Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 629: True Dragon Combat Body and True Dragon Seal

In the clear sky, a clear bird song resounded through the sky.

Under the bright and clear sky, the majestic palace speeder of the Yulong family was flying, when suddenly it was smashed down by a huge fireball from the sky.

"Where is the madman, dare to attack the members of Yulong family!"

Angry shouts sounded from inside the palace flying car, and a cloud of blue water quickly spread out from inside the car, protecting the entire flying car inside.


After a shocking explosion sounded, the huge palace speeding chariot and the five dragons pulling it all overturned and fell to the ground.

Then, without waiting for the people in the flying car to rush out of the car, a water dragon formed of jet-black real water swooped out from the sky with its head raised and howling, and rushed straight to the falling palace flying car.

Aww! ! !

The five dragons pulling the cart roared in unison, as if sensing some fatal danger, they directly spit out the dragon pills that had been cultivated for many years, and released terrifying energy to hit the true water black dragon.

"Cangming Zhenshui, it turns out to be Daoist Cangming, you wild dog without an owner. The old man sees that you really don't want to live anymore. I really think that my Yulong family dare not kill you?"

Angry shouts sounded again from inside the palace speeding car, but they had already recognized the origin of the true water black dragon.

The falling palace speeding car stopped suddenly, and when the gate opened, Yulong Xinghe and Lou Feifeng, the old man of the Yulong family, rushed out at the same time, and each used their own means to help the five dragons pulling the cart stabilize the situation and block Many attacks.

Then Yulong Xinghe focused his eyes, looked solemnly at the direction of the bird song, and shouted loudly: "Old man Yulong Xinghe is the seventh elder of the Yulong family. Why did Fellow Daoist follow the old monster Cangming to attack us? Is there some misunderstanding here?"

"Hmph, there's no misunderstanding, it's your Yulong family!"

Zhu Zizhen, who showed her body, let out a cold snort, then opened her mouth to spit out, and spit out a fiery vermilion pillar of fire that blasted towards Yulong Xinghe.

"Too much deceit! I really thought you were a sixth-rank top-rank demon king, and I was afraid that you would fail!"

Yulong Xinghe was furious, and with a roar of anger, he quickly sacrificed a golden dragon scale magic shield to block in front of the vermilion pillar of fire, and then shook the spirit beast ring on his hand.

The sound of the soaring dragon's chant resounded through the sky, and a sixth-order blue dragon with a body length of more than a hundred feet rushed out of the spirit beast ring on Yulong Xinghe's wrist, rolled up monstrous water waves and rushed towards Zhu Zizhen in the sky.

The members of the direct line of the Yulong family have at least one dragon of the same level as the war pet imperial envoy. Yulong Xinghe is the elder of the Yuanying period of the Yulong family, and his blue dragon has reached the sixth-level middle-grade Xiuwei.

In this way, coupled with his own cultivation of the sixth level of Nascent Soul, it is not difficult to deal with a sixth-level high-grade demon king who seems to have just been promoted.

Thinking of this, Yulong Xinghe couldn't help saying to Lou Feifeng, another Nascent Soul cultivator on his side: "The old man is here to deal with this beast. The old monster Cangming will trouble Fellow Daoist Feifeng. Don't let him hurt the bride and groom. !"


Zhu Zizhen heard the word "animal" in the sky, his eyes became cold, and the murderous intent in the eyes of the phoenix was fleeting.

"Fellow Yulong Daoist, don't worry, there will be no problems with my concubine."

Lou Feifeng, the owner of the Goddess Palace, glanced at the "True Master Cangming" who had already appeared on the cloud, and agreed with a light smile.

She is a monk at the fifth level of Nascent Soul, but "True Master Cangming" is only at the third level of Nascent Soul. How could there be any problems in the mid-Yuanying period versus the early-Yuanying period.

But not long after she said these words, her expression suddenly changed, and she suddenly turned her head to look in the direction of the sect.

"Stealing things? Or deliberately disturbing my mind?"

She raised her jade hand with an ugly expression, revealing a dead white beetle in her hand.

This white beetle is named [Same Life and Heart Beetle]. It has no lethality, but it has a strong warning ability. If either the female or the male dies, the other will die immediately no matter where it is.

