Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 632 A Family Reunion, Heading Overseas

[True Dragon Essence and Blood] full of spirituality, after getting out of Yulong Jinhuang's body, he wanted to escape, and he didn't want to be captured by Zhou Yang.

But after all, it was just a ball of blood, not a real dragon. How could it escape from Zhou Yang's hands? It was quickly caught by him and thrown into a jade bottle to seal it.

Then he glanced at the corpse of Yulong Jinhuang with withered skin and flesh due to the loss of [True Dragon Essence and Blood], raised his hand and fired a ball of real fire, burning it to ashes.

After doing all this, Zhou Yang put away all his things and left the place with his daughter Jiang Yufeng.

A few days later, Zhou Yang's father and daughter finally reunited with Jiang Fengxian in a secret base of Donghua Immortal Palace near the East China Sea.

They were able to gather here so quickly, of course, thanks to the help of the teleportation array of Donghua Immortal Palace.

As the first sect in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghua Continent, Donghua Immortal Palace has also established a very efficient and powerful teleportation array system. The teleportation arrays it built secretly spread over half of the world of cultivating immortals in Donghua Continent.

As Ling Chao is the Young Palace Master of Donghua Immortal Palace, it is not too difficult to arrange for Zhou Yang and the others to take a ride in the teleportation array.


"Zhou Lang!"

In the quiet room, Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian, who had seen each other for the first time in more than two hundred years, were very excited and couldn't help calling each other affectionately.

Then the two each took a few steps forward, as if they wanted to hug each other.

But after walking two steps in this way, Jiang Fengxian suddenly stopped and raised his hand to stop Zhou Yang from going forward to hug him.

"I'm sorry, I'm late. If I could come to find you in the morning, you and Feng'er won't suffer so much grievance!"

Zhou Yang looked at Jiang Fengxian who suddenly calmed down, and apologized in a low voice full of apology.

"No, I'm very happy that you can come to save us. This proves that you still have me in your heart, and you haven't really forgotten me!"

Jiang Fengxian shook her head slightly, expressing that she didn't blame him.

Hearing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help blurting out: "How could I forget you? Even if I forget everything, I won't forget you. I will forget the wonderful experience we had in Kunxu Realm!"

Jiang Fengxian's face turned red immediately, apparently remembering something.

But she quickly mobilized her mana to suppress these bodily reactions, shook her head and said: "Stop talking about it, it's impossible for you and me, let the past go, we can't continue to make mistakes!"

Zhou Yang heard the words and hurriedly said: "How could this be wrong? I have already told Yinger about you, and she also said that I would pick you up to live together. Since she doesn't care about these things, why do you still care about them?" Woolen cloth?"

Jiang Fengxian waved her hands firmly and said: "It's really unnecessary, I'm used to being alone, even Feng'er thinks I'm boring sometimes, if I live with you, I really won't get used to it!"

Habits can be changed.

Zhou Yang looked at Jiang Fengxian, but he still didn't say these words in the end.

He had already seen that Jiang Fengxian still had a heart to hold back, and she didn't have the hurdles she had in the past. She couldn't listen to her when he told her these things.

He nodded helplessly and said: "Okay, let's talk about this matter later, let's get ready to run for our lives, Yulong Family and Goddess Palace will definitely not let it go this time!"

Hearing him mention this matter, Jiang Fengxian's face also became serious, and she replied with a serious expression: "This matter really needs to be treated with caution."

Zhou Yang had already prepared the escape plan, and now he just needs to follow the plan.

Before he came here with his daughter Jiang Yufeng, the seal on Jiang Fengxian's body was lifted by the master of Donghua Immortal Palace, and while he was talking with Jiang Fengxian, the master of Donghua Immortal Palace was helping Jiang Yufeng break the seal .

Because of being delayed for nearly a hundred years of practice, Jiang Fengxian's current cultivation level is still at the seventh level of Golden Core, the same as Zhou Yang.

At this time, when the two came out of the quiet room, they saw Jiang Yufeng, who had recovered her cultivation base, talking with Ling Chao and a majestic middle-aged man in purple robes.

The identity of the middle-aged man in the purple robe is not ordinary, in fact, he is the avatar of the current palace master of Donghua Immortal Palace, a avatar with the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage!

