Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 622 Father and Daughter Meet! 【Subscribe】

【Phoenix Goddess】Jiang Yufeng, the most famous contemporary disciple of Goddess Palace, under the tutelage of Lou Feifeng, the current master of Goddess Palace "Feifeng Zhenren", whose parents are unknown.

The first time it became widely known was at the "Donghua Fairy Fair" ninety-seven years ago, when it presented a song "Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens" on behalf of the Goddess Palace. The palace lord named Donghua Continent the number one beauty in the world of cultivating immortals on the spot, and Donghua has been famous ever since.

At that time, this [Phoenix Goddess] Jiang Yufeng was just a fourth-level monk in the Purple Mansion.

Twelve years ago, a celestial phenomenon of alchemy appeared on the Shennv Peak of the Shennv Palace, which triggered the golden alchemy phenomenon of "Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix". Later, it was reported that [Phoenix Goddess] Jiang Yufeng had successfully formed alchemy.

At that time, this news shocked many people, because according to the observation of [Phoenix Goddess] Jiang Yufeng by a senior Da Neng, her bone age was probably over a hundred years old. More than one hundred and thirty years old.

A golden core stage monk in his thirties!

This practice speed is beyond the reach of many spirit monks.

Even the young palace master of Donghua Immortal Palace, who possessed the genius of [Xunfeng Spirit Physique], was already over two hundred and eighty years old when he formed the alchemy.

And if this news was just shocking, then another news that came out shortly afterwards caused many monks who heard the news to almost collapse.

It turned out that less than two years after the [Phoenix Goddess] successfully formed the alchemy, the Yulong family, which had always been famous in the world of immortal cultivation in Donghuazhou but seldom seen, suddenly sent a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage to propose a marriage in person to replace Yulong. Yulong Jinhuang, the second-grandson of the current patriarch of the Long family, proposed to marry [Phoenix Goddess] as his wife.

And Goddess Palace actually agreed to this marriage!

When the news came out, the entire Donghuazhou Immortal Cultivation World was shocked.

The Yulong family is one of the most powerful forces in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghua Continent. Although the number of members of the clan is small and they rarely appear in front of people, their every move has attracted the attention of all major forces in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghua Continent.

The Goddess Palace is a sect that has been passed down for more than 8,000 years in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou. The "Goddesses" in the past are all well-known and regarded by countless monks as their dream lovers. The Taoist couple is honored for a lifetime.

The important members of these two forces have suddenly married, and other forces have no choice but to pay attention.

In particular, more than 500 years ago, Lou Feifeng, the contemporary owner of the Goddess Palace, "Feifeng Zhenren", publicly announced that the Goddess Palace joined the [Changsheng Xianmeng] formed by the Palace of Eternal Life and became an important member of it.

In this way, the marriage between the Yulong family and the Goddess Palace can actually be said to be a marriage with the [Changsheng Xianmeng].

Such a big event, how can it not attract attention.

And [Phoenix Goddess], as the contemporary "Goddess" of the Goddess Palace, has already accumulated a huge popularity in the circle of young monks in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou.

Suddenly hearing that the goddess in my heart is going to marry someone else as a marriage partner, I don't know how many monks have their dreams broken and their hearts broken.

According to gossip, after hearing the news, the Young Palace Master of Donghua Immortal Palace was so angry that he went to the Yulong Clan to challenge Yulong Jinhuang in person to make him give up marrying [Phoenix Goddess]. When she expressed her love to [Phoenix Goddess], she was politely rejected.

If this incident was only talked about by the monks who heard about it as gossip, then another gossip that spread out from nowhere later made those admirers of the [Phoenix Goddess] feel outraged and furious up.

According to the gossip that came from nowhere, [Phoenix Goddess] did not marry Yulong Jinhuang voluntarily, but her master "Feifeng Zhenren" threatened her biological mother's life and coerced her Married to Yulong Jinhuang as his wife.

Not to mention how credible the news is, just the appearance of this news is enough to make many monks whose Dao heart has collapsed because the goddess in their dreams is about to marry someone regain their Dao heart and work hard to save the goddess in their hearts.

