Zhang Yunpeng's request is very simple.

Huang Shamen now has neither a fourth-tier craftsman, nor a fourth-tier alchemist, nor a fourth-tier array mage.

So his request is that the Zhou family can help the Huang Shamen refine the Foundation Establishment Pill in the future, and accept the Huang Shamen's commissions for refining some high-level magic weapons and setting up formations.

Of course Zhou Yang agreed to such a trivial matter.

Not to mention that helping Huang Shamen to refine alchemy is not free of charge. He has no reason to refuse if the other party is willing to provide materials for himself and his Taoist companion Xiao Ying to improve their alchemy and alchemy skills.

Speaking of which, Huang Shamen has been really miserable in recent years.

Not only the high-ranking monks in the Zifu period fell one after another, but also those who had achieved all kinds of skills in cultivating immortals also appeared in a situation of being out of touch.

Now, after several visits to the entire Huangshamen, the alchemy talisman array and the four kinds of monks who cultivate immortals and all kinds of arts, they can't find a fourth-level master.

If it weren't for the treasure house of the Zongmen's sect, there were still a lot of magic tools refined in the past, and now those foundation-building monks of the Huangshamen would face the situation that they would not be able to use the tools after they successfully opened up the Purple Mansion.

If this situation doesn't change as soon as possible, even with Zhou Yang taking care of him, Huang Shamen's future fate will definitely not be much better.

Of course, for Zhou Yang and the Zhou family, the decline of Huang Shamen is always something they are happy to see happen.

The world of cultivating immortals is so cruel. When resources are limited, if you eat more, others will eat less, and if others eat more, you will eat less.

Zhou Yang can only guarantee that he will not take the initiative to plot against Huang Shamen, but if Huang Shamen does not live up to his expectations, then he will not be a saint and will not take a bite.

Therefore, after reaching an agreement with Zhang Yunpeng, he returned to the family with a Foundation Establishment Pill given by Zhang Yunpeng.

This Foundation Establishment Pill is naturally the benefit that he promised to be the Elder of the Huangshamen Keqing at the beginning. He bought the Foundation Establishment Pill once every fifty years at a fair price. Although he doesn't think much of it now, there is no reason to waste it. Lose.

After returning to the family, he informed the monks of the family about the big auction held in cooperation with Huang Shamen, and after people spread the news, Zhou Yang arranged everything and set off for Xijiao Island.

At this time, after three years of continuous transfer, nearly two hundred monks from the Zhou family had been transferred to Xijiao Island.

And after several years of construction by these monks, the fifth-order Lingshan Lingxi Peak finally gained some popularity.

The name of Lingxi Peak was chosen by Zhou Yang. As for the name of Xijiaozhou, the original name is still used.

"Although the aura of Lingxi Peak is strong, this mountain is a solid rock mountain. Nearly 70% of the mountain is made of rocks. This means that most places cannot develop spiritual fields and medicine gardens."

"The current plan of the family is to hollow out part of the rocks on the surface of the mountain and fill them with soil without harming the spiritual veins. In this way, after ten or twenty years, the filled soil will be nourished by the spiritual energy and become edible. Plowing the spiritual fields."

"In addition, in order to make full use of the aura of this fifth-level spiritual mountain, the family plans to build a large number of caves and other courtyards on the mountain. After these caves and other courtyards are completed, except for some places that must be guarded, the family monks can concentrate on Lingxi Peak. Practice."

"The people of the tribe gather together to practice on a mountain, which can not only deepen the relationship between each other, but also facilitate the exchange of practice experience and promote common progress."

On Lingxi Peak, Zhou Yang, who had just arrived here not long ago, was inspecting the entire Lingshan Mountain together with Zhou Guangxiang, and at the same time listening to the other party's mouth about the development plan of Lingshan.

If it is not necessary, or if it involves major matters, such as the planning of the "New Homeland Project", Zhou Yang will basically not intervene in the management of family affairs now, and will only listen to the patriarch and elders a little bit like now The processing decision, and then see if there is any improvement.

At this time, after listening to Zhou Guangxiang's words, after thinking about it a few times, he found that he couldn't find any room for improvement, so he nodded slightly and said, "That's right, your plan is well done, so let's do it like this."

After speaking, his eyes flickered, and he looked at Zhou Guangxiang with piercing eyes and asked: "You have been with Senior Xu for the past three years, and you must have learned a lot, how long do you think it will take you to be promoted to a fourth-order array mage? "

Although Xu Song used to be a Tier 5 formation master, after he became a ghost cultivator, he could no longer refine the formation formations used by immortal cultivators, and could only arrange magic formations.

The same is true for refining equipment.

So during the three years when he was recuperating from his injuries, Zhou Yang deliberately asked Zhou Guangxiang, who was in charge of Xijiaozhou, to ask him face-to-face about the knowledge of formations, so that he could be promoted to the fourth-order formation master as soon as possible.

"Senior Xu is definitely a well-deserved master in the first formation. My nephew has been taught by him for three years, and I feel that I have made great progress in the first formation and gained a lot."

"However, the fourth-order formation is extremely mysterious and complicated. Even with Senior Xu's teaching, my nephew has only comprehended half of it so far. If you want to truly be promoted to a fourth-order formation master, at least you have to devote yourself to retreat and comprehend for more than five years before you can do it." arrive!"

