Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 631 Refining [True Dragon Blood Essence]

From Zhu Zizhen helping each other across the air, breaking a feather from the nine heavens to help Zhou Yang break through the yellow mask of Yulong Jinhuang, to Zhou Yangta town Yulong Jinhuang, and collecting it in [Qianyang Jin In the pagoda, the time before and after is less than ten breaths.

Yulong Xinghe, who is located in the "Nine Heavens Absolute Territory", never thought that the situation would collapse to this point in such a short period of time.

As Yulong Jinhuang's elder, he certainly understands how much Yulong Jinhuang has, and how many cards he has.

And the strength Yulong Jinhuang showed before is definitely far better than most of the Jindan ninth-level monks, and it is also better than Zhou Yang.

Therefore, although Yulong Xinghe was very angry and furious at the fact that Zhu Zizhen was distracted to intervene in the battle between the two juniors below him, he was not too worried about Yulong Jinhuang's safety, but he and his blue flood pet Launched a more violent offensive, preventing Zhu Zizhen from having another chance to spread his strength.

But what he never expected was that Yulong Jinhuang, who seemed to be sitting on the Diaoyutai just now, would be knocked to the ground in an instant, and he would be imprisoned (ling) (yu).

This kind of change really made Yulong Xinghe both shocked and angry, extremely furious.

"Bold boy, do you know what a heinous mistake you have made? If half a hair of my family's Jin Huang is damaged, you and your relatives, as well as your family and sect, will all be wiped out because of your stupid behavior today. , the whole clan is wiped out!"

The roar sounded from above the nine heavens, and exploded in Zhou Yang's ears like thunder.

He used the "Sword of Punishing God" to forcefully attack Yulong Jinhuang's primordial spirit just now. Although he successfully shook Yulong Jinhuang's primordial spirit and collected it in the [Qianyang Golden Pagoda], he also suffered a serious backlash. Consciousness is turbulent.

If I had to describe that feeling, it was like being hit on the head with a sledgehammer. My eyes popped out, my ears rang continuously, and my consciousness was so confused that it was difficult to think normally.

At this time, Yulong Xinghe's roar, although it caused his eardrums to rupture and blood to overflow, it also stimulated his consciousness in reverse, making him forcibly condense part of his consciousness in a daze.

As soon as this part of his consciousness recovered, he quickly waved the storage ring in his hand, took out a formation disk and several formation flags from it, and arranged the formation on the spot.

This array plate and those array flags are exactly the [Small Universe Moving Array] that he bought at the auction meeting for 1.7 million low-grade spirit stones before sending them from Liuyun Immortal City to Donghuazhou Immortal Cultivation World.

Before ambushing Yulong Jinhuang, Zhou Yang had already arranged another set of formation disks in a safe place more than nine thousand miles away. He left with his daughter Jiang Yufeng.

At this time, Yulong Jinhuang in [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] was still struggling with all his strength, shaking the seven-story golden pagoda that had fallen on the ground, and there were bursts of roaring and loud noises.

It's a pity that this is just a dying struggle, and Zhou Yang doesn't bother to pay attention to it.

Just like he had nothing to do with Yulong Jinhuang's [True Dragon Seal] before, after entering his [Qianyang Golden Pagoda], Yulong Jinhuang would never want to come out again.

And above the Nine Heavens, Yulong Xinghe seemed to have realized something when he saw Zhou Yang's actions, he roared angrily and wanted to separate his hands to stop it.

But at this moment, Zhu Zizhen suddenly let out a violent howl, and the offensive was strengthened by several tenths.

She still had spare energy before, and didn't go all out.

At this time, she shot with all her strength, and the monstrous "Suzaku True Fire" raged across the sky, pulling Yulong Xinghe and the sixth-order middle-grade blue flood dragon into a field of flames.

Under her outburst, Yulong Xinghe had difficulty in protecting himself, not to mention allocating strength to stop Zhou Yang.

Thanks to Zhu Zizhen's outburst, Zhou Yang finally set up the teleportation array safely and safely.

Then he stretched out his hand and retracted the still shaking seven-story golden pagoda in front of him, pulled Jiang Yufeng beside him, and directly activated the teleportation array to leave the battlefield.


the other side.

