Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 621 The Phoenix Goddess

Chapter 621 The Phoenix Goddess

The cross-cultivation teleportation array of Liuyun Xiancheng is located on the mountainside of Liuyun Xianshan, where outside monks were originally forbidden to set foot.

Because of the opening of the teleportation array this time, Zhou Yang and other monks who got the teleportation talisman were able to set foot in this area.

However, they didn't have the opportunity to really peek at the area above 3,000 zhang in the fairy mountain, because they were able to reach the mountainside of the fairy mountain by direct teleportation through the short-distance teleportation array.

And after they teleported to the mountainside, the area they could see was only a few thousand feet away, and the area beyond a few thousand feet was still shrouded in the fog of the formation, making it impossible to see clearly.

After Zhou Yang teleported here, dozens of people had gathered here, many of them were Nascent Soul stage monks with unfathomable auras, and he even found two Nascent Soul late stage monks with powerful auras!

However, among the two late Nascent Soul cultivators, he only recognized one, and the other was a complete stranger.

Since all the people who take the teleportation array must show their true colors, and the "real person list" records the appearance of almost all the monks of the Yuanying stage in the Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation World, Zhou Yang can only guess which Yuanying stage monk he can't recognize. The post-infant monks came from the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, or other realms of cultivating immortals.

This is not surprising, Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation World is also a prosperous Great Cultivation World, so there will naturally be other monks from the Immortal Cultivation World who want to come here to travel.

And through the teleportation array of Liuyun Immortal City, you can go directly to Donghua Immortal City, the center of the Immortal Cultivation Realm in Donghua Continent. For the monks who came to visit the Immortal Cultivation Realm in Donghua Continent, taking the teleportation array back is undoubtedly the fastest and most convenient way.

Looking at the past one by one like this, Zhou Yang's eyes froze suddenly, and his eyes suddenly widened.

His gaze fell directly on a person, a beautiful woman in a red dress wearing a long red dress.

The beautiful woman in the red dress is extremely glamorous, with a noble and charming temperament, and a plump and attractive figure, which is very suitable for the identity of a mature beautiful woman.

But among the dozens of monks present, none of them dared to stare at her like Zhou Yang, because the breath she exuded was only a little worse than those two late Nascent Soul cultivators, and she turned out to be a mid Nascent Soul cultivator!

But Zhou Yang knew that she was not a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, but a sixth-level middle-grade demon king whose cultivation was comparable to that of a mid-Yuan Soul cultivator.

This beautiful woman in the red dress is the sixth-rank middle-rank demon king, "Suzaku Demon King" Zhu Zizhen, who was invited by Lu Xuanji together with him to enter the [Qiongtian Wonderland] to refine [Cracking Heavenly Demon].

"Little guy, if you dare to look at me like this again, be careful that I will goug out your eyes and feed them to the dogs!"

The cold voice sounded from Zhou Yang's mind, making him tremble instantly, he quickly looked away, and admitted his mistake in a low voice: "Senior, forgive me, this junior sees senior here suddenly, I can't control myself for a while, there are many offenses, I still look forward to Senior Haihan."

Zhu Zizhen heard his words, looked at him a little softer, and then said lightly: "This king knows what you are surprised about, don't worry, since this king appears here, there is naturally someone who allows it, you take care of yourself mouth, just don’t talk nonsense!”

"The junior understands, the junior understands, the junior knows nothing, and sees nothing."

Zhou Yang nodded again and again, and it was very interesting not to ask who allowed her a sixth-order demon king to enter and leave the human fairy city and use the human teleportation array.

This nobleman is obviously not an ordinary sixth-order demon king.

First, Lu Xuanji, the ninth-level "Half-Step True Immortal" cultivator of the Nascent Soul, invited her to enter the important place of human cultivators such as [Sky Wonderland], and participate in such a major event as refining [Split Innocence Demon].

Now she was able to set foot in Liuyun Immortal City openly and aboveboard, and obtained the authority to use the cross-cultivation teleportation array, which shows how capable she is.

Neither Lu Xuanji nor the cultivator who allowed her to enter Floating Cloud Immortal City and use the cross-cultivation teleportation formation, seemed not worried that she would take the opportunity to do something that would be detrimental to the human race.

