Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 627: Innate Lihuo Essence!

Zhu Zi really didn't know what benefits she had gained in [Suzaku Mystic Realm], but she had to retreat for three years to digest these benefits, which was a pain for Zhou Yang.

He originally planned to take Zhu Zizhen to Donghua Immortal Palace after the trip to [Suzaku Secret Realm] was over, and then pulled Zhu Zizhen's tiger skin to persuade Ling Chao, the young master of Donghua Immortal Palace, to help.

As the Young Palace Master of Donghua Immortal Palace, if Ling Chao was sincerely willing to help, it would definitely not be a problem to mobilize one or two Nascent Soul stage monks to help.

At that time, regardless of whether the "Green Robe Patriarch" that Jiang Yufeng said has an enmity with the Goddess Palace is willing to join forces, there is a great deal of confidence that Jiang Feng's mother and daughter can be rescued.

But now he is trapped in this [Suzaku Secret Realm], and when he leaves three years later, there will be less than half a year left before Jiang Yufeng gets married.

If he wanted to travel around to finish these things in such a tight time frame, unless Zhu Zi after leaving the customs was really willing to be his driver, otherwise, if he had to drive alone, at most he could only choose one party as the object of persuasion within the limited time.

"This is really not as good as man's calculation, and the plan can't keep up with the changes!"

He sighed with a depressed face, but he was helpless.

Without Zhu Zizhen's leadership and relying on himself alone, even with [Qianyang Orb] that can not be afraid of the impact of the collapsed fire law, he would not dare to leave this small island easily.

What's more, even if he could get out of the secret realm, without Zhu Zizhen by his side, how could he make Ling Chao and the so-called [Green Robe Patriarch] believe in him?

He had no choice but to stop these thoughts and calm down to think about how he should spend these three years.

Before he had figured out what to do, Zhou Yang suddenly felt a sense of consciousness, and found that the [Three-eyed Firefox] that went to the island together had moved.

I saw that the old fox was quietly approaching somewhere deep in the island at this time.

Seeing him look, the old fox blinked at him, pouted his mouth, and signaled him to follow.

This immediately made Zhou Yang interested, and immediately moved to follow.

One fox and one person traveled more than 20 miles deep into the island, and finally stopped at a place more than ten miles away from the crimson light curtain.

This place, a small sunken valley on the island, does not seem to be unusual.

But when Zhou Yang followed the old fox into the valley, he soon discovered that the fire attribute aura in the valley was a bit stronger than outside, and it was not as violent as outside.

More importantly, Zhou Yang clearly sensed a special power in the fire attribute aura. He didn't know what kind of power it was, but he instinctively knew that that power could be absorbed and refined, which would be of great benefit to him.

While he was perceiving this, the old fox found a place to lie down in the valley, and lay down on the ground with his eyes closed to rest.

Zhou Yang could sense that as it lay on the ground, the rich fire-attribute spiritual energy from the valley entered its body along with its breathing, and was absorbed and refined by it to improve its cultivation.

Seeing this, after a flash of light in his eyes, he also found a place to sit down cross-legged, operating the kung fu to absorb the fire attribute aura.

It works surprisingly well.

After Zhou Yang practiced for an hour, he found that the effect of practicing here for an hour was equivalent to practicing for a day in the cave above Chongxuan Mountain!

The reason for this effect is entirely due to the special power mixed in the earth fire attribute aura.

"What exactly is this power? Why does this power exist only here on the island?"

Zhou Yang looked around the valley with a suspicious expression, trying to find the source of that power.

Not long after, he found the source of that power.

It turned out that the power mixed in the fire-attribute aura was actually overflowing from the ground.

"In this case, is it true that the deeper you go underground, the more intense this power will be?"

Thinking of this, he looked at the ground under his feet with fiery eyes, raised his hand, and drew out a flying sword to dig.


The old fox, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and stopped Zhou Yang with a loud cry.

It looked at Zhou Yang with displeased eyes and shook its head again and again, then pouted at the central area of ​​the island covered by the red light curtain, the implication was already obvious.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help but said: "Are you afraid that I will disturb Senior Zhu? Don't worry about it. The movement I will cause will be very small, and it will definitely not affect her."

