Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 625 Suzaku Secret Realm

The Suzaku Mountains are located in the border area between the southwest of the Immortal Cultivation World of Donghua Continent and the Immortal Cultivation World of Tiannan Continent.

The border area between these two worlds of cultivating immortals is full of barren mountains and rivers, full of monsters, poisonous insects, and many demon cultivators and evil cultivators hiding in it. Without the cultivation base of the golden core stage, it is difficult to pass through this area alive.

The Suzaku Mountains are extremely dangerous in this area, because it is said that there is a sixth-level demon king hidden in the mountains.

Normally, Zhou Yang would naturally stay away from such a place with the hidden cultivation of the sixth-level demon king, and would never set foot in it easily.

But now, in order to find Zhu Zizhen who entered the Suzaku Mountains, he could only go to the Tiger Mountain knowing that there are tigers in the mountains.

He set off from Donghua Immortal City, turned around and went to the vicinity of the Goddess Palace, told his daughter his plan, and then went straight to the Suzaku Mountains.

After spending two or three months on this journey, he finally arrived outside the Suzaku Mountain Range.

Looking at the Suzaku Mountains from a distance, thick smoke billows in the mountains, and blazing fires can be faintly seen emerging.

In Zhou Yang's eyes, the Suzaku Mountains are an extremely active group of active volcanoes. Thousands of active volcanoes are distributed among the mountains stretching for tens of thousands of miles, and volcanoes erupt almost every day.

In this world of cultivating immortals, in addition to magma and volcanic ash, volcanic eruptions will also spew out many spiritual creatures bred in the underground magma sea of ​​fire.

Some immortal cultivators would rush over to look for the erupted spirits after the eruption of the volcano, but this required great luck to gain anything.

In the Suzaku Mountains, there are quite a few immortal cultivators waiting outside some active volcanoes all year round, waiting for the volcano to erupt, and some monks with higher cultivation bases or more courage will chase the erupting volcano and look for those volcanic spirits everywhere. .

Doing so is very dangerous, because the real owners of the Suzaku Mountains are all kinds of monsters. There are many powerful fire-type monsters living here, and even some special kinds of monsters use volcanic magma as food and shelter.

Every year, many immortal cultivators are buried in the mouth of the beasts, without even leaving their bodies.

After Zhou Yang entered the Suzaku Mountains, he saw a lot of monks who were fighting with monsters. He could save almost all of these people.

To him, saving people is just a good deed that can be easily done, and saving people can also allow him to inquire about Zhu Zi's true news, even though he actually knows that these monks whose highest cultivation level is only in the Foundation Establishment period are basically impossible to see The true figure of Zhu Zi.

The only thing he can comfort himself is that the Suzaku Mountain Range is not big, compared to his Golden Core Stage cultivation base.

He still has three or four years to search, which is long enough for him to turn over the entire Suzaku Mountain Range several times.

Of course, the monsters in the mountains would not easily allow him to do this.

So in the first half a year, Zhou Yang often fought some fifth-order monsters in the mountains.

Out of fear of the legendary sixth-level monster king who lived in seclusion in the Suzaku Mountains, Zhou Yang easily did not kill those fifth-level monsters, at most he only severely injured them.

And what he did seems to have some effect, at least he walked through most of the Suzaku Mountains in half a year, but he didn't attract the attack of the legendary sixth-order demon king.

At the same time, in the past six months, many monks who were hunting for treasure in the Suzaku Mountains knew about his search for people in the Suzaku Mountains, and many monks who had been rescued by him also spontaneously helped him pay attention to this matter .

On this day, Zhou Yang was flying in the mountains looking for Zhu Zizhen's trace, when suddenly a loud and earth-shattering roar sounded from far away.

He raised his head and looked up to the sky, only to see that the sky in the far distance turned into a bright red, and a large gray-black shadow could be vaguely seen.

"Has another major volcano erupted?"

There was a strange look in his eyes, Zhou Yang pondered for a while, then the auspicious cloud under his feet moved, and he still rushed over there.

This kind of large-scale volcanic eruption, the probability of erupting volcanic spirits is many times that of those small volcanoes.

In the past six months, Zhou Yang also found several volcanic spirits in some volcanic eruptions, all of which were good refining materials.

Half a day later, Zhou Yang drove a cloud to the place where the volcano erupted.

