Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 425: The Late Stage of the Purple Mansion

Newborn babies are still very weak. For the sake of the baby's body, they generally don't test their spiritual roots at this time. Only after the full moon, when the body begins to grow, can they bear the "spirit test" test.

However, Zhou Yang's "Lihuo Golden Eyes" supernatural power can tell the spiritual root aptitude of low-level monks from a distance, so it is naturally not restricted by this aspect.

After Zhou Guangxiang finished naming his son Zhou Tongxuan, he used his magical powers to look at the baby in Zhou Guangxiang's hands.

The result made him very relieved.

This newborn baby not only has a spiritual root, but also a mid-level spiritual root aptitude of the wind attribute.

Although this kind of spiritual root qualification is not as good as his father Zhou Guangxiang's high-grade spiritual root qualification, but among the more than 700 monks of the Zhou family, it can also be ranked in the top ten.

With this level of spiritual root aptitude, Zhou Tongxuan, who is still a baby, has a Zifu period father and a Foundation establishment period mother, as long as he works a little harder in the future, becoming a Foundation establishment cultivator will not be a problem at all, even the Zifu period can look forward to it.

Zhou Guangxiang also knew the effect of Zhou Yang's "Lihuo Golden Eyes" supernatural power, and when he saw him using his supernatural power to observe his son, his heart arose immediately.

After he put away his supernatural powers, he asked in a low voice with a worried look on his face: "How is it? Uncle Jiu, do you think my child has spiritual roots?"

This question not only stopped his breathing, but also Liu Xuanxuan next to him.

Although both parents are monks, this does not mean that the child must have spiritual roots.

In addition to the guaranteed possession of spiritual roots by the descendants of monks in the Nascent Soul stage, even the descendants of monks in the Golden Core stage may be mortals.

Therefore, after the birth of a child, every parent who is a monk will feel uneasy when testing the child's spiritual roots, and is very afraid of getting disappointing results.

Although Zhou Yang has never been a father before, he also understands the mood of Zhou Guangxiang and his wife at this time. After hearing the words, he didn't have any thoughts of playing tricks on the two of them. If you have spiritual roots, you still have the middle-grade spiritual root qualifications of the wind attribute."


Zhou Guangxiang and Liu Xuanxuan took a long breath at the same time, and then their faces were instantly covered with smiles.

Next, Zhou Guangxiang and his wife went out with the baby in their arms to announce the good news to other tribesmen who came over after hearing the news, and accepted the congratulations from the tribesmen.

However, Zhou Yang left Chihu Mountain silently and returned to Xijiao Continent.

He had discussed with Zhou Guangxiang a long time ago, and after Xijiao Island and the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea were officially connected, he officially began to migrate mortals there.

Now the caravan of the Zhou family is already transporting grain to those man-made oases, and when the twenty-five man-made oases are all connected, the mortals of the Zhou family will use each oasis as a supply station, and it will take as long as four or five years. time to complete this long journey.

It can be expected that many mortals will die during this long migration.

But as long as the mortals can reach Rhinoceros Continent alive, their future generations will benefit from the benefits of their great migration.

The land that can be cultivated is always the greatest wealth for mortals.

Among the boundless sand sea, this kind of land is especially precious.

The fertile land on Xijiao Continent is now ownerless. As long as the mortals migrate here, they can distribute the land for farming at will, and the food they get is their own.

In contrast, in a fully developed and densely populated oasis like Yuquan Lake Oasis, the ownership of all cultivated land is in the hands of the family, and all mortal families distribute food by household and person within the clan. The food received is enough for three people at most.

In addition to migrating mortals, Zhou Yang will officially start a major reform of the Zhou family after Xijiao Island and the Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation Realm are officially opened. At that time, all Zhou family monks will be affected by this reform.

More than ten days later, Zhou Yang returned to Lingxi Peak of Xijiaozhou, informed Taoist couple Xiao Ying and apprentice Lu Xuewei about Liu Xuanxuan's birth of a child, and continued to enter the retreat room for retreat.

In the past few decades, the Zhou family has been dealing with major and minor matters, and many things have to be made up of ideas and decisions by him, the backbone, and he cannot be easily closed.

But now, the Zhou family has grown into a giant that no one can afford in the boundless sand sea and the world of cultivating immortals. Even if he retreats for ten or twenty years, it will not have any impact on the family's operation.

This retreat has also become the longest retreat in Zhou Yang's life.

Fifteen years, a full fifteen years!

This time, he had been in seclusion for fifteen years before he successfully left the seclusion.

At this time, his cultivation has reached the seventh floor of the Purple Mansion, and he has officially entered the late stage queue of the Purple Mansion.

"The road of practice, it really is more difficult to improve the realm as you go to the end!"

"This time, in order to break through the late stage of the Purple Mansion, I spent more than 20 years in seclusion, and used up nearly 100,000 spirit stones worth of spirit pills. It can only be done with the help of the fourth-order jade essence of speed!"

"But now I have exhausted the spiritual pills that can improve my cultivation. If I practice alone, even with the help of the fifth-level spiritual veins and the fourth-level jade essence that can increase the speed of cultivation, I am afraid that it will not be as difficult as seven or eighty years of hard work. Unable to practice to reach the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion!"

Zhou Yang's face turned ugly when he thought of the many magic pills he had used to improve his cultivation over the years.