Therefore, in the few years when the news first came out, at least thousands of young monks came from all over the world and gathered outside the gate of the Goddess Palace to protest, wanting the Goddess Palace to abandon the marriage decision and give [Phoenix Goddess] the right to freely choose a Taoist partner .

Many of these protesting young monks are disciples of various sects. It is not easy for the Goddess Palace to forcefully suppress them, so they can only let them make trouble outside the mountain gate without responding.

But later, the protesting monks said something, which angered Yulong Jinhuang of the Yulong family, so that he personally sent three fifth-rank dragons to the outside of the Goddess Palace, killing hundreds of people on the spot. Protest the monks, completely frightened everyone.

Since then, even though the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou is full of voices of condemnation against the Goddess Palace, it has been unable to prevent [Phoenix Goddess] from marrying Yulong Jinhuang from becoming a reality.

Five years, five years later, the Yulong family will officially come to welcome the bride, marry the [Phoenix Goddess] and go to the ancestral land of the Yulong family, the "Five Dragon Island" in the East China Sea to get married.

The above news is all the news Zhou Yang inquired from the mouth of the drunk Yu Deshui.

In order for this drunk to tell the news, he even took out a small half pot of [Queen Bee Brew], which he was usually reluctant to drink, and used these high-level spirit wine to force this guy drunk, and then let the other After drinking, he spoke the truth and told all the news.

"Jiang Yufeng, Jiang Yufeng..."

Inside the Immortal Inn, Zhou Yang muttered the name of that [Phoenix Goddess] in a low voice, and then he could not help but sigh with a wry smile on his face: "Fengxian, Fengxian, you really gave me a problem! "

When he heard the nickname "Phoenix Goddess", he already realized that this so-called "Phoenix Goddess" must be related to Jiang Fengxian.

When he heard that this [Phoenix Goddess] had successfully formed an alchemy twelve years ago at the age of more than 230 years old, and her real name was Jiang Hou, Zhou Yang immediately knew that this girl must be his and Jiang Fengxian's daughter.

Twelve years ago, he and Jiang Fengxian had separated for exactly 230 years in the Kunxu Realm, and as far as he knew, the pregnancy period of the "Tianfeng Clan" was several times longer than that of the human race.

Besides, his strong whim warning, usually only possible to be triggered when the blood relatives are in danger.

Of course, for now, these are just Zhou Yang's guesses. Whether the guesses are true or not, he has to verify further.

It's just that if this guess is true, the enemy he will face is too powerful.

five years! If his guess is true, he has less than five years to prepare.

With such a tight schedule, Zhou Yang didn't dare to delay any longer, so he left Donghua Immortal City the next day and rushed to the mountain gate of the Goddess Palace.

The mountain gate of the Goddess Palace is a million miles away from Donghua Immortal City, and Zhou Yang is completely unfamiliar with the world of cultivating immortals in Donghua Continent, so it took nearly a month to get there.

To avoid scaring the snake, he stopped tens of thousands of miles away from the gate of the Goddess Palace, and then landed in an uninhabited mountain forest. He released Jiang Caier, a colorful peacock, from the spirit beast ring, and asked him to try to sense the whereabouts of his master Jiang Fengxian again. .

"I found it, I found it, the master is not far from us over there, let's go find her!"

In the forest, after Jiang Cai'er closed her eyes and sensed for a while, she screamed with joy, and she was about to flap her wings and follow the sensed direction to chase after her.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang quickly stretched out his hand to hold it down and said, "Cai'er, don't be impatient, this matter is not as simple as you think."

"What do you mean? Master, what do you mean by that?"

Jiang Caier stared at Zhou Yang with wide eyes, not understanding why she stopped it from looking for its owner.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang told it all the news he had inquired about, as well as his speculation.

After listening to his narration, Jiang Cai'er was so angry that she yelled, "It's too hateful, those human beings are really too hateful! Master, you must save the master!"

Knowing that she was a child at heart, Zhou Yang was not surprised, so he just comforted: "Don't worry, I will definitely rescue Fengxian and the others, but this matter has to be discussed in the long run, and your help may be needed."