Although half a day had passed at this time, the magma spewing from the crater still showed no signs of stopping.

The magma gushing down from the heights turned the hundreds of miles around the crater into a large magma lake, and the volcanic dust floating in the sky formed a thick volcanic ash cloud that completely blocked the sunlight outside. There is also the dark red fire lighting from the magma on the ground, and this thousand-mile area may have fallen into eternal night.

After Zhou Yang watched from a distance, he plunged into the area covered with volcanic dust, and released his consciousness to scan the magma lake on the ground, looking for volcanic spirits that might fall in it.

These volcanic spirits can only be easily found when the magma has not cooled down. Once the magma solidifies into volcanic rocks, if you want to find the volcanic spirits hidden deep in the rocks, it really depends on luck and patience.

How powerful Zhou Yang's spiritual consciousness is. He searched through the magma lakes in the hundreds of miles area several times, and indeed found several volcanic spiritual objects, including a precious fifth-order spiritual object [Thousand Years] Fire Crystal Jade].

Although he knows that if he continues to search, there may be some gains, but Zhou Yang has no intention of wasting time to continue searching.

He didn't come to the Suzaku Mountains for these spiritual things that can be bought with spirit stones. Besides, he has already won the first place, and there is a little soup left for the monks who make a living from it.

But just as he was about to leave, there was another muffled sound in the crater gushing lava, and the volcano erupted again!

A large amount of high-temperature magma poured out with the volcanic eruption, and Zhou Yang had no time to get away, so he could only activate the [Qianyang Sky Fire Shield] magical power to protect himself and resist the flooding of volcanic magma.

Fortunately, the eruption of magma this time was not as much as the first time. After Zhou Yang held on for a while, the raging magma calmed down. Although it still overflowed along the crater, it no longer flew all over the sky like before.

"This is really..."

In the sky, Zhou Yang looked at the magma lake that had expanded a lot on the ground, and wanted to say that this was really bad luck.

But before he finished his words, he suddenly turned his head to look at the crater in surprise.

There was still a muffled sound coming from the crater, but no matter how Zhou Yang heard the muffled sound, it sounded like the roar of some kind of beast.

"What's the situation? Could it be that the volcanic eruption just now was caused by monsters?"

There was a flash of doubt in his eyes, and Zhou Yang's heart suddenly moved, and he couldn't help but propped up the shield and flew towards the crater.

Gai because he suddenly remembered that if the volcanic eruption was really caused by a monster, then the monster that caused all this would definitely not be a fifth-level monster, but probably the legendary sixth-level monster king who lived in seclusion in the Suzaku Mountains.

And the sixth-order demon king will naturally not detonate the volcano for no reason.

When he arrived at the crater, Zhou Yang listened carefully, and he heard a more intense muffled sound.

"Go down and have a look."

He stared at the turbulent magma sea of ​​fire below, and then became cruel, and directly sacrificed [Flame Dragon Shield] to activate the magical power of [Flame Dragon Guardian], and then plunged headlong into the magma sea of ​​fire under the protection of the Flame Flame Dragon. middle.

It is not difficult for monks in the Jindan period to enter and exit the sea of ​​magma with high mana, but it is not easy to stay in the sea of ​​magma for a long time.

A monk in the magma sea of ​​fire must maintain defensive supernatural powers to resist the high temperature of the magma at all times, which is equivalent to being under the attack of another Jindan stage monk.

Zhou Yang's mana is profound, and he is a fire-type kung fu monk, so the pressure he receives in the magma sea of ​​fire is much less than that of monks who practice other attributes of kung fu.

He kept descending towards the bottom of the magma. The lower he went, the higher the temperature of the magma, and his mana consumption also increased.

But as it got deeper down, the muffled sound became clearer, and even Zhou Yang had clearly sensed the strong fluctuations in fighting skills.

This made him happy instead of surprised, knowing that his guess might become a reality.

So his speed became faster and faster, and he rushed directly to the place where the wave of fighting skills came from.

Two quarters of an hour later, Zhou Yang finally felt a familiar aura, which belonged to Zhu Zizhen, the "Suzaku Demon King".

From his perception, Zhu Zizhen's aura clearly had the upper hand in the battle, and the muffled roars from his opponent from time to time could also prove this point.

