Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 638 Evil-Repelling Treasure Clothes, Inherited by True Immortals! 【Subscribe】

Finding Jiang Fengxian is not difficult.

During the decades of living in seclusion on "Peach Blossom Island", the two often practiced both body and soul. Zhou Yang specially practiced a secret technique with her that would allow them to sense each other.

This secret technique allows the two to vaguely sense each other's location even if they are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, so as to search for the past.

At this time, he was riding on the back of the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast], and followed that trace of induction to search for the past, but after less than seven days, he found Jiang Fengxian's location.

Then he was a little speechless.

It turned out that the reason why Jiang Fengxian lost her time was because she was swallowed by a giant sea beast on the way.

It was a giant sea beast similar to a manta ray, it should be some kind of wild beast in the sea, and its strength was between the fifth and sixth ranks.

This giant sea beast was sleeping on the bottom of the sea, when Jiang Fengxian's royal envoy [Yulongsuo] passed by where it was sleeping, it somehow disturbed it, and then it swallowed it with a magic weapon.

There is another universe in the belly of this beast, stronger than Jiang Fengxian's nine-level golden core, and he can't escape easily. He has been wrestling with this sea beast these days.

When Zhou Yang arrived, the giant sea beast had already been tortured to death by Jiang Fengxian.

Ever since, he almost didn't waste much effort to finish the knife, and successfully beheaded this huge monster with a body length of three or four hundred feet.

"These sea beasts are indeed beasts with a lower IQ than wild beasts. I don't know how many times I have conveyed the intention of reconciliation to them these days, but they have not expressed it at all. It really pissed me off!"

In the sea water, Jiang Fengxian and Zhou Yang stood on the corpse of the giant sea beast with tired faces. She looked at the corpse that was no longer moving under her feet, and talked about the experience of these days with her eyes full of depression.

There are many sea monsters like the sea beasts under their feet living in the sea. Although these sea monsters have powerful brute force, most of them have low intelligence and cannot communicate at all. They are worse than high-level savage beasts.

And except for a few species, most of the giant sea beasts are of little use value to immortal cultivators.

The high-level savage beasts in the savage jungle can also provide precious materials such as "savage beast hearts". These giant sea beasts have nothing good except for their hard flesh and bones.

And even if it is a flesh and blood bone, because of its large size, the aura contained in the flesh and blood bone is not as much as that of a real beast or monster of the same level.

The giant sea beast that Jiang Fengxian and Zhou Yang slayed was definitely stronger than most Golden Core stage monks in terms of strength, but its flesh and bone value was not even comparable to a fourth-order monster, at most it was comparable to a third-order monster. Monsters are comparable.

Therefore, in the overseas world of cultivating immortals, unless the island where they are located is attacked by these giant sea beasts, or is suddenly swallowed by a sea giant beast while sailing in the sea like Jiang Fengxian, otherwise the immortal cultivators will go around when they see these sea giant beasts. Those who walk along will never do it if they can't do it.

"Okay, okay, as long as people are fine, besides, you still got this [Thousand-year clam pearl] and two clam shells in the belly of this beast, it's not like you got nothing!"

As Zhou Yang said, he looked at the corpse of the giant sea beast under his feet, and shook his head, quite helplessly.

With the weight of this giant sea beast, if it is sold in those square markets, even if it is selling flesh and bones for monks to eat, it can sell hundreds of thousands of low-grade spirit stones.

But they are now in the "Tianlan Outer Sea", and there is no place on their bodies to put the corpse of this giant sea beast.

And with their current status as wanted criminals, they are not suitable for doing such things that are easy to attract attention, so they can only cheapen those monsters in the nearby sea area.

Fortunately, just like how he comforted Jiang Fengxian, this time it's not really that there is nothing to gain.

The giant sea beast has survived in the sea for an unknown number of years, and has eaten an unknown number of powerful monsters. After some powerful monsters are eaten by it, if the time is not long enough, there will be some leftovers that cannot be digested.

Jiang Fengxian harvested a [Millennium Clam Pearl] and its shell from the belly of a giant sea beast.

