Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 645: Finally Become a Nascent Soul! 【Subscribe】

Although he decided to wait for the baby to be successfully formed before exploring Xiandao, but this does not mean that Zhou Yang will really have the baby in place.

At the very least, he had to open up a cave first and arrange a formation to protect it.

Fortunately, the place they were in was not a low-lying sandy beach, but a flat land with lush green grass. If they walked for more than ten miles, they could still see a low mountain with a height of two to three hundred feet.

[Donglai Immortal Island] has a strong air-forbidden power, but the spiritual consciousness here is not greatly affected. Zhou Yang's spiritual consciousness is released, and he can still perceive the movement of every plant and tree within a range of twenty or thirty miles. .

Nascent Soul stage monks like Jiang Fengxian have a range of 50 or 60 miles to release their spiritual consciousness.

After the two of them scanned their minds many times, they had determined that there was no living creature or formation within this range that could threaten them.

There are no living things other than vegetation, this is indeed a weird place on [Donglai Xiandao].

It stands to reason that it is impossible for such a large fairy island to live without some birds and beasts on land, and with the rich aura here, a pig can evolve into a low-level monster after staying for a long time.

But they couldn't find any traces of birds or beasts no matter what they could see or detect with their spiritual senses, not even bigger bugs.

This weird situation reminded them all the time that this place was definitely not as peaceful and safe as it seemed on the surface.

But for Zhou Yang, the most urgent thing is to conceive the baby first.

As long as they form a Nascent Soul, even if there is danger here, he and Jiang Fengxian, two Nascent Soul cultivators, will not be afraid of anyone if they join forces.

So he discussed with Jiang Fengxian and chose that short mountain as his birthplace.

He opened up a temporary cave on the mountain, set up formations to isolate the sound of the outside world, and then retreated in the cave.

At this time, he hadn't fully recovered the vitality that was lost in the battle against the [Black Bone Demon King], so while retreating to recuperate, he studied the baby-making experience written by Jiang Fengxian himself.

There are also three steps for a Jindan stage monk to advance to the Nascent Soul stage, which are pregnancy, baby transformation, and baby formation.

As the name suggests, pregnancy is like a woman's pregnancy, giving birth to a baby from scratch.

Huaying is often referred to as "Huadan forming a baby", and the Jindan is completely transformed into a Yuanying, also known as a "false baby".

As for the birth of a baby, it means that after a monk has passed through the [Heart Demon Tribulation], the primordial spirit is sublimated, turning the fake into the real, and being promoted to a real Nascent Soul stage monk.

Among these three steps, pregnancy and baby is the longest step.

Without the help of panacea such as [Conception and Baby Pill], even if the general Jindan ninth-level monks can successfully conceive a baby, it usually takes more than ten or twenty years to do so.

But in fact, if there is no spiritual assistance, less than one-third of Jindan ninth-level monks can successfully conceive a baby at one time.

Fortunately, the failure to conceive a baby will not cause any harm to the monks who conceived babies, it just wastes some time.

Therefore, this step, as long as there is enough time to try repeatedly, almost every Jindan ninth-level monk can successfully pass it.

But once the baby is successfully conceived, there is no turning back, and the step of "baby transformation" must be entered.

However, the step of "transformation into an infant" is to advance and never retreat. Once the golden core is transformed into a nascent infant, if it fails, the monk will undoubtedly die.

Without the assistance of spiritual objects such as "Holy Infant Fruit", at least 70% of the ten monks who have reached the step of "infant transformation" would not be able to pass this level.

And even if the monks who succeeded in "infant transformation", less than one-third of them can get away with it in front of the [Heart Demon Tribulation], a level that everyone talks about.

To sum up, without the help of any auxiliary baby-forming spirits, the chances of a Jindan ninth-level monk getting a baby are really very low.

The monks who were able to cultivate to the ninth level of the Golden Core, it can be said that everyone is a genius in cultivation. Such a person, even if it is a giant like Donghua Immortal Palace, there are only a few dozen people in a thousand years.