It was only because of the barrier of the sea of ​​magma that Zhou Yang couldn't see the appearance of the demon king who was fighting Zhu Zizhen.

But this is not important. Finding Zhu Zizhen is the purpose of his coming here. Now that the purpose has been achieved, he does not have any idea of ​​taking risks to intervene in the battle between the two sixth-order demon kings.

So after releasing his own aura and conveying to Zhu Zizhen that he wanted to see the other party, he took the initiative to retreat and returned to the ground, patiently waiting for the end of the battle in the sea of ​​magma below.

This wait was long enough, Zhou Yang waited for more than half a month before the battle in the sea of ​​magma and fire below really ended.

It was no accident that Zhu Zi became the winner.

However, she only defeated the unknown demon king, not killed him. I don't know if she didn't have that strength, or she deliberately let the other party go for the sake of being a monster.

"Boy of the human race, you don't really think that the king made a deal with you back then, so you really have the qualifications to make a deal with him, right?"

Outside the crater, Zhu Zizhen, who had returned from victory, stared coldly at Zhou Yang who had been waiting here for a long time with phoenix eyes, his face was full of impatience.

Zhou Yang appeared in the Suzaku Mountains, obviously looking for her and asking her for something.

But she didn't think that Zhou Yang, a mere Jindan stage monk, had the qualifications to do business with her.

Hearing her unhappy tone, Zhou Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly bowed and said, "Senior, calm down, this junior really has a last resort, so he came all the way here to ask senior for help, and it was definitely not to disturb A good thing for seniors."

Zhu Zizhen didn't care about his salute at all, and just replied indifferently: "What are your difficulties, what's the matter with me? I didn't kill you before, it was because of the dead Lu Xuanji's face, you shouldn't Thinking that he is a dead person, he still has the face to let me do things for you!"

"Senior Lu has passed away in immortality for many years. Of course, this junior dare not think about it. It's just that senior Zhu is the only senior I know in this world of immortal cultivation in Donghuazhou. Now this junior is desperate. , I can only boldly come over to see the senior, and ask the senior to lend a helping hand to help the junior this time!"

Zhou Yang finished speaking bitterly, and before Zhu Zizhen could say no, he immediately said, "Senior, please don't rush to refuse, and listen to the junior to finish speaking first, it will definitely not waste the senior's time!"

"Fast fart!"

Zhu Zizhen gave a cold drink full of impatience, barely complied.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang didn't dare to waste any more time, and hurriedly told the other party the reason for coming to Donghuazhou to cultivate immortals this time, as well as the situation of his lover and daughter.

"It's a pity that a spiritual thing like [True Phoenix Blood] was wasted on a foundation-building ant whose cultivation base is less than the sixth level. It's such a violent thing!"

This was Zhu Zizhen's first sentence after listening to Zhou Yang's words, a very hurtful sentence.

But Zhou Yang could only act as if he didn't hear it, and looked at Zhu Zizhen eagerly, his eyes full of prayer and hope.

Seeing this, Zhu Zizhen said indifferently: "Helping you save your daughter is just a trivial matter for this king. No matter how powerful the Yulong family is, they can't reach Liuyunzhou to cultivate immortals. This king is not afraid of their revenge afterwards." .”

"But why should I help you?"

That's right, why should Zhu Zi really help him?

Zhou Yang has thought about this question many times.

He and Zhu Zizhen don't have much friendship, at most they just know each other, expecting Zhu Zizhen to help him because of friendship is just a dream.

And he counted all the treasures on his body, and found that there seemed to be nothing on his body that could be used as a bargaining chip to impress Zhu Zizhen and ask him to help him.

So when he heard Zhu Zizhen's words now, he was actually very guilty.

But he was guilty, and after listening to Zhu Zizhen's words, he didn't hesitate much, and immediately said: "Naturally, the junior dare not ask the senior to help for nothing, the senior might as well offer a price. Seniors are satisfied."

"Oh, let me make an offer? Are you sure?"

Zhu Zizhen's indifferent eyes finally showed a wave of fluctuation. She looked at Zhou Yang with a slightly surprised face, as if she didn't expect Zhou Yang to say such a thing.

This is equivalent to giving her complete pricing power.

"Senior, it's okay to say!"

Zhou Yang nodded and said with great certainty.