The [Millennium Clam Bead] was fused with the clam monster's demon pill, so it could be preserved for such a long time in the belly of the giant sea beast. It can be said to be a very rare wonder.

And the clam shell of the clam monster is also an excellent refining material, which can be used to refine a fifth-order defensive magic weapon, and its value is also not small.

For these two things, Jiang Fengxian took the [Millennium Clam Pearl] to wear with her.

Even without any refinement, wearing it with you can still keep your face beautified and calm your mind. If it is infused with mana, it can also produce a protective light shield with water-proof effect, and the protective effect will not be better than ordinary fifth-order How much worse is the low-rank defensive spell.

As for the two clam shells, they belonged to Zhou Yang and will be used for refining in the future.

Immediately, the two rested on the bottom of the sea for half a day, and after recovering their mana, they rode the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] together and returned to the island where the [Corpse Mandrill] was banned and suppressed.

"Zhou Lang, are you really sure about this matter? After all, it is a [Corpse Mandrill] with the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage. Although your [Qianyang True Fire] is powerful, it may not be impossible to deal with it!"

Banning and suppressing [Corpse Mandrill] outside the crypt, Jiang Fengxian and Zhou Yang stood still outside the crypt, she looked at the deep and dark crypt, turned her head to look at Zhou Yang with worry in her eyes, and said in a low voice own worries.

According to her idea, the two of them can find another place to transform into a new alchemy to conceive a baby. There is no need to deal with that [Corpse Mandrill] with the cultivation base of the Jindan stage now, and they can completely deal with it after it is conceived.

But Zhou Yang was worried that the [Corpse Mandrill] would get out of trouble early, so he insisted on giving it a try.

To be honest, Zhou Yang's worries are not unreasonable.

[Corpse Mandrill] needs to gather all nine Golden Core stage monks for blood sacrifices to get out of trouble, but the statement of [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] may not necessarily be accurate.

Now that it has eight golden core stage monks in hand, who can guarantee that it will not launch the blood sacrifice in advance and get out of trouble early?

Now, Zhou Yang has actually forged a great enmity with this [Corpse Mandrill], because he not only destroyed its escape plan, but also took away the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast].

If 【Corpse Mandrill】 escaped early, he would definitely become the opponent's number one target of revenge. If at that time he happened to be protecting Jiang Fengxian who was preparing to transform into a baby, he would really have no choice but to run for his life.

To sum up, he will insist on testing the strength of [Corpse Mandrill] to see if he can destroy it before it escapes.

"Don't worry, don't say that [Corpse Mandrill] is still banned and suppressed. Even if it is in good condition, it may not be able to kill me. Don't forget, I still have the [Nirvana Mark] that you replanted for me. Woolen cloth!"

Zhou Yang comforted his lover with confidence, gently grabbed her jade hand and said: "You just do what I said, preside over this [Water Dragon and Wild Waves Formation], if there is any danger, this is how we can escape rely!"

[Water Dragon and Raging Wave Formation] is a fifth-tier top-grade killing formation, which Zhou Yang got from Yulong Jinhuang. Now he has arranged this formation outside the cave, sealing off the surrounding hundred-mile area.

With the power of the fifth-level high-grade formation, coupled with Jiang Fengxian's ninth-level cultivation of the golden core, even if he meets a real Nascent Soul Stage monk, he can resist it for a while.

Hearing what he said, Jiang Fengxian knew that it was useless to persuade him, so he nodded helplessly and said: "Okay, then Zhou Lang, you should be careful."

"I went."

As Zhou Yang said, he directly used the supernatural power of [Canglong Transformation], and jumped into the burrow.

The catacombs were pitch black and there were no shadows. Even after Zhou Yang became half-dragon, half-human, he had dragon-like vision, and the range of vision was only about twenty or thirty feet.

And as soon as he entered the burrow, his powerful spiritual consciousness was greatly suppressed, but the warning range was only less than a hundred feet away.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but shoot a ball of fire to illuminate it.

The fireball is naturally not [Qianyang True Fire], but an ordinary magic flame.

