Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 423 Zhou Yang with Complicated Moods

The small oasis where the three-tailed demon fox hides is only a few thousand acres in size. Except for a shallow half-acre large pool on the oasis, there are only some common desert plants. Zhou Yang did not find any traces of spirit veins on it.

But he knew that there must be a spiritual vein here, otherwise the Three-Tailed Demon Fox would not have placed its lair here.

So after hearing what Xu Song said, he immediately went underground to check.

After a while, he dragged a white stone out of the ground, looked at Xu Song excitedly and said, "It's the [Forbidden God Stone] vein, I didn't expect that there is a [Forbidden God Stone] vein underneath!"

The "Forbidden God Stone" is a third-order spiritual object. This object has a strong isolation effect on the spiritual consciousness of the immortal cultivator. It is an excellent material for building secret rooms in treasure houses and auction houses.

When Zhou Yang participated in the auction in Xianyang City, the pagoda used to hold the auction was built by incorporating a large number of "Forbidden God Stones".

As far as Zhou Yang knows, only Huang Shamen in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea has a small vein of "Forbidden God Stone", but that vein was also hollowed out hundreds of years ago.

That is to say, in today's Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation Realm, apart from the "Forbidden God Stone" mineral vein he discovered now, there are no other mineral veins.

"It turned out to be the mine vein of [Forbidden God Stone]. I said how could it almost cut off my connection with the wolf soul."

Xu Song looked at the piece of white ore in Zhou Yang's hand, nodded with surprise in his eyes, and understood what was going on.

"Not only is there a mine vein of [Forbidden God Stone], but there is also a third-order high-grade spiritual vein below it. That demon fox is very good at picking places to hide."

When Zhou Yang said this, he thought of the unique oasis of Chihu Ridge.

This oasis hidden by the natural phantom formation was the habitat of the three-tailed demon fox back then.

"Could it be that this three-tailed demon fox still has the ability to hunt for treasure?"

He thought to himself, shook his head again, and didn't think about it any more.

Regardless of whether the three-tailed demon fox has the ability to hunt for treasure, it is useless to pursue this when it is already dead.

Immediately, Zhou Yang returned to Chihu Ridge with the harvest, and handed over the location of the oasis where the "Forbidden God Stone" vein was hidden to Zhou Guangxiang, and asked him to immediately arrange manpower to mine it.

For spirit mines like the "Forbidden God Stone", which ranks as third-order spiritual objects, the mining work can only be carried out by immortal cultivators. Ordinary people cannot break this kind of hard ore, so this time the Zhou family should not specifically build an oasis there. All you need to do is recruit a group of casual repairmen to work as miners to mine ore.

And after he explained this matter, he looked at Zhou Guangxiang with a serious face and said: "Now that the demon fox is extinct, Guangtai and the others have avenged their revenge, but we must do a good job in the compensation and rewards for their descendants. Don't let the people of the tribe feel cold."

"Please rest assured, Uncle Jiu, regarding Guangtai's compensation and rewards, my nephew already has plans in mind."

"Guangtai is a monk in the foundation building period. He died in order to protect the family's foundation. Naturally, the family will pay a lot of compensation."

"I know that he has a grandson with middle-grade spiritual root aptitude. He wanted to give this grandson his quota for exchanging Foundation Establishment Pills before he was alive. This time he fell, the family rewarded his grandson with a Foundation Establishment Pill, and let him His sons and grandsons divided his inheritance equally."

"As for other monks in the Qi training period, as long as there are descendants and blood relatives, the family will give each of them 2,000 to 5,000 family contribution points according to their age at the time of their death. What do you think, Uncle Jiu?"

Zhou Guangxiang looked at Zhou Yang, and immediately followed his words and said the pension plan that he had thought up a long time ago.

After the Zhou family took over as the patriarch from Zhou Yang, the family monks who sacrificed for the public have always been very generous.

According to the pension rules he formulated at that time, as long as they are family monks who meet the conditions of sacrifice for the public, the family will first determine the pension amount of at least 2,000 points.

Then, according to the age and cultivation level of the sacrificed monk at that time, all the family contribution points that he can receive in the next few years are converted into pensions and distributed to his descendants.

That is to say, if a monk from the Zhou family who practiced Qi at the fifth level died on duty at the age of 40, his descendants would receive a total pension of 2,000 plus the next 20 years. Family worship, that is, 3,000 points of pension.

However, at that time, the pension system was only for monks in the Qi training period. For monks in the foundation building period, because there was no such precedent in the Zhou family at that time, when Zhou Yang formulated the pension system, he didn't think about how to carry out the pension system, so he didn't do it. out plan.

At this time, after hearing Zhou Guangxiang's pension plan, his expression changed, and he couldn't help muttering to himself: "Does the foundation-building cultivator reward his descendants for his sacrifice on duty?"

The value of a foundation-building monk is certainly not comparable to that of a foundation-building pill.

From this point of view, it is also normal to use the Foundation Establishment Pill as a way to appease the descendants of the Foundation Establishment period monks who died on duty.

"Okay, just follow the standard you set. In the future, all the foundation-building monks in the family who sacrificed their lives for the sake of duty can follow this standard!"

Zhou Yang thought and thought, and finally agreed to Zhou Guangxiang's pension plan.

Only heavy rewards can make people willing to die for the family.