The [Same Fate Connected Heart Insect] in Lou Feifeng's hands is a male insect, while the female insect is in the hands of Shen Luoyan who stays at the gate of the Goddess Palace. According to the agreement between the two, Shen Luoyan can only be crushed to death if the gate of the Goddess Palace encounters a crisis of extermination. The female insect in her hand gave her a warning call for help.

"It doesn't matter, even if I go back now, it will take at least a day to get back. I only hope that Junior Sister Shen can hold on, and that other comrades nearby can come to rescue in time!"

His face darkened, Lou Feifeng threw away the dead bug with a wave of his hand, and then sacrificed a magic weapon to attack "True Master Cangming".

The destructive power caused by the Nascent Soul stage monks' battle was astonishing. In order to prevent their own personnel from being affected, both Yulong Xinghe and Lou Feifeng consciously led their opponents to the "Nine Heavens Absolute Territory" high in the sky.

And this is also in line with Zhou Yang's original intention of saving people, after all, he doesn't want his daughter to be injured by these Nascent Soul cultivators.

So it wasn't until several Nascent Soul cultivators entered the "Nine Heavens Absolute Territory" that he came out of his hiding place and charged towards the palace speeding car alone.

"Yulong Jinhuang, come out and lead to death!"

Before Zhou Yangren arrived, the shouts had already resounded through the sky, reaching the ears of Yulong Jinhuang in the palace flying car.

Hearing his domineering voice, Yulong Jinhuang's expression remained unchanged, but Jiang Yufeng, who was also in the carriage, raised her beautiful eyes to look in the direction of the voice, with unconcealed joy. His eyes were full of surprise.

Seeing this, Yulong Jinhuang's expression changed suddenly, and he looked at her angrily and growled, "What? Is that another friend of yours?"


Jiang Yufeng snorted coldly, and didn't even bother to answer him.

"Don't you want to say it? Very good, when I capture him and put him in front of you, I hope you can still be so stubborn!"

With furious expression on his face, Yulong Jinhuang threw down these words in a serious tone, then moved his body, stepped out of the carriage, and faced the enemy.

He was not worried about what would happen to Jiang Yufeng alone in the carriage. In order to make the wedding go smoothly, Jiang Yufeng's cultivation had been sealed by Lou Feifeng with a special secret method, and now she was no different from an ordinary mortal.

After getting out of the carriage, Yulong Jinhuang immediately saw Zhou Yang who was riding the wind and Yujian flying towards this side.

I saw Zhou Yang stepping on the fifth-order middle-grade flying sword [Jinghong Sword], accompanied by twelve shining sword lights [Da Yan Geng Golden Sword] walking on the left and right, the mighty sword light shining in the sky, incomparably magnificent.

However, when Yulong Jinhuang saw this magnificent scene, his face relaxed, and then he sneered and said: "Hey, I thought it was some powerful person, but it turned out to be a mere waste of the seventh level of Jindan. Such a level of cultivation dares to come here and learn from a hero to save the beauty, it's really boring!"

Before the laughter fell, he waved his hand and said: "Jin Longwei, take down this madman for me!"

"Yes, I will follow the second son's order."

The so-called "Golden Dragon Guards", that is, the nine golden-armored monks guarding the wedding car, responded in unison, and immediately swung their arms to remove the iron chains on the five dragons pulling the cart, and then commanded the five dragons to charge towards Zhou Yang. up.

The five dragons joined forces to resist the attack of "True Master Cangming" before, which had already hurt the vitality of the Jiaodan, and its strength was less than 60% of what it was when it was at its peak. However, the strength of the five dragons joining forces is still not something that ordinary Jindan late-stage monks can resist.

It's a pity that Zhou Yang is not an ordinary Jindan late-stage monk.

He looked at the five flood dragons that were slaying, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he immediately pinched the sword formula with both hands, and the twelve [Da Yan Geng Golden Swords] flying around him formed three "Four Elephant Demon Demon Sword Arrays" towards them The three flood dragons strangled away.

Then he waved his hand, and as his cultivation base was promoted to the late stage of Jindan, the [Qianyang Golden Pagoda], which had been promoted to a fifth-order top-grade magic weapon, suppressed another dragon across the sky.