He didn't want that [Corpse Mandrill] to know in advance that he had mastered [Qianyang True Fire], a real fire for refining demons, so he was prepared in advance.

But after the fireball appeared, the firelight was also suppressed by a strange force, and it could only have an effect within a few feet around him.

Even if he hadn't been maintaining the supply of mana, the fireball would probably have been directly wiped out by that strange power.

It was the first time Zhou Yang encountered such a strange power, and while he was secretly surprised, he also became more vigilant.

With a wave of his hand, he took the initiative to dissipate the fireball, and then a golden-red light flashed in his pupils. With the help of the magical power of [Lihuo Jinpu], his vision was greatly improved to the point where he could clearly see objects seventy to eighty feet away .

This visual distance finally allowed him to barely see the walls of the crypt.

The cave walls are not smooth, but uneven black stone walls, all of which are naturally formed.

That kind of black stone wall is not any kind of material that Zhou Yang knows can affect his consciousness, which means that the strange power that suppresses his consciousness does not come from natural mineral veins, but is likely to be some kind of artificial restraint.

If this is the case, it should be the work of the powerful who banned and suppressed [Corpse Mandrill]. If this is done, it can indeed seal [Corpse Mandrill] to the greatest extent so that it cannot even spread its spiritual consciousness from the ground.

The burrow was not deep, Zhou Yang descended about two or three hundred feet, and then successfully landed at the bottom, and then an underground corridor that was obviously widened by violence appeared in front of his eyes.

He knew that after going along this underground passage for about two thousand zhang, he would reach the place where the [Corpse Mandrill] was banned and suppressed.


Taking a deep breath, Zhou Yang raised his hand, and the natal artifact [Golden Pagoda of Qianyang] appeared in his palm, and then he strode into the corridor with the golden pagoda in his hand.

Heavy footsteps sounded step by step in the underground passage, Zhou Yang felt a little nervous for no reason when he heard these footsteps made by himself.

Don't look at how confident he is in front of Jiang Fengxian, in fact he is not as confident as he appears on the surface.

After all, it was a legendary [Corpse Mandrill], which was much rarer than the Nascent Soul Stage Demonic Monk.

To deal with such a legendary monster, how could he not be nervous.

If he hadn't verified the supernatural effect of [Qianyang True Fire] for refining demons on the "Tiansha Corpse King" and that [Splitting Innocence Demon], he would never have dared to come down and single out this Nascent Soul stage [corpse mandrill] of.

Ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet...

After Zhou Yang walked more than two thousand feet step by step, he finally walked out of the underground passage and entered a bright underground cave.

This underground cave hall is very large, with a height of hundreds of feet and a length and width of three or four hundred feet.

The source of light for the entire underground cave hall comes from a gleaming golden robe in the center of the cave hall.

That robe was quite different from the robes often worn by immortal cultivators, more like the kind of dress worn by emperors and ministers when they attended grand ceremonies.

The color of the robe itself is actually crimson red, and the golden light all comes from the golden runes on the surface of the robe, which are [Golden Seal Script] handed down from the "True Immortal Realm", which are fairy family runes.

When Zhou Yang was in the Kunxu Realm, he got an analysis of [Golden Seal Script] and [Silver Script] from the real fairy avatar. Over the years, he often took time to study and study the meaning. Now that he looks carefully, he can read it carefully. Recognize the meaning of the golden runes on the robe.

Therefore, he could tell at a glance that it was a practice method of subduing demons and supernatural powers.

Someone branded the cultivation method of subduing demons on the robe, and used the power of the robe to suppress the monsters.

And this supernatural power of subduing demons is called "Golden Photovoltaic Curse", which is a special supernatural power that can be blessed on a magic weapon.

For example, if Zhou Yang learned the supernatural power of the "Golden Photovoltaic Curse", cultivated the "Golden Light of Subduing Demons", and blessed it in the form of a spell on his [Da Yan Geng Golden Sword], he would be able to make the "Da Yan Geng Gold Sword" [Sword] has a powerful effect of destroying evil.

