Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 636: Game within game!

Thunder Whale Island is two to three million miles away from the "Tianlan Outer Sea". On the way, it has to cross another open sea. Ordinary monks really can't run that far.

Zhou Yang and his group of six are all Golden Core stage monks, and it took more than two months to successfully reach the "Tianlan Outer Sea".

"Since [Tianlan Waihai] was lost in the catastrophe thousands of years ago, the Jiaolong clan has driven many groups of monsters to live here. After thousands of years, no matter how my human monks hunt and kill those monsters here , will soon be filled by new monsters, and we have never been given the slightest chance to recover, everyone must be more careful in the future, and don't relax your vigilance."

On the blue sea, a stream of silver light shot from a distance, and suddenly stopped in mid-air, revealing the figure of a silver flying boat.

On the flying boat, Zhou Yang listened to the words of Ruan Xiong who was controlling the flying boat, and suddenly a strange look flashed in his eyes, and a look of worry flashed across.

If what Ruan Xiong said is true, it might be a bit difficult for him to attack the spirit veins of the [Water-avoiding Golden Eyed Beast]'s lair.

And he still has another worry, that is, something happened to Jiang Fengxian's road, and he still hasn't reached the "Tianlan Outer Sea", but he can't get out to investigate now.

"Fellow Daoist Ruan, I wonder how far we are from where the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] is?"

Just when Zhou Yang was worried about Jiang Fengxian's safety, Huang Yunxing, the young man in yellow who was traveling with him, suddenly asked the question he was about to ask.

His gaze immediately turned to Ruan Xiong along with the others.

Facing the eyes of his teammates, Ruan Xiong just smiled lightly and said: "You don't have to worry Huang Daoyou, the place where [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] is not far from where we are now. It will arrive in seven or eight days."

"Then I'll go there sooner, go back early."

Excitement flashed across Huang Yunxing's face, and he couldn't help urging.

Under his urging, Ruan Xiong really quickly drove the silver flying boat to continue on his way.

It's just that this "Tianlan Waihai" is not peaceful at all as he said before. The aura of the six Jindan stage monks in their group is revealed, and there are still monsters who dare to attack the silver flying boat flying in the air.

Those monsters who shot were hiding under the sea surface, and they just cast various innate spells and supernatural powers from a distance to attack the silver flying boat passing by above the sea, without showing their heads, and many even ran away with just one shot.

Fortunately, Zhou Yang and others listened to Ruan Xiong's words, and the five of them took turns to conduct all-round vigilance, and they were always able to intercept those sneak attacks in advance, so that they would not be knocked down from the air.

After going on like this for nine days, the group finally saw the figure of an island from a distance.

"That's the island where the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] lives. Don't look at it as a small island. In fact, this island is a new island. It was a new island that appeared after the catastrophe. It was not seen in the previous ones. Among the charts!"

The silver flying boat stopped far away in mid-air thousands of miles away from the island. Zhou Yang and others listened to Ruan Xiong's words and observed the island from afar with the help of pupil magic.

I saw that the island looked like a raised mountain from a distance, with a high center and low surroundings. The island was full of rocks and there were not many green plants. It looked quite desolate.

According to Zhou Yang's visual observation, the size of this island is slightly smaller than "Peach Blossom Island". It is indeed unexpected that such a small island can breed a fifth-order high-grade spiritual vein.

But thinking of what Ruan Xiong said just now, it doesn't seem surprising.

The knowledge of his previous life let Zhou Yang know that this new island is caused by the movement of the earth's crust, and in the world of immortals in the "Spirit World", the spiritual veins are closely related to the earth's veins.

If the island was lifted to the surface of the sea due to the movement of the earth's crust to form an island, then it is not surprising that a fifth-order high-grade spiritual vein is formed on the island.

"It's strange, Wei looks far away with the technique of gazing, but he doesn't seem to find the aura of a fifth-order monster on the island. Are you sure that the [water-avoiding golden-eyed beast] is here?"

The silver-haired old man Wei Tao turned his eyes and landed on Ruan Xiong, and asked with doubts in his heart.

Hearing his words, Zhou Yang and the others also quickly put away their eyes and paid attention to this matter.