However, Ling Chao took advantage of Shen Luoyan being entangled by [Green-robed Patriarch], and quickly found out of Jiang Fengxian's quiet palace.

The Goddess Palace is very strict with Jiang Fengxian. At this time, there is still a Jindan stage monk guarding here.

But how could such a mid-stage Jindan cultivator be the opponent of the majestic Young Palace Master of Donghua Immortal Palace.

Ling Chao just used a small plan to deliberately capture a female disciple of the Goddess Palace and fall into a hidden place outside the palace, pretending to be obscene, and tricked the Golden Core Stage cultivator from the Goddess Palace who was hiding in the palace. help each other.

Then he quickly revealed his lightning skills, severely injured the opponent in an instant, and directly rushed into the palace to rescue Jiang Fengxian, whose cultivation was banned.

After rescuing Jiang Fengxian, Ling Chaodang took her to the Patriarch Hall of the Goddess Palace, planning to destroy the soul lamps left by their mother and daughter in the Patriarch Hall.

The Patriarch Hall is an important place of the sect, guarded by a separate formation. At this time, many disciples in the Goddess Palace retreated to the Patriarch Hall to take refuge in the Patriarch Hall. The golden core stage monks continued to attack outside.

Ling Chao rushed here and frowned after seeing this situation.

Although he is strong, he is strong in fighting techniques. Facing things like formations, he has no good way but to attack by force.

As for storming the Patriarch Hall, which was guarded by hundreds of monks from the Goddess Palace, he didn't think that he and the three "Ten Thousand Poison Sect" Jindanqi monks could do it.

"You might as well take people as hostages, and use the hostages to force the cultivators inside to take out the soul lamp that Feng'er and I left behind!"

Jiang Fengxian seemed to understand why Ling Chao frowned, and whispered her idea.

She has been held hostage for decades, and has been imprisoned in the Goddess Palace for decades. All she has is hatred for the Goddess Palace. At this time, she doesn't care whether her methods are despicable or not.

Besides, she was originally a strange woman who acted eclecticly. In the Kunxu Realm, she showed decisiveness in killing and attacking, but it was much fiercer than Zhou Yang.

When Ling Chao heard her suggestion at this time, his eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately nodded in response: "What Senior Jiang said is reasonable, so we will do what Senior said!"

Then he gave a few words to the Jindan stage monks of the "Wan Du Sect" through sound transmission, and then took Jiang Fengxian around to catch hostages.

More than a quarter of an hour later, Ling Chao and Jiang Fengxian rode Jiang Caier, a colorful peacock, and escorted a dozen disciples of the Goddess Palace to the outside of the Patriarch Hall.

It turned out that Jiang Caier, the colorful peacock, had been taken back to the animal garden by Shen Luoyan after sending Jiang Yufeng to the Yulong family's wedding car.

At this time, the Goddess Palace was in chaos, and the monks guarding it were busy defending against foreign enemies, so it drove other monsters in the beast garden to attack the guardian formation of the beast garden together.

When Ling Chao and Jiang Fengxian were going to catch the hostage, Jiang Fengxian remembered this and sent Ling Chao to the zoo to rescue it.

At the same time, the three "Wandumen" Jindan stage monks who had been ordered by Ling Chao more or less each escorted several disciples of the Goddess Palace to the outside of the Patriarch Hall.

The disciples who can be taken hostage by them are naturally formal disciples who have cultivated above the Foundation Establishment Stage, including two Zifu Stage monks.

At this time, Jiang Fengxian stood on the back of the colorful peacock, looked at the disciples of the Goddess Palace in the Patriarch Hall with a pretty face, and said coldly: "Dai Xueqin, Duan Qingxuan, you only have half a quarter of an hour to send me and Fengxian together." Take out the soul lamp left in the Patriarch Hall, otherwise I can only hand over your disciples and these disciples from the Goddess Palace to the people of the Wandu Sect!"

The two people she named were the two Zifu stage monks who were taken hostage now, and they were also two of the four Jindan stage monks in the Goddess Palace in the Patriarch Hall.

Before Jiang Fengxian fell out with Lou Feifeng, because Jiang Yufeng was Lou Feifeng's direct disciple, the Jindan stage monks in the Goddess Palace had a good relationship with her.

