Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 630 Narrow Victory! 【Subscribe】

[True Dragon Treasure Seal] Forbids ten thousand spells, any supernatural spells that are suppressed by it will either dissipate out of thin air, or their power will be greatly reduced.

Although Zhou Yang had already learned about the power of this magic weapon from Ling Chao, he did not know how difficult this magic weapon was until he actually fought against it.

For example, when Yulong Jinhuang Imperial Envoy was attacking him with this magic weapon, he would sacrifice [Flame Dragon Shield] to intercept it.

But on the golden seal, there was only a sound of dragon chant, and the defensive light curtain released by [Flame Dragon Shield] dissipated instantly, leaving only the main body of the magic weapon there, and then it was blown away by the golden seal.

Whether it's attacking supernatural powers or defensive supernatural powers, as long as they are supernatural powers and spells, they will be affected by the golden seal's ban, which is extremely domineering.

After Zhou Yang tried it, he found that only the [Qianyang Skyfire Cover] released by the [Qianyang Orb] was the least affected, probably because the power level of this fairy artifact is too high, and it has exceeded the ban of the [True Dragon Seal] category.

Of course, [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] was less affected, but the function of this magic weapon is to suppress and imprison.

Yulong Jinhuang is guarded by that scarlet golden orb, and has cast [True Dragon Combat Physique], a supernatural power of transformation. His cultivation level is two floors higher than Zhou Yang's, and Zhou Yang has no way to force him into the tower to suppress him. , unless he lost the power to resist.

To make Yulong Jinhuang temporarily lose the power to resist, Zhou Yang has a way.

During an opponent's sudden move, a divine light flashed in his eyes directly, and he displayed the magical power of [Sacred Soul Burning Divine Light].

This supernatural power was sent out instantly through the eyes, unless he was prepared in advance, otherwise Yulong Jinhuang would not be able to intercept and block it through the [True Dragon Seal].

The golden-red fire light successfully passed through the shield formed by Yulong Jinhuang's red-golden orb and fell into its body.

But Zhou Yang's supernatural power, which he tried a hundred times, failed him this time.

Yulong Jinhuang, who was hit by the flames, only paused for a moment before recovering quickly, and then looked at him with a sneer on his face and said with a sneer: "You really don't know how to live or die, you don't know the direct descendant of our Yulong family Are the souls of the members guarded by [True Dragon Soul Curse]? If you want to hurt my soul from a distance, let alone you, even a monk in the Nascent Soul stage will be a waste of effort!"

How could Zhou Yang not know this information, but he thought that [Sacred Light of Nirvana Burning Soul] could be an exception.

But now it seems that he still underestimated the power of the so-called [True Dragon Soul Curse], and even the [Silent Burning Soul Divine Light] couldn't affect and hurt the opponent.

Ignoring Yulong Jinhuang's taunt, Zhou Yang swung his fists, and blue-gold dragon shadows roared out, forcing Yulong Jinhuang who wanted to fight him back again and again.

Yulong Jinhuang is not a physical trainer, but after using the supernatural power of [True Dragon Combat Body], his melee combat ability is not inferior to that of a flood dragon of the same level. Even Zhou Yang dare not easily fight with him.

And he always felt that Yulong Jinhuang wanted to get close to him because of some other bad purpose, and he didn't want to let him get his wish.

"This kid's body training supernatural power seems familiar, and he seems to have heard of it somewhere!"

In mid-air, Yulong Jinhuang squinted his eyes, looking at Zhou Yang who was covered in blue-gold dragon scales, a look of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

From a certain point of view, the two look quite similar now.

It's just that compared to his half-dragon, half-human transformation, Zhou Yang's body is only covered with a layer of green-gold dragon scales, and he hasn't completely transformed into a dragon.

He was able to transform into a dragon because of the power of his own true dragon blood, and Zhou Yang did not have the true dragon blood, obviously it could only be caused by some kind of supernatural power.

Yulong Jinhuang thought about this, and couldn't help but recall the similar records he had read.