Through the last confession, Zhou Guangxiang already understood Zhou Yang's intention for asking this question, and when he answered this time, his complexion was a little abnormal.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, Zhou Yang frowned, as if a little dissatisfied.

But not long after, Zhou Yang's expression became relaxed, as if he had figured out something, he calmed down.

"I don't mention this in advance, how do you think about becoming a Taoist couple with Xuanxuan?"

"Now Xijiaozhou has been brought under the control of the family. If you don't leave descendants as soon as possible, I can only choose someone from other people to do that. You must know that Guangqing and the others have already begun to marry wives and have children!"

Zhou Yang's face softened, and he didn't mention the issue of being promoted to the fourth-tier formation master. Instead, Zhou Guangxiang's marriage issue was brought up again.

This matter is closely related to the reforms he will carry out on the Zhou family, so he can't help but pay attention to it.

In order to facilitate this matter, he even transferred Liu Xuanxuan to Xijiao Island so that he and Zhou Guangxiang could have more contact opportunities.

And now, it's time for a real showdown.

Zhou Guangxiang also seemed to have expected that he would ask this question a long time ago, and immediately expressed his position after hearing the words: "Nephew has thought it over clearly, nephew is willing to become a Taoist couple with Xuanxuan, and join the road together!"

"good, very good, excellent!"

A smile flashed on Zhou Yang's face, and he continued to applaud with a smile all over his face.

He looked at Zhou Guangxiang with a smile on his face and said loudly: "Since you have figured it out, Guangxiang, I will let the family spread the news. After the big auction is over in two years, I will personally host the wedding ceremony for you. The Purple Mansion celebration after you are promoted to the Purple Mansion can also be held at that time, let's have a double happiness!"

"Everything is at your command, Uncle Jiu."

Zhou Guangxiang nodded, and had no opinion on Zhou Yang's arrangement.

"Then it's settled like this. When you return to the family this time, bring Xuanxuan with you. When your child is born, the big event will be announced!"

With a smile on Zhou Yang's face, he immediately made a decision and settled the matter.

Next, Zhou Yang replaced Zhou Guangxiang in Xijiao Island, while Zhou Guangxiang went back to his family to prepare for the big auction.

Lingxi Peak is a fifth-level low-grade Lingshan Mountain. The effect of practicing here is undoubtedly much better than that of Chihu Mountain. If Zhou Yang has nothing to do in the future, he will basically practice here.

The cave where he practiced has been opened up long ago. It is the cave where "Golden Horn Rhinoceros" and "Heart Devouring Demon Wolf" lived. This is the location of the spiritual eye of the spiritual vein, and the spiritual energy is the most intense.

There is also the cold spring in the cave, which can not only help him practice the "Canglong Body Refining Art", but also the best quenching thing for refining weapons.

In the cave mansion, Zhou Yang, who was practicing martial arts, had a golden aura rushing out of his body, forming a golden spirit cloud about the size of zhang above his head, sucking in the rich aura in the cave mansion like a whale swallowing a cow.

After these auras are refined by the golden cloud, the essence will be absorbed by Zhou Yang into his body and refined into his own mana, while the impurities will be discharged again.

If someone sees the vision that Zhou Yang produced when he was cultivating at this moment, he will immediately know that the kung fu he is practicing must be a top kung fu that can directly lead to the Dao of the True Immortal.

Generally speaking, only that top-notch technique can produce such a powerful vision during practice.

After cultivating like this for an unknown amount of time, Zhou Yang suddenly struck a formula with both hands, opened his mouth and inhaled, the golden cloud above his head quickly turned into thousands of golden lights and fell back into his body, and finally converged and disappeared.

"As expected of a fifth-order spiritual vein, the effect of practicing here for a day is almost equivalent to a day and a half of practicing in Chihu Mountain. If I practiced on this fifth-order spiritual vein after I was promoted to the Purple Mansion, how could I have done so? I haven't been able to raise my level of cultivation for more than 20 years!"

After Zhou Yang finished his practice, he felt the effect of his practice, his face was full of joy.

There is no doubt that the higher the level of the spiritual pulse, the faster the cultivation base of the immortal cultivator will improve.

It is difficult for a Tier 3 spiritual vein to supply a cultivator of the Purple Mansion Stage to practice, a Tier 4 spiritual vein can only allow a cultivator of the Purple Mansion Stage to practice normally, and a Tier 5 spiritual vein can actually increase the speed of cultivation of a cultivator of the Purple Mansion Stage.

If you have been practicing on the fifth-order spiritual vein, even if you don't take a lot of pills to improve your cultivation, at Zhou Yang's age, it is enough to practice to reach the ninth floor of the Zifu before the age of four hundred.

This is the fundamental reason why among those big sects that occupy high-level spiritual veins, the number of high-level monks is far more than that of small sect monks.

In the absence of the heaven-defying magical power of "Qianyang Xianguang" to help dispel erysipelas, the Zifu monks of the sect of the sect cannot often take the elixir of improving cultivation to increase their cultivation, so that the effect of high-level spiritual veins will appear Out.

Similarly, if you don't take the elixir to improve your cultivation base, and with the same spiritual root qualifications, the monks who practice on the sixth-order spiritual veins are of course much faster than the monks who practice on the fifth-order spiritual veins.

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