He originally possessed a lot of spiritual pills for improving cultivation. After all, the total number of purple mansion stage monks who died under him during his trip to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou has exceeded the number of palms, and there are two of them. One is a fourth-rank alchemist.

Moreover, after being introduced by Xu Zhengyang, he exchanged some fourth-order spirit pills from some high-level alchemists in Xuanyang Xianzong.

Originally, he thought that with these many fourth-order spirit pills in hand, it was enough to support him until he reached the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion.

But now it turns out that he has far underestimated the difficulty of cultivating in the Zifu period, and it can also be said that he overestimated the speed of his practice.

Originally, he was carrying the "Qianyang Treasure Physique", and during the Qi training period and foundation building period, his cultivation speed was comparable to that of a top-rank spiritual root monk.

But after reaching the Purple Mansion Stage, even Xiao Ying with a top-grade spiritual root would need to spend more than twenty years to raise one level of cultivation, let alone him with a middle-grade spiritual root.

In the past, when his cultivation base was low, he could still advance bravely with the help of many elixir, breaking through barriers continuously.

But as his cultivation base got higher and higher, the time and panacea required to break through each level also increased, far exceeding his previous expectations.

At the beginning, he thought that he could be promoted to the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion before the age of two hundred and fifty, which was based on the premise that there were enough spiritual pills to increase his cultivation.

But now, at the age of two hundred and three, he found that it was basically impossible for him to achieve his goal in this world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea.

"Fifteen years have passed, and Xijiao Continent should have officially connected with the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea. In this way, as long as I complete the transformation, I can go out again to look for opportunities!"

Zhou Yang muttered to himself, and couldn't help getting up and leaving the retreat room.

Only when he got outside did he know that Taoist companion Xiao Ying had also retreated two years ago, preparing to attack the fourth floor of the Purple Mansion.

At present, the highest person in charge of Lingxi Peak is his youngest apprentice, Lu Xuewei.

Lu Xuewei is also sixty-six years old this year, and her cultivation has reached the fourth level of foundation building.

After Zhou Yang came out of Taoist couple Xiao Ying's bedroom, he went to Hanquan to look for her.

Just because she happened to be absorbing the cold energy of the cold spring to practice, Zhou Yang didn't disturb her, but just observed her situation from a distance.

In the cold spring, Lu Xuewei was sitting cross-legged on an ice lotus with her hands in a mudra. Every time she exhaled and inhaled, wisps of white cold air escaped from the cold spring, and she absorbed it into her body to exercise. change.

And as she absorbed more and more cold air, layers of hoarfrost gradually spread all over her body, tending to freeze her whole body.

Zhou Yang knew that this was a special vision that Lu Xuewei had in the "Ice Soul Manual" when she was practicing.

If Lu Xuewei succeeds in opening up the Purple Mansion in the future, when she uses her kung fu to practice, she will form a layer of solid ice to wrap herself up.

At that time, even if she is suddenly attacked during the retreat, that layer of solid ice will help her resist the enemy's attack and gain a chance to fight back.

"This world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea is indeed not suitable for cultivators with ice root roots like Xuewei. Otherwise, with her high-grade spiritual root aptitude, she would have a chance to open up the Purple Mansion before she turns 100. How could she still be in the foundation building stage now?" Four floors!"

Zhou Yang watched this scene from a distance, and sighed in his heart.

The environment in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea is indeed a big problem. It is not only difficult for ice and water kung fu monks to find a suitable practice environment here, even wood kung fu monks like Xiao Ying will also be subject to some restrictions.

The monks who are most suitable for the environment here are monks who practice the four elements of gold, fire, earth and wind.

The aura attribute of Lingxi Peak, the fifth-order spirit vein, is biased toward earth and metal. Zhou Yang's practice here is not bad, but Lu Xuewei, who practices ice-type kung fu, is extremely ineffective here.

If it weren't for the cold air from this cold spring to help her practice, the effect of Lu Xuewei's practice here might not be as good as that of Chihu Mountain's fourth-order top-grade spiritual vein with balanced five elements.

What needs to be explained here is that because the Lingmai rank is as high as the fifth-rank low-grade, unless the Zhou family takes out millions of low-grade spirit stones to raise the Lingmai rank to the fifth-rank middle-grade, otherwise it is impossible to raise the Lingmai peak to the fifth-rank middle rank. The pulse was changed to the five-element balanced spiritual pulse.

After observing for a while, Zhou Yang knew that Lu Xuewei would not be able to collect her skills in a short time, so he didn't wait any longer, and went out of the cave directly to check the changes outside.

After leaving the cave, he realized that in the past fifteen years, a lot of changes have taken place in Lingxi Peak.

Although the original Lingxi Peak was a fifth-level spiritual mountain, the mountain was barren, only some weeds survived tenaciously, and it was difficult to see a single tree.

But now fifteen years have passed, and the monks of the Zhou family have built a large number of palaces and lofts on the mountain and down the mountain, and shoveled out the rocks to spread the soil and planted a large number of low-level spiritual grasses and spiritual trees that are easy to grow.

At first glance, although this Lingshan Mountain is still far from the blessed land of the Immortal Mountain, at least it looks much more pleasing to the eye than before, and it has gained a lot of popularity.

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