Not long after this, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had found the answer.

Then his complexion became even uglier.

"Okay, very good! It turns out that you are the descendant of the old Canglong thief who stole the real dragon blood of my Yulong family back then!"

He glared at Zhou Yang with fire-breathing eyes, and the anger in his eyes was much stronger than when Zhou Yang severely injured the two dragons before.

Thinking about it, he already remembered the origin of Zhou Yang's body training supernatural power!

More than 7,000 years ago, a casual cultivator from the East China Sea who was at the Nascent Soul Stage, "Canglong Daoist", secretly captured a direct member of their Yulong family, and then created a supernatural power by studying their clan's [True Dragon Battle Body] supernatural powers. The effect of the door is similar to the supernatural power of body training.

Later, this person extracted the true dragon blood of the direct line member of their Yulong family, and used it as a material to assist in the cultivation of self-created body-refining supernatural powers.

This incident caused an uproar in the Yulong family at that time. After hearing the news, the monks of the entire Yulong family chased and killed the "Master Canglong" all over the world like crazy.

But in the end, the monks of the Yulong family only destroyed the "True Canglong" physically, and he escaped from the Yuanying, and never heard of this person again.

This incident was regarded as a great shame by the Yulong family. Every direct member of the Yulong family has heard the elders tell about this incident since childhood, so even after hundreds of years, Yulong Jinhuang still remembers it.

When he remembered this matter, how could he not hate and be angry with Zhou Yang who had practiced the "Canglong Body Training Art"!

"The remnants of the Canglong, you will kill them if you see them! Die for me!"

With a roar in his mouth, Yulong Jinhuang raised his claws, and he threw a black orb at Zhou Yang.

not good!

Zhou Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he felt great danger from the black orb. He quickly recalled his natal magic weapon [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] and smashed it at the black orb, and his body retreated rapidly.

With the material of [Qianyang Golden Pagoda], even a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage could not destroy it easily, so Zhou Yang didn't have to worry about this natal artifact being damaged.

However, not long after he backed out, the black orb suddenly exploded in the air, turning into black lightning and drowning him and the golden pagoda together.

The name of the black lightning is [Xuanyin Disha Shenlei], which is refined by the secret method of collecting the Xuanyin Qi of the Earth Shade by monks in the Nascent Soul Stage.

A monk in the Nascent Soul Stage was accidentally hit by this [Xuanyin Earth Sha God Thunder], and his physical body would also be destroyed, so he had to go out of his body and find a new physical body to seize the body.

If a cultivator at the golden core stage is hit, his mana and body will be destroyed by the evil spirit of the earth, which will turn into thunder and filth, and even if he wants to get his soul out of his body, he will not be able to do so.

Yulong Jinhuang knew that Zhou Yang was physically strong, and he had seen that he had taken [Rejuvenation Immortal Dew] to quickly recover from his injuries. He was afraid that other means would not be able to deal with Zhou Yang, so he specially used this trump card.

At this time, the evil spirit and thunder burst out all at once, and Zhou Yang was surrounded by Wan Lei like a lonely boat in the sea.

But at this moment, something happened that made Yulong Jinhuang dumbfounded.

I saw Zhou Yang after being hit by the [Xuanyin Earth Sha God Thunder], a golden real fire suddenly rose from his body, and those thunders transformed by the Xuanyin Earth Sha Qi were burned by the golden real fire, and suddenly they were like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun. Generally, it is quickly burned into a puff of black smoke.

[Qianyang True Fire] When it is just to the yang, it is the most restrained evil force of the evil way, and the mysterious yin and earth evil spirit is just a kind of evil force, which is just restrained by it.

If Yulong Jinhuang had known in advance that Zhou Yang was carrying the [Qianyang Precious Body], he would definitely not have used this [Xuanyin Earth Fiend Thunder] to bombard him, that would be a waste.

"So what about [Qianyang Treasure Body]? Don't say that you only have the [Qianyang Treasure Body], or the legendary [Pure Yang Dao Body]. If you offend my Yulong family, you will die without a burial place!"