If dozens of people like this attack the Nascent Soul stage, if they are unlucky, it is very likely that none of them will succeed.

From this, we can know why monks in the Nascent Soul stage are so rare and respected in the world of cultivating immortals.

It can be said that every monk in the Nascent Soul stage who can successfully conceive a baby is a person with good luck. Without the blessing of this good luck, they would not be able to kill out of the group of monks of the same rank.

Golden core stage monks can also be cultivated in batches through resources, but the success of Yuanying stage monks can only rely on themselves.

Fortunately, Zhou Yang is different.

He obtained such rare things as [Holy Infant Fruit] early on, and later bought a [Conceived Baby Pill] with all his wealth, and then found such rare spiritual things as [Ice Tears].

In the three stages of childbirth, he just happened to have relevant auxiliary spirits for each stage to help.

With these supports, his chances of successfully conceiving a baby are undoubtedly many times higher than that of ordinary monks.

Thanks to the abundant spiritual nourishment on [Donglai Immortal Island], and the regular consumption of [Blood Dragon Rice] and other spiritual substances to recuperate his body, Zhou Yang only recuperated in seclusion for less than two years before reviving the battle against [Black Bone Demon King] ] All the lost essence, blood and vitality have been made up.

After recovering his vitality, Zhou Yang didn't go out, but directly took out the [Conception Pill] which he bought at a cost of two hundred and thirty-five high-grade spirit stones, and put it in his mouth.

It actually hit the Nascent Soul stage in one go.

The medicinal power of [Pregnant and Infant Pill] is definitely the best among all the panacea that Zhou Yang has taken in his life.

It is not like other elixir, which quickly melts away after entering the mouth, and turns into a stream of medicinal power to be refined and absorbed by the monks, but a very stable release of medicinal power to be absorbed by the monks.

A panacea the size of an egg is contained in the mouth, and this containment lasts for three years.

It took Zhou Yang three full years to completely absorb and refine the medicinal power of the entire [Conception and Baby Pill].

And after refining this [Conception Pill], the size of the golden pill in his dantian has more than doubled from before.

The volume of the golden elixir expanded, and the Zhou Yang Yuanshen hidden within it also undergoes a kind of transformation silently.

The primordial spirit of the monks in the golden elixir period is hidden in the golden elixir and blends with the golden elixir, while the Yuanying is an advanced form of the primordial spirit.

The Nascent Soul of monks in the Nascent Soul Stage is their soul and the source of their mana.

Therefore, even if the Nascent Soul stage monks are out of the body, they still have not weak combat power, and they will not fall into the realm like the Golden Core stage monks after they seize the house, and need to practice again to restore their cultivation base.

Zhou Yang's primordial spirit is slowly absorbing the power of the golden elixir to transform.

This kind of transformation cannot be achieved overnight, it needs time to settle slowly.

During the period, he has to continuously absorb the external spiritual energy and refine it into Jindan vitality to supply the transformation of the soul.

He is a monk at the ninth level of the golden core. If he continuously absorbs the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth and refines it into golden core vitality, even the fifth-level middle-grade spiritual veins will not be able to withstand his years of consumption. Only the fifth-level top-grade spiritual veins can barely supply it.

Like those forces without sixth-order spiritual veins, if there are Jindan ninth-level monks in the family or sect who are preparing to attack the Nascent Soul Stage, the entire mountain gate will usually be closed, and all monks practicing in the spiritual veins of the mountain gate will be temporarily moved out. The mountain gate went to other places to practice, so as not to affect the monks who were born because of the spiritual energy they absorbed in their practice.

Fortunately, Zhou Yang is now on [Donglai Immortal Island], where the rich aura of heaven and earth is endless.

As long as the aura of heaven and earth in the area where he retreats is slightly reduced, the aura of heaven and earth from the outside world will immediately come to fill it up, allowing him to absorb it with confidence.

After going on like this for seven full years, the primordial spirit in Zhou Yang's golden elixir finally completed its transformation.

