Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 427 Promoted to the Fourth Rank Top-Rank Artifact Refiner

With Lu Xuewei's current cultivation and the many life-saving cards he bestowed, Zhou Yang is not worried that she will encounter any danger when she goes out to explore the sand sea.

So after sending Lu Xuewei away, he sent a summons to Zhou Guangxiang who was far away in Chihu Mountain, ordering him to call all the tribesmen who had no urgent business to go to the Chihu Mountain Oasis, and prepare to participate in the family meeting to be held three months later.

Every time the Zhou family wants to hold a family meeting, it means that there will be important things to announce, so every time they receive news that a family meeting will be held, as long as they are able to attend the Zhou family monks, they will try their best to participate, so that Grasp the family's change information at the first time, or show his face in front of Zhou Yang, the family's grand elder.

You must know that since Zhou Yang came back from his visit to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, except for a few important family celebrations, he rarely showed up in front of his clan members, so that many members of the Zhou family only saw the ancestor of the clan in the portraits It's rare to get a closer look at its true appearance.

Especially in the past twenty years, he has spent in retreat. Those Zhou family members in their 20s and 30s grew up listening to the legend of his family's grand elder, but they have never had the chance to see the real person.

The news of the family meeting this time was heard by these people, and they were extremely excited. They all dropped everything and rushed back to the Chihushan Oasis, unwilling to miss this opportunity to see the idol's true face.

However, Zhou Yang was not in a hurry to rush to the Chihu Mountain Oasis.

After he sent out the news of the family meeting, he entered the refining room, preparing to upgrade his refining technique to the fourth-rank top grade.

In fact, after the self-created magic weapon was granted the blessing of heaven, his refining technique has been greatly improved, and he is not far from being promoted to the fourth-rank top-rank refining master.

If at that time he was willing to work hard for a few years to study the art of refining, he would definitely be able to be promoted to a fourth-rank high-grade refining master.

It's just that he was eager to improve his cultivation at that time so as to deal with the battle of Xijiaozhou, so he put it aside for the time being.

In the following years, although he didn't deliberately study the art of refining weapons, the refining of fourth-order magic weapons several times allowed him to gradually touch the limit.

This time, his cultivation base broke through to the late stage of Zifu, and his cultivation base could no longer be improved in a short period of time, so he prepared to break through that limit and improve his refining technique.

Zhou Yang has a lot of materials for refining the fourth-order high-grade magic weapon, most of which are obtained from killing monsters and wild beasts, and a small part are obtained from the monks who fell under his hands.

This time, he was going to use the shell fragments of the fifth-rank low-grade monster "Genshan Turtle" as materials, and add some hard spirit gold to refine a fourth-rank high-grade defensive magic weapon shield that he could use.

The "Genshan tortoise" was killed by him with the "Xuanyang Zixiao Shenlei" jade talisman bestowed by Master Qingyang. The tortoise shell was blasted with dozens of cracks by the powerful lightning, and it could no longer be used as a whole. To refine the fifth-order magic weapon.

Therefore, Zhou Yang later disassembled it into pieces, and planned to use its own hard and heavy material to refine a batch of fourth-order defensive magic weapons.

The process of refining the weapon went smoothly. After three failures, Zhou Yang successfully refined the magic weapon shield he wanted.

This fourth-tier high-grade magical weapon shield uses the hardest tortoise shell from the fifth-tier monster "Genshan Turtle" as the main material. It comes with a "earth shield" protective power, which can block a fourth-tier high-grade magic attack without breaking after being activated.

With this magic weapon for body protection, unless he encounters a fifth-level monster or a monk at the golden core stage, Zhou Yang can ignore most of the monsters of the same level with just this magic weapon and the "Celestial Silkworm Clothes" on his body. The monks attacked.

However, after he was successfully promoted to the fourth-rank high-grade refiner, Zhou Yang did not leave the level immediately, but took out another material to continue refining.

"I don't know if my idea can succeed?"

In the refining room, Zhou Yang looked at the fiery red fox fur in his hand, and a look of anticipation flashed in his eyes.

The fox fur in his hand was left by the three-tailed demon fox who died under his sword. When he peeled off the fox fur with the fox tail completely, he wanted to use it to refine a piece with a clone. The vestment of life-saving supernatural powers.

This time, he chose to attack the fourth-rank high-grade craftsman first and then refine this magic weapon, in order to maximize the success rate, after all, he only has one chance.

Because the three-tailed demon fox was only a low-rank fourth-rank monster, Zhou Yang had very low requirements for this magic weapon, as long as it could reach the level of a fourth-order magic weapon.

With his level of fourth-level high-grade weapon refining skills at this time, the success rate of refining a fourth-level low-grade magic weapon is at least 60%. As long as his luck is not too bad, there should be no possibility of failure.

Zhou Yang didn't have any requirements on the defense power of the vestment because it was only for the vestment to have the life-saving power of the clone of the three-tailed demon fox. When refining the weapon, his main energy was on how to activate the clone's life-saving supernatural power.