Then, with a movement of his body, he directly faced the last flood dragon physically.

The sword energy pierced through the air, and the three dragons who were besieged by the sword array were left with bloodstains by the fierce Gengjin sword energy as soon as they fought. Zhou Yang who hurt them.

The dragon that was suppressed by [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] was even worse.

The seven-storied golden pagoda came across the sky, and without any gaudy things hitting it in the air, it was suppressed on the spot and rolled all over the ground, unable to get up. The "Golden Dragon Guard" monk standing on its back was even more so. It was directly smashed into a puddle of meat.

And the dragon that confronted Zhou Yang head-on was the worst one.

Zhou Yang pursued a quick battle, so he directly hit it with [The Wrath of the Canglong], blasting it to the point where blood spilled into the sky, and fell to the ground with a miserable howl, only breathing out, no breathing in!

"Too weak. These flood dragons are not worthy of being called flood dragons at all. They all have the appearance of flood dragons without the power of flood dragons!"

Zhou Yang looked at Jiaolong who had been beaten half to death by his own punch, and shook his head involuntarily, with a look of disdain on his face.

He was right. This kind of dragon, which is only suitable for pulling carts, just looks like a dragon. In fact, it is just a fourth-order snake monster with some dragon blood. A first-order flood dragon is completely incomparable with a real fifth-order flood dragon.

Of course, this is also for him. In fact, none of these dragons are weaker than normal fifth-order monsters. It's just that his strength is too strong, which makes these dragons seem too weak.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to have a few brushes. It seems that I underestimated you earlier!"

Yulong Jinhuang's face darkened, and he looked at Zhou Yang with cold eyes, a hint of embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

He originally thought that Zhou Yang could be taken down by five dragons, but now it seems that he has to do it himself.

Thinking of this, he grimaced, smiled ferociously and said: "Alright, let me take you down personally, and let that bitch watch with my own eyes how I concoct you!"

Before he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and in an instant, two flood dragons, one green and one silver, rushed out from the spirit beast ring on his wrist with a long roar.

These two dragons, blue and silver, are the fifth-order dragons with pure blood, not the kind used to pull carts.

Among them, Qingjiao is a fifth-rank top-rank monster, and Yinjiao is a fifth-rank middle-rank monster.

"Qingluo, Yinling, take this person down for me, don't kill him, and don't let him run away!"

Yulong Jinhuang called the names of the two dragons in his mouth, and looked at Zhou Yang coldly and said his request.

Hearing his words, the blue dragon's eyes as big as lanterns swept across Zhou Yang's body, and then said: "Young master, don't worry, a mere golden core seventh-level human monk, any of us sisters will be fine." If you can take him down, you will definitely not be able to escape him!"

The voice was clear and sweet, it turned out to be a female dragon.

Then Yinjiao was also not to be outdone, and said: "You don't need Sister Qing to take action, the younger sister can take him down alone."

After finishing speaking, the silver dragon swung its tail, and its body shot towards Zhou Yang like a silver thunderbolt.

Seeing this scene, Yulong Jinhuang frowned, and couldn't help telling the green flood dragon: "I'm afraid Yinling is not the opponent of this beast, Qingluo, you go and help her too!"

"Since the young master has said so, then the servant girl should go and help Sister Yinling, I hope she won't blame the servant girl for having too many hands."

Qingjiao looked at Yulong Jinhuang in surprise, then nodded slightly, and followed a gust of green wind to kill Zhou Yang.

At this moment, Zhou Yang had severely injured the five dragons, and was about to reap their lives.

Seeing the two real dragons, Yin Jiao and Qing Jiao, coming to kill him, he didn't dare to neglect, so he could only save those little snakes, took back the flying sword and magic weapon and fought fiercely with the two dragons.

For a real flood dragon, his supernatural powers and methods are completely incomparable to those of the previous ones.

The silver dragon is a rare lightning-attribute dragon, and its thunder-type spells are so powerful that Zhou Yang dared not let the lightning hit him.

It's not that he can't withstand one or two lightning strikes, but because the lightning has a strong paralyzing power, once he is hit, there will be continuous lightning strikes next.