Jiang Cai'er heard the words, nodded repeatedly and said: "Cai'er listens to the master, what you want Cai'er to do, Cai'er will do."

So, Zhou Yang took it back into the spirit beast ring immediately, and left the forest.

At the same time, when Zhou Yang released the colorful peacock Jiang Cai'er in the spirit beast ring, in a palace tens of thousands of miles away on Shennv Peak, a woman in colorful clothes who was watering flowers in the front yard of the palace suddenly trembled slightly. After a pause, he quickly put down the kettle in his hand, turned around and returned to the bedroom in the backyard.

"It was the imprint I left on Cai'er that was activated. How did Cai'er come to Donghua Continent to cultivate immortals? Could it be Zhou Lang who found it?"

In the dormitory, Jiang Fengxian's beautiful eyes slightly opened, they were full of excitement, and her mood fluctuated violently.

Since she was trapped in the Goddess Palace, the thing she was looking forward to the most was undoubtedly that Zhou Yang could come to rescue her one day.

Even though she knew in her heart that with Zhou Yang's cultivation, it would be useless to come, and there was no way to rescue her and her daughter.

Now after waiting for more than a hundred years, she finally waited for the arrival of her lover, how could she not be excited!

"The interaction between Cai'er and me only lasted for a while and then ended, which means that Zhou Lang already knew about my situation at this time, which is very good, so that he wouldn't rashly send me to my door to throw myself into a trap!"

"However, Zhou Lang will definitely not give up on rescuing me and Yufeng, and will definitely try to get in touch with me or Yufeng."

"I'm imprisoned here now and I can't move. The only person he can come into contact with is Yufeng. I have to tell Yufeng about this. I have to prepare her in advance so that I won't lose control of my emotions and be exposed." The existence of Zhou Lang!"

There was a flash of wisdom in Jiang Fengxian's eyes, and she had already deduced some things based on her understanding of her lover.

She did as soon as she thought of it, walked out of the bedroom immediately, and yelled in the direction of the closed door with a cold face: "I want to see Yufeng, and I will give you one day. If you don't see her after one day, I will make you unable to eat. Walk!"

When she said this, she actually felt a burst of sadness in her heart.

Trapped in this palace for decades, every time she wanted to see her own daughter, she had to cry like a shrew and hang herself, in order to attract attention and let her come to see her.

Fortunately, she has a resolute personality and has been used to living alone since she was a child, so she was not overwhelmed by this confinement life.

Half a day later, a beautiful woman in colorful clothes with a white veil on her face pushed open the palace gate and walked in.

"My son has met his mother. I don't know what her order is for her daughter? But those two old women outside made you angry again?"

The beauty in colorful clothes entered the palace, first took off the veil on her face, revealing a stunning face that resembled Jiang Fengxian, saluted Jiang Fengxian respectfully, then looked back at the closed door behind her, and cursed in a cold voice some people outside.

Jiang Fengxian looked at her daughter who was as beautiful as her own, but she stepped forward to grab her jade hand with a distressed expression, and asked with concern: "Feng'er, how is your injury recovery? It's all mother's fault, if it wasn't for mother If you are too greedy, you won't attract thunder calamity just because of forming alchemy, and almost die!"

"Mother, don't worry, that old woman is still counting on her daughter to marry into Yulong's family, in exchange for a spiritual object for her promotion, how could she not be devoted to her daughter's life!"

Jiang Yufeng curled her lips, her tone full of resentment.

Jiang Fengxian's complexion suddenly turned ugly.

She said with an ugly face, "The Yulong family is also ambitious! Although we don't know what their plan is, we can guess it. It's probably because of the [True Phoenix Bloodline] in you, Feng'er!"

There was another pain in her eyes after she finished speaking, and she looked at her daughter with a guilty expression and sighed: "After all, it's mother's greed that hurt you back then!"

"Mother, why are you saying such things again!"

Jiang Yufeng quickly grabbed her mother's jade hand, looked at her mother sincerely and said, "I have said it many times, and I don't blame you at all for this matter, because I know that you did that for my own good, my dear." I have never regretted refining [True Phoenix Blood]!"

