Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 623: The Truth of That Year!

Fengming Mountain.

Ever since Jiang Yufeng got off the speeding car, her pretty face under the veil has been cold, and her temperament has suddenly changed into that kind of cold temperament that strangers should not get close to.

She flew straight to a certain mountain, landed in the gazebo on the top of the mountain, then turned her head, glared at a middle-aged beautiful woman behind her and shouted: "Old woman, what do you mean? You started fighting for me back then!" You are the ones who made the reputation, and you are the one who ruined my reputation now, do you really want to force our mother and daughter to death?"

Although the middle-aged beautiful woman is not as beautiful and young as her, she is still a mature woman with still charm. How can she have a good face when she directly calls her an "old woman".

I saw his face turned cold, his long and narrow red phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with a dark voice: "Little girl, you'd better be polite when talking to me, otherwise I may not dare to hurt you, so I have to let your mother come I will be punished for you!"

"you dare!"

Jiang Yufeng stared with almond eyes, and her voice suddenly rose several times.

But after seeing the sneer on the face of the middle-aged beautiful woman, her voice stopped quickly, and she said in a hateful voice: "You won't succeed, that colorful peacock only recognizes me, when the time comes, I will go to the Royal Palace Long family, you can't keep it!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged beautiful woman couldn't help but sneered and said: "I don't need to bother you, you'd better enjoy this last freedom with peace of mind. When you go to Yulong's house, if you don't change your temper, they won't accept it." I will spoil you like an old man!"

Hearing her words, Jiang Yufeng became even more angry, and sneered back: "Yeah, you don't want to spoil me, but it's a pity that you, like that old hag Lou Feifeng, still expect me to exchange for helping you cultivate. For a further spiritual creature, how dare you not get used to me?"

"I'm too lazy to bicker with you little girl, you only have one day, so do it yourself!"

The middle-aged beautiful woman's complexion darkened, and she disappeared into the gazebo without knowing where she hid.

A day later, Jiang Yufeng rode the colorful peacock back to the Goddess Palace with an unhappy face. After returning, she locked herself in the cave and did not leave the cave for half a month.

Regarding this, the middle-aged beautiful woman who was in charge of supervising her just smiled coldly and didn't care.

As long as Jiang Fengxian is still in the hands of Goddess Palace, she will not be afraid that this little girl will dare to play any tricks, and she will not even have to worry about her suicide tricks.

As for the colorful peacock brought back to the cave by Jiang Yufeng, she has personally inspected it several times, and it is indeed a rare species that has awakened [Phoenix True Blood].

This kind of rare bird will be attracted by Jiang Yufeng's [True Phoenix Blood], so it is not surprising that it will turn its back on its original owner and join her. After all, Jiang Yufeng's golden core vision caused by the alchemy in the first place is [Hundred Birds Facing Phoenix].

The middle-aged beautiful woman is more concerned about the Golden Core stage monk who was scared away by herself. If the other party is a famous monk, I am afraid that there will be a lot of trouble afterwards.

So after she returned to the Zongmen, she ordered someone to investigate the origin of the Golden Core Stage monk.

Besides, Zhou Yang, after he was forced to retreat that day, he flew towards the sea to the east. After flying two to three hundred thousand miles, he disappeared, turned around and returned to the mountain gate of the Goddess Palace. He regained his status as the Foundation Establishment cultivator who inquired about the whereabouts of [Phoenix Goddess].

After a few days like this, the [Echo Conch] that he had been hanging around his waist began to vibrate slightly. This vibration meant that another conch had been refined.

So, he quickly left the fairy city where he was, and entered the temporary cave he opened at the bottom of a big river outside the city.

He entered the temporary cave, activated the protective formation of the cave, held the conch shell in both hands, and shouted with a slightly trembling voice: "Fengxian, is that you?"

"it's me!"

In the Goddess Palace, Jiang Yufeng was also holding the conch shell taken from the belly of the colorful peacock Jiang Cai'er with an excited face, but her voice was a little cold and full of resentment.

When Zhou Yang heard this strange yet familiar voice, a look of disappointment flashed across his face.

He looked at the conch in his hand and was silent for a while, before he said, "You hate me in your heart?"

"Shouldn't I hate you?"

