Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 422 The Fox Demon Rebellion

It is common for high-ranking monks to spend several years in one retreat. When Zhou Yang finished his retreat on Lingxi Peak, five years passed in such a hurry.

This is already the first time he has retreated like this for a few years, and he has long since lost the feeling of "a day in the cave, a thousand years in the world" for the first time.

What's more, he did not leave the customs this time on his own initiative, but Taoist Xiao Ying, after receiving the urgent news from the family, forcibly knocked on the customs to call him out.

"What happened?"

After he walked out of the door of the retreat room, he looked at the Taoist companion Xiao Ying waiting outside the door, and asked the reason directly without talking nonsense.

"Nineteen days ago, Guangtai, who was sitting in Chihu Ridge, suddenly sent a message to the family saying that he was attacked by a fourth-order monster three-tailed demon fox and asked the family for support."

"However, when Guangxiang received the news that riding a Gryphon arrived, the formation protecting the mountain in Chihu Ridge had already been broken by the demon fox, and more than 20 family monks including Guangtai were all killed by the demon fox. The mortal numbers also lost thousands."

"Later, Guangxiang and the Gripen Beast joined forces to fight against the demon fox. Although relying on a fourth-order high-grade magic talisman you gave him to injure the demon fox and drive it out of the oasis, he found that the demon fox was not far away, so he That’s why I hurriedly sent someone to send a summons to ask my husband to make up your mind.”

Xiao Ying also knew that the matter was urgent, and immediately told Zhou Yang the whole story in a hasty tone.

"What? Guangtai has fallen!"

Zhou Yang's face darkened, and his face instantly became extremely difficult to see.

Although Zhou Guangtai was old when the foundation was established and his future potential was not great, he was still a foundation-establishing cultivator, and he was also a meritorious minister who contributed a high-level exercise and secret treasures such as the "Kunxu Token" to the family. .

Such a meritorious minister of the Zhou family died when Shou Yuan had just passed half of his life, which was definitely a great loss for the family.

Moreover, this was also the first Foundation Establishment cultivator of the Zhou family who fell from an abnormal sitting after Zhou Yang opened up the Purple Mansion.

"That damned beast, it was its luck that it escaped with its life. I didn't expect it to dare to come back!"

"Does it think that after being promoted to the fourth-level monster, it can come back to avenge its revenge?"

"Dare to kill my Zhou family cultivator, this time I must tear it apart, extract its soul and refine its soul, in order to pay homage to the dead members of my Zhou family!"

Zhou Yang's eyes flickered fiercely, and he was also angered by this news.

Immediately, after explaining to his Taoist companion Xiao Ying, he rode the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle to the Red Fox Ridge.

The Golden Winged Thunder Eagle is extremely fast, and can travel tens of thousands of miles a day, but Zhou Yang is in a hurry, even if there is a sandstorm on the road, as long as it is not a super strong sandstorm that must be avoided, he will directly ride the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle to force it through. And pass.

So in the past five days, he rushed to Chihu Ridge and met Zhou Guangxiang who was sitting here.

"Uncle Jiu, you are finally here!"

"My nephew is ashamed, not only failed to save the lives of Guangtai and the others, but also failed to leave that fox to avenge them!"

As soon as Zhou Guangxiang saw Zhou Yang, he took the initiative to apologize and confess his mistake, with a very depressed expression on his face.

The incident at Chihuling this time is also a blow to his prestige as the patriarch. After all, it is not a trivial matter to die a foundation elder and more than 20 clansmen at once, let alone thousands of mortals. The demon fox has a venomous hand.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have sent a letter for help knowing that Zhou Yang was practicing in seclusion.

"You are not at fault for this matter. If there is a fault, I am also at fault. That beast escaped from my hands back then!"

"But now is not the time to pursue these things. The most urgent thing is to find the trace of the beast first, and cut it off as soon as possible, so as to prevent more people from being killed by it!"

Zhou Yang waved his hand, without any intention of blaming Zhou Guangxiang, but said his decision in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid I have to ask Senior Xu to take action on this matter. Although I injured the demon fox with the fourth-rank top-grade magic talisman you gave me, its wind escape technique is really mysterious, and it seems to have a hidden supernatural power. Even the Gryphon patrolled the sky and couldn't find its whereabouts, but I vaguely knew that it hadn't gone far by feeling, so I guess it was still not dead."

Zhou Guangxiang hurriedly explained the situation he knew and gave his own suggestions.

Zhou Yang heard the words, pondered for a while, then nodded and said: "In that case, I will leave the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle here to help you patrol the oasis, and then I will personally invite Senior Xu to come over."

Immediately, he left the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle to patrol the oasis, and his imperial envoy "Huan Yunzhou" rushed to the underground ruins.

A few days later, when Zhou Yang brought Xu Song back to Chihu Ridge from the underground ruins, the situation changed again.

"Two days ago, the demon fox sneaked into the oasis to attack mortal towns. Not long after it made a move, it was discovered by the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle. Then my nephew rushed over to support it with the Gryphon. Together with us, we severely injured the demon fox again. Now it should have really left the vicinity and fled back to its lair to heal its wounds."

As soon as Zhou Yang landed on Chihu Ridge, Zhou Guangxiang, who had been waiting for a long time, stepped forward to report the latest progress.