"Feng'er, you..."

Jiang Fengxian's jade lips moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but couldn't say it, her expression was extremely complicated.

Outside the palace, two old women with golden core cultivation base saw this scene through a magic mirror, and sneers flashed on their faces, then they looked at each other and nodded, and wiped the mirror with their sleeves. I don't want to hear the words of the mother and daughter complaining and cursing.

Besides, Zhou Yang, through the words of the colorful peacock Jiang Caier, he confirmed that Jiang Fengxian was behind the Goddess Palace, and basically confirmed that his guess was true.

Then he immediately went to the most prosperous fairy city nearby to buy a special spiritual item of the East China Sea [Echo Conch].

There is a special kind of monster in the East China Sea called [Double Echo Conch]. The snail shells left behind by this snail monster can be used to refine a special sound-transmitting magic weapon, which can transmit sound through the air. effect.

The more powerful the 【Double Echo Conch】, the farther the sound transmission distance will be after the conch shell left behind after its death is refined into a magic weapon.

It is said that the sound-transmitting magic weapon refined from the shell of the fifth-order snail demon can transmit sound freely even if it is separated by hundreds of thousands of miles.

The shells of the fifth-grade snail demons are extremely rare, and they cannot be bought easily. In the end, Zhou Yang only bought a pair of sound-transmitting instruments refined from the shells of the top-grade snail demons of the fourth rank, which cost him 200,000 low-grade spirit stones.

This pair of instruments can transmit sound freely within 100,000 miles, barely meeting his requirements.

After getting the magic weapon, Zhou Yang refined one of them by himself, and then let Jiang Caier, the colorful peacock, swallow the other one and hid it.

Afterwards, Zhou Yang changed his face to hide his cultivation, disguised himself as a foundation cultivator and sneaked into a fairy city near the Goddess Palace, and inquired about the whereabouts of [Phoenix Goddess].

For his behavior, many monks in this fairy city are no strangers to it.

Ever since the news that [Phoenix Goddess] was forced to marry Yulong Jinhuang, many such monks came to the vicinity of the Goddess Palace to inquire about this kind of news everywhere, trying to save the goddess in their hearts from the sea of ​​suffering and fly away.

Although these monks were not considered by the Goddess Palace at all, the Goddess Palace still grounded [Phoenix Goddess] for an excuse, strictly forbidding her to leave the Goddess Palace to meet outside monks before getting married.

Of course Zhou Yang didn't find out anything at first, and he also endured a lot of ridicule both openly and secretly.

But he was not discouraged at all, and he still wandered around the Goddess Palace to do this in various squares and fairy cities.

After two or three months like this, although he didn't find out any news, he established friendship with many "like-minded" monks and agreed to share news together.

One day more than three months later, when Zhou Yang was routinely looking for people in a certain fairy city to inquire about news, he suddenly received a messenger flying sword.

It turned out that it was a foundation-building cultivator from Donghua Immortal Palace, the top sect in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou. He found out important news, saying that [Phoenix Goddess] would go to Fengming Mountain to relax in three days.

Since the news was inquired by the monks of Donghua Immortal Palace, Zhou Yang thought it was extremely reliable, so he quickly rushed to the so-called Fengming Mountain to make arrangements.

That Fengming Mountain is a fifth-level spiritual mountain less than 80,000 miles away from the gate of the Goddess Palace. The scenery on the mountain is beautiful and pleasant, and it is a branch of the Goddess Palace. 】I also practiced there for a while before.

Zhou Yang spent some spiritual stones, and invited a dozen foundation-building monks to monitor along the route from Goddess Palace to Fengming Mountain, so as not to miss the vehicle frame where [Phoenix Goddess] travels.

He himself had returned to his Golden Core stage cultivation base and original appearance, riding a seven-colored peacock, Jiang Cai'er, to Fengming Mountain one day earlier in advance.

When the day of [Phoenix Goddess]'s trip came, Zhou Yang was passing by thousands of miles away from Fengming Mountain, and happened to collide head-on with the group of [Phoenix Goddess] who came from the other side by speeding car.