A look of displeasure flashed on Ruan Xiong's face, and he replied in a low voice: "You Daoist Wei just joked, how could Ruan make a mistake on this kind of thing? That [water-avoiding golden-eyed beast] must be on the island As for the one who built the nest, you can’t see it, friend, it may be because it happened to go hunting in the sea, or it may be because it has the ability to hide its breath, it’s not surprising.”

"What Fellow Daoist Ruan said makes sense, whether it's true or not, we'll know by going up and looking."

Seemingly hearing the displeasure in Ruan Xiong's tone, the silver-haired old man Wei Tao immediately changed his tone and responded with a smile.

"Old Wei is right, we can tell if it's true or not by looking up."

Huang Yunxing, a young man in yellow, was the most concerned about this matter, and hurriedly helped to ease the atmosphere. Zhou Yang and the others also took the opportunity to speak up and agree. No one really wanted to cause a gap between the two main forces in the team before the battle started.

At this time, there was only a distance of thousands of miles left, and they didn't need to take Ruan Xiong's flying boat magic weapon anymore, they directly drove the auspicious clouds and flew towards the island together.


Before approaching the island, a terrifying roar sounded from the mountain peak in the center of the island.

Then a blue light flashed, and a mighty blue giant beast flew up from the mountain peak, and caught the eyes of Zhou Yang and others.

Lion head, dragon mouth, fish scales, ox tail, tiger claws, ox horns... The appearance of this giant blue beast is indeed exactly the same as the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] that Zhou Yang saw from Ruan Xiong's picture bead at that time. It is the true master of that figure.

"It's appeared, fellow daoists, hurry up, don't let this beast leave the island, otherwise it will go deep into the sea, and it will be very difficult for us to keep it!"

Ruan Xiong shouted suddenly, and Dang even sacrificed a magic weapon in the shape of a khaki mountain peak to hit the [water-avoiding golden-eyed beast].

The khaki-yellow mountain magic weapon was only one foot high in his hands, but when it fell on top of the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast], it had already turned into a mountain with a height of hundreds of feet. moved here.

But [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] is obviously not weak either. With just a movement of its body, it broke free from the imprisoning power of the yellow mountain, and quickly turned into a blue light and disappeared under the mountain, smashing the mountain into nothingness.


The smashed mountain peak fell to the ground, and immediately smashed a huge deep hole on the ground, which was tens of feet deep.

And at this moment, Zhou Yang and the others also shouted loudly and dispersed to surround the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast], and all kinds of magic weapons hit it in turn.


[Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] With a roar, the long golden horn on top of its head suddenly shot out a sharp golden light, shooting straight towards Huang Yunxing, the young man in yellow.

The golden light was so sharp that it cut a middle-grade fifth-grade flying sword halfway into two pieces, and then continued to shoot at Huang Yunxing without any loss of speed.

In an instant, Huang Yunxing's scalp exploded.

He shouted angrily and mobilized a black tortoise and shield to block the golden light, but he himself quickly dodged back to avoid the golden light's lock.

With a flash of golden light, Huang Yunxing's defensive magic weapon continued to follow in the footsteps of the previous flying sword, and was directly cut into two pieces by the golden light from the middle.

However, after breaking two fifth-order artifacts in a row, the power of the golden light seemed to have consumed more than half of it. Although it still fell on the unavoidable Huang Yunxing in the follow-up, it failed to kill him on the spot. There was a hideous wound that was as long as a few feet.

Even so, this blow scared everyone except Zhou Yang.

Seeing Huang Yunxing's miserable state, no one except Zhou Yang, who is physically strong, dared to say that he could survive this blow unscathed.

The key point is that [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] didn't show any sign of weakness after sending out this attack. It seems that this kind of attack does not consume much for it, at least it is not the kind of attack that takes a long time to launch again. big move.

"You Huang Daoyou take care of the injury first, and leave this beast to me to deal with."

Ruan Xiong glanced at Huang Yunxing, who was seriously injured, and tolerantly allowed him to withdraw from the battle to heal his injuries.

"Ashamed, Mr. Huang has dragged down fellow Taoists!"

Grateful and ashamed eyes flashed in Huang Yunxing's eyes, he nodded, and quickly withdrew hundreds of miles to land, taking pills to heal his injuries.

And with his lessons learned before, when other people dealt with [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast], they didn't dare to be as careless as before, and the battle situation was stalemate for a while.

