Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 626 [The True Purpose of Qianyang Orb]

The so-called [Suzaku Secret Realm], Zhou Yang originally thought it was a place similar to [Sky Wonderland].

But in fact, it is just a place similar to Xuanyang Xianzong [Sealing Demon Cave], the difference is that the power filled in [Suzaku Secret Realm] is not magic energy, but rich and violent fire attribute aura, and boundless magma sea ​​of ​​flames.

"Do you think that a place like [Qiongtian Wonderland] can be created casually? If it wasn't for the real immortals from the upper realm to do it themselves, and use the magic weapon of the real emperor brought from the real fairyland to help open it up, it would be the ninth floor of the tribulation. Even if the great supernatural beings do it themselves, they would never even think about opening up such a cave-heaven wonderland full of aura and vitality!"

This is Zhu Zizhen's explanation after hearing Zhou Yang's question.

From this, Zhou Yang knew the difference between "Cave Heaven Wonderland" and "Cave Heaven Secret Realm".

The so-called "Dongtian Wonderland", as the name suggests, is an independent fairyland world, except that the space is not as large as a complete world like "Spirit World", and new life species cannot be bred naturally, and there is no difference from the real world at all. , and even stronger in terms of the richness of aura.

It is said that even in the "True Immortal Realm", this kind of "Cave Heaven and Wonderland" can only be owned by those top forces. Those true immortals in the tribulation stage and the earth immortals in the higher realm of returning to the void usually live in seclusion in this "real fairyland". Practicing in the "Cave Heaven Wonderland", it is not easy to see.

The "Cave Heaven Secret Realm" is equivalent to a simplified version of the "Cave Heaven Wonderland", which can be opened by some high-strength true immortals in the tribulation period. The environment in this kind of secret realm is usually extremely harsh, and it is extremely unsuitable for mid- and low-level monks to stay.

And compared to the "Cave Heaven Wonderland", which can almost last forever after being successfully opened up, the "Cave Heaven Secret Realm" will gradually begin to collapse and perish once the real immortals sit in town to sort out the rules for it for a long time without passing through the tribulation period.

Unfortunately, the [Suzaku Mystic Realm] that Zhou Yang and the others are currently in is such a "Cave Heaven Secret Realm" that is on the verge of destruction, which is why Zhu Zi really wants to bring him in and ask him to help find the way.

In a normal "Cave Heaven Secret Realm", with Zhu Zi's true cultivation, unless he encounters a killing formation deliberately left by the master of the secret realm inside, he doesn't have to worry about getting hurt.

But a "Cave Heaven Secret Realm" that is on the verge of destruction, even the "Half-step True Immortal" monks on the ninth floor of the Nascent Soul, must be careful, and they may be severely injured by the out-of-control law power if they are not careful.

If he hadn't discovered it beforehand and bumped into some hard-to-find space cracks, it is very likely that the "half-step true immortal" monks on the ninth floor of the Nascent Soul will die directly because of this.

In fact, it wasn't just Zhou Yang, just in case, before taking Zhou Yang into the [Suzaku Secret Realm], Zhu Zizhen caught five fire attribute fifth-level monsters in the Suzaku Mountains and brought them in together as cannon fodder.

These fifth-level monsters are all subordinates of the sixth-level monster king she chased away. Even if they are all dead, she doesn't feel bad at all.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang didn't say anything on the surface, but his heart was awe-inspiring, and he secretly raised his vigilance.

He secretly warned himself that Zhu Zizhen is a sixth-rank demon king after all, even if he gets close to human monks, it can't change the indifference of demon kings who regard human life as nothing.

At this moment, a human demon broke into the secret realm from the entrance of a certain secret realm in the underground magma sea of ​​the Suzaku Mountains, and was soon placed in another sea of ​​magma flames.

The difference is that the magma sea of ​​fire here is not as active as those outside, but instead gives people a sense of lifelessness.