But since she was quieted by Lou Feifeng, these people have become her accomplices, so she definitely doesn't have a good impression of these Jindan stage monks in the Goddess Palace.

"Jiang Fengxian, you are also a disciple of my Goddess Palace and a woman, how could you treat these fellow disciples so viciously!"

Inside the Patriarch Hall, a beautiful woman in a white dress glared at Jiang Fengxian angrily, furious at what she just said.

"Bah, I'm not qualified to be a disciple of your Goddess Palace, so I dare not be friends with you heartless, sluts!"

Jiang Fengxian spat heavily, and unceremoniously scolded back with a look of contempt on her face.

Then she winked at Ling Chao, and a monk from the "Wandumen" over there quickly tore open the clothes of a disciple of the Goddess Palace with a silver smile, exposing the white and greasy flesh inside.

At this time, Ling Chao uttered a voice to force him at the right time: "Dear friends of Goddess Palace inside, I advise you to follow Fairy Jiang's words as soon as possible, otherwise, if time passes, you and those in the Patriarch Hall behind you will be killed." The patriarchs of the Goddess Palace have to watch their fellow disciples and juniors being humiliated in front of their own eyes, and I don't think you will want to see that scene!"

After he finished speaking, the monks from the Goddess Palace in the Patriarch Hall had no time to reply, but the three Jindan stage monks from the "Wan Poison Sect" laughed and uttered all kinds of obscenities one after another.

"Quack quack, I hope these old women can be tougher and don't agree, so that the old man can have a good time with these little ladies, and be happy with the female disciples of the Goddess Palace in front of the Patriarch Hall of the Goddess Palace. Makes the blood boil!"

"Hehehe, what Brother Black Snake said is very true. Our master hates the old women of Goddess Palace the most. If we can ruthlessly treat the disciples of Goddess Palace in front of these old ladies and the ancestors of Goddess Palace , the old man must be very happy to see it!"

"Jie Jie Jie, what the two senior brothers said is ingenious. The little brother once heard a saying that all the disciples of the Goddess Palace look dignified and look like goddesses, but when they are on the bed, they are even more promiscuous than mermaid women. Today we wait It’s just a matter of time to try it yourself and see if the rumors are true!”


"Shameless adulterer, shut up quickly, don't disturb the Patriarch with foul language!"

In the Patriarch's Hall, the beautiful woman in white dress who had scolded Jiang Fengxian angrily earlier had her pretty face flushed, and she cursed angrily with shame on her face.

She could still scold those disciples of the Goddess Palace who were arrested, but their faces were all pale and lost their blood.

"Woooooooo, Master, Master, please save this disciple, I beg you!"

"Uncle Duan, save this disciple quickly. This disciple agreed to your proposal last time and is willing to marry your nephew. I just ask you, Uncle Duan, to save this disciple's life quickly so that this disciple can marry with a clean body!"

"Hey, Uncle Wen, please say something quickly. This disciple has already made a lifelong contract with Senior Brother Yang from the Hall of Eternal Life. You are the one who sponsored this matter. Do you want to just watch this disciple being defiled by thieves? ?”

Weeping and begging were constantly heard from the arrested disciples of the Goddess Palace. These delicate and beautiful women have lost the confidence and pride of the disciples of the famous sect in the past. They are crying like ordinary weak women.

And seeing them like this in the eyes of the three "Thousand Poison Sect" Jindan stage monks immediately made them smile even more proudly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, when this little girl cries, she looks even more supple. Not bad, I like your little appearance like pear blossoms with rain. It will definitely be more exciting for me to play later!"

The monk who tore open the dress of the disciple of the Goddess in his hand stretched out his hand to touch the face of the woman in his hand, and laughed out loud with pride.

Seeing this, the disciples of Goddess Palace who were arrested cried even harder.

"What should I do? How can I do this?"

Inside the Patriarch Hall, the beauty in the white dress turned her head with a livid face, not daring to look at the disciples outside, and looked at the other three Golden Core stage monks in disbelief and asked for advice.

"Why don't we just hand over the Soul Lamp to Jiang Fengxian?"

A beauty in a yellow dress gritted her teeth and expressed her opinion.