Zhou Yang didn't know what was tricky about it, but he knew that it was definitely not something he could touch now.

So after receiving Zhu Zizhen's warning, he quickly gave up looking at other people and waited patiently.

After Zhu Zizhen warned him, she didn't talk to him again, as if she didn't know him at all.

Time passed slowly like this, and when all the one hundred monks who had obtained the teleportation talisman arrived, the voice of an old man with vicissitudes of life suddenly rang in the ears of Zhou Yang and the others.

"The teleportation formation is about to start its final charge. Fellow Daoists, please stick the teleportation talisman on your body to avoid any accidents during the teleportation."

Hearing this, Zhou Yang waited for the monk who was waiting for the teleportation, and quickly pasted the silver teleportation talisman on his chest.

This teleportation talisman is a treasure specially refined to cooperate with this ultra-long-distance teleportation array, and it can protect monks from being hurt by space tearing forces during the teleportation.

Without the protection of this teleportation talisman, even a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage might not be able to withstand the powerful tearing force of space.

And even with the protection of the teleportation talisman, those who are not at the golden core stage or above cannot survive the teleportation process.

The monks who make this teleportation talisman must be at least a sixth-rank talisman maker.

From this point of view, it is not unreasonable for the teleportation talisman to be so expensive.

At this time, as everyone put the teleportation talisman on their bodies, Zhou Yang quickly sensed a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy gathering towards the teleportation altar under his and others' feet.

Every time this cross-cultivation teleportation array is activated, it consumes a huge amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy, and only an extraordinary sixth-level top-grade spiritual mountain like Liuyun Xianshan can provide enough energy for it.

But in fact, even a sixth-level top-grade spiritual mountain like Liuyun Xianshan needs at least a hundred years to recuperate after activating a teleportation array.

The vision of gathering such a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy lasted for a full three hours before the teleportation array was officially activated.

For a moment, Zhou Yang felt that his consciousness seemed to have stopped for a few breaths, and his eyes were dark, and he couldn't see anything.

When his consciousness recovered and his eyesight recovered, the teleportation was over.

He looked down, and the teleportation talisman attached to his chest had burned the last ray of power, and soon turned into a piece of fly ash and fell to the ground under his gaze.

Then he raised his head and looked around, only to see that the surroundings were no longer the Misty Flowing Cloud Fairy Mountain, but an underground palace.

At this moment, a hearty voice suddenly sounded from the corner of the palace.

"Welcome all fellow Taoists from the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou to the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou. I wish you all can achieve your goals in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou and have a good time."

Zhou Yang followed the voice and saw a middle-aged Yuanying stage monk in Tsing Yi standing in the corner of the palace smiling at the visitors.

This person should be the cultivator arranged by Donghua Immortal Palace to guard the cross-cultivation teleportation array here.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Zhou Yang appeared in Donghua Immortal City, the busiest and bustling place in the Immortal Cultivation World of Donghua Continent, holding a jade slip in his hand.

The jade slips in his hand were specially prepared by Donghua Immortal Palace for other cultivators who came to Donghua Continent for the first time in the Immortal Cultivation World. All of them received one for free during this trip.

The jade slips recorded some basic information about the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, and attached a rough map of the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou.

If Zhou Yang hadn't read the materials of the Donghuazhou Immortal Cultivation World in Xuanyang Xianzong beforehand, this jade slip could indeed save him a lot of things, but now, this thing can at most let him compare the information he knows. Just as a reference.

"Looking at the reaction of that Donghua Immortal Palace's Nascent Soul stage monk earlier, Zhu Zizhen seems to have another unknown identity?"

Walking on the streets of Donghua Fairy City, Zhou Yang remembered what happened in the underground palace earlier, his eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he thought of.

Earlier in the underground palace, when the Yuanying stage monk of Donghua Immortal Palace saw Zhu Zizhen for the first time, he was obviously taken aback and almost didn't make a move on the spot.