Seeing this, Zhu Zizhen seemed to understand something, she couldn't help but looked at him with a half-smile and said: "This king wants a seventh-level fairy weapon as a reward for selling it, can you give it too?"

And when she heard what she said like a lion, Zhou Yang replied with a serious face: "Although I know that the senior is joking, the junior can still swear to the senior, as long as the senior helps the junior this time, as long as the junior can If you get this kind of treasure, you will definitely dedicate it to the seniors to repay today's favor!"

"Hmph, it seems that this king guessed right. You came to ask this king for help, and you didn't prepare anything as a reward at all. You just wanted a white wolf!"

Zhu Zizhen's pretty face turned cold, and she let out a cold snort, and looked at Zhou Yang with an extremely unfriendly gaze.

Zhou Yang handed over the crucial pricing power to her, which made her very suspicious, and then this test really tested Zhou Yang's details.

I never imagined that Zhou Yang would shake his head again and again after hearing her words: "No, senior is wrong. It's not that this junior didn't prepare the reward, but that the junior was afraid that the reward he had prepared would not satisfy the senior, so he invited the senior himself bid."

"In fact, this junior came here with great sincerity. If he didn't know that senior is not interested in spirit stones, this junior would be willing to sacrifice all his wealth, totaling more than five million spirit stones, in exchange for senior's help!"

After he finished speaking, he immediately took off the storage ring in his hand and handed it to Zhu Zizhen.

"This storage ring contains all the most precious treasures of this junior. If you don't believe what this junior just said, you can take a look."

Zhu Zizhen didn't go to pick up the storage ring, but just looked at him coldly and said: "Who do you think this king is? You collect junk? Stop talking nonsense, before this king has no intention of killing, hurry up and get rid of me." !"

Not to mention that Zhou Yang was just a mere Golden Core stage monk, even if he was replaced by an ordinary Nascent Soul stage monk, with Zhu Zi's real cultivation level, he would not look down on the other party's wealth at all.

And her patience was almost exhausted.

"Senior, how about listening to this junior again?"

Zhou Yang took a deep breath, silently took back the storage ring and put it on his finger, then watched Zhu Zizhen wave his hand, and took out three jade boxes.

He put three jade boxes in front of him, opened them one by one for Zhu Zizhen to watch, and then introduced: "These three jade boxes each contain a [Holy Infant Fruit] obtained from the secret realm [Holy Infant Valley] in the Kunxu Realm. , a [Pregnancy Pill], and a rare spiritual item [Ice Tears] that can reduce the power of [Heart Demon Tribulation], with the help of these three things, the junior has more than 60% chance of successfully conceiving a baby in the future!"

"As for the strength of the younger generation, the senior probably also knows something about it. It's not that the younger generation is boasting. Since the younger generation successfully established the foundation and obtained the inheritance of the true immortals of the upper realm, it has always been difficult to meet opponents in the same level. Although the younger generation is only at the seventh level of the Golden Core Cultivation, but the Jindan ninth-level monks, the juniors are 90% sure that they can kill them!"

Speaking of this, he saw that Zhu Zizhen's complexion seemed to have changed, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Yes, this junior does not have anything worthy of the senior's attention, but with the strength and growth speed of the junior, once the baby is successfully born in the future, it will be a thousand years later." Within a short period of time, there may not have been a moment when I stood shoulder to shoulder with you, senior!"

"Senior, you are not those ordinary demon kings. You must understand the principle of planting a grain of millet in the spring and harvesting thousands of seeds in the autumn. Now you will not pay much for helping the younger generation through this difficult time, but the younger generation and the monks of the younger generation's family, I will always be grateful for your kindness this time, and I will go through fire and water for you in the future!"

"You may not trust this junior, but you should believe me, Senior Lu Xuanji. Back then, this junior was only a small foundation-building cultivator, and he was valued and trained by Senior Lu's younger brother, Senior Qingyang, and he did not hesitate to help this junior many times. It has been going on for hundreds of years, just to use the juniors for the trip to [Qiongtian Wonderland]!"

"Senior, if you help this junior this time, when this junior is able to do things for you in the future, it will be a sea of ​​swords and fire. You only need to say a word, and this junior will die!"

Zhu Zizhen's complexion finally showed some changes.

She looked at Zhou Yang with a gloomy complexion, and remained silent for a while, with a hint of thought in her eyes.

Investing is an art, oh no, investing is a skill.