Jiang Yufeng clenched her teeth, trying to make her voice sound resentful.

At this moment, she even replaced the image of her father in her mind with the old woman she hated the most. Only in this way can she truly hate herself.

When Zhou Yang heard her resentful words, he really felt extremely uncomfortable, and couldn't help but whispered: "Didn't your mother tell you about the things between me and her?"

He thought it shouldn't be, Jiang Fengxian is not the kind of secretive character, if it were Xiao Ying, she might be ashamed to let her children know about such things, but Jiang Fengxian definitely wouldn't care about it.

"Mother, she said that you are a heartless heartless man!"

Jiang Yufeng cursed bitterly, and her crying words finally exposed her inner fragility.

Of course, Jiang Fengxian didn't say anything, she just told her daughter the reason why she and Zhou Yang couldn't be together without any private goods, so that her daughter could understand who her father was and why she hadn't been accompanied by her father since she was a child .

But Jiang Yufeng is obviously not as strong as her, and cannot be as cheerful as her.

She loves and hates, wants and hates this biological father whom she has not met for more than two hundred years since her birth.

She longed for her father's love and wanted to see her father, but she hated him for not coming to find her mother and daughter, and hated that he had another woman.

It is this complex emotion that makes it impossible for her to have a normal father-daughter conversation with Zhou Yang now.

Zhou Yang is not a fool, he knows what kind of person Jiang Fengxian is, so Jiang Yufeng's scolding that exposed his inner fragility made him understand everything in an instant.

"Hey! You mother and daughter have suffered a lot these years. As a father, I am really sorry for not fulfilling my responsibilities as a father. If you want to scold me, go ahead and scold me, I admit it!"

With a long sigh, he apologized to his daughter in a low voice and admitted his mistake without making any excuses.

This made Jiang Yufeng's words that were ready to be used to counter him suddenly have nowhere to say.

She bit her lip and said bitterly: "If you really want to make it up to us, save your mother!"

Zhou Yang responded immediately: "Don't worry about this, because my father came to Donghuazhou Immortal Cultivation World this time, just to bring you home!"

"Don't promise too early, you are only at the seventh level of Jindan, if you want to succeed in this matter, you have to listen to my arrangement..."

With the help of the [Echo Conch] in his hand, after talking with Jiang Yufeng for several days, Zhou Yang finally knew what happened after Jiang Fengxian separated from him in the Kunxu Realm, including why they were detained by the Goddess Palace.

It turned out that after separating from him in the Kunxu Realm, Jiang Fengxian was directly teleported to the Tiannan Continent's Immortal Cultivation Realm, and started his own travel journey.

Not long after, she found out that she was pregnant with Zhou Yang's child, so she temporarily stayed in a large fairy city in the world of cultivating immortals in Tiannanzhou and gave birth to Jiang Yufeng.

In the first ten years after Jiang Yufeng was born, Jiang Fengxian never left that fairy city, and she was raised and taught behind closed doors in the cave.

When Jiang Yufeng was almost an adult and became sensible, Jiang Fengxian took her daughter to leave the fairy city and began to formally tour the world of cultivating immortals.

For the first few decades, the mother and daughter traveled smoothly all the way without encountering any major setbacks.

However, when he traveled to a certain secret place and dangerous place in the Tiannanzhou Immortal Cultivation World, Jiang Fengxian discovered an extremely rare spiritual object [True Phoenix Feather] by virtue of his own [Phoenix True Blood].

At that time, the [True Phoenix Feather] was stimulated by the [Phoenix True Blood] in Jiang Fengxian's body, and the commotion was extremely huge, attracting the attention and competition of many monks.

Later, although Jiang Fengxian won this spiritual object by virtue of her own strength, she was also remembered by many forces in the world of cultivating immortals in Tiannan Continent, and was offered a reward by many powerful forces.

She also knew that the world of cultivating immortals in Tiannan Continent was not a place to stay for a long time, so Dang even fled to the world of cultivating immortals in Donghua Continent with her daughter.

They had suffered a lot during their escape, but luckily they were never caught.

After that, Jiang Fengxian made more thorough research on the [True Phoenix Feather] in his hand during his escape, and found a way to extract [True Phoenix Blood] from it.

Through this method, she successfully extracted a drop of pure [True Phoenix Blood] from the [True Phoenix Feather].