And this silver flood dragon is also proficient in "Thunder Escape Technique", Zhou Yang's sword array can't trap it at all, let alone cut it.

Fortunately, the cultivation base of this silver flood dragon is not high, only the fifth-order mid-level, otherwise it would be more than a simple trouble.

This can be seen from the body of the fifth-rank top-grade Qingjiao.

The green dragon belongs to the wind, and when he opened his mouth, countless blue wind blades formed a storm and swept towards Zhou Yang. If Zhou Yang wanted to avoid it, the silver dragon's lightning would come to intercept him immediately, forcing him to resist the wind blade storm.

And if he wants to concentrate his strength to kill Qing Jiao, Qing Jiao will also run away with the wind and will not challenge him head-on.

Zhou Yang had killed countless monsters in his life, but this was the first time he was so embarrassed by two monsters of the same level.

"It seems that there is no need to use some real means, but I can't help you two worms!"

With a cold look in his eyes, Zhou Yang glanced coldly at the two flood dragons, and then at the Yulong Jinhuang who seemed to have no intention of intervening there. Thoughts turned in his mind, and he soon made a decision.

With a loud shout, a purple-blue four-legged tripod suddenly appeared above his head, which was a sixth-order middle-grade magic weapon [Tiantian Canglong Ding].

As soon as the treasure tripod came out, a strange force spread out, instantly making all the living creatures within 30 miles around except Zhou Yang lose their ability to fly.

Yulong Jinhuang was far away and could not be affected, but both Qingjiao and Yinjiao were hit, and they fell to the ground violently in an instant with an exclamation.

At this moment, under the control of Zhou Yang's sword art, the twelve [Da Yan Geng Golden Swords] quickly merged into one, turning into two giant golden swords and angrily slashed down at the heads of the two flood dragons.

"Stop! Stop me, my lord!"

Yulong Jinhuang's complexion finally changed, panic flashed in his eyes, he shouted angrily and quickly waved and sacrificed several magic weapons to Zhou Yang, trying to save the two dragons.

But as soon as those magic tools entered Zhou Yang's range of 30 miles, they would be knocked down by the air-forbidden power of [Suppressing the Sky Canglong Cauldron], without hurting Zhou Yang at all.

At this time, the two golden light giant swords had already descended on the top of the two flood dragons.

Ho ho!

At the juncture of life and death, the two dragons roared angrily and spewed out the dragon pills that had been cultivated for many years. Using the dragon pills as shields, they stopped in front of the two golden swords.

Click! Click!

Under the slash of the golden light giant sword, the two flood pills soon made a crisp cracking sound, forming cracks visible to the naked eye.

But they successfully blocked the blow of the golden light giant sword and saved the lives of their masters.

If the first blow failed, Zhou Yang couldn't send out the second blow, because if he didn't put away the 【Suppressing Sky Canglong Cauldron】, his mana would not even be able to supply the Imperial Envoy Feijian.

With his current cultivation base, using the [Suppressing Canglong Cauldron], and suppressing two fifth-level flood dragons and Yulong Jinhuang, a golden core ninth-level monk, will consume almost 10% of his mana every breath of time, that is In his prime, he can only last for nine breaths.

But in this situation, it is obviously impossible for him to use up all his mana to do this kind of thing.

So although it was a pity that he didn't cut off the two dragons on the spot, Zhou Yang decisively put away the [Tiantian Canglong Cauldron] without putting all his eggs in one basket.

Then he raised his hand, and immediately stuffed a fifth-order elixir [Three-turn Huiyuan Pill] into his mouth that can quickly restore mana.

He is now at the seventh level of Jindan, and the recovery effect of a [Three-turn Yuandan] has weakened, but it can still restore more than 30% of the mana within a quarter of an hour, which is better than using any spirit stone to replenish mana. many times.

On the other side, Yulong Jinhuang didn't have time to settle accounts with Zhou Yang, but landed beside the two dragons with a distressed face, and quickly took out the healing elixir for them to swallow.

Needless to say, the importance of the demon core to monsters. The injury of a broken demon core, even if it is placed on a monster with strong vitality like a dragon, will lose half of its life. Meteor's fate.

