Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 424 Zhou Tongxuan

Even though Zhou Yuanyao knew that Zhou Yuanyao still had some resentment towards herself and her Taoist companion Xiao Ying, after Zhou Yang arrived at Chihu Mountain, he still went to see the righteous sister's family immediately, and sent his best wishes sooner or later.

When they met, he sized up his brother-in-law Pang He.

Because of the successful foundation establishment, this Pang He's appearance returned to his youth. Although he is not as handsome as Zhou Yang, he is still a good-looking and talented person.

On the other hand, Zhou Yuanyao beside him, although she was still beautiful, but after years of honing, the original pure and beautiful Tingting girl has turned into a graceful and luxurious middle-aged beauty, no longer young.

Zhou Yang stayed in Zhou Yuanyao's cave for half a day, and talked with his brother-in-law Pang He. It was nothing more than telling him as an elder to treat his sister well, and by the way, checking whether this brother-in-law's character was as Zhou Guangxiang said. that's good.

In general, after some conversations, Zhou Yang had a good impression of this "young" brother-in-law, and felt that if Zhou Yuanyao was with him, he should be able to spend the rest of his life happily and safely.

Therefore, when he was leaving, he also handed over a fourth-rank low-grade talisman drawn by himself to the brother-in-law as a meeting gift, and informed Zhou Yuanyao and his wife that he would arrange for them to stay at the Yuquan Lake Oasis.

Next, Zhou Yang went to visit his pregnant apprentice Liu Xuanxuan again, and gave him a third-order elixir "Parrow Washing Flower" as a gift.

This "Marrow Cleansing Flower" is a third-level elixir with rare uses, and it is only useful for children who have not yet begun to practice cultivation.

After children who have not been in touch with spiritual practice take the "washing marrow flower", they can directly cut hair and wash the marrow of the body through the power of the elixir, which indirectly improves the cultivation qualification and directly allows the child to step into the first step of cultivation. A state of congenital state.

The "Parcelain Washing Flower" in Zhou Yang's hand was obtained when he ransacked Ziyun Pavilion outside "Yunwu Ze".

Because the children of Zhou Guangxiang and Liu Xuanxuan would have a great effect on the next reform of the Zhou family, he would be willing to give this elixir to them, otherwise he would have given it to Zhou Yuanyao's daughter as a gift earlier.

"Master's love, Xuanxuan thanked Master for the gift on behalf of the child in the womb!"

Liu Xuanxuan, who is about to become a mother, like all mothers, is full of love for the child who is about to be born.

She was also overjoyed to receive the "Parcelain Washing Flower" from Zhou Yang, and quickly bowed to thank her.

The road to cultivating immortals is to lead one step ahead, step by step.

It's just that the child in her womb didn't detect the spiritual root after it was born. If it detects the spiritual root, even if it's just a low-grade spiritual root qualification, with the help of this "washing marrow flower", after starting to practice in the future, the speed of practice will naturally lead Children with the same qualifications and the same age will get the same prize.

In addition, both Zhou Guangxiang and her have a large number of family contribution points, so they can exchange a large amount of contribution points for the Zhou family's own "Golden Rock Sheep" goat milk for children to take for a long time.

In this way, even with the accumulation of resources, their children can be piled up to the ninth level of Qi training before the age of sixty, and then they can take the foundation building pill.

Although for a family and a force, it is a great waste of resources to spend such a large amount of resources to cultivate a monk who is doomed to have no relationship with the Dao, and it is also unfair to other monks of ordinary origin.

But how can there be so much fairness in this world?

As a high-level monk, he is willing to spend his private property to cultivate his offspring without stealing or robbing. No one can blame him for this.

Next, according to the rules, Zhou Yang met Zhou Tonghua, another new foundation-builder of the Zhou family, and after encouraging him with words, he rewarded the other party with a third-rank top-grade spiritual talisman as a reward for his successful foundation-build.

Zhou Tonghua had just exhausted all his family's contribution points to exchange for the Foundation Establishment Pill, and he was penniless. At this time, Zhou Yang rewarded him with a third-level top-grade magic talisman, so he was naturally overjoyed.

Compared with those helpless casual cultivators and small family cultivators, the Zhou family really has nothing to say about the treatment of cultivators in the Foundation Establishment period.

As long as the foundation can be established successfully, Zhou Yang, the patriarch of the family, will bestow a talisman or magic weapon to protect him, and he can choose one of the exercises from the family treasure house for free, including "Golden Glory to the World" and "One Qi" Qianyuan Gong" these two advanced exercises.

And if you encounter any doubts in your practice, you can always ask the elders in the Zifu period of the family for advice.

In addition, after the successful foundation building, the Zhou family monks will also receive a loan of 30,000 family contribution points, which can be used to exchange for magic tools, magic symbols, panacea and other treasures in the family treasure house.

With these safeguards in place, basically, as long as a monk of the Zhou family succeeds in building a foundation, he can immediately gather a set of third-order magical weapons for offense and defense, possessing the combat power that a normal monk in the foundation building stage should have.

To put it bluntly, even in the great sect of Xuanyang Xianzong, the monks who have just successfully established the foundation without background are not treated as well as the foundation-established monks of the Zhou family.