Zhou Yang walked up to the middle-aged man in the purple robe, bowed respectfully and said: "I have met Senior Ling, and I am grateful to Senior Ling for helping me. This junior is very grateful. Senior is very kind, and this junior family will never forget it in this lifetime!"

"You don't have to be so polite, I'm just a clone here, and it's not too late to thank you when you see this deity in the future."

The middle-aged man in the purple robe said in a gentle voice, and with a flick of his sleeves, he pulled Zhou Yang up.

"Yes, this junior remembers the senior's instructions."

Zhou Yang responded respectfully, not really daring to despise the other party because of what the other party said.

Although the avatar is not comparable to the main body, in terms of identity, it is actually no different from the main body.

Even those Nascent Soul stage monks of Donghua Immortal Palace should treat this middle-aged man in purple robe with respect and dare not show any disrespect.

This can be seen from the fact that Ling Chao, the young palace lord, is very respectful to this avatar.

The middle-aged man in the purple robe didn't really seem to care about these things, he just waved his hand and said: "Okay, now the seals on the two fellow Daoists Jiang have been lifted, you can leave the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou with peace of mind, my seat He Chao'er won't waste your time, so let's take our leave."

"Yes, the junior will send the senior off respectfully."

Zhou Yang was taken aback for a moment, then immediately nodded in response.

Then he cupped his hands at Ling Chao again and said, "Thank you again, Palace Master Ling, for your help. Zhou will definitely be rewarded for his kindness and affection in the future!"

"Zhou Daoyou take care all the way."

Ling Chao nodded slightly, then looked at Jiang Yufeng next to him, hesitated to speak, and finally just sighed softly: "Take care all the way!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang's eyes flashed strangely, but he didn't speak.

After the middle-aged man in purple robe left with Ling Chao, he looked at Jiang Yufeng and asked, "Why, Feng'er, are you still not satisfied with this Young Palace Master Ling?"

"It's not dissatisfaction, it's just that our family's current situation is really not the time for children to love each other."

Jiang Yufeng shook her head with a complex expression, and whispered her thoughts.

Zhou Yang was speechless for a moment.

Jiang Fengxian nodded in agreement and said: "Feng'er is right. Now is indeed not the time for children to love each other. The Yulong family suffered a big loss this time. Not only did they lose face, they also lost a direct member of the family. Go through the entire Donghuazhou Immortal Cultivation World, they will definitely not let it go, we'd better leave here as soon as possible."

"Okay, then let's get out of here first."

After Zhou Yang finished speaking, he took their mother and daughter and left the secret base.

In fact, Jiang Fengxian put it lightly.

The moment Yulong Jinhuang died, the Yulong family was in a state of excitement.

How many years, I don't know how many years, no direct member of the Yulong family has been killed outside!

That's right, the Yulong family is usually very low-key, and members of the direct line of the family seldom show their faces outside, but this definitely does not mean that they are easy to bully.

On the contrary, only their Yulong family bullied others, and few people dared to bully them.

Even Donghua Immortal Palace, which is known as the most powerful force in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghua Continent, is extremely afraid of their Yulong family, and specially restrained the disciples in the sect not to conflict with their Yulong family.

Now, a member of the direct line of their family, the second son of the current patriarch, was intercepted and killed on the important day of welcoming the relatives. As soon as the news came out, every direct line member of the Yulong family who heard the news was furious. Inexhaustible, furious.

Although it is the largest cultivating family in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, and maybe even the entire "world of spirits", the members of the Yulong family are very united and harmonious because of the small number of members.

They even have a family tradition that whenever a new member of the direct line is born, no matter where they are, all members of the direct line will immediately rush to the family to bless them.

Every member of the direct line of the Yulong family can call each other by name, and they all have a rather close blood relationship with each other.

Therefore, the death of Yulong Jinhuang, for many direct members of the Yulong family, not only meant that the dignity of the family had been severely challenged, but also made them truly feel the pain of being killed by their relatives.

Therefore, before Yulong Xinghe returned to the family to explain the situation, several Yulong family Nascent Soul stage monks who were waiting for the banquet in the "Five Dragon Island" family headquarters directly went to the place where Yulong Jinhuang fell.