But after Zhu Zizhen said a few words to him through sound transmission, and showed him a jade pendant with a vermilion bird pattern on it, he quickly calmed down, and he did not make any excessive moves, completely treating Zhu Zizhen as an ordinary monk to treat.

Based on this, Zhou Yang guessed that the jade pendant with the Suzaku pattern should be some kind of token, and Zhu Zizhen, who holds this token, should have another unknown identity besides the sixth-level middle-grade demon king. identity of.

It's a pity that he is only a Jindan stage monk after all, even if he had some cooperation with Zhu Zizhen at the beginning, he couldn't be treated as an equal existence by the other party after all, and he couldn't ask the other party about it.

"Forget it, let's find a place to let Cai'er out first, and see if it can sense Fengxian."

Shaking his head secretly, Zhou Yang didn't think about Zhu Zi's real matter anymore, but found a high-level immortal inn in Donghua Immortal City, rented a single-family courtyard, and released the colorful peacock Jiang Cai'er from the spirit beast ring. come out.

"No, maybe the distance is too far, I can't sense the existence of the master."

In the courtyard, Jiang Caier, a colorful peacock, was lying on the ground, closed her eyes and concentrated on sensing for a while, then opened her eyes in frustration, and whispered the result.

"Is that so?"

Zhou Yang frowned, then nodded lightly and said: "I see, you go to the spirit beast ring first, and I will let you out to find your master after I hear the news."

After speaking, he put Jiang Cai'er back into the spirit beast ring, and then walked out of the yard.

If people have been here, they must leave footprints.

Jiang Fengxian's stunning appearance, as long as she has been active in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, and has dealt with other monks, will definitely impress all the monks who have dealt with her.

Zhou Yang was going to start from this aspect and inquire about his news.

Of course, he must not reveal his true identity, and he cannot inquire about this news too deliberately and obviously.

Otherwise, if they happen to meet Jiang Fengxian's enemy, it will be a lot of fun.

It's just that he has just arrived here, and he has no acquaintances in this Donghua Immortal City. If he wants to inquire about the news, he really can't find a place to start.

In the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, he has a wide range of friends. If he wants to find out any news, whether it is through Xuanyang Xianzong or Yuqing Daozong, he can use the huge information network of his sect to help him find out the news.

But in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, he is a newcomer, and everything here is strange to him.

As a last resort, Zhou Yang went to a restaurant near Xianzhan with the attitude of giving it a try.

In the world of cultivating immortals, most restaurants are just places for middle and low-level monks to spend their time, and the main force of entertainment is those casual monks. High-level monks usually don’t come to this kind of place. They prefer to hold banquets in the cave to share with other monks First-class monks have a banquet.

Zhou Yang came to the restaurant purely with the idea of ​​having a shot, to see if he could hear any news from the monks who were drinking.

Of course, it was too shocking, he lowered his cultivation to the ninth floor of the foundation building, a monk who was just suitable for entering and exiting places like restaurants.

The name of the restaurant is "Deyue Tower", and I don't know what the meaning is. When Zhou Yang entered it, he saw some drinkers sitting sparsely in the lobby on the first floor, all of them were Qi training monks.

He shook his head slightly and went straight to the second floor.

The number of drinkers on the second floor was much smaller, there were only six or seven people, but they were all foundation-building monks, not even a single qi-training monk.

The third floor of the restaurant is a private room, but there is no requirement for one to enter the private room, but the private room can order a pot of high-quality spirit wine just for the private room fee, and ordinary monks really don't spend such money.

Zhou Yang came to inquire about news, of course he would not order any private room, so he sat down at a table, ordered a pot of the restaurant's signature spirit wine and some signature specialties, and poured himself a drink.

Although there are few monks like him drinking alone in the restaurant, there are some, and no one is surprised.

And while Zhou Yang was drinking and eating, he also let go of his consciousness, overhearing the conversations of the drinkers upstairs and downstairs and in the private rooms.

Under his powerful spiritual consciousness, neither the sound-proof formation attached to the box itself nor the sound-proof enchantment set up by the monks could play any role. He knew everything the monks talked inside.

This kind of eavesdropping on other people's conversations is an absolute taboo in the world of cultivating immortals. If Zhou Yang had no other options, he would not be ashamed to eavesdrop on the conversations of these middle and low-level monks.

