Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 637 Conquering the

The battle was over before it even started.

Ruan Xiong didn't even think until his death that he was also at the eighth level of Jindan, and he didn't even go through three moves under Zhou Yang's hands.

Zhou Yang Xiaocheng's [Sacred Soul Burning Divine Light] is almost a means to kill gods when dealing with Jindan stage monks who have not prepared any countermeasures in advance.

An eighth-level Jindan cultivator as strong as Ruan Xiong, after being recruited, was easily decapitated by him with a flying sword before he had time to show off his skills.

But what Zhou Yang didn't expect was that after Ruan Xiong's death, the [water-avoiding golden-eyed beast] that was pounced on him suddenly turned its head with ecstasy in its eyes, and rushed towards Ruan Xiong's corpse in an instant.


Zhou Yang's face changed, and the flying sword that flew back after cutting off Ruan Xiong's head immediately slashed towards the [water-avoiding golden-eyed beast] under his driving.

He himself even sacrificed the [Suppressing Sky Canglong Cauldron] with a loud shout, sealing the void within dozens of miles.

The void was blocked, and the huge body of the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] fell hard to the ground, causing the ground to shake endlessly.


A roar roared from the mouth of the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] that landed on the ground. While swiping its claws, it slapped the flying sword that was slashing towards itself, and ran towards Ruan Xiong's headless corpse madly with all four legs.

But although it runs extremely fast, it is still faster than the unfettered Zhou Yang.

When it finally reached the finish line, Ruan Xiong's body had already been taken into the tower by Zhou Yang with [Qianyang Golden Pagoda].

"What? Are you looking for this?"

In mid-air, facing the extremely angry eyes of [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast], Zhou Yang raised his hand and showed a bloody token he found from Ruan Xiong.

This blood-colored token was only half a foot long, and there was a layer of bloody light on the surface. Through this bloody light, one could faintly see the figure of a small blue beast attached to the token inside.

If you look carefully, you can find that the figure of the little blue beast is exactly the same as the 【Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast】.


[Water-avoiding golden-eyed beast] stared straight at the bloody token in Zhou Yang's hand, and let out a suppressed growl from his throat.

From its eyes, Zhou Yang saw various complex emotions such as longing, fear, and anger.

Seeing this, he immediately became more sure of his guess, and couldn't help but smile and said: "If Zhou is not wrong, this thing should be the reason why you are willing to obey Ruan Xiong. The beast shadow in this token , it should be part of your demon soul, right?"

What he didn't expect was that after hearing his words, the [water-avoiding golden-eyed beast]'s eyes flickered with hesitation, and suddenly said: "Human, tell me, what do you want to do to me? Give me back my [Natal Soul Card]?"

"You can speak human language!"

Zhou Yang glanced at [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] in surprise, then seemed to think of something, and said with a look of surprise on his face: "Yes, with Ruan Xiong's strength alone, how could it be possible to subdue you? A powerful fifth-order high-grade monster, let alone peeling off your monster soul to refine this [natal soul card]!"

"Human, if you return the 【Natal Soul Card】to me, I will tell you a big secret, and I will also give you the treasures I have saved in my life. What do you think?"

[Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] Seeing that Zhou Yang didn't answer his own words, he couldn't help but open his mouth to express his conditions.

"Hehehe, you really know how to joke!"

Zhou Yang chuckled, looked at [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] with a playful look and said, "If your [Natural Soul Card] is in my hands, it means that life and death are beyond my hands, so what right do you have to talk to me about it?" Conditions? As for the treasures you have accumulated all your life, if Zhou had guessed correctly, Ruan Xiong would have scooped them up long ago, and now they have also fallen into Zhou's hands!"


[Water-avoiding golden-eyed beast] glared at Zhou Yang, flicking its tail angrily.

"Okay, if you don't want to suffer, just be honest with Zhou, otherwise Zhou doesn't mind killing you, and use your claws and scales to refine weapons!"

Zhou Yang's face darkened, and suddenly he shot a burst of mana into the bloody token in his hand, turning into a nail and stabbing the little blue beast on the token fiercely.

Aw~ roar!

[Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] With a scream, it collapsed to the ground involuntarily, howling miserably.

After passing like this for a while, it got up again, looked at Zhou Yang with hate and fear, and really didn't dare to say anything to return the [Original Soul Card] to it.

"That's good. From now on, follow Zhou to be an honest beast, and the benefits will be indispensable to you!"

Zhou Yang nodded in satisfaction, and then directly swallowed the [Natal Soul Card] in his hand, refining it as a magic weapon.

This [Original Soul Card] was originally a special magic weapon. As long as this magic weapon is refined, with a thought, it can activate the prohibition in the magic weapon to punish the restrained monsters, which is extremely useful.

After he refines this magic weapon, as long as the 【Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast】does not advance to the level of the sixth-level demon king, it is impossible for him to resist him.

The [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] obviously understood this, so after seeing Zhou Yang refining the [Original Soul Card], it completely gave up on regaining freedom, and didn't even dare to look at Zhou Yang with hatred anymore, for fear Therefore, Zhou Yang's revenge and punishment were incurred.

As for the benefits that Zhou Yang said just now, it just listened to it casually, and didn't take it seriously at all.

It is impossible for these stingy and selfish human monks not to rob it of the treasures it has worked so hard to find, so how could it be possible to give it benefits?

However, at the next moment, Zhou Yang's actions froze him.

With a wave of Zhou Yang's hand, two [Blood Dragon Rice] shaped like dragon teeth, one foot long and two inches wide, were thrown directly in front of it.

"Are these two [Blood Dragon Rice] enough for you to recover from your injuries?"

Zhou Yang looked at the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] staring blankly at the two [Blood Dragon Rice] on the ground, feeling a burst of pride in his heart.

He knows that [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] is good at hunting for treasures, and the opponent may not look at ordinary treasures at all, but a spiritual creature like [Blood Dragon Rice] with extremely high cultivation conditions is definitely not something that monsters like him can easily find. found.

And [Blood Dragon Rice] is more effective on monsters than on humans. If those monsters with the blood of dragons can eat this thing frequently, they might be able to turn into real dragons.

Even monsters without dragon blood can take this kind of spiritual thing, and they can improve their cultivation, strengthen their bodies, and recover from injuries.

"This, this, this [Blood Dragon Rice] is really for me?"

[Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] with difficulty moved his eyes away from the two [Blood Dragon Rice] on the ground, looked at Zhou Yang with disbelief, and still wondered if he heard it wrong just now.

When will a stingy and selfish human monk be so kind?

Doesn't the sun come out from the west?

"Isn't it just two [Blood Dragon Rice], I see how excited you are!"

Zhou Yang looked at [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] calmly, and said in a tone full of temptation: "Zhou Mou said that as long as you follow Zhou Mou to be an honest beast, the benefits will definitely be indispensable to you, let alone [Blood Dragon Rice] ], that is [Dragon Blood Pill], sixth-order flood dragon spirit flesh, Zhou also has some in his hands!"

[Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] Hearing his words, his eyes sparkled, and then he couldn't help but snorted and said, "Hmph, don't fool me with this, I'm not those low-level monsters with low IQs." Beast, will be fooled by your empty talk!"

After speaking, it opened its mouth and sucked it in, then sucked two pieces of blood-colored spiritual rice carved from the ground like fine jade into its mouth, and swallowed them down in one gulp.

It's quite arrogant!

Zhou Yang looked at the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] who swallowed the [Blood Dragon Rice] and then closed his eyes to refine the medicinal power, and felt funny in his heart.

The minds of these fifth-order monsters seem to be a little like children.

[Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] That's the case, the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle that he placed in the Boundless Sand Sea and the Immortal Cultivation Realm, and the colorful peacock brought by Jiang Fengxian's side, are also the same.

Fortunately, he already has enough experience in educating these "children".

As long as this 【Water-avoiding Golden Eyed Beast】has been by his side for a long time, sooner or later he will be subdued and will not dare to act presumptuously in front of him.

While the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] was digesting the [Blood Dragon Rice], Zhou Yang couldn't help turning his gaze back to the black cave.