Yulong Jinhuang doesn't need to care about the life and death of those Jiaolongs, because the Yulong family can cultivate a batch of those Jiaolongs at any time.

But Qing Jiao and Yin Jiao, who grew up with him and were regarded as relatives by him, were different.

The members of the direct line of the Yulong family will be given one or more dragon eggs by the family since they were young, allowing them to hatch the dragons in the eggs, grow up and practice together with them, and form a very close partnership.

Because they have the blood of real dragons, the members of the direct descendants of the Yulong family can make Jiaolong feel close and in awe. Without any means of control, they can make these Jiaolong who grew up with them sincerely follow them and risk their lives for them.

And like Yulong Jinhuang, whose partner is a female dragon, the male direct line members of the Yulong family will make every effort to help their partner Jiaolong advance to the sixth level after their cultivation reaches the Nascent Soul stage, and then they will have a relationship with the transforming Jiaolong. Become a Taoist couple.

The proud monks of the Yulong family don't look down on ordinary human female cultivators at all. They will only form Taoist companions with those alien females who also have strong blood and can transform into human forms.

And the human-dragon bloodline of the Yulong family allows them to form a Taoist partner no matter whether they form a Taoist couple with a "merman" royal woman, a transformed female flood dragon, or any other female alien race. It is amazing to guarantee that the offspring born will be of human-dragon bloodline.

So for Yulong Jinhuang, although he married Jiang Yufeng as his wife, Qing Jiao and Yin Jiao who had been with him since he was a child are still as close partners as Taoist couples in his heart.

Now seeing his close partner, the demon core being broken and severely injured, how could he not feel distressed.

He fed the healing elixir to the two flood dragons with a distressed face, put them in the spirit beast ring to recuperate, then raised his head with a distorted expression, glared at Zhou Yang, and roared with a ferocious expression: "Damn bastard, you If you dare to hurt this young master's beloved pet, this young master will take your soul out and refine your soul, so that you will never be reborn forever!"

Before the roar fell, he suddenly opened his mouth and let out a long howl, and his body swelled instantly, turning into a monster with a dragon head, dragon tail, and dragon claws.

Every direct member of the Yulong family can master this magical power of transformation which they call [True Dragon Battle Body].

This kind of transformation can not only greatly improve their physical defense and close combat capabilities, but also give them many auxiliary abilities such as rapid recovery, physical flight, and underwater walking.

Once they use this magical power of transformation, it means that they really start to go all out.

At this moment, after Yulong Jinhuang used the supernatural power of [True Dragon Combat Body], he immediately roared and launched a fierce attack on Zhou Yang.

He has a strong background, and all the magic tools used are high-quality goods. Those magic tools that Zhou Yang suppressed with the [Tiantian Canglong Cauldron] before have shown their magical powers at this moment.

A golden mirror stood in the air, and the golden light it radiated melted everything. When Zhou Yang was irradiated by it without noticing at the beginning, the blue-gold dragon scales on his body were instantly melted away, forming a huge scar on his body directly. He was so frightened that he quickly stepped aside and took a drop of [Rejuvenation Fairy Dew] for treatment.

There is also a golden flying sword that cuts everything. When Zhou Yang used the [Da Yan Geng Golden Sword] refined from many materials to confront it, it cut out gaps the size of fingernails. He was so distressed that he wanted to scold his mother .

There is also a red golden orb that can release a powerful defensive mask. The defensive power is not weaker than Zhou Yang's [Qianyang Skyfire Shield] cast by the [Qianyang Orb], and even after being broken, it can quickly Recovery is extremely difficult.

However, the magic weapon that Zhou Yang finds most troublesome is Yulong Jinhuang's natal magic weapon [True Dragon Seal].

The [True Dragon Seal] is also a unique magic weapon of the Yulong family. Only direct members of the Yulong family who have the blood of the real dragon can refine the royal envoy.

This magic weapon has a very powerful "Forbidden Law" supernatural power, which can seal ten thousand spells, and with one seal sacrifice, all spells can be banned.

Such a powerful natal magic weapon, even compared with Zhou Yang's [Qianyang Golden Pagoda], each has its own merits, and it is difficult to distinguish between them.

Wuhu, I dialed back the update!

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