It's a pity that the various things he overheard were all trivial things, or simply some dirty and scandalous things, and there was no news he wanted.

"This fellow daoist is a bit unfamiliar. Is this the first time to drink in Deyuelou? I'm in Deshui, may I have the honor to ask fellow daoist for a drink?"

Just when Zhou Yang felt that his approach was boring, and was thinking about whether to go back and find another way, a middle-aged Foundation Establishment cultivator reeking of alcohol suddenly walked up to his table to strike up a conversation.

He looked up at this unshaven guy who smelled of alcohol, knowing that this guy took him for a fool and wanted to come over for a meal and drink.

This person was also sitting alone at the table just now, but the spiritual wine and spiritual meal he ordered were all ordinary goods, and they were completely incomparable with the restaurant's signature spiritual wine and signature dishes on the table.

At this moment, the other party probably observed him for a period of time, and only after he was confident in his heart, did he deliberately come over to strike up a conversation by being drunk.

But even though he understood the other party's thoughts in his heart, Zhou Yang still didn't want to drive people away. It was just a meal of wine and food, and it was all leftovers from him.

"Yu Dao has friendly eyesight, and Huang Yi is indeed here for the first time."

He nodded slightly, admitted the other party's guess, then raised his glass and said: "The so-called meeting is worse than meeting by chance. If fellow daoist Yu doesn't dislike the meager food and drinks, Huang will have a few drinks with fellow daoist."

"Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Huang is straightforward, and Yu Mou likes to make friends with fellow Daoists who are straightforward like Fellow Daoist."

The big man Yu Deshui laughed wantonly, causing other monks in the restaurant to frown and look at him. The contempt in their eyes was undisguised, and it seemed that they all knew this guy's virtue.

And this Yu Deshui is indeed in line with Zhou Yang's judgment of him. After drinking a glass of wine and sitting down, he talked to Zhou Yang about the signature spirit wine and wine of various restaurants in Donghua Fairy City. The name and taste of the signature dish sound as if they have been drunk and eaten.

Anyway, Zhou Yang only saw that his mouth and hands didn’t stop. Either he took the initiative to lift the jug to pour wine into his glass, or he picked up the chopsticks and kept picking up the various dishes on the table. It looks like it's obviously not once or twice to do this kind of thing.

And Zhou Yang looked at the dish that he picked up. He could still eat a few mouthfuls, but suddenly he lost his appetite, so he just sat and watched the other party start eating.

In this way, he waited until the other party drank the wine pot and finished the dishes, then he looked at the other party who seemed to have not eaten enough and asked: "Since you are so familiar with all the restaurants in Donghua Immortal City , I must have seen many stunning beauties who come and go in it, I wonder if you have seen the fairy above it?"

After Zhou Yang finished speaking, he waved his hand, and he put a portrait on the table.

The so-called cannibalism has a soft mouth and short hands. Although Yu Deshui has become a habit of mixing food and drink, he has no bad habit of pulling up his pants and leaving after eating and drinking.

Hearing Zhou Yang's words at this time, he boasted habitually: "It's not that Yu is boasting, the various beautiful fairies that Yu has seen in these years are definitely no less than those Jindan seniors who have lived for hundreds of years. Said the most..."

As he spoke, his eyes suddenly widened and turned into bull's eyes.

However, she was already so shocked by the stunning face in the portrait on the table that she was speechless.

The Jiang Fengxian in the portrait was transformed by Zhou Yang based on the first time the two met. At that time, the beautiful picture of Jiang Fengxian riding a colorful peacock really surprised him.

"There is such a beautiful woman in the world!"

The big man Yu Deshui wanted to reach out to touch the stunning face in the portrait with trembling palms, but of course he couldn't touch it.

How could Zhou Yang allow other men to blaspheme his own woman, not even a portrait.

"Cough, cough, fellow daoists, don't blame me. Yu was just agitated for a while and couldn't help it. He definitely didn't intend to offend. If there is any offence, Yu will apologize to fellow daoists here!"