Although the previous conversation with Ruan Xiong had confirmed the demise of Wei Tao, Huang Yunxing, Qian Bingyun, and Liu Xingping, he intuitively felt that there must be something tricky about this matter.

Those four people were all Golden Core monks, and Wei Tao was a Gold Core seventh-level monk who had lived for more than 900 years. How could he not have a killer weapon?

And from Ruan Xiong being the first to jump down, to Qian Bingyun and Liu Xingping, the Taoist couple going down last, it took less than half a quarter of an hour.

In such a short period of time, even if [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] cooperated with him in a sneak attack, logically speaking, it shouldn't be so easy to get rid of four people.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Zhou Yang has searched for Ruan Xiong's body, but he has not found the storage rings of the other four people and the magic weapon used in the previous battle.

Through the analysis of these doubts, Zhou Yang speculates that there may be other people in the crypt, and maybe that is the big secret that [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] mentioned earlier.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look again at the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] that was still digesting the [Blood Dragon Rice], and he became very curious about the "big secret" in his mouth.

However, he was not in a hurry to disturb the [Water-Avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast], but sat cross-legged in a place beside him, and waited patiently while meditating to recover his mana.

This continued for two or three hours, when the sky turned dark, [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] finally digested the medicinal power of [Blood Dragon Rice], and recovered the scars left on his body from the previous battle.

"How? Are you satisfied with the effect of my [Blood Dragon Rice]?"

Zhou Yang opened his eyes, looked at the 【Water-avoiding Golden Eyed Beast】, who still had an expression on his face, and asked with a smile.

[Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] A pair of golden eyes swept across Zhou Yang's body, then closed his eyes again, stuck out his tongue and sipped his mouth, saying: "It's okay, but the quantity is too small, it's okay if you haven't tasted enough Already!"

Zhou Yang was also amused by the beast's words, and couldn't help but scolded: "It's still tasted enough, do you think it's Zhu Bajie who eats ginseng fruit?"

"What kind of spiritual fruit is ginseng fruit? It sounds delicious!"

[Water-avoiding golden-eyed beast] eyes brightened, looking at Zhou Yang brightly, eyes full of curiosity.

Zhou Yang didn't have the heart to explain to it what ginseng fruit is, so he waved his hand and said: "Okay, let's not talk about this, do you have a name? If not, Zhou will get one for you."

"Choose a name? We monsters don't need a name, as long as we have a name."

[Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] shook his head, as if he was not interested in Zhou Yang naming it.

Hearing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help asking: "Then do you have a name now?"

"When I am promoted to become the sixth-level demon king, I will naturally have a name." [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] shook his head again.

"In this case, before you are promoted to the sixth-level demon king, you should be called Bi'er!"

Zhou Yang directly announced his naming of [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] in a positive tone.

[Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] Its voice is a crisp female voice when it spits out human words, and its character is arrogant like a little girl. Using a feminine title like "Bi'er" just fits its identity.

And [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] itself didn't care much about the name. After hearing Zhou Yang's affirmative words, it didn't object, and immediately nodded in response.

Seeing that it agreed, Zhou Yang continued to say: "Also, in the future, unless I allow you, you are not allowed to easily reveal your ability to speak in front of outsiders. When you call me, if you don't like to call me master, you can also Call me Lord or Lord."

"Yes, sir."

[Water-avoiding golden-eyed beast], it should be called Bi'er now, and Dang even responded obediently to Zhou Yang.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, then pointed to the underground cave and asked Bi'er solemnly: "Okay, Bi'er, you can tell me now, who else is hiding in this underground cave? How did the four people who went down with Ruan Xiong die?"

"Master Mingjian, what is hidden in this underground cave is not a human being, but a..."

Following Bi'er's narration, Zhou Yang's face changed again and again, when Bi'er's words stopped, his face was already gloomy as if water would drip out.

At this time, he was extremely grateful, thankful that he was cautious enough and did not rashly follow him down into the burrow.

Otherwise, he might not be able to stand here safely now.

It turned out that there was indeed a strong man hiding in that underground cave, but it was not a certain monk he guessed in advance, but a [corpse mandrill] with the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage!