Then on the way, they ran into Yulong Xinghe who came to report the news.

It turned out that not long after Zhou Yang took Jiang Yufeng to teleport away, Zhu Zizhen also let Yulong Xinghe go and left alone.

She made an agreement with Zhou Yang that after helping Zhou Yang save people, she would return directly to the Immortal Cultivation Realm of Liuyunzhou and not give the Yulong family a chance to take revenge.

As for the other "Reverend Cangming", he had given up pestering Lou Feifeng, the owner of the Goddess Palace, at the moment Zhou Yang teleported away, and fled the battlefield first.

But Lou Feifeng was worried about the situation in the Goddess Palace, and even if he chased him, he might not be able to win the "Real Cangming", so he didn't pursue him, but helped Yulong Xinghe deal with Zhu Zizhen.

After Zhu Zizhen also retreated, she explained the situation to Yulong Xinghe, and returned to the Goddess Palace anxiously.

After that, Yulong Xinghe searched everywhere for Yulong Jinhuang who was taken away by Zhou Yang's suppression.

In this way, it wasn't until half a day later that he found some remaining breath traces at the place where Yulong Jinhuang died.

Retracing the scene by using the magical power of "circular light backtracking", after seeing clearly the scene where Zhou Yang extracted [True Dragon Essence Blood] and beheaded Yulong Jinhuang, Yulong Xinghe's anger reached its peak immediately.

If there is anything that makes other direct members of the Yulong family more angry than killing a member of the direct line of the Yulong family, it is to steal their true dragon blood of the Yulong family.

This is not only a desecration of their dignity, but also a real loss to their family.

Many experts in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou have heard the legend of the [Hualong Pond] of the Yulong family. It is said that as long as a monster snake can take a bath in [Hualong Pond], it can immediately transform into a dragon and fade away from the snake. The body turned into a dragon.

And if the flood dragon can frequently soak in the [Hualong Pond], it is expected to sublimate the blood, condense the real [True Dragon Essence Blood], and it is expected to evolve into a real dragon in the future.

Only people from the Yulong family know that it is not a legend, but a fact.

[Hualong Pond] It has a very magical effect on all creatures with the blood of the real dragon or the blood of the flood dragon.

The members of the direct line of the Yulong family can enter the [Hualongchi] to practice only if they have made great contributions to the family.

Like Yulong Jinhuang, he is already at the ninth level of the golden core. If he can enter the [Hualong Pond] to practice, with the help of [Hualong Pond] and the auxiliary baby spirits he prepared, there is at least 70% to 80% chance. Grasp the success of conceiving a baby!

However, the power of [Hualong Pond] is not created out of thin air, but requires the Yulong family to continuously invest in spiritual objects. The best spiritual objects are the corpses of their direct line members of the Yulong family and the corpses of the sixth-order flood dragons. .

There is a rule in the Yulong family that every direct member of the Yulong family must bring his body back and throw it into the [Hualong Pond] no matter whether he died in a sitting posture or died outside.

It is precisely because of this miraculous [Hualong Pond] that the Yulong Clan is able to emerge endlessly in the Nascent Soul stage, and can rely on the number of people who enter the [Hualong Pond] to sublimate the bloodline as a bargaining chip, and exchange dragon eggs from the East China Sea Dragon Clan for the family. Used by members of the direct lineage.

Otherwise, with the strength of the East Sea Flood Dragon Clan, even if their Yulong Clan has true dragon blood, it is impossible for the proud Flood Dragon Clan to allow them to use Flood Dragon as servants.

Now Yulong Jinhuang is dead, the [True Dragon Essence Blood] in his body has been extracted and taken away, and even the body has been burned to ashes, so the damage caused to the Yulong family is not ordinary.

The angry Yulong Xinghe rushed to the family headquarters "Five Dragon Island" at full speed, ready to mobilize the power of the entire Yulong family to find the enemy. He must catch the enemy and recover the taken [True Dragon Essence and Blood] .

After bumping into the monks of the Yulong family who came to find out the situation halfway, he explained the situation, which really made these people angry, and soon the power of the entire Yulong family was mobilized by these people.

