong that can refine a large number of foundation building pills, they would rather sell the foundation building pills to outsiders than give free foundation building pills to those with high spiritual roots in the sect. It is not taken by monks during the Qi training period required.

No one will cherish something that is too easy to get. The reason why Foundation Establishment Pill is so precious is not only its rigid demand, which is in short supply, but also related to the value control of it by major forces.

This principle is actually the same on the higher level "Purple Heart Chalcedony".

The former Huang Shamen, in fact, as long as they wanted to, they could also exhaustively search the resources of the entire boundless sand sea of ​​cultivating immortals, buy a dozen or twenty copies of "Purple Heart Chalcedony" for the sect at one time, and bring back the purple heart chalcedony in the sect. The monks piled up double digits.

But what's the point of doing that?

How many of these Purple Mansion monks can cultivate to the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion before their lifespan is exhausted?

If they can't cultivate to the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion to hit the golden core stage, these monks are poisonous insects lying on the Zongmen's body and sucking blood for the Huang Shamen, which will only consume the Zongmen's resources and development potential.

And they can use resources to pile up Zifu monks, can they also pile up Jindan monks?

Since it is not possible, then it is better to use the method of continuous flow of water to keep the inheritance of the sect unbroken, and then concentrate resources to train those truly talented monks, in order to be able to cultivate monks at the Jindan stage who can really make the sect go further, or even the Yuan Dynasty. Infant monk!

Of course, these are the previous situations of Huang Shamen.

The situation is different now. There are only three monks in the Purple Mansion of Huang Shamen. This number is not enough to suppress the entire boundless sand sea of ​​cultivating immortals, or to protect the current interests of Huang Shamen from loss.

So the best way for Huang Shamen now is to use their savings to pile up a few Zifu monks to stabilize the sect, and then consider the matter of cultivating Jindan stage monks.

And to pile up a few Zifu monks, the spirit stone resource consumed will be an astronomical amount, and the spirit stones that Huang Shamen currently has in stock are far from enough.

"Okay, I agree. In this big auction, our Huang Shamen will take out seven Foundation Establishment Pills, one Ziyun Pill, and other third- and fourth-tier spirit pills for auction."

"But I also have a small condition, I hope Fellow Daoist Zhou can agree."

After Zhang Yunpeng thought about it, although he knew that Zhou Yang asked Huang Shamen to take out the Foundation Establishment Pill as an auction item in order to create momentum for the auction, he still agreed.

This chapter has more than 4,000 words!

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