Of course, magma is still magma, and its temperature and power will not be weakened because it is active or silent.

And the fire attribute aura here is extremely violent, even more violent than the fire attribute aura mixed with earth evil fire poison gas in the underground magma sea outside.

As strong as Zhou Yang, he dared not absorb a large amount of those violent fire-attribute spiritual energy here, for fear of being burned by it.

He can't do it, and it's even worse if he is a monk in the Golden Core stage.

As for the cultivators below the Golden Core stage, Zhou Yang estimates that as long as those violent fire-attribute auras pour into their bodies here, if there is no timely rescue by the monks above the Golden Core stage, they will definitely be killed by the aura within a quarter of an hour. die!

It is absolutely not funny that a cultivator whose practice is based on absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, is killed by the aura, but it is indeed possible.

Compared with Zhou Yang, those fifth-order monsters were much better, and they didn't feel much discomfort.

As for Zhu Zizhen, she even enjoys absorbing the berserk fire-attribute aura to her heart's content. Seeing her like that, Zhou Yang would probably want to show her body to absorb the berserk fire-attribute aura here if the occasion wasn't right.

Looking away from Zhu Zizhen, Zhou Yang looked around, and soon found other things in the silent magma sea below.

I saw that looking to the left hand direction from where they were, about hundreds of miles away, I could vaguely see a piece of land in the middle of the magma ocean, or an island.

"Come on, let's go over there, big lizard, you lead the way first!"

With a wave of Zhu Zizhen's hand, she pointed to the island in the distance and gave an order.

Hearing her words, regardless of whether she wanted it or not, the "big lizard" named by her, a fifth-tier middle-grade monster [flame lizard] that could swim in a sea of ​​magma, could only roar and open the way. The island flew over slowly.

After the big lizard flew more than a dozen miles without seeing any abnormalities, Zhou Yang, Zhu Zizhen and several other monsters began to follow behind it.

After about thirty to fifty miles like this, Zhu Zizhen suddenly shouted sharply: "Stop, go around a thousand zhang to the right."

Hearing her words, the big lizard quickly stopped obediently, its ruby-like eyes shot around, and after observing nervously for a while, it honestly obeyed Zhu Zizhen's order and circled to the right.

As if to warn Zhou Yang and others, Zhu Zizhen pulled out an eagle feather from another fifth-level low-grade fire attribute monster [Golden Flame Eagle] beside him after the big lizard listened to the order to detour and left. The big lizard flicked somewhere in the direction it was going.


A loud noise came out, and the eagle feathers shot out, as if hitting an invisible bomb, triggering a huge explosion.

The power of that explosion is definitely more than enough to kill that [Flame Lizard] just now!

"There hasn't been a strong person to suppress and sort out for a long time. The law of the fire system here has begun to become unstable. Once some nodes are strongly touched, the law will collapse immediately. Please ask yourself!"

Faintly explaining, Zhu Zizhen gave a low shout to the [Flame Lizard] whose legs and feet were weak from fright, making it continue to move forward.

In less than ten miles, she let [Flame Lizard] make a detour, and in the next ten miles or so, [Flame Lizard] changed its route several times.

But good luck obviously won't always be accompanied by 【Flame Lizard】.

After leading Zhou Yang and the others for more than 80 miles, the [Flame Lizard] still failed to escape, and was split into two by a small space crack that Zhu Zizhen didn't even notice. With a "plop", it sank into the sea of ​​magma below, and soon there were no bones left.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang and the others and the monsters all changed their complexions, and looked at Zhu Zizhen, full of horror.

The so-called "sad rabbits and foxes", although they have different racial camps, they all have the same identity now, that is, cannon fodder for pathfinding.

Now that the first pathfinding cannon fodder [Flame Lizard] died in front of their eyes without a word, how could they not panic.

Facing their terrified gazes, Zhu Zizhen swept across them and the monsters one by one without changing his expression, and finally his eyes fell on a fifth-level low-grade fire attribute monster [Wing Huo Mink] Said on the body: "Little mink, it's your turn!"