After speaking, he will continue to work.

But at this time, the old fox rushed directly in front of him, stood up and gestured at him, screaming "cuckoo" incessantly, just not letting him dig.

"You mean you can't dig it, the power will disappear once you dig it?"

Zhou Yang looked at the old fox who couldn't help making gestures, his face flickered, and he asked the question in his heart.


The old fox nodded repeatedly, with a look of relaxation in his eyes.

It seems that in order for Zhou Yang to understand what it meant, it really took a lot of effort.

"Well, since you brought Zhou here, Zhou will trust you once and stop playing."

Zhou Yang looked at the relieved old fox, pondered for a moment, then nodded, put away his flying sword and chose to trust the other party.

Hearing his words, the old fox gave him a squinting look, then shook his head, and went back to the original place to lie down.

I was actually despised by a monster!

Zhou Yang was angry and funny in his heart. He glanced at the old fox with a depressed face, but he gave up the idea of ​​embarrassing the other party for such a trivial matter, and then sat down cross-legged and continued to practice.

This time, Zhou Yang did not absorb the fire-attribute aura to improve his cultivation, but used it to cultivate the supernatural power of [Silence Burning Soul Divine Light].

He has practiced this supernatural power for many years, and he is only a little bit close to entering the Xiaocheng realm. At this time, he also wants to try to see if he can use the special power here to help him cross that threshold.

The result was so good again!

That kind of power that Zhou Yang didn't know actually helped him practice supernatural powers, and the effect seemed to be better than simply improving his cultivation.

This discovery made Zhou Yang ecstatic, and Dang even concentrated on practicing this supernatural power.

In this way, in just the past half a year, he easily crossed that threshold and successfully practiced the supernatural power of [Silence Burning Soul Divine Light] to the realm of Xiaocheng.

During this period, Zhou Yang also tried to cultivate other supernatural powers, but he found that that special power was only effective for practicing fire-type supernatural powers, and had no obvious effect on other supernatural powers such as [Hiding Dragon Avoiding Tribulation Skill] .

Therefore, after successfully cultivating [Silent Burning Soul Divine Light], without any hesitation, he immediately practiced another fire-type supernatural power that he had never practiced before [Xuantian Fire Thunder Bead].

[Xuantian Huo Leizhu] The practice method of this supernatural power was obtained in the Kunxu Realm, which is very suitable for the [Qianyang True Fire] supernatural power he has mastered, just because he used it in other aspects in the past, I have never been able to calm down to practice this supernatural power.

The current environment in [Suzaku Secret Realm] is very suitable for cultivating this supernatural power, not to mention the help of that strange power.

Of course, what really made him decide to practice this supernatural power, rather than the other supernatural power inheritance he got from the [Qianyang Orb], was mainly because this supernatural power was relatively the easiest to cultivate, and it could perfectly display his [Qianyang True Power] Fire] power.

Facts have proved that his choice is not wrong.

In just two short years, he has practiced [Xuantian Fire Thunder Bead] to the level of Xiaocheng. It took almost two years to complete what others have practiced for twenty years or even longer!

Of course, the ability to achieve this kind of practice effect is not only related to the special environment of [Suzaku Secret Realm] and that strange power, but also related to Zhou Yang's own skills and talents.

The [Xuantian Fire Thunder Bead] in Xiaocheng realm can condense up to three thunder beads in the body at a time, and it needs to be condensed and replenished after it is used up.

Zhou Yang used his own [Qianyang True Fire] as the source of the real fire to condense the thunder beads. One shot out, the power is comparable to the fifth-level top-grade spell cast by a monk at the ninth level of the Golden Core.

If three of them are shot at the same time, the power is estimated to be able to seriously injure or even kill an ordinary Jindan ninth-level monk.

This kind of power is stronger than what Zhou Yang expected in advance, and it is completely worthy of his efforts in the past two years.

At this time, less than half a year has passed since the three-year period that Zhu Zizhen said.

In less than half a year, it is certain that he will not be able to cultivate another supernatural power, so Zhou Yang concentrated on absorbing spiritual energy and began to practice.