Regardless of the small number of direct descendants of the Yulong family, one would think that they have very little manpower at their disposal.

In fact, the manpower and material resources that the Yulong family can mobilize to influence will definitely not be much weaker than Donghua Immortal Palace.

Not only did they spend a lot of resources to train many monks with foreign surnames to serve as peripheral members of the family, but they also had a large number of vassal families and sects, and many sect families were very willing to sell their face and help them do what they could.

At this time, as soon as the arrest warrant of the Yulong family was issued, within a day, the true origins of Zhou Yang and Zhu Zi were dug out and sent to the Yulong family.

After that, the Yulong family investigated the information that Zhou Yang had been in close contact with Ling Chao, the young palace master of Donghua Immortal Palace in recent years.

Through this information, they used all kinds of means to search for the traces of Zhou Yang, Jiang Fengxian, and Jiang Yufeng in the Manxiu Immortal Realm, and at the same time directly sent monks from the Nascent Soul Stage to visit Donghua Immortal Palace, and sternly demanded that Donghua Immortal Palace hand in hand. A murderer in hiding.

Naturally, Donghua Asgard would not respond to such unsubstantiated allegations.

But after returning to the Goddess Palace, Lou Feifeng learned the situation from Shen Luoyan, and informed the Yulong Family of the attack on the Goddess Palace by someone suspected of Ling Chao, the Yulong Family used this as a basis to gather another big force [Changsheng Xianmeng] launched an attack together and asked Donghua Immortal Palace to hand over the young palace master Ling Chao for confrontation.

Of course Ling Chao would not admit that he participated in the attack on the Goddess Palace, and Donghua Immortal Palace would not really hand him over.

But in order to show "innocence", Donghua Immortal Palace can only order its disciples and vassal forces not to hinder the Yulong family and [Changsheng Xianmeng] from pursuing Zhou Yang's family in the name of helping the investigation.

Moreover, Ling Zixu, the lord of Donghua Immortal Palace, personally assured the monks of the Yulong family that Donghua Immortal Palace and its affiliated forces would never harbor Zhou Yang's family. If anyone lied, he would kill himself to thank the world.

With this guarantee, the Yulong family temporarily let go of Ling Chao, the young master of Donghua Immortal Palace, and instead mobilized all forces to search the world of cultivating immortals in Donghua Continent, offering a sky-high reward. The world of cultivating immortals wanted Zhou Yang's family.

By the way, together with the [Green Robe Patriarch] from the "Wan Du Sect", as well as Zhu Zizhen and [Cangming Immortal] who helped Zhou Yang, they were all put on the wanted list as accomplices.

Both Zhu Zizhen and 【Cangming Immortal】are not from the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou. After leaving the battlefield, they have already returned directly to the realm of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou and Beitingzhou. They are not afraid of how the Yulong family will arrest them.

But that [Green-robed Ancestor] was miserable. This time, the Goddess Palace was almost destroyed by him, and the mountain gate that had been in operation for thousands of years was polluted by him with poisonous water, not to mention how many The disciples died at his hands, and how many disciples were defiled by his apprentices.

Such bloody enmity, how could Goddess Palace let him go.

Lou Feifeng, the owner of the Goddess Palace, saw the miserable state of the mountain gate when she went back. Even if she directly killed the mountain gate of the "Wan Du Sect", all the disciples of the "Wan Du Sect" who remained there were exhausted. The mountain gate was also directly destroyed.

It was also Lou Feifeng's efforts to list [Green Robe Patriarch] as Zhou Yang's accomplices.

Fortunately, this [Green Robe Patriarch] is also a man of the cunning rabbit and three caves. After learning that he had stabbed a big basket, he directly abandoned all his disciples and grandchildren. With the property obtained and the "hush money" given by Donghua Immortal Palace, he fled to Tiannanzhou Immortal Cultivation Realm overnight.

Not to mention how the others escaped to protect themselves, only that after Zhou Yang took Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Yufeng's mother and daughter out of the secret base of Donghua Immortal Palace, they fled all the way east into the sea.