[Corpse Mandrill] This kind of thing is actually the same as the "Heavenly Fiend Corpse King" that Zhou Yang encountered in the Far West. It is a "psychic zombie" formed under special circumstances after the death of a cultivator.

The difference is that the formation of [Zombie Mandrill] is far more difficult than ordinary "psychic zombies", and it is also much more difficult to deal with than ordinary "psychic zombies".

No one knows exactly how the [Corpse Mandrill] was formed, but only know that this kind of monster can only be formed after the death of monks who have cultivated above the Nascent Soul stage.

Moreover, the cultivator who formed the [Corpse Mandrill] must not be a monk who has exhausted his lifespan, must not be a cultivator who practiced thunder and fire attributes of yang attributes, and must not have seized the body of others, and must have died of resentment.

Such harsh formation conditions make it impossible for [Corpse Mandrill] to be formed through the means arranged during his lifetime like a "psychic zombie" like "Heavenly Fiend Corpse King".

But once the [Zombie Mandrill] is formed, its strength is also much stronger than ordinary "psychic zombies".

This kind of monster can be said to be half-corpse and half-ghost. Not only do they have most of the memories of their lifetime, they know how to practice skills and supernatural powers, and they know how to refine magic tools and elixir.

Just the latter one can be regarded as a different kind of longevity!

Therefore, if it weren't for the fact that [Corpse Mandrill] could not be formed through means of arrangement during life like ordinary "Psychic Zombies", I am afraid that there are many Nascent Soul stage monks in the world of cultivating immortals, who would be willing to arrange means to transform themselves into [Corpse Mandrill] ], live forever.

Of course [Corpse Mandrill] is not perfect, it also has flaws. First of all, its most fatal flaw is that although it can practice martial arts and supernatural powers, its cultivation level can never be improved. What cultivation base.

Another one, [Corpse Mandrill] is a ghoul monster after all, and like all monsters, it is restrained by [Qianyang True Fire] and other magical powers such as Zhiyang True Fire and lightning spells.

Finally, the most unbearable thing for a normal monk is that once he becomes a [Corpse Mandrill], no matter whether he was an immortal cultivator or a demon cultivator, his temperament will change drastically and he will become bloodthirsty, tormenting all living beings with killing. Creatures for fun.

Now in that burrow, a [Corpse Mandrill] with the strength of the Nascent Soul is being detained and suppressed. Zhou Yang now has the [Original Soul Card] that can control the life and death of the [Water-avoiding Golden Eyed Beast], and it draws the [Water-avoiding Beast] himself. It was refined from the demon soul of the Golden Eyed Beast.

And Ruan Xiong was also controlled by that [Corpse Mandrill], and was instructed by him to lure the Golden Core Stage monks to come to the cave to die.

As for the purpose of [Corpse Mandrill] doing all this, it is to use the nine golden elixir stages as blood sacrifices to help him out of trouble.

Now, including four people including Wei Tao and Huang Yunxing who entered the cave before, [Corpse Mandrill] has gathered eight people.

It is conceivable that if Zhou Yang had followed at that time, he might have become the ninth person!

Knowing this kind of inside story, how can Zhou Yang not be afraid!

"According to what you said, the [Corpse Mandrill] is still banned and suppressed, unable to extend its claws out of the cave?"

He pursed his lips lightly, looked at Bi'er with solemn eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"Of course, otherwise, master, you killed Ruan Xiong and snatched my [Natal Soul Card], how could it just watch and remain indifferent?"

Bi'er nodded slightly, glanced at the underground cave quietly, and said with fear and hatred in her eyes.

The reason why it lost its freedom was because of that [Corpse Mandrill], how could it not hate this culprit.

Zhou Yang nodded slightly when he heard what it said, as if he agreed with what it said.

However, just when it thought that everything should end here, Zhou Yang would take it away from this dangerous place immediately after understanding the situation.

However, Zhou Yang suddenly looked at it and asked, "The treasure that suppresses [Corpse Mandrill] is really a sixth-order magic weapon as you said? The aura at the bottom of the cave has really reached the level of a sixth-order spirit vein?"