And because the main carrier of the three-tailed demon fox's life-saving supernatural power is the three fox tails, Zhou Yang was worried about damaging the fox tails, so he didn't dare to use the extremely high-temperature "Qianyang True Fire", but chose to use the ground fire to refine it. .

This undoubtedly increased the difficulty of refining some magic tools.

Fortunately, his luck was not too bad. After five days and five nights of refining, he was able to refine the fox fur robe.

This refined fox fur vestment, as Zhou Yang expected in advance, was only a low-grade fourth rank, and it was indeed equipped with the life-saving supernatural power of the three-tailed demon fox.

However, this magical power can only be used once, after one time, the three fox tails will be damaged, and this magical power can no longer be used.

Of course, this did not satisfy Zhou Yang, so he had to process the magic weapon again.

As soon as he raised his hand, a black jade bottle appeared in his hand, and then he reached out and pulled the lid off the jade bottle and shook the jade bottle, and the three-tailed demon fox beast soul that he put into the jade bottle fifteen years ago came out of it. drilled out.

It is not the first time Zhou Yang has done this kind of thing to attach spirits to the magic weapon so that the magic weapon has a soul.

The medium-grade magic weapon "Heavenly Thunder Horn" that he had rewarded Zhou Guangxiang for body protection was a treasure of soul that he forged with his own hands.

According to his estimation, as long as he can attach the beast soul of the three-tailed demon fox to this newly refined vestment, the life-saving supernatural powers attached to the vestment will no longer be limited to one-time use, but can be used repeatedly.


The beast soul of the three-tailed demon fox has been in the jade bottle refined by the "Soul Cultivation Jade" for fifteen years, and its spirituality has not yet dissipated. After getting out of the jade bottle, it saw Zhou Yang, the enemy who killed him, and was immediately terrified. whimpering and trying to escape.

But before it could make a move, Zhou Yang used the "soul arrest technique" to detain it.

"The spirituality has not dissipated until now, it seems that I have to spend more time."

Zhou Yang looked at his beast soul with pleading eyes after he was imprisoned by him, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, but he made a fist with his hands without any pity, and showed another door to the beast soul. The secret technique "soul washing technique".

As the name suggests, this "soul cleansing technique" can cleanse the target's soul, wash away all the original memories of the soul, and turn it into an idiot with a blank soul.

However, to perform this secret technique, the prerequisite is to have the cultivation base of the Purple Mansion, open up the Purple Mansion and manifest the soul.

Then, in order to successfully perform the secret technique, one's own soul must be many times stronger than the target's soul.

Zhou Yang naturally has both of these conditions. He is already a seventh-level cultivator of the Purple Mansion, and his spiritual strength is incomparable to Zhang Yunpeng, a ninth-level monk in the Purple Mansion who is about to die, let alone a head. The beast soul of a fourth-tier low-grade monster.

At this time, he performed the "soul washing technique", which quickly washed away all the memory of the three-tailed fox's beast soul. It is blended into the fox fur vestment.

Everything went smoothly as expected, the three-tailed demon fox's beast soul didn't know whether it was because it had just been washed out of memory, or because it was attracted by the familiar aura on the fox fur robe, it blended into it without any fierce resistance and became a tool soul .

"It's done!"

Zhou Yang reached out and grabbed the cassock with joy on his face, and inspected the soul treasure with joy on his face.

After a while, he put down the cassock in his hand, and he couldn't help muttering to himself with a look of disappointment on his face: "So that's how it is! That's how it is!"

"Sure enough, what I thought was still too simple. This kind of supernatural power, even if the demon fox used it in his lifetime, the price is not small, so how can he continue to use it repeatedly!"

However, even if the fox fur robe has a weapon soul, it is not like he thought beforehand that he can use the avatar life-saving supernatural power repeatedly, but instead increases the number of uses to three times.

Once the three avatar life-saving supernatural powers are used up, the entire vestment and the soul inside it will be destroyed and dissipated, and there is no possibility of repair.

However, Zhou Yang already knew that it was not because of his inability to refine weapons, but because the magical power of the three-tailed demon fox was too heaven-defying, so that its cultivation base could not use this magical power as a common method at all.

If the three-tailed demon fox advances to become a fifth-order monster, perhaps this supernatural power can truly become a common method that can be used frequently, so that the magic weapon refined from its fox fur can make this supernatural power possible to be used repeatedly .

Therefore, although he was a little disappointed, he quickly accepted the incident without much resignation, and put away the magic weapon.

At this time, it has been more than two months since he closed the refinery, and it has been less than one month since the family meeting he notified was held.

Therefore, after he left the customs, he directly asked Zhou Guangxiang, who was in charge of Qinglang Peak, to come to Lingxi Peak to sit in charge, and then rode the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle to the Chihu Mountain Oasis by himself to host the family meeting.

At the same time, because there was still time, he did not take the shortest distance to the Chihushan Oasis, but flew along the route of the oasis passage, and inspected the oasis passage along the way.

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