So don't look at the Zhou family's monks in the qi training period who often work hard to contribute to the family, and think that the Zhou family is squeezing these low-level monks. In fact, those monks who are willing to work hard are a group of dreamers with dreams. .

If you don’t have the dream of building a foundation, the Zhou family’s Qi training period monks only need three wives and four concubines to marry a dozen or twenty beautiful wives and beautiful concubines, and they will have thirty or fifty offspring, and two or three of them will have spiritual roots. The offspring of the family, the maternity subsidy fund received from the family can make themselves comfortable for a lifetime and support them for the rest of their lives.

After meeting Zhou Tonghua, Zhou Yang went to personally meet the descendants of Zhou Guangtai who sacrificed for the family to express his condolences.

In the next two months, when Zhou Yang was waiting for Liu Xuanxuan to give birth in Chihu Mountain, he checked the situation of the Zhou family halls by the way, and found that the number of monks in the Zhou family had reached 700. There are more than 400 relatives and monks in total.

Even in terms of the number of monks in the family, the current Zhou family is well-deserved as the largest family in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea.

"It's almost the same. There are only three to four thousand monks in the Qi training period of Huang Shamen. My Zhou family has much fewer resources than them, and I have to pay a large amount of childbirth subsidies. I can't support them like them. So many monks."

Zhou Yang thought of the financial income and expenditure situation he had just reviewed, and gradually had an idea in his mind.

Immediately, he called Zhou Guangxiang, the patriarch, and called all the elders and deacon elders in the family to hold a small family meeting, and put forward two proposals.

One is to continue to encourage family monks to have more children, and to extend the subsidy period of the maternity subsidy fund from 20 years to 30 years.

The second is to officially cancel the "Fengyue Building".

Fortunately for the first proposal, the matter of extending the subsidy period of the maternity subsidy fund is something that benefits all the monks of the whole family, so naturally no one has any objections.

However, regarding the proposal to cancel "Fengyue Tower", several deacons and elders from the "Fengyue Tower" of the Zhou family complained a lot.

These people think that the cancellation of "Fengyue Building" will cause a sharp drop in the number of monks born in the Zhou family, and they have provided data on the number of monks born in the Zhou family in recent years to prove that the number of monks born in "Fengyue Building" every year is still higher than that of new monks born in the Zhou family. accounted for a large proportion of the number.

But they didn't know, or pretended not to know, that Zhou Yang wanted to cancel "Fengyue Tower" just after he discovered that more than 50% of the more than 700 monks of the Zhou family had their ancestors from "Fengyue Tower".

For Zhou Yang and the Zhou family, the main reason for opening the "Fengyue Building" at the beginning was because the growth rate of the monk population brought about by the Zhou family's monks' offspring was too slow, so they wanted to increase the family's monk population through this method.

Now that more than a hundred years have passed, the original purpose of opening the "Fengyue Building" has been achieved. It just so happens that he is now planning to control the growth of the family population. Of course, the first one to be canceled is the "Fengyue Building".

Of course, there is another reason why it is inconvenient to say it out, because he has already realized that the existence of "Fengyue Tower" has become an obstacle and a hidden danger to the Zhou family, which has grown into a behemoth now.

In order not to let this hidden danger continue to grow, he naturally wanted to kill it.

Due to Zhou Guangtai's fall, none of the foundation-building elders of the Zhou family were from "Fengyuelou" monks. Only the objections of a few deacon elders could not affect the decision to reverse Zhou Yang.

So this time the two proposals became decisions and were formally implemented.

From its own point of view, the closure of "Fengyue Tower" does not actually affect the actual interests of any monks of the Zhou family. It is just that some monks who were stationed at "Fengyue Tower" were transferred to other places because of the cancellation of the mission.

So although this matter has caused some people to discuss it, it has not caused much impact. What everyone pays more attention to is the extension of the maternity subsidy fund to 30 years. After all, this is what I can actually get. benefit.

This made Zhou Yang, who had been secretly following the development of the situation, secretly heave a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, what he was most worried about did not appear.

More than two months passed quickly.

On this day, after 300 days of pregnancy, Liu Xuanxuan gave birth to a baby boy smoothly.

The physique of the monks in the foundation building period is far beyond the comparison of ordinary people. After Liu Xuanxuan gave birth, she just washed away the dirt all over her body with a spell, took a elixir that nourishes qi and blood, and walked out of the room with the baby boy in her arms and came to the long-awaited week. In front of Yang and Zhou Guangxiang.

She held the baby boy in both hands and handed it to Zhou Yang, and said respectfully, "Master, please give this baby a name."

Seeing this, Zhou Yang waved his hands and said, "I was the one who took the name of Guangxiang at the beginning. Now that his child is born, I can't do it for me anymore. Let him, the father, name it himself." !"

Zhou Guangxiang next to him heard the words, and quickly reached out to take the child from the Taoist couple, and said with a smile on his face: "My nephew has indeed thought of a name for this child a long time ago. Since Uncle Jiu said so, then my nephew will not be polite. , this child will be called Tongxuan from now on!"

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