A cold light flashed in the icy vertical pupils, and Yulong Jinhuang made a tactic with both hands, and a dragon roar suddenly sounded from the golden flying sword that cut everything, and then the sword energy overflowed, and it directly turned into a line of sword energy golden dragon.

This golden flying sword is actually sealed with a fifth-order golden flood dragon's soul as the weapon soul. No wonder it is so sharp and unstoppable. Even the [Da Yan Geng Golden Sword] that Zhou Yang spent a lot of rare materials to refine is more Not as good.

At this time, the soul of the golden dragon in the flying sword was activated, and the twelve [Da Yan Geng Golden Swords] that were originally at a disadvantage were all sent flying by the golden dragon, crying and unable to fight anymore.

And after the golden flood slapped many flying swords, Dang even swooped towards Zhou Yang with his head raised and roaring.

Zhou Yang's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly activated the supernatural power [Flame Dragon Guardian] attached to the [Flame Dragon Shield], forming a flame dragon to meet the golden flood dragon.

But at this moment, there was another dragon chant, and the golden [True Dragon Seal] appeared in front of Zhou Yang first, and smashed on the flame dragon.

Immediately, under the action of the incomparably overbearing "Forbidden Law" power, the Flame Flame Dragon collapsed with a whine.

"The Wrath of the Canglong!"

Zhou Yang put his fists horizontally in front of him, and a blue-gold blue dragon suddenly soared up from behind him, and roared angrily towards the golden flood dragon that had rushed close.

Amidst a loud noise, Jin Jiao was blown away on the spot.

And Zhou Yang was also cut by the sword energy overflowing from Jin Jiao's body, leaving dozens of bloody wounds on his body.

But he didn't have time to deal with these skin injuries, and Yulong Jinhuang's attack came again.

A golden dragon shadow flashed, and a thick dragon tail swept towards him.


With a low shout, he quickly put up his fists to block it, but his whole body was thrown out on the spot.


Yulong Jinhuang flew Zhou Yang away with his tail, and with another sway, he reappeared beside Zhou Yang who was flying upside down. The dragon claws ruthlessly grabbed Zhou Yang's head.

At a critical moment, Zhou Yang fiercely opened his mouth and spat out, a golden sword energy shot out from his mouth, deflecting Yulong Jinhuang's dragon claw by several inches.

Then his body sank, his feet stepped in the air, his fists danced continuously, and the fists and claws intersected to block the opponent's attacks several times one after another.

But he only has two fists and two feet, and besides these, Yulong Jinhuang also has a dragon tail that is nearly ten feet long.

The two fought each other for only a few moves, and Zhou Yang was sent flying by the dragon's tail again.

This time Yulong Jinhuang didn't pursue him again, because the golden dragon with sword qi that was blown away by him rushed in front of him again at this time.

But Jin Jiao still missed.

Because at the last moment, Zhou Yang's natal magic weapon [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] also flew to his vicinity, and then the tower door opened, directly sucking himself into it.

The function of [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] is to suppress and defend. Putting the enemy in the tower can be suppressed, and putting yourself in the tower is naturally defense.

Although the golden dragon with sword energy is unstoppable, but the [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] that has been integrated with the "Nine Heavens Profound Gold" is not in vain.

Zhou Yang was in the golden pagoda, no matter how the golden dragon was slapped and bumped, it would not move without any harm.

"Want to be a turtle? See if I don't smash your turtle shell!"

Yulong Jinhuang's face turned cold, and Dang even raised his golden seal and smashed it hard at the golden pagoda.

After being attacked by the sword qi golden dragon and the golden seal one after another, [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] also shook violently and endured great pressure.

Inside the tower body, Zhou Yang swallowed the last [Three-turn Huiyuan Pill], and after a little refinement, he rushed out of the golden tower and sacrificed the six-piece [Tiantian Canglong Cauldron] again. stage instrument.