He had sacrificed the [Fish-Dragon Shuttle] magic weapon gifted by Ling Chao long ago. As soon as he entered the sea, he sacrificed this magic weapon and dived into the bottom of the sea, shuttled from the bottom of the sea into the deep sea.

This [Fish-Dragon Shuttle] magic weapon is a special water-traveling magic weapon created by experts in the overseas immortal cultivation world. It can travel through the seabed thousands of feet deep, and hide the magic weapon with the help of the rich water-attribute aura in the sea. The fluctuation and the stature of the magic weapon are extremely difficult to be discovered.

If there is any shortcoming, it is that the speed is far less than that of flying in the air, and it is only equivalent to the flying speed of ordinary Zifu stage monks.

But this is not a problem. It is not enough to run fast when escaping for your life. How to hide your whereabouts so that you will not find yourself is the most important thing.

No matter how fast Zhou Yang was flying in the air, he couldn't be faster than the Nascent Soul stage monk of the Yulong family.

Once his whereabouts are revealed, given the relationship between the Yulong family and the Donghai Jiaolong family, he might be able to get the help of the Jiaolong family and mobilize the sea monsters to look for him. At that time, he will be in real danger.

And as long as their whereabouts are not exposed, even the Yulong family can persuade the Jiaolong family in the East China Sea to help them arrest Zhou Yang's family. Without knowing which sea area they are in or where their destination is, the sea is vast, even if it is If the Jiaolong clan wanted to find them, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The fact is that, after Zhou Yang and the others went out to sea, they traveled through the sea for two or three months, except that they were spotted and attacked by some monsters in the sea, and they had to kill the monsters, but they never encountered anything worth mentioning. danger.

In two or three months, they traveled at least a million miles into the deep sea, and they have completely left the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou and entered the world of cultivating immortals overseas.

If there are many immortal cultivation worlds in the "Linghuan Realm", which one has the largest territory in a broad sense, it must be the overseas immortal cultivation world outside the East China Sea.

The Overseas Immortal Cultivation Realm may not be the most prosperous Cultivation Realm, but the area it occupies including the sea area is probably as large as several Liuyun Continent Cultivation Realms, or even larger.

There are dotted islands in the sea, most of them are small deserted islands where no one lives, only some rich and vast islands have traces of the lives of immortal cultivators and mortals.

This is a paradise for casual cultivators. Many casual cultivators occupy an island with spiritual veins in the sea, proclaiming themselves the lord of the island, carefree and happy.

In the entire overseas world of cultivating immortals, there is no giant power like Donghua Immortal Palace and Daguangming Immortal Palace. The most powerful force [Nine Immortal Palace] now only has five or six Nascent Soul stage monks.

Without the emergence of these giant powers, it would be difficult for a single monopoly to emerge in the overseas cultivation world, and the atmosphere in the cultivation world would be extremely relaxed and energetic.

Of course, this also has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are obvious, but the disadvantage is that the bottom line of monks here is much lower than other places, and killing people to seize treasures is more common here than in any world of cultivating immortals.

There are even unwritten rules here, after leaving the island, life and death are at your own risk.

That is to say, on some islands where there is a city or city of immortals, monks who enter the city or city of immortals will be provided with security protection. No one will care.

This kind of thing is very difficult to see in other immortal cultivation worlds. In those places, everyone opens the door to do business, and pays great attention to safety, afraid of leaving a bad impression on the guests.

Even in Xuanyang Xianzong, a well-known and decent place, such things as killing and seizing treasures are still expressly prohibited. Once the violators are caught, they will be handed over to the family or sect of the murdered monk.

Zhou Yang has a relatively detailed map of the overseas world of cultivating immortals in his hand, and he also chooses the direction of progress according to the map along the way.

But now that the rumors are getting tighter, he didn't dare to go to a certain city in the overseas world of cultivating immortals to show his face right away. Instead, he planned to drift in the sea for a year or two, find a suitable island to rest and rest, and then consider traveling overseas in the world of cultivating immortals things.

Some book friends said that Jiang Fengxian's things were thrown away because I suppressed the second female lead. I don't move anything, so I want to spray more people.

What's more, Sangyu was lost, and Dongyu was harvested. Isn't this the protagonist who beat a big local tyrant to restore blood!

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