Five months later, Zhou Yang saw that Zhu Zizhen did not leave the customs as promised, Dang even got up and walked out of the valley, then sacrificed twelve [Da Yan Geng Golden Swords] and violently attacked the red light curtain.

The defensive power of the red light curtain was terribly strong, and Zhou Yang's all-out attack was like a mud cow entering the sea, unable to shake the light curtain at all.

Even so, he still didn't have any intention of being discouraged, and continued to attack continuously.

He has no way out, if he doesn't awaken Zhu Zizhen, the consequences will be unbearable for him.

After several days of continuous onslaught, Zhou Yang, who was already tired, finally heard Zhu Zizhen's voice transmission.

"Wait another month, it will take some time for this king to succeed."

The voice that came out was only this sentence, but Zhu Zi's real figure was not seen at all.

Zhou Yang saw this, although his face was extremely ugly, he couldn't do anything, he could only bite his mouth and stop the offensive, and went back to the valley to continue waiting.

After waiting like this for another month, Zhu Zizhen finally flew out from the red light curtain.

It's just that Zhu Zizhen's appearance at this time surprised Zhou Yang.

Its main body [Red Feather Crane], although it is a descendant of the Vermilion Bird with the [Blood of the Vermilion Bird], its appearance is basically the same as that of an ordinary crane, except that its feathers are red like fire, and it looks more luxurious.

But now Zhu Zizhen's appearance has undergone a great change.

The original crane shape has now changed into a bird shape similar to a peacock, which is nearly 80% similar to the Suzaku pattern that Zhou Yang has seen!

If it wasn't for the aura of Zhu Zizhen, Zhou Yang couldn't believe that the miraculous giant bird flying out of the red light curtain was Zhu Zizhen who had disappeared for three years.

When he looked at such a nobleman, his eyes sparkled, and he quickly understood what the other party had experienced in the past three years.

Bloodline metamorphosis!

Zhu Zizhen obviously obtained the real Suzaku inheritance in the red light curtain, as well as [Suzaku True Blood] similar to [True Phoenix Blood], and even the real Suzaku remains!

As a descendant of Suzaku who has awakened [Suzaku True Blood], now he has obtained the real Suzaku inheritance and Suzaku remains.

With the power of the remains, Zhu Zizhen completely stimulated the [Suzaku True Blood] in her body to transform into a bloodline, and it was not difficult to transform herself into the real Suzaku.

Of course, there is a limit to this kind of blood transmutation, it is impossible for Zhu Zizhen to transform into a real Suzaku directly, only to transform into a powerful monster bird similar to Suzaku.

Only when she is promoted to the seventh level and survives the "True Spirit Tribulation", can she completely shed her mortal body and transform into a real Suzaku.

But even so, the current Zhu Zizhen is still much stronger than she was three years ago.

And Zhou Yang soon noticed that besides the big change in Zhu Zizhen's physical appearance, Zhu Zizhen's aura was also much stronger than that of three years ago. It seemed that he had been promoted to a sixth-rank high-grade demon king with the help of the Suzaku remains.

"Congratulations to seniors for making further progress in their cultivation, and wishing seniors a speedy attainment of enlightenment and ascension to the real world!"

After his complexion changed for a while, Zhou Yang hurriedly bowed to Zhu Zizhen who had fallen outside the valley, and congratulated him with a respectful face.

The seventh level of the Yaozu is called "True Spirit", so it is called Realization, and the Real World is the name of the Yaozu for "True Immortal Realm", which means the realm where the true spirit resides.

Whether it is a human immortal cultivator or the demon kings of the demon race, all of them have the greatest goal of cultivating into a true immortal and a true spirit, and then ascending to the "true fairy world".

The world level of the "Spirit World" is limited, and can only accommodate existences of the seventh level at most. If you want to go further, you have to go to a higher world like the "True Immortal World" to have a chance to be promoted.

And the process of going to the "True Immortal Realm" was dubbed "Ascension".

At this time, hearing Zhou Yang's words of congratulations, Zhu Zizhen's bright phoenix eyes did not see any joy, but instead glanced at the valley at their feet, and asked in a deep voice: "How do you know the mystery of this place?"

"I have to ask this old fox, the junior also followed him here."