Although there is only a small drop, [Blood of the True Phoenix] is [Blood of the True Phoenix], it is an absolute seventh-level spiritual creature, and it is the true blood of the seventh-level true spirit phoenix.

Then this small drop of [True Phoenix Blood] was given to his daughter Jiang Yufeng by Jiang Fengxian, and let it be refined into the body to stimulate the Phoenix blood in his body and awaken [Phoenix True Blood].

With this drop of [True Phoenix Blood], Jiang Yufeng, who was still at the eighth level of foundation building at that time, succeeded in opening the Purple Mansion in just three years, and also obtained a special physique [True Phoenix Body].

Jiang Yufeng originally only had a high-grade spiritual root aptitude, but after obtaining the [True Phoenix Body], her aptitude was even better than that of ordinary spirit monks. Her cultivation speed was frighteningly fast, and she also reaped various benefits.

From this point of view, Jiang Fengxian did nothing wrong in leaving this opportunity to her daughter.

After Jiang Yufeng successfully refined [True Phoenix's Blood], Jiang Fengxian took her and fled to the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou.

At this time, several forces in the Tiannanzhou Immortal Cultivation Realm who were chasing them had also investigated that Jiang Fengxian was not a local monk in the Tiannan Continent Cultivation Realm, and judged that they were going to flee to the Donghua Continent Cultivation Realm, and deployed a large number of people in the border area Stop them.

Although Jiang Fengxian was very careful, in the end he was discovered by a Gu worm refined by a "Gu God Sect" of the Tiannanzhou Immortal Cultivation School, and was intercepted by a "Gu God Sect" monk with a nine-level golden core cultivation. kill.

After a tragic battle, although Jiang Fengxian relied on the "Nirvana" magical power to successfully injure the enemy and make him retreat, her daughter Jiang Yufeng was penetrated into the body by the enemy's Gu insect and suffered heavy injuries.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the [True Phoenix Blood] in Jiang Yufeng's body automatically protected the lord, protecting her heart from being parasitized by Gu insects.

Afterwards, in the process of fleeing to the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, the monks of the "Gu God Sect" used special means to sense the Gu insects in Jiang Yufeng's body, and chased them all the way.

This kind of pursuit was not relieved until their mother and daughter fled to the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou.

After getting rid of the pursuit, helping Jiang Yufeng to remove the Gu worms in his body became Jiang Fengxian's top priority.

However, the Gu worm had penetrated deep into her body, and with her strength, she couldn't help Jiang Yufeng get rid of the Gu worm, so she could only temporarily suppress it.

Afterwards, she inquired around the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, and learned that Lou Feifeng, the owner of the Goddess Palace, "Feifeng Zhenren", had pulled out Gu insects for her disciples, so she brought her daughter to the door to beg.

Lou Feifeng met Jiang Fengxian, and checked her daughter Jiang Yufeng's condition for her, saying that she could be treated.

But the condition for saving Jiang Yufeng is that both Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Yufeng must join the Goddess Palace.

At that time, Jiang Yufeng's situation was quite dangerous. Jiang Fengxian thought that she was a casual cultivator again, and it would be okay to join the Goddess Palace in order to save her daughter, so she agreed.

Afterwards, Lou Feifeng made a move and really pulled out the Gu worms in Jiang Yufeng's body, and accepted Jiang Yufeng as his apprentice. Since then, Jiang Fengxian and her daughter began to practice in the Goddess Palace.

Decades later, Jiang Fengxian's cultivation was getting higher and higher, and she had left Liuyunzhou's cultivation world for more than a hundred years, so she wanted to take her daughter back to meet her father.

Unexpectedly, such a simple request was flatly rejected by Lou Feifeng.

With years of experience, Jiang Fengxian realized something was wrong.

How proud and powerful she is!

After discovering that something was wrong, she wanted to secretly leave the Goddess Palace with her daughter and return to Liuyunzhou's world of cultivating immortals.

But she never expected that every move of her mother and daughter was under the surveillance of Lou Feifeng. They had just run out of the mountain gate of the Goddess Palace, and they were immediately arrested by Lou Feifeng.