Although the crowd didn't communicate much, they all made the same plan by coincidence, that is to delay the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast]'s aura dissipated before beheading it.

[Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] is a fifth-level top-grade monster with extremely high intelligence. Of course, it understands what the human monks are planning. However, it is alone and alone. Even if it understands the enemy's intentions, it has no solution.

After fighting like this for about three hours, before everyone could win the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast], Huang Yunxing, who had previously withdrawn from the battlefield to recuperate, gritted his teeth and came back to join the battle.

The wound on his body was completely stopped by the effect of the spirit pill, but the sharp golden energy contained in the golden light still remained in the body and had not been completely eliminated, it was only temporarily suppressed by him.

Under such circumstances, he dared to continue to come back to participate in the battle. Zhou Yang didn't know whether he held a grudge against the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] for hurting him, or he was afraid that he would be directly rewarded for his meritorious deeds after the battle. Because of the lack of merit, it is excluded!

However, after fighting for so long, the situation of [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] has indeed become very bad, and it is no longer as fierce as it was at the beginning.

But the trapped beast is still fighting, and everyone knows that the most dangerous time to hunt a monster is often when the monster is driven into a desperate situation and has nowhere to escape.

Everyone came to hunt [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] because of its precious monster material. If it is driven to a desperate situation, if it explodes its demon core and people desperately, not to mention the danger contained in it, but what it will get afterwards The harvest will also be far from satisfactory.

Therefore, after seeing the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] becoming weaker in its resistance, Ruan Xiong couldn't help but send a voice transmission to Zhou Yang and others: "Fellow daoists, stay a little bit harder, don't push too hard, when this beast is about to force When it's exhausted, it won't be too late to use the thunder method to kill it!"

"Ruan Daoyou is right, you can't force it too hard, everyone is asking for money, don't let me wait until the end, and the hard work will be in vain!"

The silver-haired old man Wei Tao was the first to support Ruan Xiong at this time, and strongly agreed with the other party's words.

At his age, he still came to this "Tianlan Outer Sea" adventure, just to accumulate more wealth for the younger generations of the family while he was still alive, so that these younger generations would not go back to their old ways.

Not only him, except for Zhou Yang who has other ideas, the rest of the people also come here to ask for money. No one wants to work hard for several months, but it ends in a dismal end.

As a result, everyone's offensive was quickly slowed down, and it was no longer as fierce as before.

[Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] is not stupid, the human cultivator clearly has the upper hand, but suddenly slows down the attack, how could it not understand what it was up to.

But even though it saw this, it had to submit obediently.

As long as it still has a little thought of living in its heart, it will not directly fight people desperately in this situation.

Aw~ roar!

Suddenly, a sky-shattering roar came from the mouth of the [Water-avoiding Golden Eyed Beast], and it opened its mouth fiercely, ejecting a golden demon pill from it.

As soon as the demon pill came out, it blasted towards Huang Yunxing who had been injured before like a golden meteor.

"Friend Huang Daoist, be careful!"

Not far from Huang Yunxing, Qian Bingyun, a beautiful woman in a white dress, yelled coquettishly, and quickly activated her natal magic weapon [Bing Ning Mirror], releasing a blue-white icy light towards the golden demon pill.

It's not because she has a deep friendship with Huang Yunxing, but because she is worried that after Huang Yunxing's accident, the [Water-Avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] will break out from where it is and escape from the sky.

Qian Bingyun's worries were not unreasonable. After the blue-white ice light she shot fell on the demon pill, it only made the demon pill lag for less than a breath before losing its effect, and then the demon pill continued to hit Huang Yunxing. .

Huang Yunxing's commonly used defensive magic weapon had been destroyed before, and there was no fifth-tier defensive magic weapon to replace it at this moment.

Seeing the menacing demon core, thinking about his own life, he could only quickly raise his hand and hit a fifth-order middle-grade spirit talisman to stop the demon core, while quickly retreating.

Of course, there were no surprises. The spell inspired by the fifth-order middle-grade spirit talisman was directly wiped out by the power of the demon core before it even showed its due power.

But at this moment, the body of [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] suddenly turned into a golden light and appeared next to the demon pill, swallowed the demon pill in one gulp, and broke out from the direction Huang Yunxing let out.

Fortunately, the direction behind Huang Yunxing is not the blue sea, but the mountain in the center of the island where the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] first appeared.