After talking about the progress of the situation, Zhou Guangxiang waved his hand again, and took out a jade bottle from the storage ring Zhou Yang gave him.

Zhou Yang himself got two storage rings from Xue Youming's relics, and later got two more in the wild jungle. After killing Zhong Chuming, he got another one, and now he has five storage rings in his hand.

Of these five storage rings, he gave one to Taoist Xiao Ying and one to Xu Song. After Zhou Guangxiang opened up the Purple Mansion, he also gave him one as a reward for his promotion to the Purple Mansion, and then kept it in his hand. There are two used.

At this moment, Zhou Guangxiang took out the jade bottle, handed it to Zhou Yang and said, "This jade bottle contains the blood and hair of that demon fox. Senior Xu only needs to use it as a medium to perform the Thousand Miles Chasing Soul Technique to find the demon fox's old lair." It's here."

"Very good, with this thing, the fox is dead."

A smile flashed on Zhou Yang's face, he reached out to take the jade bottle, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Next, Zhou Yang released Xu Song from the "Yunshen Card", and then asked him to use the fox's blood and hair as a medium to cast the fifth-level spell "Ten Thousand Miles of Chasing Soul" to track the fox.

"Found it, chase over there."

After Xu Song finished the practice, the soul-chasing blood bird formed by the "thousand-mile chasing soul technique" flew out and flew out towards the west of the oasis.

Immediately, Zhou Yang jumped onto the back of the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle, and drove his spiritual pet to chase the soul-chasing blood bird.

As for Zhou Guangxiang, just in case, Zhou Yang asked him to stay in Chihu Ridge.

After chasing westward for more than 20,000 miles, the soul-chasing blood bird took Zhou Yang to a small oasis in the sand sea, and then plunged into the ground of the small oasis.

"Hiding underground?"

Zhou Yang's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help looking at Xu Song beside him.

"The old man drove it out."

Of course Xu Song understood what Zhou Yang meant. When he even took out the pitch-black magic banner and waved it, a huge wolf spirit jumped out of it, and slid right into the place where the soul-chasing blood bird fell. underground.

After killing the fifth-order monster "Heart-eating Devil Wolf", Zhou Yang collected the demon pill and the corpse of the demon wolf, but the beast soul fell into the hands of Xu Song, who refined it into the magic banner to strengthen the magic banner power.

Now the power of this magic banner has been successfully promoted to a fifth-level low-grade magic weapon because of refining the beast souls of two fifth-level monsters, "Genshan Tortoise" and "Heart-eating Demonic Wolf".

In nature, the wolf is the natural enemy of the fox. Although the three-tailed demon fox has extraordinary blood, it is still no match for the attack of the evil spirit transformed from the beast soul of the fifth-level monster "Heart Devouring Demon Wolf", and was soon forced to escape. off the ground.

It's just that as soon as it escaped from the ground, the magic banner in Xu Song's hand suddenly turned into a ball of black light and rolled over it, and then it didn't even have a chance to use its natal avatar to escape, so it was directly knocked unconscious by the magic banner.

"The three-tailed demon fox is a rare beast, are you really willing to kill it?"

Xu Song stretched out his hand, and the magic banner that knocked out the three-tailed demon fox flew back into his hand. Then he shook the magic banner, and received the wolf spirit that sprang out of the ground into it again.

"If it didn't kill my Zhou family members, I might try to tame it, but now, of course, I want it to kill people!"

Zhou Yang answered Xu Song's words in his mouth, and with a wave of his hand, a sword light flew out, beheading the unconscious three-tailed demon fox.

After beheading the three-tailed demon fox with a single sword, he did not let Xu Song's magic flag collect the beast soul of the fox, but performed the "soul extraction technique" himself to extract and preserve the beast soul of the demon fox, and then peeled it off carefully. The entire fox fur of the demon fox, and the three fox tails of the demon fox are specially reserved.

"The avatar technique of this demon fox is quite extraordinary. This junior wants to try to see if it can use its fox fur and animal soul as materials to refine a magic robe with the function of avatar life-saving."

Zhou Yang finished peeling his soul and explained the reason to Xu Song who was beside him in a low voice.

The fourth-grade high-grade magic weapon treasure garment "Celestial Silkworm Treasure Clothes" that he is wearing now is obtained from the relics of the monks of the Great Bright Immortal Palace in the underground ruins.

When he was attacked by the "Heart Devouring Demonic Wolf", this thing played a great role at the critical moment, saving his life and giving him an idea for refining this kind of protective clothing. (I modified the previous article and replaced the Qianyang golden body with the magic weapon treasure clothes. After all, it seems a bit unreasonable to use this kind of non-instant supernatural power in that situation.)

Of course, the magic robe made of fox fur is definitely not suitable for him to wear. Even if he really mastered it, he would give it to Taoist Xiao Ying or apprentice Lu Xuewei to use.

"Your idea is good. If you really succeed, you will indeed get a rare life-saving item."

Xu Song nodded slightly, understanding and agreeing with Zhou Yang's approach.

Then there was a strange look in his eyes, and he looked at the place where the demon fox was hiding before and said: "There seems to be a universe under here, I almost lost contact with the released wolf soul just now, let's go down and see what's going on. "

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