After that, Jiang Fengxian was put under confinement directly, and Jiang Yufeng was also under the watchful eye of the Jindanqi monks in the Goddess Palace. People followed her when she went in and out of the sect, and it was extremely difficult to see her mother.

It wasn't until twelve years ago, when Jiang Yufeng successfully formed the alchemy, and was promised by Lou Feifeng to Yulong Jinhuang of the Yulong family, that Jiang Fengxian and her knew Lou Feifeng's real purpose.

And the reason why Zhou Yang had a strong whim feeling twelve years ago was because when Jiang Yufeng formed the alchemy, the [True Phoenix Blood] in her body suddenly changed, and at the same time triggered a monster that would only be triggered when it was promoted to the fifth rank. Thunder Tribulation.

No one could have imagined this kind of change in advance, and even Lou Feifeng was stunned at that time, thinking that Jiang Yufeng would definitely die in the thunder calamity.

But Jiang Yufeng survived in the end, and with the help of Thunder Tribulation, besides the golden pill, she condensed another Phoenix Demon Pill!

In a human body, Najindan and Yaodan are one body, the situation in Jiang Yufeng's body, even Zhou Yang, who is a father, sounds extremely weird.

If his daughter didn't say this to him in person, but if someone else said it in front of him, he would definitely scream absurd, thinking that the other party was slandering his daughter, and would not give up easily.

But now hearing this from his daughter, even though he still finds it hard to believe in his heart, he has to believe it first.

As for what happened after Jiang Yufeng formed the alchemy, it was not much different from what Zhou Yang inquired about, but there were some discrepancies in the details.

At this time, after Jiang Yufeng told him about the experience of herself and her mother Jiang Yufeng over the years, she was silent for a while, and when he digested the information, she continued:

"The Yulong family is very powerful. After a few years, they will definitely send Nascent Soul stage monks to welcome their relatives, and almost every Nascent Soul stage monk in the Yulong family has a sixth-order dragon as a spiritual pet. Lou Feifeng, the old man at the Goddess Palace Witch, she will definitely personally escort me to the Yulong family to complete the wedding."

"At that time, there will only be the old woman you met that day in the Goddess Palace. Her name is Shen Luoyan, and she has a third-level Nascent Soul cultivation. She is the Supreme Elder of the Goddess Palace."

"I have found out that this old woman has an enemy named [Green Robe Patriarch], who established a faction called [Wan Du Gate] in the black wood forest close to Tiannan Continent's Immortal Cultivation Realm. You can go to [Wan Du Door] to find the [Green-robed Patriarch], and persuade him to fight with you to the Goddess Palace at that time, and rescue the mother."

"If [Green Robe Patriarch] is not reliable, you can also try to meet Ling Chao, the young master of Donghua Immortal Palace. He once pursued me and has a good impression of me. He also knows about the confinement of my mother. Maybe, maybe he will help you too!"

From Jiang Yufeng's words, it is not difficult to hear that she and her mother Jiang Fengxian have done a lot of homework in order to save themselves these years, and they are not willing to sit still.

It's just that Zhou Yang listened to her words, and in the end, it was all about how to save Jiang Fengxian who was imprisoned, and it had nothing to do with her.

This made him suddenly sad.

Obviously, facing the powerful Yulong family, Jiang Yufeng had completely given up the matter of saving herself out of trouble, and she didn't want Zhou Yang, her father, to be hurt because of herself.

Although she hasn't called her "Father" until now, Zhou Yang has already felt her love for him.

He looked at the snail shell in his hand with a gentle expression, and said firmly, "Feng'er, don't worry, my father will definitely rescue you and your mother!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Jiang Yufeng to respond, and then continued: "You help my father to bring a word to your mother, just say that a husband and wife a hundred days of kindness, Zhou Yang has never forgotten her, the reason why he came to her so late , I really can’t get away from things all the time, and I’ll explain it to you after I rescue you!”

Then, he took the initiative to cut off the communication.

Zhou Yang understands his daughter Jiang Yufeng's concerns, but he also has his own persistence.

If he doesn't even save the person he loves and his daughter, what kind of man is he!

He will take the advice Jiang Yufeng provided, and he himself will do everything possible to find more assistance.

The first person in Zhou Yang's mind now was not some Nascent Soul cultivator, but the "Suzaku Demon King" Zhu Zizhen.