As soon as she said this, another beautiful woman in red immediately refused sternly: "No, Jiang Fengxian colluded with outsiders to harm our sect this time, and he is an eternal sinner of our sect. This soul lamp must be kept for future arrests!"

The beauty in the yellow dress was just offering an opinion, but when she heard the decisive words of the beauty in red, she suddenly seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but sneered and asked, "Hmph, Senior Sister Ma, what kind of mind do you have for saying that?" ?Is it important to hunt down Jiang Fengxian in the future, or is it important to rescue the disciples of this sect now?

"If you don't save people now, if you really let our disciples be defiled in front of the Patriarch Hall, how can you and I have the face to meet the Patriarchs in the future? How can we have the face to face the disciples in the palace? How can we have the face to meet the Palace Master? ?”

The beauty in red was turned green and pale by what she said, and she couldn't help but said loudly from embarrassment: "Anyway, if you can't do it, you can't do it. Jiang Fengxian is a serious offender who was personally named and guarded by the palace lord. If you dare to hand over her soul lamp, the palace lord will come back and investigate. Come down, I see how many heads you have enough for her old man to chop off!"

Seeing that the two of them would not have a dispute, a beautiful woman in Tsing Yi could not help interjecting in a low voice: "The palace lord imprisoned Jiang Fengxian just to sell her daughter Jiang Yufeng for a good price. Now Jiang Yufeng has married into the Yulong family. Her old man must have gotten what she wanted from the Yulong family, it doesn't matter if Jiang Fengxian is still in our hands, let alone she is out of trouble now!"

Although the beauty in Tsing Yi did not express her position clearly, the meaning in the words was already very clear.

So as soon as she finished speaking, the somewhat bewildered beauty in the white dress immediately came back to her senses and shouted: "That's right, the palace lord confines Jiang Fengxian just to force Jiang Yufeng to submit obediently. Now Jiang Yufeng is married to the Yulong family, Jiang Fengxian It’s no longer useful, and it’s not worth polluting the eyes of the patriarchs for such a useless person!”

When the beauty in the yellow skirt heard what the beauty in the white skirt said, she couldn't help but smiled and said: "Since Senior Sister Dai and Senior Sister Duan both agree to exchange, my little sister will go and get the soul lamps of their mother and daughter."

After she finished speaking, she deliberately looked at the beauty in red. Seeing that the other party was silent and did not speak, she just turned around and walked into the depths of the Patriarch Hall with a proud look.

Not long after, the beauty in the yellow skirt came out with two soul lamps burning with white lights.

The soul lamp is lit with a ray of the soul of the cultivator himself, and there is no way to imitate it. As soon as Jiang Fengxian outside saw the two soul lamps, he knew that they were indeed the soul lamps left by himself and his daughter Jiang Yufeng.

"Jiang Fengxian, you put the people in first, and then we will throw the soul lamp out to you!"

The beauty in the yellow dress stood outside the gate of the Patriarch Hall with a soul lamp in her hand, looked at Jiang Fengxian with a gloomy expression and yelled for her release.

Hearing the words, Jiang Fengxian had a cold smile on her face, and said with a cold snort: "Hmph, do you think I'm stupid if you let him go now? Cut the nonsense, first hand over my daughter's soul lamp to me, and then I will let you go." Half of the people go in, and then you hand over my soul lamp, and I will put the rest in!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the beauty in the yellow dress shouted loudly: "No, we can't trust you. Only if you let half of the people in first, we will give you a soul lamp!"

"Promise her, anyway, there are still many disciples in this Goddess Palace, even if they dare to go back on their word, we can arrest them again!"

Seeing that Jiang Fengxian seemed to be bargaining, Ling Chao could not help but persuade him in a low voice, fearing that the night would be long and dreamy.

"Okay, let's change it."

Jiang Fengxian nodded and agreed.

I don't know if Ling Chao's undisguised words had an effect, but the goddess palace monks in the Patriarch Hall finally completed the exchange honestly and handed over both soul lamps.

As soon as the soul lamp was in hand, Jiang Fengxian immediately asked Jiang Caier, the colorful peacock, to blow out the lamp in one go, and then spewed out a ball of flames to burn the lamp, so that no one could track their mother and daughter through the soul lamp.