Yiding town sky!

No one can hang in the air within thirty miles except Zhou Yang.

Neither can Yulong Jinhuang!

But Yulong Jinhuang, who was forcibly pressed to the ground, showed no panic, but a sneer.

He looked at Zhou Yang in mid-air with a sneer on his face, and said with a sneer: "You have finally used this magic weapon again, it seems that your skills are exhausted."


Zhou Yang looked at him indifferently, and when he raised his hand, a purple jade talisman flew out of his hand and exploded.


A purple divine thunder as thick as a bucket descended from the sky, and landed on Yulong Jinhuang head-on.

The power of the [Suppressing Sky Canglong Cauldron] is still in effect, and all evasion techniques cannot be used within thirty miles. It is impossible for Yulong Jinhuang to dodge from the bombardment of this purple divine thunder.

But Yulong Jinhuang, as a direct member of the Yulong family and the second son of the current patriarch of the Yulong family, why didn't he have anything to protect his life.

When the purple divine thunder fell, a soaring dragon roar came from its body, and then a khaki dragon shadow rushed out of its body, turning into a khaki shield to protect it.

After the purple god thunder landed on the khaki shield, it failed to smash the seemingly weak layer of shield.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang's indifferent expression finally changed.

But Yulong Jinhuang looked at him with no surprise and said with a sneer, "This [Yellow Dragon Amulet] was made by my father himself, let alone your little jade talisman, it is the Nascent Soul It's hard to break through my protection with one blow by Cultivator Qi himself, so you might as well use all the means you have, and see if you can hurt me in the slightest!"

The patriarch of the Yulong family is a great supernatural being who has cultivated at the eighth level of the Nascent Soul, and his true strength is no worse than those "half-step true immortals" at the ninth level of the Nascent Soul.

"You seem to have made a mistake. My purpose is not just to kill you!"

Zhou Yang suddenly smiled.

He no longer cared about the Yulong Jinhuang who was waiting for him to attack, and with a movement of his body, it turned into a golden rainbow light and appeared not far from the unguarded palace flying car in an instant.

"What do you want to do? Leave it to me!"

Yulong Jinhuang's complexion changed drastically, he shouted angrily, and hurriedly set off to chase Zhou Yang.

But he can't fly, if he only relies on running, even if he has turned into an inhuman being now, it will take at least tens of breaths to run thirty miles.

As a result, he could only watch helplessly as Zhou Yang slashed through the gate of the palace speeding car with a sword and broke into it, and then rushed out of it with his nominal Taoist companion Jiang Yufeng.

"Let go of her, let me let go of your hand!"

Yulong Jinhuang watched this scene from a distance, and roared wildly with anger.

The blood of the real dragon brought great power to the monks of the Yulong family, and also affected their character.

Dragons are domineering and possessive creatures, and the monks of Yulong family have also inherited this character, and their actions are extremely easy to be influenced.

They themselves also understand the disadvantages of this personality, so they will not show it easily in front of others, so as not to offend everyone.

In Yulong Jinhuang's heart, no matter whether it was a marriage of interest or not, no matter whether Jiang Yufeng liked him or not, this woman was the Taoist partner he was marrying, and any man other than him who dared to touch her would be killed by him!

"Die to me, all to me!"

The enraged Yulong Jinhuang directly took out a short golden dragon horn from the storage ring, and beat it at Zhou Yang.

As soon as the short horn of the flood dragon came out, Zhou Yang felt that he was locked by a strong will, and he knew in the dark that no matter how he evaded, he would not be able to avoid this blow.

But he did not sit still, but immediately pushed Jiang Yufeng away, and then sacrificed [Flame Dragon Shield] to block in front of him with a low shout.

[Flame Dragon Shield] is smelted from the dragon scales of a sixth-order flood dragon mixed with [Scorching Sun Iron]. The material itself is comparable to a sixth-order magic weapon.

However, even such a magic weapon with hard material and strong defensive power was still pierced in front of the short golden dragon horn, leaving a hole the size of a fist.