The golden runes on the robe are the permanent blessing effect left by the master of the "Golden Photovoltaic Curse" using special means on the robe.

Now this robe is worn on a thin old man.

The old man was as skinny as a skeleton, wearing a large robe, which easily reminded Zhou Yang of a word - the crown of the monkey.

When he walked into the underground cave, the old man's thin face was facing him, with two shriveled green eyes staring at him, eyes full of greed and covetousness.

This old man who looks neither human nor ghost is exactly the [Corpse Mandrill] that was banned and suppressed.

[Corpse Mandrill] The golden robe on his body is the key item to suppress it, and the sapphire bed it is on, and the four red gold copper pillars standing on the four corners of the bed, and the copper pillars at one end and the other at the other end. The silver chains that bind its hands and feet are auxiliary treasures to detain and suppress it.

As for Wei Tao, Huang Yunxing, Qian Bingyun, and Liu Xingping, the eight Jindan Stage monks lay pale around the sapphire bed, with their eyes closed and completely unconscious.

If he hadn't sensed that the aura of vitality on them hadn't dissipated, Zhou Yang might have regarded them as dead people.

But in fact, although these eight people are not dead now, they are more uncomfortable and miserable than death.

A line invisible to the naked eye, one end is connected to the chests of the eight people, and the other end is connected to the mouth of [Corpse Mandrill].

The spirits of the eight people were all drawn and devoured by the [Corpse Mandrill] along this thread, and used to help them break free from the ban and oppression.

"Quack quack, since you came here, it means that Ruan Xiong's trash is dead, and the [Water-avoiding Golden Eyed Beast] of this seat should also fall into your hands, right?"

At this moment, seeing Zhou Yang walking into the underground cave, [Corpse Mandrill] smiled strangely, and asked about Zhou Yang's situation.

From this, it can be seen that it is trapped in this underground cave, and it is indeed completely ignorant of what is happening outside.

When Zhou Yang heard what it said, he didn't mean to answer. Instead, he asked with a hint of curiosity: "It is said that [Corpse Mandrill] can inherit most of the memories of its life, and has a lifespan that is almost equivalent to eternal life. , Zhou is very curious, how many years ago was your Excellency? Why was he banned and suppressed here?"

"You are so brave!"

[Corpse Mandrill] The smile froze on his face, he looked at Zhou Yang with cold eyes, opened his mouth, showing a mouthful of sharp fangs and grinned at him: "If you want to know this, first see if you have the ability to serve under my subordinates." survived."

Before the voice fell, a cloud of shadow suddenly jumped out from the cave wall behind Zhou Yang, and rushed towards Zhou Yang's back.

The shadow appeared so silently that Zhou Yang didn't notice any strange signs beforehand.

But fortunately, he had already learned some methods of this [Corpse Mandrill] from [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast], and understood what this shadow was.

So when the shadow was about to fall on him, he suddenly let out a low shout, and directly urged the [Qianyang Orb] to release the strengthened [Qianyang True Fire].

Golden flames rose from Zhou Yang's body, and an extremely shrill scream suddenly resounded through the entire underground cave.

Then a mouse-like monster with golden flames all over his body suddenly stripped from his body, screaming and pounced on the [Corpse Mandrill] in the center of the cave.

But just halfway through, it was exhausted and completely burned into a cloud of black smoke by the golden flames.

Aw~ roar!

A roar like a wild beast suddenly sounded from the mouth of [Corpse Mandrill]. It stared at Zhou Yang with a distorted expression, looking at the bright golden flame on Zhou Yang's body, its eyes were full of resentment and fear.

"Your Excellency, you don't seem as smart as Zhou thought. Now that you know that [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] has fallen into Zhou's hands, how can Zhou not guard against your avatar? Now the avatar you have painstakingly cultivated has been destroyed. , I wonder if I can answer Zhou's previous question?"

Facing the resentful gaze of 【孤魔】, Zhou Yang smiled lightly, and mocked the other party unceremoniously.

When he learned that [Corpse Mandrill] had refined a monster clone that was good at sneak attacks, he came up with this plan, but he didn't expect that [Corpse Mandrill] actually took the bait.

