Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 426 Lu Xuewei's Request

"The oasis channel was completed six years ago, one year later than the 15-year period that my niece originally expected. The reason was that a huge sandstorm occurred in one year, which destroyed half of the three oases built earlier. We had to Downtime for a year to repair those damaged oases."

"At the same time, because of the impact of the sandstorm, after the completion of the oasis channel, my brother called us elders to discuss and decided to set up an oasis maintenance team of 30 members. Give an extra 50 points of family contribution point subsidies."

"The monks of this oasis maintenance team are usually stationed on the twenty-five man-made oases, and they will slowly expand the size of the oasis every year in groups of three. If a large sandstorm destroys the oasis, they will receive orders from the family to gather together to repair it. Damaged oasis."

"Three years ago, the first migration team of 10,000 people had already started to migrate to Xijiao Continent. The news is that they have crossed six man-made oases, and their staff has been reduced by about half."

"By the way, my brother has been successfully promoted to become a Tier 4 formation master five years ago. The communication formation that is now arranged from Xijiao Island to Chihu Mountain is made by him himself, and he is still in Chihuling, Tier 4 defensive circles have been set up on Qinglang Peak and other Tier 3 high-rank Lingshan Mountains."

"Also, in the past fifteen years of the family, two more people have succeeded in building foundations, namely Zhou Tongmin and Zhou Fuyun. There are also two casual builder monks who found a medium-sized oasis in the sand sea and submitted applications for vassalage to the family. , Brother, he has accepted the vassals of those two on behalf of the family."

"In addition, in the past few years, two people from the Huangshamen have successfully opened the Zifu, and among the vassal families of the Huangshamen, Yan Nantian, the contemporary head of the Yan family in Huohuling, has also successfully opened the Zifu, and the Yan family has also been promoted to become a The new Zifu family!"


On Qinglang Peak, Zhou Yang, who came out to check the situation, met Zhou Guangxiang, his niece who was practicing here, and learned from her about the general changes that had taken place in the Zhou family and the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea during the years of his retreat.

In addition to Lingxi Peak, there are two third-order top-grade Lingshan Mountains on Xijiao Island, namely Qinglang Peak and Black Mitan.

Among them, Qinglang Peak is full of spiritual energy and lush vegetation, which is very suitable for planting spiritual herbs and medicines. The entire Lingshan Mountain has been opened up as a medicine garden by the Zhou family, and Zhou Guangxiang, the elder of the Zhou family, has been sitting here for a long time.

As for the black mire of another third-tier high-grade spiritual land, although the spiritual energy is also very strong, because the spiritual veins are located under a swamp and quagmire that is tens of feet deep, it is very difficult to develop. The area of ​​hundreds of miles has been used as a pasture for spiritual beasts such as "golden wool sheep", "iron armored rhino", "blue-spotted deer", and "white-tailed black sheep".

At this time, after listening to Zhou Guangxiang's explanation, Zhou Yang roughly understood what happened to him during these years of retreat.

"Very well, you have done a good job regarding the formation of the oasis maintenance team."

He nodded for a while, and first praised the Zhou Guangxiang brothers and sisters for forming an oasis maintenance team.

There is no doubt about the importance of the twenty-five man-made oases to the Zhou family. The demise of any oasis will temporarily interrupt the land transportation of Xijiao Island. It is essential to form a special team of monks to maintain these oases.

While he was in retreat, Zhou Guangxiang and Zhou Guangxiang brothers and sisters were able to think of this and implement it, which really made him feel very gratified.

Then he looked at Zhou Guangxiang who was no longer young in front of him, and his eyes couldn't help revealing a touch of kindness.

Zhou Guangxiang is one hundred and sixty-three years old this year. After completing the construction of the oasis, he has finally been promoted to the eighth floor of the foundation building, which is not far from the ninth floor of the foundation building.

With her age, she will definitely be able to cultivate to the ninth floor of the foundation building before she is two hundred years old, and she has the conditions to attack the Purple Mansion.

"Xiang'er, Uncle Jiu said back then that after you complete the construction of the oasis passage, you will be rewarded heavily."

"Now Uncle Jiu gives you two choices."

"The first choice is that in the next thirty or forty years, Uncle Jiu will do everything possible to help you find a [Purple Heart Chalcedony] to help you open up the Purple Mansion,"

"The second option is, you are now looking for a Taoist partner to marry and have children, so that among the children you give birth to in the future, Uncle Jiu can guarantee that one person will succeed in building a foundation and reward him with 50,000 family contribution points!"

Zhou Yang looked at the niece in front of him lovingly, and spoke softly about his reward.