Afterwards, the short horn of the golden dragon that penetrated through the [Flame Dragon Shield]'s defense directly hit Zhou Yang's chest!

A white light flashed, and Zhou Yang, whose face was as pale as paper, appeared from the side while stroking his bleeding chest, with unbelievable horror still remaining in his eyes.

Just now, he really almost died!

He also didn't expect that after piercing through the [Flame Dragon Shield], the short horn of the golden dragon still had such a powerful lethality that even the [Yuqing Xianlu] in his body couldn't withstand its full power, causing him He was still severely injured by this blow, and his heart was almost broken.

"Father, are you all right?"

Jiang Yufeng looked at the bleeding wound on Zhou Yang's chest, and blurted out "Father, are you okay?" His eyes were full of worry and anxiety.

Hearing her words full of concern, Zhou Yang's eyes were fixed, and he waved his hands with a look of relief: "Father is fine, this injury can't die!"

After speaking, he immediately took out a small green bottle, poured out three drops of emerald green psychic liquid with rich vitality and swallowed it into his stomach.

This time when she came out to the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, although Xiao Ying was persuaded by his instigated son Zhou Guangcheng not to follow, she gave him all the [Rejuvenation Immortal Dew] that she had conceived in the [Rejuvenation Immortal Bottle] over the years. There are as many as seven drops.

Zhou Yang had taken one drop to heal his wounds before, but now he was severely injured by the short horns of the golden dragon, and one drop might completely heal his injuries, so he simply took the remaining half of [Rejuvenating Immortal Dew].

The powerful vitality contained in the three drops of [Rejuvenation Fairy Dew] can even rescue people who are dying, and it is no problem to heal Zhou Yang's injuries.

"What kind of spiritual thing is this, it has such a miraculous effect!"

Jiang Yufeng looked at Zhou Yang's wound that healed quickly, and her beautiful eyes were full of shock.

She asked herself that if she had suffered such a serious injury, she might only be healed by the magical power of "Nirvana". She never thought that Zhou Yang could do this with only three drops of psychic liquid.

"This is...forget it, I'll explain this to you later, I'll kill this dog first!"

Zhou Yang originally wanted to explain the origin of [Rejuvenation Fairy Dew], but when he thought that Jiang Yufeng might have overreacted when he heard about Xiao Ying's existence, he held back, and planned to talk about these years in detail after Jiang Fengxian joined him. Things that happened.

After speaking, he looked at him in the distance with a look of shock on his face, as if he hadn't expected that he could survive the short-horn attack of the golden dragon. Yulong Jinhuang's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and when he squeezed the sword formula with both hands, he will The twelve [Da Yan Geng Golden Swords] that were previously knocked down by the Sword Qi Jin Jiao all aroused, condensed into a golden giant sword with a length of several feet, and slashed towards Yulong Jinhuang.

Clang, clang!

The golden giant sword slashed on the yellow mask outside Yulong Jinhuang's body, making loud roars, but it couldn't shake the yellow mask at all.

The defensive talisman personally made by monks in the late Yuanying period, the defensive power is really abnormal.

"So you are Jiang Yufeng's wild father who doesn't know the origin of his name. No wonder she was so excited when she heard your voice earlier!"

"Unfortunately, for the sake of you being her wild father, I might let you go, but you absolutely shouldn't, you shouldn't practice the supernatural power created by that old thief Canglong. The people who make contact are all the sworn enemies of my Yulong family!"

Yulong Jinhuang looked at Zhou Yang coldly, and his tone was full of murderous intent, as if he was not worried at all that Zhou Yang would be able to break through the yellow mask around him.

Zhou Yang didn't know who the "Canglong old thief" he was talking about was, but he guessed it was related to the [Suppressing Canglong Cauldron] magic weapon he was using now.

But this is not the point, the point is that he seems to really have nothing to do with Yulong Jinhuang now.