Investing ahead of time is especially risky.

Most people only see the cases of those successful people, but they don't see the number of losers who don't know how many times.

In fact, the vast majority of successful investors do not rely on extraordinary vision, but invest in batches with a wide net.

The main point of batch investment is to choose projects that have a small investment amount but a large return on investment.

The small amount of investment means that the loss of failure is very small. Even if there are ninety-nine failures in the past and only one success, it is possible to reap a high return of hundreds of times or hundreds of times in the end!

Zhou Yang has been invested twice in his life. Cao Wenjin, a monk in the golden core stage of Huangshamen, invested in him at the beginning, and he received several times the reward afterwards.

However, Master Qingyang and Lu Xuanji invested in him, and the rewards they received were incalculable now, because as his cultivation level became higher and higher, the income from this investment would also increase.

In the previous two investments, others were optimistic about his potential and took the initiative to invest in him.

But this time, it was he who took the initiative to seek investment from others.

As an investee, how to make investors believe in their potential and make them willing to invest in themselves is also a science.

The best way is to speak with your grades.

Therefore, Zhou Yang first took out three kinds of spiritual objects to help Zhu Zizhen see his investment potential, and believed that this investment would not be easily wasted.

Then he used the successful cases of Qingyang real person and Lu Xuanji to tell the other party that he is a blue chip stock with the experience of successfully rewarding investors, his character and reputation are trustworthy, and he doesn't have to worry that he will renege on his debt after investing.

Now, he has done everything he can, and the final result depends on Zhu Zizhen's own wishes.

If Zhu Zi is really the kind of person who doesn't want to take any risks, the kind of person who doesn't have any investment awareness and ideas, he has nothing to do, so he can only hurry up and find another home.

"Boy, you have successfully aroused the interest of this king, but if you want this king to help you, you must first agree to one thing, one thing that may kill you, I wonder if you dare to agree?"

Zhu Zizhen stopped thinking, looked at Zhou Yang playfully, and said the result of his consideration.

"I don't know if senior can tell me what's going on?"

Zhou Yang suppressed the joy in his heart and asked seriously.

"It's very simple. Accompany me to enter [Suzaku's Secret Realm] and help me do some pathfinding."

The corner of Zhu Zizhen's mouth curled up, and a rare smile appeared on his face.

Zhou Yang's face froze immediately.

In fact, he had long guessed why Zhu Zizhen appeared in the Suzaku Mountains.

Back then in the [Qiongtian Wonderland], Lu Xuanji promised Zhu Zizhen that he would tell her about the [Suzaku Mystic Realm] in order to let Zhu Zizhen go all out to help him deal with the [Cracking Heaven Demon].

Zhou Yang was also present at the time, and of course he heard about it.

Knowing that Zhu Zi really appeared in the Suzaku Mountains this time, he guessed that the so-called [Suzaku Secret Realm] should be here.

And when he discovered that Zhu Zizhen was fighting with the demon king who was subterranean in the Suzaku Mountains, he deduced that the fight must have occurred between the two parties for the right to own the [Suzaku Secret Realm].

But what he didn't expect was that Zhu Zizhen would let him, a human monk, follow him into that [Suzaku Secret Realm].

Naturally, ten thousand people in his heart were unwilling to enter such a dangerous secret territory, let alone engage in such cannon fodder work as pathfinding.

But he knew that once he refused, don't think that Zhu Zi would really help rescue his wife and children.

So he hesitated for a long time with a stiff face, before he said bravely: "[The Suzaku Secret Realm] should be the secret realm left by the seniors and your monster clan ancestors. Is it really suitable for a human monk to enter it?"

"This king says it's suitable, then it's suitable, you just need to answer whether you want to or not."

Zhu Zizhen looked at him indifferently, and broke the last ray of luck in his heart by speaking directly.

"Then there is nothing wrong with the junior, and I am happy to serve the senior!"

Zhou Yang said with a forced smile on his face, arched his hands, and reluctantly agreed.

My head is almost scratching my head, and I wrote this chapter by force. As the word count increases to 2 million words, it is really getting harder and harder to write, especially because I try to avoid writing repetitive routines, which makes the plot more important. The difficulty of the above conception, on the one hand, it must pursue rationality, and on the other hand, it must also consider the reader's acceptance (so-called drug resistance), it is really very difficult!

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