These two rewards were what he had thought of long ago. No matter which one Zhou Guangxiang chooses in the end, it is enough to be worthy of her hard work in the sea of ​​sand for more than forty years.

But after Zhou Guangxiang heard the two choices he mentioned, he immediately said without any hesitation: "Thank you Uncle Jiu for your kindness, my niece chose the first one."

To choose the first option is to choose your own future.

Zhou Yang thought of the fact that this niece still risked her life to attack the foundation after the failure of the foundation, so it is not surprising that she would make such a choice.

So he immediately nodded and said: "Well, since you have made a choice, Uncle Jiu will naturally respect your choice, and Uncle Jiu will definitely give you the share of [Purple Heart Chalcedony] when you reach two hundred years of age. I found it for you before the age of one."

With Zhou Yang's current strength and wealth, it's not too difficult to get a copy of "Purple Heart Chalcedony". He doesn't even need to produce spirit stones himself, he only needs to contribute hundreds of thousands of family contribution points that he has accumulated. Exchange it into Lingshi, and you can buy two or three copies of "Purple Heart Chalcedony".

As for where the hundreds of thousands of family contribution points on him came from, of course he contributed a lot of precious treasures such as foundation building pills and "congealing fruit" trees to the family.

Moreover, as the Supreme Elder of the Zhou family, he earns up to 3,000 points of offerings every year. It has been nearly a hundred years since he was promoted to the Purple Mansion. The accumulation of offerings over the years alone has contributed 200,000 to 30,000 points from the family.

Although he seldom uses these family contribution points, the elders of the family finance will still record them for him every year.

Next, Zhou Yang rode a golden-winged Thunder Eagle to inspect all the spiritual mountains and places on Xijiao Continent before returning to Lingxi Peak.

At this time, Lu Xuewei had already finished her work, and when she saw Zhou Yang came back, she hurriedly went to see her.

Zhou Yang waited for her to finish the salute, and then asked directly: "Xuewei, did your teacher explain anything before retreating?"

When Lu Xuewei heard him ask this question, she immediately replied respectfully: "Returning to the respected master, my wife told my disciples before the retreat that this retreat may take four or five years to complete, and told the disciples that if the master If you go out during her retreat time, please be sure to wait for her to go out before going out."

"I understand. How do you feel about your practice these years? Did you get the elixir and elixir that your master entrusted to head Zhang to buy for you?"

Zhou Yang nodded slightly, then changed the topic, but asked about this disciple's practice.

"I have practiced well these years. With the help of the cold spring in the cave, I have broken through two levels in a row and raised my cultivation level to the middle stage of foundation establishment."

"As for the elixir and panacea that you entrusted Master Zhang to buy, Master, this disciple has also received it, but I don't want to rely too much on these foreign things to improve my cultivation, and I plan to wait until my practice speed slows down in the future. Use these foreign objects to help break through!"

There was a flash of light on Lu Xuewei's pretty face, and she looked up at Zhou Yang with a smile on her face, her eyes were full of confidence and calmness.

The so-called those who don't know are not afraid, although in places like the boundless sandy sea of ​​immortals, they can't find the most suitable spiritual mountain and blessed place for their cultivation, but Lu Xuewei's cultivation speed is still among the top ones. Naturally, he was very satisfied with his cultivation.

Many foundation-building monks at her age have just succeeded in building a foundation, and they will not be able to possess her level of cultivation until they are almost a hundred years old.

As for the opening of the Purple Mansion before the age of one hundred, it takes many years for the Boundless Sea of ​​Immortals to have a case. Even her most respected and admired master Zhou Yang and his wife Xiao Ying failed to do this. I haven't thought about it.

And the most rare thing is that most of the cultivation she has achieved since the establishment of the foundation has been achieved by her own hard work, and she rarely uses the power of pills to practice, which makes her mana foundation even better than those who use it. There are many people who have improved their cultivation base with the spiritual pill, and their mana is more pure.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang didn't want to speak out against this disciple's self-confidence, so he just nodded and said: "There is no harm in laying a solid foundation in the foundation building stage, but there is no need to regard those spiritual pills that increase cultivation as a scourge. Just pay attention to controlling the time of taking the panacea."

"I understand, thank you Master for your concern."

Lu Xuewei cupped her hands, but her answer was somewhat perfunctory.

Because Zhou Yang had high expectations for her, he often praised her for having the golden elixir when he taught her to practice, which made her set up the dream of pursuing the golden elixir road early on.

In order for this dream to be realized, she has high requirements on herself, for fear that the abuse of the panacea will ruin her path and miss the way.

In fact, there are quite a few monks who think like her in the world of immortality, and most of them are monks who are as talented as her.