Ling Chao also said in good time at this time: "Let's go, let's withdraw first, and let the people from Wandumen take care of the rest!"

Of course, Jiang Fengxian has no objection to this. Her current cultivation base is still sealed, and the seal can only be lifted by leaving the Goddess Palace first and asking other Nascent Soul stage monks for help.

The thing that makes her most regrettable is that before her confinement, Lou Feifeng took away her storage ring and spirit beast ring, including the [Holy Infant Fruit] and [Moon Toad Reality] that she had risked her life to obtain in the Kunxu Realm. Blood] and other things, as well as her [Colorful Cloud Swallowing Python], which has been promoted to a fifth-level poisonous dragon, are all cheaper for Lou Feifeng!

"Goddess Palace, Lou Feifeng, just wait for me, one day I, Jiang Fengxian, will come here again to avenge myself with my own hands!"

When the colorful peacock flew away from Goddess Peak, Jiang Fengxian looked back at the place where she stumbled, her eyes were full of deep-seated hatred.

Not to mention how Ling Chao rescued Jiang Fengxian out of trouble, and said that after Zhou Yang and his daughter Jiang Yufeng teleported away from the battlefield, he immediately focused his attention on suppressing the Yulong Jinhuang in the [Qianyang Golden Pagoda], beheading him on the spot.

After killing Yulong Jinhuang, Zhou Yang, as usual, first searched all the storage rings, spirit beast rings and other relics on his body, and then fired real fire to destroy the corpse.

But at this moment, Jiang Yufeng suddenly said: "It is said that the real dragon blood of the Yulong family can be extracted, father, you might as well try it, if you can extract [True Dragon Essence Blood], you can make a lot of money !"

"Is that so?"

Zhou Yang glanced at the corpse of Yulong Jinhuang on the ground, pondered for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, then give it a try."

He just wanted to save time and escape quickly, but he hadn't thought about this aspect. Now that Jiang Yufeng reminded him, he was also moved.

If the [True Dragon Essence and Blood] is really extracted, he can use it to practice the "Canglong Body Refining Jue", presumably with the magic of the [True Dragon Essence and Blood], it will definitely help him practice the "Canglong Body Refining Jue" easily The fourth layer, maybe you can get other benefits.

This kind of secret technique of extracting blood essence from monsters or certain specific existences is not uncommon, and many Jindan stage monks have mastered it.

Many of the fifth-order monsters are alien species with a certain kind of true spirit blood. If you master this secret technique of extracting blood essence, once you encounter and kill these alien monster beasts, you can try to extract them. The true spirit and blood.

If one can successfully extract the true spirit essence blood such as [True Dragon Essence Blood], the harvest will be even greater than the demon pill of a monster.

However, not even monsters of different races with true spirit blood can extract true spirit blood. This kind of thing still depends on how strong the blood of the monster itself is.

Like Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian who killed the fifth-order mid-grade monster in the Kunxu Realm [Blue-faced Owl], although it also has the blood of the true spirit [Feng Peng], it cannot be extracted because the blood does not exist. Fengpeng True Blood].

However, the alien ice toad I met later, because the blood of the [Taiyin Moon Toad] in its body was extremely pure, it successfully extracted the [Moon Toad True Blood].

The members of the direct line of the Yulong family all have the blood of the real dragon, and they can even use the supernatural power of [True Dragon Combat Body], which shows that their blood is definitely not weak. Zhou Yang still has the ability to extract the [True Dragon Essence Blood]. Not a small grasp.

At this time, after he made a decision, Dang Lian played a series of formulas on Yulong Jinhuang's corpse, and used the secret art of extracting blood essence that he knew.

After casting the spell continuously for half an hour, a dragon roar full of anger resounded from Yulong Jinhuang's body.

After Zhou Yang heard the sound of the dragon chant, he was not surprised but happy, and the speed of playing the formula was faster.

After he cast spells over and over again, a small golden dragon about three fingers thick and about a foot long was finally forced out of Yulong Jinhuang's mouth unwillingly.

There is no doubt that this little golden dragon is the [True Dragon Essence Blood] extracted from the body of Yulong Jinhuang.

Recommend a family-style cultivating novel "The Xiuxian Family Can't Gone", it's on the shelves today, if you are interested, you can go and read it

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