"Hurry up, don't let it get away!"

Ruan Xiong shouted loudly, and he was the first one to catch up immediately.

The rest of the people, including Huang Yunxing who had just stepped aside to save their lives, hurriedly chased after them with anxious faces.

A group of people chased very quickly, and quickly chased the [water-avoiding golden-eyed beast] to the mountain peak, and watched this strange beast plunge into a deep and dark cave.

The crypt was unfathomably deep, and the spiritual consciousness encountered great interference when it entered it, and it was impossible to find out the situation inside.

"This is the end of the matter, and we must not give up halfway. If you are brave enough, you can go in with Ruan. If you don't want to, Ruan will not force you. It's just that when you distribute the harvest after the war, don't blame Ruan for unfair distribution! "

Standing outside the burrow, Ruan Xiong turned his head and took a deep look at the crowd. After dropping these words, he jumped into the burrow without hesitation.

When Zhou Yang and the rest of the people saw this, their complexions suddenly changed, and their faces were full of hesitation.

But before everyone hesitated for a long time, Huang Yunxing suddenly turned hard, and gritted his teeth and said: "Because of Huang's mistake, he left this evil animal just now, and Huang will make up for it no matter what and slaughter this animal. Fellow Taoists, Huang also went down first."

After speaking, he also jumped into the burrow.

"Huang Daoyou is not afraid of injuries, Wei Mou has lived for nine hundred years, how can he lag behind others!"

The silver-haired old man Wei Tao's face turned red and then pale, and finally his face became fixed. He turned his head to look at Zhou Yang and the others, and jumped into the burrow with the same expression of determination.

This time, only Zhou Yang, Qian Bingyun, and Liu Xingping, the Taoist couple, were left outside.

"Why doesn't Fellow Daoist Huang go down?"

Qian Bingyun, a beautiful woman in a white dress, stared fixedly at Zhou Yang with her beautiful eyes, and asked him curiously.

Zhou Yang heard the words, but instead of answering, he asked: "Then why don't Qian Daoyou and his wife go down?"


Just as Qian Bingyun was about to answer Zhou Yang's question, suddenly the ground shook like an earthquake.

"Let's go down and have a look!"

Liu Xingping, who had never said a word, suddenly focused his eyes on Qian Bingyun, his Taoist companion, and expressed his opinion.

"What do you think, Fellow Daoist Huang?"

Qian Bingyun's beautiful eyes looked at Zhou Yang, and there was a flash of hope in his beautiful eyes, which seemed quite moving.

Zhou Yang was unmoved, and calmly replied: "Huang has to think about it again."

"Then Fellow Daoist Huang will continue to think about it here, Bing Yun, let's go."

Liu Xingping glanced at Zhou Yang with displeasure, pulled the Taoist couple's arm, and dragged Qian Bingyun with him and jumped down into the burrow together.

So far, only one of the group of six, Zhou Yang, was still standing outside the crypt, looking solemnly at the dark and deep crypt below, without any intention of going down to explore.

Zhou Yang's heart is full of doubts now, and he has already become suspicious of Ruan Xiong.

He found many doubts, among which there are two more important doubts, one is the problem of this crypt, you must know that after he has completed the third level of "Taixu Refining the Gods", his spiritual consciousness is now stronger than The Nascent Soul cultivator was a little weaker, but with such a powerful consciousness, he was also hindered like everyone else in the crypt, which is too outrageous.

There are many special places in the world of cultivating immortals that can interfere and shield monks' spiritual consciousness, but places that can also have an effect on monks in the Nascent Soul stage are rare.

Another question, maybe other people's attention was attracted by the [water-avoiding golden-eyed beast] and they didn't notice it, but Zhou Yang paid special attention to this aspect because of his own different needs, so he discovered what others didn't pay attention to.

That is the question of the rank of the spirit vein!

That's right, Zhou Yang has already discovered that there is a problem with the level of the spiritual veins on this mountain. Judging by the concentration of spiritual energy in his place, it is not up to the standard of the fifth-rank high-grade spiritual veins, at most it is the level of the fifth-rank low-grade spiritual veins.

This is obviously something wrong. Under normal circumstances, a strange beast like [Water-avoiding Golden Eyed Beast] would never live in this kind of place, unless there are some special circumstances.