Then he and Jiang Yufeng, a father and daughter who had never met before, began to have a tacit understanding.

At that time, the colorful peacock under Zhou Yang's feet suddenly lost control and threw him off, making a rapid and excited scream, and rushed towards [Phoenix Goddess] in the speeding car.

The Goddess Palace monks who guarded the [Phoenix Goddess] naturally did not dare to let such a fifth-level monster bird approach at will, so they wanted to force the colorful peacock back.

And Jiang Yufeng, who had been reminded by her mother Jiang Fengxian, rushed out of the flying car wearing a pair of colorful phoenix wings at this time, and comforted the colorful peacock with a soft voice.

Jiang Cai'er, the colorful peacock, also followed Zhou Yang's instructions and cooperated with Jiang Yufeng's acting, and calmed down, but kept singing at Jiang Yufeng from across the air.

At this time, Zhou Yang caught up with a desperate look, and apologized to the group: "I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, it was Zhou who was not strict in discipline, and let this beast bump into [Phoenix Goddess] and everyone in the Goddess Palace. Fellow Daoists, I hope Goddess and fellow Daoists Haihan."

"Fellow Daoist, you're being polite. This matter is still my fault. If it wasn't for sensing the concubine's body..."

Jiang Yufeng, who covered her face with a white gauze, glanced at Zhou Yang's handsome face, suppressed her excitement, and tried to explain something softly.

But before she finished speaking, a light cough rang in her ears.

Hearing this light coughing sound, her pretty face under the veil changed slightly, and then she immediately changed her words: "In short, I can't blame Daoist for this, and there is no need for apology, Daoist."

Zhou Yang's complexion also changed, as if he had discovered something, he hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Your Excellency is so clear about justice, Zhou admires it, then Zhou will not bother Your Excellency to go out, so I will leave."

After finishing speaking, he shouted angrily at the colorful peacock: "You beast, come back soon!"

At this time, the colorful peacock ignored him, but looked at Jiang Yufeng eagerly, his eyes full of pleading.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help looking at Jiang Yufeng with a changed expression, and said, "Your Excellency, this..."

"Fellow daoist, let's not hide this, this colorful peacock is actually carrying [Phoenix true blood], it is a rare and rare bird, and for some reason, my body happens to have something that is beneficial to its growth and evolution." A treasure of great help, that’s why it abandoned its master, Fellow Daoist, and wanted to follow this concubine’s side.”

Jiang Yufeng explained the reason, while looking at the speeding car behind him.

But Zhou Yang took advantage of the situation and said: "Then, can Your Excellency sell that treasure to Zhou? Zhou is willing to pay a lot of money to buy it!"

"This, I'm afraid I can't do it."

Jiang Yufeng shook her head slightly, and politely declined.

"Your Excellency, don't rush to refuse, Zhou can..."

Zhou Yang didn't seem to give up, and his voice suddenly increased a lot, as if he wanted to offer some better conditions.

But at this moment, a cold woman's voice suddenly sounded in the speeding car and said, "Hmph, you are so ignorant, don't you hear that good birds break trees and live there? Since this colorful peacock doesn't want to follow you anymore, then It means that the fate with you is over, if you force it, you will act against the sky, and you are afraid of accidents!"

A sinister voice echoed in Zhou Yang's ears, and a palpitating aura also faintly escaped from the speeding car.

Zhou Yang's complexion changed instantly.

He glanced at the blue speeding car in horror, then at the colorful peacock who ignored him, and finally cupped his hands at the blue speeding car with a face full of unwillingness: "What the senior taught is that the younger generation is taught That's it, I'll take my leave!"

After speaking, he turned his head three times, and looked back at the colorful peacock and Jiang Yufeng, who was covered in white gauze, several times with a face full of reluctance, until the figure completely disappeared from the line of sight of the group.

The hint in the previous chapter is so obvious, and there are so many book friends who say it is Jiang Fengxian, Khan, read the book carefully! Anyway, I have spent money, don't look at ten lines, it will not only be sorry for my wallet, but also make me feel that you don't respect my hard work at all!

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