Probably from Zhou Yang's attitude, he also understood that his behavior was unseemly just now, Yu Deshui blushed, first coughed twice in embarrassment to explain something, and then solemnly bowed his hands to Zhou Yang to apologize.

"Fellow Daoist Yu, you're being polite. You haven't answered Huang's question yet. Have you ever seen the fairy in this portrait?"

Zhou Yang looked at the big man. Although his tone was very calm, Yu Deshui could feel that he cared about this matter.

"That never happened!"

Yu Deshui shook his head slightly, and then couldn't help but sipped his mouth and sighed: "With the stunning face of the fairy in the portrait that Daoist Huang just showed, if Yu has seen it, it is impossible for him to forget it!"

When Zhou Yang heard his words, although he didn't have much hope in his heart, he couldn't help being disappointed at this moment, and he was about to leave immediately.

But at this moment, Yu Deshui looked at him eagerly and said: "I wonder if Fellow Huang Daoist can let Yu Mou copy the fairy face of that fairy? One of the most regrettable things in Yu Mou's life is that he didn't see him." With the peerless appearance of [Phoenix Goddess], the fairy in Huang Daoyou's portrait just now, in Yu Mou's opinion, even if it is not as beautiful as [Phoenix Goddess], it will definitely not be much different. If Yu Mou can copy it for collection, it can be regarded as a complete It is a pity in this life!"

"[Phoenix Goddess]?"

Zhou Yang's mind was shocked, as if a certain nerve had been touched, his eyes instantly became sharp.

Seeing the change in his eyes, Yu Deshui thought his proposal had offended him again, panicked in his heart, and said quickly: "If Fellow Daoist Huang is unwilling, it's as if Yu didn't agree."

Zhou Yang had also come to his senses at this time, and when he heard his words, he immediately smiled wryly and said, "It's nothing, you don't know anything, Fellow Daoist, ever since Huang saw the stunning face of the fairy in the painting, he was shocked. Tianyan has always regarded her as the goddess in her heart, and there is no other woman in her eyes, so when I heard a fellow Taoist say that someone is more beautiful than her, I feel uncomfortable and want to refute."

Hearing the words, Yu Deshui immediately looked clear, and smiled and said: "Hey, hey, Yu Mou understood after Huang Daoyou said this. I think when [Phoenix Goddess] came to Donghua Fairy City, Yu Mou and Many fellow daoists in the city, like fellow daoist Huang, fantasize about being able to meet him and see the peerless face of the most beautiful woman in the world of immortal cultivation in Donghuazhou for three thousand years!"

A gleam flashed in Zhou Yang's eyes, and he immediately replied with a look of displeasure: "Since you have never seen that [Phoenix Goddess], how can you say that she is more beautiful than the fairy in Huang's heart? Is it just based on hearsay?"

Seeing his appearance, Yu Deshui couldn't help being amused, and immediately smiled and said: "Hahaha, fellow Huang Daoist, don't be convinced, although Yu has never seen the stunning face of [Phoenix Goddess], but [Phoenix Goddess] this thing The title of the number one beauty in the Huazhou Immortal Cultivation World has been evaluated by the Young Palace Master of Donghua Immortal Palace and the current Palace Master of Goddess Palace, so there is no mistake!"

After he finished speaking, he saw that Zhou Yang still had an unconvinced expression on his face, so he couldn't help but said, "Even if we don't talk about appearance, just say that [Phoenix Goddess] was married twelve years ago at the age of two hundred and thirty. Dan, this peerless talent is also rare, we immortal cultivators, after all, we still have to rely on our cultivation base to speak."

Twelve years ago, wasn't that when I had a whim and warned the police?

Zhou Yang's mind was shocked, and he was shocked by the news that Yu Deshui accidentally revealed.

But Deshui seems to have been immersed in his own words, and he didn't notice his strangeness in time, and couldn't help sighing: "It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity that such a talented and beautiful beauty In the end, it will become a marriage gift, those old women in the Goddess Palace are really not the sons of men, they are not the sons of men!"

The addition has been completed, and I would like to thank the leader of the book friend "Qian Duoduo" for the reward, and thank all the book friends who have been subscribing all the way here for their support, thank you!

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