The named [Wing Fire Sable] trembled when he heard her words, and immediately sobbed and knelt down in front of her, kowtowing and whining, wanting to ask her to change her mind.

But in the end, what she got in return was her cold and ruthless urging voice.

"Hurry up, I don't want to say it a third time!"

These words are not only said to [Yihuo Diao], but also to Zhou Yang and other remaining people and monsters.

Sure enough, upon hearing her cold and ruthless voice, the [Winged Fire Sable] trembled violently. After looking at her with fear in his eyes, he replaced the dead [Flame Lizard] with a wail, and continued to open the way ahead. .

It's just that compared to the [Flame Lizard], the luck of this [Winged Fire Sable] is obviously much worse, or in other words, the closer to the distant island, the higher the danger.

Anyway, [Wing Fire Sable] only flew in front of the road for less than fifty miles, and then suddenly caught fire and set himself on fire, and his body was suddenly burned to ashes by the blazing flames.

Zhou Yang's eyes were wide open for a fifth-tier low-grade fire attribute monster to be burned to ashes by the flames it ignited, and at the same time, he was extremely fearful.

Needless to say, the abnormal situation on [Winged Fire Sable] must have been caused by the collapse of the law of the fire system that Zhu Zizhen said earlier.

Regarding the law of heaven and earth, it is an existence that only monks in the Nascent Soul stage can touch. Monks or monsters below the Nascent Soul stage, they only hear their names but don’t see their shadows, and they don’t know anything about them.

Even if it is as strong as Zhou Yang, once it encounters what [Yihuo Diao] experienced just now, the end may not be any better than him.

Even Zhou Yang suspected that even if Zhu Zi really met, they might not be safe, otherwise the other party wouldn't need to arrest them to find the way.

And after [Winged Fire Sable] died, Zhu Zizhen didn't wait for Zhou Yang's remaining people and monsters to think about it, and immediately named the fifth-level low-grade monster [Golden Flame Eagle].

With the previous performance of [Winged Fire Sable], after [Golden Flame Eagle] was called, he didn't beg for mercy any more. He just wailed and took over [Winged Fire Sable]'s duty to lead the way.

However, although its luck was better than that of [Flame Lizard] and [Winged Fire Sable], it still died in an explosion after advancing more than 110 miles.

At this time, Zhou Yang and the others were still halfway to the island.

But at this time, Zhou Yang looked into the distance and was able to see clearly some of the situation on the island.

I saw that the island was not big, only tens of miles in radius. The central area of ​​the island was covered by a crimson light curtain, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

Judging from the situation, what Zhu Zi really wanted should be within that scarlet light curtain.

As soon as Zhou Yang thought of this, he heard Zhu Zi's real voice.

"Old fox, it's your turn!"

The old fox is a fifth-level low-grade monster [three-eyed firefox]. This monster has a third different pupil on its forehead, which can see things that ordinary people and monsters can't see, and can also perform a powerful pupil technique. Supernatural powers.

Zhou Yang thought that Zhu Zizhen would save it for the last time, but he didn't expect to use it in front of himself and another monster.


The [Three-eyed Firefox] with fiery fur wailed, walked out from the side unwillingly, and led the way ahead.

The third abnormal pupil in its forehead, which is normally closed, has been fully opened at some point, and there is a strange red light in the purple-red eyeballs, which makes one's heart palpitate.

This abnormal pupil seems to be able to see the abnormality of the fire element law. In short, when [Three-Eyed Firefox] was leading the way, Zhu Zizhen reminded him far less often than the previous three monsters.

Under its leadership, the team traveled more than a hundred miles easily without encountering any waves.

However, Zhou Yang obviously noticed that [Three-Eyed Firefox] has become somewhat unable to support the continuous use of the third different pupil. The purple-red eye gave Zhou Yang a feeling that it might explode at any time .

