Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 421 The Women of the Zhou Family

"After 30 years of hard work, we have completed the construction of 15 man-made oases. Now because we are proficient in the construction process, we can create a new oasis in two and a half years at the earliest."

"In this way, counting the second construction team that started to build the oasis from Xijiao Island, at most fifteen years later, the twenty-five oases you planned by Uncle Nine can all be completed and put into use."

On an oasis under construction in the vast sea of ​​sand, Zhou Yang, who came all the way from Xijiao Island to inspect the construction of the oasis, is listening to the report of Zhou Guangxiang, the general manager of the oasis construction work of the Zhou family.

Since being assigned by Zhou Yang to participate in the oasis construction work 30 years ago, Zhou Guangxiang has been rooted in the front line leading the oasis construction team to build a new oasis, and the number of times he has returned to the family in the past 30 years is one of the few.

And because he had spent thirty years on the construction of the oasis, Zhou Guangxiang's cultivation had completely stagnated during this period of time, and he is still at the seventh level of foundation building.

"Xiang'er, uncle Jiu asked you to build an oasis here for 30 years and spend the whole day with the yellow sand and mud. Don't you have any ideas in your mind?"

Zhou Yang looked at his niece who looked like a middle-aged woman who had aged a lot due to long-term exposure to the sun, rain and wind and sand.

It seems that the women of the Zhou family are all destined to become attached to building an oasis.

At the beginning, his eighth aunt, Zhou Xuanyan, was ordered by the family, and he stayed for more than 20 years to create the Haoyang Mountain Oasis, also known as the Siyan Oasis.

Now Zhou Guangxiang is also under his order to build one oasis after another in this boundless sand sea away from his family for thirty years.

"It's impossible to say that I didn't have any ideas in my mind at the beginning."

"However, my niece has studied the oasis construction notes left by Aunt Xuanyan's grandmother over the years, and felt the selfless dedication of their generation to the family, so she figured it out."

"Compared with those ancestors who have spent their whole lives working hard for the family, what is the niece who has been building an oasis in this sea of ​​sand for thirty years now?"

"If it weren't for the sacrifices made by the ancestors of these families, and if it wasn't for the care of Uncle Jiu, Xiang'er would have passed away more than 20 years ago. How could he have successfully established the foundation and lived to this day?"

"Xiang'er and elder brother are deeply favored by the family, and by Uncle Ninth. Not to mention Uncle Ninth, you let Xiang'er build an oasis here for thirty years, and you let Xiang'er fight fourth-order monsters, Xiang'er There is no other way!"

Zhou Guangxiang looked at Zhou Yang resolutely, and answered his question in a low and forceful tone.

After hearing her calm and powerful words, Zhou Yang's face flashed with joy, and he couldn't help applauding: "Okay, okay, Uncle Jiu did not misunderstand the person, Xiang'er, you can say these words, it shows that you are Really enlightened!"

"Don't worry, Ninth Uncle, I will never treat the meritorious officials in the family badly. I will see what you have done for the family. I will see in my eyes, and I will definitely benefit from you in the future. I will never let you suffer. that is!"

Rewards for meritorious deeds and punishments for demerits have always been Zhou Yang's family management philosophy.

Zhou Guangxiang has contributed to the creation of the oasis, and he will not be stingy with rewards.

Of course, the new oasis has not yet been fully completed, and his reward will not be lost for the time being. He can only give Zhou Guangxiang a psychological expectation and a reason for her to continue.

After inspecting the construction work of the new oasis, Zhou Yang returned to Xijiao Island to practice in seclusion.

After two years passed like this, he left for the Chihu Mountain Oasis to attend the big auction.

Because it started to build momentum two years in advance, this big auction attracted more people than last time because of the participation of Huang Shamen.

For this reason, the Zhou family had to increase the admission fee for the auction. To participate in the auction, not only did they need to have at least a late-stage qi training, but they also had to pay an admission fee of ten low-grade spirit stones.

For a monk in the late stage of Qi training, ten low-grade spirit stones is not a big expense, and the price of a second-order high-grade spirit talisman is more than this number of spirit stones.

But the amount of spirit stones is not too small. If you are unlucky, the income of a casual cultivator for half a year may not exceed this amount.

So with this threshold, the auction house built by the Zhou family was finally not overcrowded.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't enter the auction site to participate in the auction. In order to enliven the atmosphere, the Zhou family will arrange special personnel to broadcast the auction inside in real time outside the auction site.

Naturally, in order to protect the privacy of the guests, the broadcast will only show how many spirit stones the auction item was sold for, not who it fell into.

And because Huang Shamen took out seven foundation building pills for sale, the Zhou family did not sell any more foundation building pills at this auction, but replaced them with several panacea pills that can improve the cultivation base of monks in the foundation building period, and Zhou Yang A fourth-order low-grade spiritual talisman drawn by hand.

Those spirit pills are good to say, many spirit pills are not unique to the Zhou family, and some related foundation cultivators can buy them from Huang Shamen or other third-level alchemists.