If the Zhou family can guarantee that the descendants of the foundation-establishing monks who sacrificed their lives on duty will get a foundation-building pill, then the chances of the Zhou family's foundation-establishing monks fleeing and rebelling when they are facing life and death danger will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

It was precisely because Zhou Yang understood the importance of this that he agreed to Zhou Guangxiang's plan.

After he agreed to the plan, he seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly looked at Zhou Guangxiang and asked, "By the way, five years have passed, and you and Xuanxuan haven't left any descendants?"

Hearing him ask about this matter, Zhou Guangxiang smiled immediately, and said with a smile on his face: "Yes, Xuanxuan was pregnant with a baby boy more than half a year ago, counting the time, there will be three more at most." The moon will be born!"

Zhou Yang was overjoyed when he heard the words, and couldn't help applauding: "Okay, okay, since this is the case, Uncle Jiu, I won't go back to Xijiaozhou, and it won't be too late to go back after your child is born."

He had been waiting for this day for a long time, and now that he heard this happy event, he finally let go of one thing on his mind.

Next, Zhou Yang and Zhou Guangxiang returned to the Chihu Mountain Oasis together, but Xu Song took the initiative to stay and was going to study the natural magic formation outside the Chihuling Oasis to see if he could comprehend a new formation from it. .

Many formations in the world of cultivating immortals were created by senior formation masters from some natural dangerous places. Natural phantom formations like this are as attractive to formation masters as they are to heaven and earth spiritual fire. longing.

"In the past five years, the family has exchanged five more Foundation Establishment Pills. Unfortunately, only two people have successfully established the foundation. One is Zhou Tonghua, a member of the family, and the other is a monk from a foreign relative!"

On the way back to Chihu Mountain, when Zhou Guangxiang and Zhou Yang were talking about who would replace the fallen Zhou Guangtai in Chihuling Oasis, they briefly talked about the development of the Zhou family over the past few years. A successful foundation builder.

"Oh, the monks with foreign relatives also exchange for the Foundation Establishment Pill? Who is the Taoist Companion?"

Zhou Yang looked at Zhou Guangxiang with a look of surprise and asked, and was also quite surprised by this matter.

Although the monks of the Zhou family's relatives can enjoy most of the treatment of the Zhou family, including exchanging precious treasures such as the Foundation Establishment Pill.

However, the treatment of foreign monks is much lower than that of Zhou family members. It is not ordinary difficult to collect family contribution points to exchange for foundation building pills.

"It's the Taoist couple that Aunt Yuan Yao met three years ago. The Foundation Establishment Pill he used to build the foundation was also exchanged by Aunt Yuan Yao with her family's contribution points."

Zhou Guangxiang glanced at Zhou Yang with flickering eyes, and whispered the answer.

His actual age was somewhat older than Zhou Yuanyao, and of course he knew that Zhou Yuanyao liked Zhou Yang back then, so it was no wonder that his expression was a little strange at this time.

When Zhou Yang heard his words, he was indeed stunned.

Zhou Yuanyao found someone he likes and became a Taoist partner. As an elder brother, he was of course happy.

But when Zhou Yuanyao became a Taoist couple, he didn't even notify his elder brother, and didn't ask his elder brother to witness the marriage, this made him feel quite uncomfortable.

But he was only stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, then looked at Zhou Guangxiang with a complicated expression and asked, "What's that man's name? Where did he come from? How's his character?"

"The man's name is Pang He. He is 60 years old this year. He has a medium-grade spiritual root qualification with dual attributes of gold and fire. His father is a foundation-building casual cultivator. He is not bad. He has a bright and generous personality. He is a friendly person."

Zhou Guangxiang seemed to have known that Zhou Yang would ask such a question, and immediately explained the situation of Zhou Yuanyao's Taoist couple in detail.

After finishing speaking, he also took the initiative to say: "Aunt Yuan Yao went out to relax three and a half years ago, and ran into this Pang He outside, and was attracted by his brave behavior of helping the weak Sanxiu to fight against injustice, and soon fell in love with him and became a Taoist. Couple, and exchanged a Foundation Establishment Pill from my nephew for him to take Foundation Establishment."

After he finished speaking, he took another peek at Zhou Yang's expression, and after finding that Zhou Yang's expression hadn't changed much, he continued cautiously: "Also, after Aunt Yuan Yao and Uncle Pang formally merged into a double cultivator, she gave birth to a baby boy last year. A baby girl with low-level spiritual root qualifications, named Zhou Guangying!"

Zhou Yang's expression finally changed slightly, a wry smile flashed on his face, and he couldn't help muttering to himself: "Guangying, Guangying, is she still a little weird?"

Zhou Guangxiang didn't dare to answer his words, he just looked forward with both eyes, as if he didn't hear anything.

Fortunately, Zhou Yang didn't get too entangled in this matter, and soon he looked at him normally and said: "I understand, since the [Purple Cloud Fruit] vines on Chihu Ridge have been destroyed by that demon fox, here It’s not that important to the family, and from now on, the foundation-building cultivators of the family will be stationed at the Yuquan Lake Oasis, and Yuan Yao and his wife will be stationed at the Yuquan Lake Oasis.”

"Yuan Yao is, after all, the direct great-granddaughter of the old patriarch. After that matter is announced, I will leave the Yuquan Lake Oasis to her lineage!"

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