"Okay, old fox, you can come back and rest for a while, now you will open the way for the little worm."

When Zhou Yang was thinking about how long [Three-eyed Firefox] could last, Zhu Zizhen suddenly stopped it and ordered the last monster to step forward to replace it.

This change made the already desperate [Three-Eyed Firefox] both surprised and happy. He quickly closed the different pupil that was about to burst, kowtowed to Zhu Zizhen on his knees with exhaustion and gratitude, and went back to his home with sobs. Zhu Zizhen is beside her.

On the contrary, the monster that was named and replaced, a fifth-rank top-grade monster [Xinghuo Yanser] with a body length of only seven to eight feet, had panicked eyes and kept neighing non-stop.

Now they are only more than a hundred miles away from the island. If they are lucky, they may be able to land on the island safely as long as one more cannon fodder is killed.

As the core of the secret realm, the laws on the island must be much more stable than those outside, and correspondingly much safer.

At such a time, he was suddenly replaced, how could 【Spark Snake】 not despair.

"hurry up."

Zhu Zizhen squinted her eyes, and glanced at [Xing Huo Yan Snake] with killing intent in her eyes, she was so frightened that it flicked its tail to open the way ahead.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang silently prayed in his heart, praying that [Starfire Flame Snake] could last a little longer, and it would be best to take them directly to the island.

Now apart from [Starfire Flame Snake], he is the only one who hasn't opened the way ahead. Once [Starfire Flame Snake] is dead, it's probably his turn to open the way.

It's a pity that his prayer didn't seem to have any effect. 【Starfire Flame Snake】just traveled more than 70 miles, and then suddenly set itself on fire just like the previous 【Winged Fire Sable】.

The difference is that [Spark Flame Snake] survived for a little longer and died more painfully due to his deep cultivation.

What made Zhou Yang speechless and annoyed was that before he finally died, the venomous eyes did not fall on Zhu Zizhen, the "culprit", but on him, as if he had killed it.

"This long-eyed worm deserves death!"

Zhou Yang cursed secretly in his heart, but felt that Zhu Zizhen's eyes had fallen on him.

"Boy, it's your turn. If you can bring me to the island successfully, you will be my hero. I will do my best to save your wife and children!"

Zhu Zizhen looked at Zhou Yang with both eyes, and said in an uncompromising tone.

"The junior understands, and will not let the senior down."

Zhou Yang took a deep breath, nodded slightly, Dang even casted the [Qianyang Tianhuo Shield] supernatural power on himself, and then opened the way ahead.

Same as before, but Zhu Zizhen will remind him to take a detour to avoid any abnormalities that Zhu Zizhen finds.

But Zhu Zizhen is only a sixth-level demon king, not a seventh-level true spirit. She is only at the initial stage of understanding the laws of heaven and earth, and she is still far from understanding and controlling.

Zhou Yang avoided many dangers by listening to her words, but after advancing for thirty-seven miles, he suddenly encountered the same situation as [Winged Fire Sable] and [Starfire Flame Snake].

Without any prior induction at all, the magic power in his body suddenly had a strange connection with the outside violent fire attribute aura, and a large amount of violent fire attribute aura ignored the protection of the [Qianyang Sky Fire Shield] and poured into his body, and then with His own mana had a strange reaction, forming a high-temperature flame that devoured him.

"Senior save..."

Frightened, he struggled desperately, mobilized mana to suppress the flames, and tried to call Zhu Zizhen for help.

But at this moment, an accident happened.

I saw the [Qianyang Orb] in his dantian suddenly burst out with a strong suction force, sucking the violent fire-attribute aura that poured into his body, his "rebellious" mana, and the high-temperature flames burning on his body. , all absorbed in.


The changes in Zhou Yang's body were immediately noticed by Zhu Zizhen. She looked at Zhou Yang in surprise and uncertainty, and stopped the action she was about to rescue.

"What happened just now? How did you break free from the backlash caused by the collapse of the law?"