In connection with the fact that the divine sense cannot be used in this crypt, and the [Water-avoiding Golden Eyed Beast] did not choose to flee to the sea but this crypt, Zhou Yang has reason to suspect that there are some secrets hidden in the crypt.

Next, something even more strange happened to Zhou Yang. Not long after Qian Bingyun and Liu Xingping jumped down from the cave, the mountain that was still shaking quickly returned to normal.

It seems that the resistance of [Water-Avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] has been suppressed.

But Zhou Yang is not so optimistic.

The six of them were besieged in an open place like the outside before, and they couldn't take down the strange beast quickly. How could it be so easy to suppress the strange beast after entering the cave with a narrow space?

Thinking of this, Zhou Yang's heart sank, and he faintly had a bad guess.

As soon as he turned his body around, he had to leave here before talking.

But at this moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the entrance of the crypt.

With a flash of yellow light, Ruan Xiong's familiar face appeared in his sight again, but there were no other people who went down with him.

"Where is Fellow Daoist Huang going? Why is Fellow Daoist Dudu staying outside while everyone else is going down?"

Ruan Xiong looked at Zhou Yang with a weird smile on his face, and the words in his mouth were full of jokes.

Zhou Yang's expression froze, and he looked at him solemnly and said in a deep voice: "Similarly, Huang also wanted to ask Fellow Daoist Ruan, why did everyone else go down with you, but only you came up and no one else?"

"Since fellow Huang Daoist wants to know this so much, why don't you take a guess?"

Ruan Xiong looked at Zhou Yang with a playful face, like an old cat playing with mice.

"Sorry, Huang doesn't have the habit of guessing riddles. Since Fellow Daoist Ruan doesn't want to say anything, then Huang will leave first!"

As Zhou Yang said, when the auspicious clouds were under his feet, he wanted to leave with the clouds.

Seeing this, Ruan Xiong's expression darkened immediately, and he smiled coldly and said, "Farewell? Do you think you can still go?"

Before the voice fell, a hundred-foot-tall yellow mountain pressed down on Zhou Yang.

The speed at which the yellow mountain peak is pressed down is obviously not as fast as the magic weapon such as the flying sword, but because a powerful confinement force spreads out with the magic weapon, the monks locked by it cannot easily dodge it. Crushed, the end is extremely overbearing.

If Zhou Yang was only at the fifth level of Jindan, he might be directly suppressed by this suppressed mountain.

Unfortunately he is not.


Hearing a low shout, a golden pagoda suddenly rose from the top of his head, and directly touched the pressed down mountain peak, forcefully flying it out.

"Golden Core Eighth Level, you really are wrong!"

Ruan Xiong's complexion changed drastically, and he couldn't help exclaiming, his eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty.

"No, it's not just the eighth layer of golden core, you seem to have seen this golden pagoda artifact somewhere... Ah, I remembered, you are the one wanted by the Yulong family for a lot of money, your name is not Huang Yi at all, Your real name should be Zhou Yang!"

Ruan Xiong's face changed again and again, and he looked at Zhou Yang with surprise and joy, as if he saw some treasure.

"What? Do you also want to take Zhou's head to the Yulong family to receive a reward?"

Zhou Yang narrowed his eyes, and said with a dangerous look in his eyes.

"Why not? Do you think you are the only one hiding your strength?"

Ruan Xiong smiled coldly, and suddenly let out a long cry, and suddenly, a figure rushed out of the cave behind him again.

This figure is obviously the [water-avoiding golden-eyed beast] that was injured by Zhou Yang and the others and fled into the crypt!

"Okay, so it turned out that this [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] was raised by you. I asked why you chased it so decisively at the beginning. Before that, you were afraid that we would kill it, so the sound transmission told us to deliberately release the water!"

A sudden look flashed across Zhou Yang's face, and he finally solved the doubts in his heart, and understood what Ruan Xiong's support was.

The power of Ruan Xiong and [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] is indeed not comparable to ordinary eighth-level Golden Core monks, or even ninth-level Golden Core monks.

"At this point, even if you understand this, what can you do? You are just being a ghost!"

Ruan Xiong sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] roared and rushed towards Zhou Yang.

"Oh, is it so?"

A strange color flashed in Zhou Yang's eyes, and suddenly his gaze shot out two golden-red flames that entered Ruan Xiong's body.

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