"My lord, why are you asking this? Don't you..."

Bi'er's eyes were wide open, she looked at Zhou Yang with shock, and was frightened by Zhou Yang's words.

Seeing its appearance, Zhou Yang's face darkened, and he reprimanded suddenly: "You can just answer my question, sir, and don't ask about things that you shouldn't ask about!"

Bi'er was taken aback by his training, she quickly nodded and said: "Yes, master, what you said is correct, that monster once swore to Ruan Xiong that as long as Ruan Xiong helped it out of trouble, it would kill that monster." Give him a sixth-order magic weapon, and take him to a place called [Donglai Immortal Island] to find a chance to conceive a baby!"

"[Donglai Immortal Island]? My lord, why haven't I heard of this place in the world of cultivating immortals overseas? Do you know what it is?"

Zhou Yang narrowed his eyes, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

Bi'er shook her head this time and said: "I don't know, Ruan Xiong also asked about the monster at that time, but the monster replied that it was a secret that only monks in the Nascent Soul stage were qualified to know, and it would only be known after the real escape. will tell him."

"Are monks in the Nascent Soul Stage qualified to know?"

Zhou Yang nodded thoughtfully, vaguely guessing something.

Then he glanced at Bi'er who was looking at him nervously, and said with a slight smile, "Don't worry, master, I haven't lived enough, and I won't easily die in front of that monster!"

You better die!

Bi'er secretly said in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it, and said in her mouth: "Then I don't worry, I don't want to see that monster again. Rather than being enslaved by it, Bi'er would rather follow you, Master!"

You don't want to follow me, you are greedy for [Blood Dragon Rice] in my storage ring!

Zhou Yang glanced at the spirit beast with erratic eyes, and thought clearly about the little things in his heart, but he didn't expose them.

What he said just now was not to fool Bi'er, but he really thought so in his heart.

But Bi'er didn't notice, he only said that he wouldn't "easily" go to that [corpse mandrill] to die, but he didn't say that he wouldn't kill that [corpse mandrill] with sufficient preparation.

According to Bi'er, Zhou Yang judged that the strength of the [Corpse Mandrill] should be equivalent to that of a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, at least this is the only strength he can display before he escapes from the predicament.

In this case, Zhou Yang, who has mastered [Qianyang True Fire], does not need to be too afraid of the other party when he is well prepared.

And he is very interested in the sixth-order magic weapon that suppresses [Corpse Mandrill], the rich aura in the underground cave that is comparable to the sixth-order spiritual vein, and the [Donglai Immortal Island] in the mouth of [Corpse Mandrill] and want to have.

If, if he could destroy that [Corpse Mandrill], then he would be able to harvest a sixth-order magic weapon and a place for transforming alchemy into infants, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Of course, it would be even better if we could get news about [Donglai Immortal Island] from [Corpse Mandrill].

If Zhou Yang's guess is correct, then the so-called [Donglai Immortal Island] is likely to be a place similar to [Qiongtian Wonderland] that can be used to help monks in the Nascent Soul Stage to advance to the Tribulation Stage.

In such a place, there must be many rare and extremely rare spiritual creatures, otherwise [Corpse Mandrill] would not have said that he would take Ruan Xiong there to find a chance to conceive a baby.

Of course, it is also possible that [Corpse Mandrill] lied to Ruan Xiong, maybe there is no [Donglai Immortal Island] at all, or it has no intention of taking Ruan Xiong there at all.

But for Zhou Yang, the first two advantages are enough to tempt him.

"Don't worry, since the [Corpse Mandrill] is still one Golden Core stage monk short of meeting the conditions for getting out of trouble, it means that it will definitely not be able to get out of trouble at the moment. I'll go find Feng Xian first, and she and Bi'er will be there to help me out. Things have changed, and I can escape in time, so I won’t really fall here!”

He restrained the greed in his heart, looked at the vast sea outside the island, and already made a decision in his heart.

[Corpse Mandrill] This is indeed borrowed from the settings in Mortal, with some slight changes, and the follow-up plot is also different, so you can read it with confidence.

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