He had seen Zhu Zizhen's strength before. When he recovered his original body, he could even challenge the [Cracking Heavenly Demon] who occupied the body of Daoist Jinyang at that time. His strength was probably stronger than some monks in the late Nascent Soul stage.

If Zhu Zi is really willing to help, one of them can be worth several people.

But since Zhu Zizhen came to Donghuazhou Immortal Cultivation Realm, he has been separated from him, and he doesn't know where he has gone. If he wants to find the other party at this time, it will definitely not work on his own.

"Looks like I have to meet the Young Palace Master of Donghua Immortal Palace first. From what Feng'er said, I seem to have a good impression of this person. If this person is willing to help, use the information network of Donghua Immortal Palace to find Zhu Zizhen. It is infinitely stronger than me running around with a headless chicken."

Zhou Yang muttered to himself, and soon left the temporary cave at the bottom of the water, and returned to Donghua Immortal City.

In the Goddess Palace, after Zhou Yang unilaterally cut off the communication, Jiang Yufeng first scolded Zhou Yang for losing his temper, and then packed up his emotions and went to see his mother, Jiang Fengxian, who was imprisoned.

As she was about to marry into the Yulong family, Lou Feifeng was not so strict about her meeting her mother, Jiang Fengxian, probably because she was afraid that she would cause trouble in the last few years and delay good things.

When the mother and daughter met, Jiang Fengxian was so excited that she couldn't calm down for a long time after listening to Zhou Yang's words from her daughter.

If it wasn't for the fear of being discovered by the monks who were watching outside, she might not be able to hold back and cry with her daughter at this time.

Even if she was imprisoned for so many years with her arrogance and strength, she could not remain indifferent when she suddenly heard the news of her lover and the news that his lover came to save her.

"Mom, he, he..."

In the room, Jiang Yufeng looked at her trembling mother who was holding back tears, her cherry lips moved slightly, and she wanted to say something via voice transmission, but in the end she didn't say anything.

She wanted to say that Zhou Yang's reckless actions might harm him, but since she had never told her mother Jiang Fengxian about her plan, it was difficult to say so at this time.

Hearing her words, Jiang Fengxian stared at her, looked at her and said a lesson: "What is he? He is your father! I don't care what you think of him, in front of me, you can't be so indifferent!"

"Mom, just protect him. If he can really save you, I'll call him daddy!"

Jiang Yufeng curled her lips and muttered a few words in dissatisfaction, but suppressed the idea of ​​telling her mother the truth, and decided to look at the situation again.

Next, after the mother and daughter said some more words, Jiang Yufeng left.

On the other side, after Zhou Yang learned the truth of the situation from his daughter Jiang Yufeng, he rushed all the way back to Donghua Immortal City.

The mountain gate of Donghua Immortal Palace is in the central area of ​​Donghua Immortal City, which is different from most sects in Liuyunzhou's Immortal Cultivation World.

It is an independent area, and non-Donghua Immortal Palace monks are strictly prohibited from entering. If outsiders want to enter, they must be accompanied by Donghua Immortal Palace monks.

Moreover, the general disciples of the Donghua Immortal Palace who have cultivated at the foundation stage do not have the qualifications to bring outsiders into the sect. Only monks above the Zifu stage have this qualification.

The person Zhou Yang wants to meet is Ling Chao, the young palace master of Donghua Immortal Palace, the son of two late Yuanying monks in Donghua Immortal Palace, so it is even more difficult to meet.

He can only go to the Zhike monk at the mountain gate of Donghua Immortal Palace to report his name, history, cultivation level, and the reason for asking to see the young palace master. Of course, these can be fabricated at will.

After Zhike cultivator registers the information, it will be forwarded to the young palace master, but there is no guarantee that the young palace master can see and reply in time.

"When fellow daoist conveys the news, please also pass on this jade slip to the Young Palace Master of your sect, thank you very much."

Outside the Donghua Immortal Palace, Zhou Yang watched the Zhike monk finish recording the information he reported, then stretched out his hand, and handed over a jade slip and a high-grade spirit stone.

It hurts me so much! I woke up with a stiff neck in the morning, and it hurt me all day. I tilted my head to grind out this chapter this day, but it really didn’t bother me!

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