The defensive power of the yellow mask outside the other party's body was too abnormal. With his strength, he didn't know how long it would take to break through it, and he couldn't keep using the [Tiantian Canglong Cauldron] to restrict Yulong Jinhuang.

In fact, even if he took two [Three-turn Huiyuan Pills] successively, his mana is now less than 40% due to using this sixth-order magic weapon twice, and there is no way to delay it any longer.

For a while, Zhou Yang was in a dilemma, and he was in a dilemma.

Of course, he could leave Yulong Jinhuang alone and take his daughter Jiang Yufeng away, but Yulong Jinhuang would definitely chase after him later, and he was not sure that he would be able to get rid of the opponent with only one person.

If he stayed here and continued to attack Yulong Jinhuang, he might have exhausted his mana, and he might not be able to break through the yellow light barrier around the opponent.

Yulong Jinhuang obviously understood this truth, so he was not in a hurry when facing Zhou Yang's attack, but just looked at Zhou Yang coldly, waiting for the opportunity to make a move.

However, Zhou Yang's embarrassment did not last long, and was resolved by a feather that fell from the sky.

It was a vermilion feather of the Suzaku, which shot from the nine heavens, like a flaming red giant sword, and landed directly on the yellow light shield outside Yulong Jinhuang's body.


After a shocking explosion, the yellow mask on Yulong Jinhuang's body was blown into pieces on the spot, and the powerful explosion force even blasted him to the ground covered in blood.

good chance!

Zhou Yang's eyes lit up, and with a wave of his hand, he shot all the three [Xuantian Fire Thunder Beads] condensed in his body towards Yulong Jinhuang.

Boom boom boom!

Amidst the roar, a terrifying golden thunderfire rose from where Yulong Jinhuang was.

"You can't kill me, no one can kill me Yulong Jinhuang!"

Amidst the thunder and fire, Yulong Jinhuang's roar was still full of anger.

Zhou Yang frowned and looked, only to see a layer of golden light curtain covering Yulong Jinhuang in it. No matter how the thunder and fire bombarded him, the golden light curtain trembled endlessly, but he still couldn't break through the light curtain and hurt him.

It is the power of that scarlet golden orb.

This magic weapon is now held by Yulong Jinhuang, continuously releasing defensive power to protect him.

"I don't believe it!"

Zhou Yang gritted his teeth, a divine light flashed in his eyes, and activated the [Sacred Light of Silence Burning Soul] magical power again.

The difference is that this time while using this supernatural power, he also used the [Sword of Punishing God] at the same time to attack the supernatural power with divine consciousness, and his divine consciousness turned into a "Sword of Punishing God" and slashed at Yu Dragon Jinhuang.

With infinite spiritual consciousness, the "Sword of Punishing God" can be fired at the moment of thought, hitting Yulong Jinhuang even faster than [Sacred Light of Burning Soul].

At that moment, Zhou Yang clearly "saw" that Yulong Jinhuang's primordial spirit Jindan was being protected by a golden real dragon in his mouth, and he slashed over with his sword, just right at the reverse scale of the golden real dragon's neck .

This sword was not able to completely break through the protection of the golden true dragon, but it managed to open a gap, and the [Sacred Light of Silence Burning Soul] that entered the body of Yulong Jinhuang immediately took advantage of the gap. In, hurting the Yulong Jinhuang Yuanshen who was protected by the golden real dragon.

In Jiang Yufeng's eyes, all he could see was Yulong Jinhuang, who was originally insolent, suddenly screamed "ah", and lost control of the magic weapon in his opponent.

Without his power, the golden light curtain formed by the red golden orb was quickly dissipated by the golden thunderfire attack.

Then a golden pagoda fell from the sky, and the door of the pagoda opened wide, directly engulfing Yulong Jinhuang inside.

From nine o'clock in the morning to eleven o'clock in the evening, I wrote this chapter for at least ten hours, writing and deleting, deleting and writing again, I almost collapsed! Although I feel that I still haven't met the requirements in my heart, but I really can't help it, my level is limited, and I am helpless!

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