At this time, the volume of his golden core was seven or eight times larger than it was at the beginning, and it was as big as a grapefruit.

Fortunately, where the dantian is located is a wonderful place between illusion and reality, otherwise his stomach would have swollen like the pregnant woman with such a big golden elixir.

At this point, Zhou Yang has no turning back.

He doesn't need to look back either.

His eyes, which had been closed for nine years, suddenly opened, and two bright golden lights shot out from his eyes, the eyes were so bright that it was scary.

Then with a wave of his hand, two jade boxes appeared in front of him, and he raised his hand to tear off the sealing talisman on one of the jade boxes, and opened the lid to reveal a white spiritual fruit shaped like a pear inside.

"After so many years, it's finally time to use you!"

Zhou Yang looked at the white spiritual fruit in the jade box, and the excitement in his eyes flashed away.

Almost three hundred years have passed since he got this [Holy Infant Fruit], and now he has finally used this spiritual object.

I saw him lightly reaching out to grab the spirit fruit, biting off the flesh one by one and swallowing it into his belly, including the core inside.

As soon as these spiritual fruits entered his stomach, the powerful medicinal power spread out in Zhou Yang's body, and he guided them into the swollen golden elixir to refine and absorb them.

I don't know how long after this passed, a crisp sound of "click" suddenly sounded from Zhou Yang's body, and then it sounded like a chain reaction, one sound after another non-stop.


With the sound of a slight explosion, Zhou Yang's golden core, which was already full of cracks, finally exploded completely.

Of course, it was only the shell of the golden elixir that exploded. In fact, the energy of the entire golden elixir has been absorbed by the soul inside, no, it should be said that it is the soul of the soul.

When the golden elixir shell exploded, the Nascent Soul who came out of it just opened his mouth and inhaled all the vitality transformed by the shattered golden elixir shell into his body, without any waste.

In fact, the impact of this suction is far more than that.

Outside Zhou Yang's closed cave, following the inhalation of the newborn Nascent Soul in his body, the aura of heaven and earth began to surge towards him in the cave.

"The spiritual energy changes, Zhou Lang is going to succeed!"

Not far outside the cave, Jiang Fengxian, who was meditating and practicing, suddenly opened her eyes, and her beautiful eyes looked at the gate of the cave behind her with joy.

She had personally experienced this scene not long ago, so of course she understood what this change represented.

"Mom, dad, he will succeed!"

Jiang Yufeng, who was practicing, also woke up from the practice, looked at her mother with surprise and asked in a low voice.

"Your father is extremely talented and fully prepared. If he can't succeed, then no one else in this world will be able to successfully conceive a baby!"

Jiang Fengxian replied to her daughter with confidence and affirmation on her pretty face, and her words were full of trust and admiration for her lover.

Jiang Yufeng looked at her mother with a flushed face, and the trace of worry in her heart dissipated.

She nodded lightly and said: "Well, I also believe that Dad will be able to succeed!"

At this time, they actually have no choice but to believe that the man they are closest to will surely succeed.

And in the cave, the Nascent Soul that was born in Zhou Yang's body was constantly breathing in and absorbing the aura of heaven and earth to nourish itself.

His newborn Nascent Soul is only about two inches tall, very pocket-sized.

However, this extremely small Nascent Soul was still holding two similarly small magical instruments in his hands at this time.

The magical artifacts held by Yuanying are precisely [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] and [Qianyang Orb].

[Golden Pagoda of Qianyang] is Zhou Yang's talisman, and it is not surprising that it was held by Yuan Ying, but [Baby of Qianyang] was forcibly occupied by himself.

At this time, the vast amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy breathed and absorbed by the newborn Nascent Soul was divided into three parts, which entered the two magical artifacts and the Nascent Soul itself.

The aura of heaven and earth that enters Yuanying's body is the food for its growth and enlargement.

The standard height of a Nascent Soul for a cultivator in the early stage of the Nascent Soul is three inches. Zhou Yang's current Nascent Soul with a height of more than two inches is obviously not up to the standard.