For example, those monks who are born with spiritual bodies rarely take elixir to improve their cultivation. At most, they only take some spiritual fruits and elixir that have no side effects on the body to increase their mana. For example, Zhou Yang once took The third-tier high-grade spiritual fruit "Qinghua Biyue Fruit" and the three pieces of "Cloud and Mist Immortal Tea" that are still stored on his body.

In addition, Zhou Yang also knew that, unless the descendants valued by the Jindan stage monks and Nascent Soul stage monks were low-grade spiritual roots with unqualified spiritual roots, they would try their best to only take some unrefined spiritual roots in the early stage of practice. Spiritual things with side effects to increase cultivation.

In this way, although the speed of practice in the early stage may be slower than that of some monks who take the spirit pill to improve their cultivation base, but when they reach a high level later, they who have not taken many spirit pills to improve their cultivation base, once they take the spirit pill to increase their cultivation base, the effect will be great. It will be several times as many as those monks who often take elixir to practice.

For example, Zhou Yang, he thought that he had prepared so many panacea that it would be more than enough to provide him with cultivation to the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion.

But in fact, because he has been taking a lot of spiritual pills to improve his cultivation all the time, his body has developed a strong resistance to the spiritual pills. The same kind of spiritual pills that increase his cultivation may only have the same effect after taking it. The actual effect is about 60%.

This caused him to barely raise his cultivation to the seventh floor of the Purple Mansion even if he used up all the elixirs.

And this kind of drug resistance, because it is harmless to monks in itself, even if Zhou Yang quenched his body with the "Qianyang Immortal Light", it would not be able to reduce his body's drug resistance.

If you want to reduce this kind of drug resistance, you must either stop taking the panacea for a long time and use the power of time to dilute it, or you have a great chance to get some precious spiritual things that can reduce the body's drug resistance.

Therefore, although Zhou Yang noticed Lu Xuewei's perfunctory, he just frowned and didn't say much.

I just thought that after this girl's practice speed slowed down, she would naturally change her mind.

Lu Xuewei didn't think too much about it, she gritted her teeth suddenly after brushing off the matter, knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Zhou Yang and said: "Master, I have something to ask Master to agree to!"

Surprise flashed in Zhou Yang's eyes, he narrowed his eyes, and couldn't help asking: "Tell me, what is it that makes you so solemn?"

"Three years ago, Tu'er's fifth brother asked Tu'er to come here, saying that the family's spiritual mountain was not enough for the clansmen, and wanted to ask Tu'er to help find an oasis in the sand sea around Xijiao Island to house the redundant monks of the Lu family. "

"I know that from the moment I worship you as my master, I have nothing to do with the Lu family."

"But after all, the Lu family is the family from which Tuer was born, and the fifth brother is Tuer's own brother. He is over a hundred years old and has not traveled thousands of miles to come to Xijiaozhou to kneel and ask for help from Tuer. Tuer really can't bear to refuse him. request."

"So I want to ask Master for your permission to go out and explore the sand sea to find a way out for the Lu family. I promise you, Master, that within five years, no matter if you can't find a new oasis without an owner , Tuer can be regarded as having an explanation to the Lu family and Fifth Brother!"

Lu Xuewei looked at Zhou Yang anxiously, and said her request in a low voice.

The grace of nurturing is greater than the sky, not to mention that her own father sent her to Zhou Yang with his own hands, and personally said that she would be handed over to Zhou Yang to raise her.

It was also Zhou Yang and the Zhou family who single-handedly raised her and provided resources for her to practice.

Now that she wanted to do things for the Lu family, she had to agree with Zhou Yang to do so.

After Zhou Yang listened to her request, his eyes flickered and he pondered.

After pondering like this for a while, just then, in her anxious eyes, she nodded slightly and said: "Although being kind is not as good as raising kindness, you are the daughter of the Lu family after all, and now that the Lu family is begging you, they are asking you to do this kind of thing again." It’s really hard to refuse what you can do.”

"Well, your request is accepted by the teacher. Even if the Lu family wants to move the people here, my Zhou family can also help."

"But Xuewei, you have to tell the Lu family clearly that this is the last time you will help them, so that they will not rely on you after they have tasted the sweetness. If you do that, you will be rude to them as a teacher!"

I'm so tired today! The workload of going to work during the day today has reached the usual workload of three to five days. I have not stopped since I went to work. All kinds of documents and materials have to be entered and printed by computer. I couldn't write anything, I gritted my teeth and wrote until half past eleven before finishing 4,000 words! So I can only update it once, and I owe the remaining chapter first. If there are manuscripts in the future, please return it!

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