When Zhou Yang escaped from the dangerous area and returned to the safe zone, Zhu Zizhen's surprised voice rang in his ears.

When he heard the other party's words, he didn't dare to hide it, he even raised his hand and called out [Qianyang Baozhu] to show the other party, and talked about what happened just now.

[Qianyang Orb] can only be refined by monks who possess [Qianyang Treasure Body]. Zhou Yang once gave it to Lu Xuanji to study it, so he is not afraid that Zhu Zi will really think about it at this time.

"You kid is really lucky. This fairy weapon may not be able to match those killing weapons in terms of killing methods, but it can adjust the laws of heaven and earth, even if it is only the laws of the fire system, it can definitely be called a magic weapon." A top-notch fairy weapon!"

Zhu Zizhen took the [Qianyang Orb] and studied it for a while, then returned it to Zhou Yang, then looked at him with a complicated expression, sighing for a while.

In fact, the benefit of this [Qianyang Orb] is not only to regulate the laws of heaven and earth, but also to help the owner perceive and control the laws of heaven and earth!

It's just that Zhou Yang's cultivation base is still low now, so he can't take advantage of this.

Since outsiders cannot refine [Qianyang Orb], naturally they cannot obtain this benefit.

It was really because Zhu Zi discovered this that she suddenly sighed endlessly.

She suddenly discovered that what Zhou Yang said earlier that if he could successfully conceive a baby, he would be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with her within a thousand years was not a lie.

Not to mention anything else, with this [Qianyang Orb] in his body, at least after he succeeds in conceiving a baby in the future, it will be many times easier for him to comprehend the law of the fire element of heaven and earth than ordinary monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

The deeper the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage understand the laws of heaven and earth, the more powerful their supernatural powers will be, and it will be easier for them to use the power of laws to break through bottlenecks and improve their cultivation.

"Since you have this treasure to protect you, I will leave all the work of exploring the road to you. Don't worry, what I said before still counts, and I will never break my promise."

As Zhu Zizhen said, he waved his hand again and threw a bottle of elixir to Zhou Yang.

"This bottle of healing medicine is for you, it should be more than enough to treat these injuries on your body!"

In addition to being a sixth-level demon king, she is also a fifth-level top-grade alchemy master with superb alchemy skills, and there are countless elixir in her body.

Zhou Yang understood this, so he was not polite to her, he reached out to take the pill bottle, and thanked him, "Thank you, senior, for giving me the pill."

Then he directly poured out a white panacea with a strong medicinal fragrance and put it into his mouth, and quickly circulated his mana to refine the panacea.

Then, relying on the miraculous power of the [Qianyang Orb], Zhou Yang survived the traps three more times without any risk, and finally set foot on the island.

The ground of the island is very hot, but the down-to-earth feeling makes Zhou Yang feel at ease.

He looked at Zhu Zizhen, but saw that the other party was staring at the crimson light curtain in the center of the island with piercing eyes, and there was obvious anticipation in his eyes.

"Okay, there should be no danger here, you just don't move around here, after the king finishes his work, he will naturally take you out of this place!"

As if sensing Zhou Yang's gaze, Zhu Zizhen came back to his senses, glanced at him and the surviving [Three-eyed Firefox], and after a few orders, he had already appeared with a clear cry. 【Red Feather Crane】The main body.

After that, Zhu Zizhen, who showed her true body, rushed towards the red light curtain with the "Suzaku True Fire" bathed in vermilion, and then plunged into the light curtain without hindrance.

Not long after, a flame flew out from the red light curtain and fell directly in front of Zhou Yang, from which Zhu Zizhen's indifferent voice came out.

"This king will have to retreat for three years to digest the gains from this time. Please stay safe and wait outside. If this king does not wake up in time, you can attack the outer protective barrier and forcefully wake him up!"

As soon as the voice fell, the fire had already burned out, and there was no chance for Zhou Yang to respond.

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