But the fourth-order spiritual talisman is different. For a foundation-building family, this thing can be regarded as a treasure that can be passed down as a family heritage.

Therefore, the enthusiasm of many Foundation Establishment monks for this item is not inferior to that of Foundation Establishment Pill.

Zhou Yang released a total of five fourth-tier low-grade talismans, three attack talismans and two defensive talismans, and finally earned 100,000 low-grade spirit stones by relying on these five talismans.

This means that in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, if it is replaced by the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, a fourth-order low-grade spirit talisman is worth 10,000 low-grade spirit stones if it breaks the sky.

At the end of the big auction, the total number of spirit stones earned by the Zhou family was still more than 500,000 low-grade spirit stones.

"Thank you fellow daoists for participating in the second grand auction held by the Zhou family. Thirty years later, we will still hold the third grand auction. We still welcome all fellow daoists to come and visit us at that time."

"At the same time, Zhou also has a happy event to announce to fellow daoists, that is, seven days later, the wedding ceremony between the current patriarch of the Zhou family, Zhou Guangxiang, and my apprentice Liu Xuanxuan will be held on Chihu Mountain. Congratulations."

At the end of the auction, Zhou Yang, who was in charge, got up immediately and announced the news that the Zhou family would hold a celebration in a loud voice.

This news has been notified to some good families in advance, and this time it is announced here, mainly to inform those casual cultivators who do not know.

At this time, due to the holding of the big auction, the number of foreign monks on the Chihu Mountain oasis was nearly ten thousand. After Zhou Yang announced the news, many monks who were about to leave changed their plans and decided to wait a few more days before leaving.

So on the day when the celebration was held, the number of monks gathered up and down Chihu Mountain actually exceeded 10,000.

Fortunately, the Zhou family is not what it used to be, and the family has stored a large amount of spiritual grains and spirit wine all year round, so that there will be no embarrassing things that cannot be uncovered.

And the name of the "Celebration of Ten Thousand Immortals" soon spread throughout the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea with the return of the participating monks, and became a bragging capital that many monks often talked about.

Naturally, as the protagonists of the ceremony, the Taoist couple Zhou Guangxiang and Liu Xuanxuan became the envy of many boys and girls.

A wedding celebration can attract Wanxiu to congratulate him. This kind of thing has not happened in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea for many years.

In the past, only after the Zifu monks of the Yellow Shamen formed the golden elixir would they hold the "Ten Thousand Immortals Conference" to accept Wan Xiu's pilgrimage.

After the celebration, Zhou Guangxiang and his wife, who were newlyweds, were left by Zhou Yang to sit on the Red Tiger Mountain to do great things. He himself took Taoist couple Xiao Ying and another apprentice Lu Xuewei to Xijiao Island to live and practice.

"Xuewei, you practice the ice-type kung fu. It is difficult to find the ice spirit veins suitable for your cultivation in the boundless sand sea. Let’s practice by this cold spring, and if you have any questions about cultivation that you don’t understand, you can also ask my teacher and your teacher’s wife nearby.”

In the cave mansion, Zhou Yang brought his apprentice Lu Xuewei to the cold spring that he often used for body training and quenching, pointed to the cold spring and told him his arrangement.

Lu Xuewei is only forty-six years old this year, and based on the lifespan of a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage who is 240 years old, she is still a young girl who has just come of age.

A few years ago, Xiao Ying refined a furnace of fourth-grade low-grade panacea "Zhuyan Pill". There were only three pills. Except for Zhou Yang and herself who took one each, the remaining one fell into Lu Xuewei's hands. , used by it.

Therefore, if there is no accident, her face will remain as it is now until her longevity is exhausted and she dies.

Because of practicing the advanced ice-type exercise "Ice Soul Manual", she exudes a cold aura all the year round, and her skin is as white as frost and snow. In private, she has won a "" The reputation of "Ice Soul Fairy", the pursuers are as unknown as the crucian carp crossing the river.

But not to mention that she doesn't look down on those mediocre people at all, even Zhou Yang will never allow her to fall in love with others and become a Taoist couple at this time.

Unlike Liu Xuanxuan, Zhou Yang really regarded Lu Xuewei as his personal disciple, so his expectations for this disciple were naturally very high.

Over the years, regardless of the things that taught Lu Xuewei about her cultivation, Xiao Ying was doing it, but in fact, his master did a lot of things for her.

Among other things, after the big auction ended, he specially entrusted Zhang Yunpeng to buy some ice-type elixir and panacea from Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation World, so as to help this disciple complete the construction as soon as possible. The basic stage of practice.

From Zhou Yang's point of view, apart from himself in the entire Zhou family, the possibility of Lu Xuewei's success in forming alchemy in the future is even higher than that of her Taoist partner Xiao Ying.

For such a talented disciple who is expected to form alchemy, his requirements are naturally very strict.

This time I brought her to Xijiao Island, not only because the cold spring here is really suitable for her practice, but also to isolate her from those monks of the opposite sex, so that she would not be really stirred up by the rhetoric of some monks of the opposite sex. ruin the future.

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