Zhou Yang's heart skipped a beat, but he sold the old fox without hesitation, and told the whole process truthfully.

"The old fox brought you here?"

Zhu Zizhen looked at the old fox with both eyes.

At this time, the old fox was already frightened by the tyrannical aura emanating from her body and knelt down on the ground. Seeing her gaze, he wailed and defended himself.

"So that's the case? Forget it, since you were able to discover the [Innate Lihuo Essence] that overflows here, it's also your chance. I'm in a good mood now, so I won't hold you accountable for stealing the original power of the secret realm!"

As Zhu Zizhen said, she suddenly opened her claws, and grabbed Zhou Yang and [Three-Eyed Firefox] one by one. Then, with a flap of her wings, she left the island and rushed towards the entrance of the secret realm.

Half an hour later, a flame flashed over the crater of an active volcano in the Suzaku Mountains, and a vermilion divine bird similar to the divine bird of Suzaku appeared. The divine bird also held a human and a firefox in its claws.

"Old fox, if you see your master after you go back, tell him that this king has taken away the inheritance from the secret realm, and the secret realm will be completely destroyed within a hundred years. 】It’s better to be promoted as early as possible, otherwise if you miss this opportunity, there will be no next time!”

Above the volcano, Zhu Zizhen looked down at the [Three-eyed Firefox] caught in his claws, and after a few words, he let go of his claws and threw it down.

Then he flapped his wings, grabbed Zhou Yang, left the Suzaku Mountains, and headed straight for Donghua Immortal City.

Zhu Zi is really willing to be a "driver" to take him on the road, Zhou Yang is very happy, after all, he is really in a hurry now.

But being caught in the claws of the opponent's eagle like a chicken, flying in the "nine heavens" is not the life he wants.

He knew that his struggle was useless, and if Zhu Zi was really unhappy because of his struggle, and he didn't take him away, then it would be too late for him to cry.

Therefore, he changed to a tactful way to persuade: "Senior, it's not good for you to show your body and fly over the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou. If other monks in the Nascent Soul Stage find out, I'm afraid it will cause misunderstanding and lead to a siege." !"

Never thought that Zhu Zi really heard what he said, but looked down at him with unkind eyes, and said in a muffled voice: "Boy, do you think this king wants to do this? If you don't know that you are in a hurry to save people, this king would not Will come out before fully grasping the newly acquired power!"

After she finished speaking, she loosened her paws a little, and said in a cold voice with a bad tone: "Stop talking nonsense, if you feel uncomfortable being held by this king, go down and go on your own way!"

"Senior, calm down, senior, calm down, this junior has no such intention, absolutely no such intention!"

Zhou Yang was so frightened that he quickly hugged her waist-thick paw, and shouted "Quiet your anger", not daring to mention it again.

Although the flying experience is extremely bad, there is nothing to say about the speed of the sixth-level top-rank demon king, especially Zhu Zizhen is still the bird demon king.

It took Zhou Yang a full two or three months to rush from Donghua Immortal City to Suzaku Mountain Range alone, but Zhu Zizhen took him back to Donghua Immortal City from Suzaku Mountain Range, but it only took a short ten days, and the speed was fast. More than seven or eight times!

And after more than ten consecutive days of flying, Zhu Zizhen seemed to have gradually adapted to the sudden increase in strength through this method of consuming power, and finally transformed back into a human body before entering Donghua Immortal City, and entered the Immortal City together with Zhou Yang .

Time was running out, and as soon as Zhou Yang returned to Donghua Immortal City, he immediately sent a summons to Ling Chao, the Young Palace Master of Donghua Immortal Palace, inviting him to come out and meet.

In the past, he was the one who went to Donghua Immortal Palace to visit the other party, and this was the first time he let the other party come to see him.

Zhou Yang did this because apart from being inconvenient to enter the Donghua Immortal Palace due to Zhu Zizhen's cultivation level and status, he also wanted to regain some initiative for himself.

Zhu Zizhen was promoted to become the sixth-rank top-rank demon king, and she also transformed her bloodline. Her strength has far exceeded Zhou Yang's original expectations of her.

Now, even without the help of others, Zhou Yang is certain that he will succeed if he just takes Zhu Zizhen to rescue people.