Of course, he knew in his heart that it was no wonder that [Corpse Mandrill] was not smart, but because besides this monster clone, [Corpse Mandrill] didn't have many means to use now.

And that monster clone is actually not weak at all, if Zhou Yang hadn't bumped his head against [Qianyang True Fire] unpreparedly, Zhou Yang really didn't have much confidence in destroying this monster clone.

"The good-for-nothing Ruan Xiong died so comfortably! It seems that I am still too kind, so I should have decided to take him as the ninth sacrifice at that time!"

[Corpse Mandrill] Staring at Zhou Yang, he didn't respond much to Zhou Yang's ridicule, and instead scolded the dead Ruan Xiong.

But Zhou Yang, who personally killed Ruan Xiong, spoke for him instead.

"Your Excellency is not kind. The reason why you saved Ruan Xiong's life is probably because you want to continue to use him to hide your identity after you get out of trouble! After all, an existence like you, whether it is a human being, a monster race, or even those demon cultivators, as long as you find out I will not allow you to live!"

[Corpse Mandrill] Hearing his words, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, as if he had been told what was on his mind, and said in a cold voice: "So what? Boy, do you think that you can master the [Qianyang True Fire], and you can really do it?" Did you hurt this seat? How can this seat's strength be compared to your mere golden core stage monk!"

"Is it possible, you have to try it to know!"

Zhou Yang's face also turned cold, and then he waved his sleeves, and he threw a ball of golden real fire towards [Corpse Mandrill].


[Corpse Mandrill] With a roar, he opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of dark green corpse fire towards the golden real fire.

The corpse fire rose against the wind, turned into a fire bird, swallowed the golden real fire into its stomach and suppressed it, and then continued to pounce towards Zhou Yang.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang was also happy and fearless. Immediately, he made a fist with both hands, and a large group of golden real fire separated from his body and turned into a flaming dragon to meet the corpse fire bird.

After fighting like this for a while, it ended with the corpse Firebird being completely torn to pieces by the Flame Flame Dragon.

"This is impossible! You are clearly only at the golden core stage, but why did the power of [Qianyang True Fire] reach a level close to Dacheng!"

【Corpse Mandrill】Looked at Zhou Yang in shock, shocked by the information obtained from the brief fight just now.

Its corpse fire has been cultivated for thousands of years, and its power is much stronger than the baby fire of ordinary Nascent Soul stage monks.

Under normal circumstances, even if they are restrained by the fire of refining demons like [Qianyang True Fire], it is impossible to be defeated so quickly by [Qianyang True Fire] cast by a Jindan stage monk.

"If your Excellency wants to know this question, you can exchange information about [Donglai Xiandao], but Zhou has heard that you once used the chance of having a baby to lure Ruan Xiong to do things for you!"

Zhou Yang looked at the shocked [Corpse Mandrill], smiled slightly, and stated his conditions.

Through the confrontation just now, he has a little more confidence in this action. The [Corpse Mandrill] in front of him is indeed a Nascent Soul stage cultivation base, but it should only be equivalent to the strength of a Nascent Soul stage monk.

It is not impossible for him to deal with a [Corpse Mandrill] who is only at the initial stage of Nascent Soul, and most of the other party's strength is still banned.

"You want to know about [Donglai Immortal Island]? No problem, as long as you help me get out of trouble, I will not only give you this [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes], but also take you to [Donglai Immortal Island] personally." Island], to help you obtain the inheritance of the immortal family left by the [Donglai Immortal] inside!"

【Corpse Mandrill】Looking at Zhou Yang with green light in his eyes, he actually regarded Zhou Yang as a transaction object, and wanted to use the inheritance of a true immortal in the Transcending Tribulation Period in exchange for Zhou Yang to help him out of trouble.

ps: The subscriptions from the day before yesterday and yesterday were too low. If I can’t make up this chapter today, I can only try the anti-theft chapter. I put this passage here, just to invite those who read the pirated book Netizens come back and subscribe to these chapters, don't go too far, you won't even have to read the author if you kill the author!

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