He leaked all these news in his letter to Ling Chao, and he believed that the other party could understand what he meant.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou is back. Ling hasn't seen you back in the past few years, but I'm sweating for you. Fortunately, you are blessed by God, and finally came back in time!"

In the immortal inn where Zhou Yang was sheltered, Ling Chao, who came here in disguise, saw Zhou Yang waiting outside, and greeted him with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang was overjoyed, and a smile from the heart appeared on his face, and he replied: "Mistress Ling still has to worry about Zhou in her busy schedule, Zhou is really ashamed, when this matter passes , Zhou must set up a wine table with Feng'er, their mother and daughter in person to thank the Young Palace Master."

When Ling Chao heard this, he just smiled and didn't answer his words, but immediately changed the subject and said, "I don't know if Senior Zhu is here? After my father heard the name of Senior Zhu from the mouth of the junior, he specifically asked the junior to convey it to the old man. A few words to Senior Zhu."

Zhou Yang's expression froze immediately, he gave Ling Chao a solemn look, then nodded slightly and said: "Senior Zhu is resting in the room, if the young palace master sees her, Zhou will pass it on for you."

The briefing was of course a polite way of speaking, Zhou Yang invited Ling Chao to come, didn't he just want the other party to see Zhu Zi's real face with his own eyes, so as to win him over for help?

It's just that Ling Chao's father, the owner of the Donghua Immortal Palace, is actually interested in Zhu Zizhen, which makes him raise his vigilance.

For Zhou Yang, the most important thing now is to rescue Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Yufeng's mother and daughter. Any variables that may hinder this matter will make him very annoying.

Fortunately, his worry seemed a bit unnecessary, after Zhu Zizhen had a private conversation with Ling Chao, he called him in.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou came at just the right time. After talking with Senior Zhu, Ling felt that since even Senior Zhu was willing to help Fellow Daoist, it meant that Fellow Daoist could indeed save lives. If so, Ling would also be willing to help Fairy Yufeng Do your best to get out of trouble.”

As soon as Zhou Yang entered the room, Ling Chao smiled at him, and said something that surprised him with a smile.

He had been waiting for this sentence for a long time.

"Great! If Palace Master Ling is willing to help, great things will be accomplished!"

He clapped his hands full of surprise and applauded, then bowed his hands solemnly to Ling Chao and said, "Master Ling, please thank you for your help on behalf of Fengxian, their mother and daughter, and when things are done, There must be another banquet to thank Young Palace Master and Senior Zhu!"

Ling Chao turned his body slightly, but he didn't accept Zhou Yang's gift, but waved his hands and said, "The matter of thanking you can be discussed later after the matter is completed. Now let's discuss the specific matter of saving lives."

Seeing this, Zhou Yang's eyes flickered slightly, then nodded and said: "Okay, let's talk about this matter after the matter is completed. I wonder what the Young Palace Master has to teach you about saving people?"

Facing his question, Ling Chao didn't hide anything, and immediately replied: "For the sake of the overall situation of Donghuazhou's immortal cultivation world, even if Ling can help, he can only use Fairy Yufeng as a personal friend. The status is helpful, and I can't personally fight with the members of the Yulong family, so the matter of going to the Goddess Palace to rescue Senior Jiang is left to Ling, and Ling is sure to persuade [the ancestor of the green robe] to agree to go with Ling .”

"As for the matter of rescuing Fairy Yufeng, Ling can help Zhou Daoyou to contact a senior from the world of cultivating immortals in Beitingzhou. When that senior was traveling in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, he was robbed by the Yulong family because of some things. It’s a big loss, presumably he will be very interested in this kind of thing that has the opportunity to embarrass the Yulong family.”

Having said that, he paused for a moment, then looked at Zhou Yang and continued: "Although Ling is sure of persuading that senior to make a move, I am afraid that you will have to pay for the reward for this move. The number of spirit stones is probably not a small number, how about Zhou Dao's friendship?"

It's done, now I'm working on the second chapter. It may not be finished before twelve o'clock, but even if it doesn't work, it will definitely be done tomorrow morning. You don't have to wait too late, and you won't be too late to read it tomorrow!

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