And the aura of heaven and earth that entered into the two instruments is slowly improving and recovering the grades of the two instruments.

[Qianyang Golden Pagoda] is Zhou Yang's natal magic weapon, as long as Zhou Yang succeeds in conceiving a baby, it will inevitably be promoted to a sixth-order magic weapon.

And [Qianyang Orb] is to use this to restore the power of the past.

Originally, this magic weapon absorbed the aura of heaven and earth to restore a lot of power when Zhou Yang formed the alchemy, and it had an extra [Qianyang Tianhuo Shield] magical power.

This time it took the initiative to seize the position to absorb the spiritual energy, obviously also wanting to recover more power.

This thing used to be a seventh-level fairy weapon, and it saved his life many times in [Suzaku Mystic Realm], and he was able to achieve what he is today all these years thanks to the help of this thing.

Even if Zhou Yang is worried at this time, it is not easy to move it away.

At this time, he was extremely grateful that he chose to come to [Donglai Xiandao] to conceive a baby.

Otherwise, if it was replaced with a fifth-order high-grade spiritual vein, there would be an accidental factor of [Qianyang Orb], and his baby formation would probably suffer twists and turns.

In the outside world, as Zhou Yang's demand for the spirit energy of the heavens and the earth is increasing, the movement caused by his baby formation is also increasing.

Originally, only the aura of heaven and earth within a hundred miles nearby was attracted by him, but gradually, the aura of heaven and earth within a radius of thousands of miles was attracted, rushing towards his position.

Even the mist of spiritual energy floating in the sky that day could not stop floating towards him, turning into spiritual energy and being absorbed by him.

With such a big movement, it's hard not to attract attention.

In the depths of [Donglai Xiandao], a giant black tortoise sleeping beside the Lingquan pool suddenly opened a pair of lantern-sized eyes and looked in the direction of Zhou Yang.

"Hey, it turned out to be a baby-forming celestial phenomenon. Has an outside monk finally entered [Donglai Immortal Island]?"

The black giant tortoise sputtered, its eyes were full of surprise, and there was a hint of surprise in the surprise.

He stretched his limbs and was about to set off to find out what happened.

But at this moment, the voice of a vicissitudes old man suddenly reached his ears.

"Little turtle, you don't have to worry about this matter, the old man has his own arrangements."

Hearing the vicissitudes of the old man's voice, the eyes of the giant black tortoise suddenly changed, and quickly retracted its limbs and head into the shell, and replied in a muffled voice: "I see, your arms are thick, you have the final say!"

The voice was full of grievances.

If Zhou Yang or Jiang Fengxian saw this scene, they would definitely be shocked.

Because judging from the aura emanating from this giant black tortoise, it is clearly a sixth-level high-grade demon king, equivalent to the existence of a monk in the late Yuanying period.

It is not surprising that such a powerful demon king would show such an expression just because of a certain existence.

And the same scene happened in two other places above the fairy island. Those who were warned were a five-color spirit deer and a silver giant roc.

Among them, the five-color spirit deer is the sixth-rank middle-rank demon king, and the silver giant roc is the sixth-rank top-rank demon king just like the black giant turtle.

On a mere island, there are two sixth-rank top-rank demon kings and one sixth-rank middle-rank demon king, and there is also a powerful existence that makes these three demon kings feel awe.

This [Donglai Immortal Island] really deserves to be the True Immortal Cave Mansion.

Naturally, Zhou Yang is still ignorant of all this.

It took him half a month to breathe out the aura of heaven and earth before he finally let the Nascent Soul grow to a height of three inches and completed the entire "Infant Transformation" step.

And when Nascent Soul grew to three inches tall, his [Heart Demon Tribulation] also arrived as scheduled.

[Heart Demon Tribulation] The reason why all the monks talk about it is that the biggest reason is that it directly hits the most vulnerable part of the monk's heart, the place that he is least willing to face.

If it's just that, that's all. Some monks with a strong state of mind have already achieved a perfect state of mind and can face everything calmly.

But [Heart Demon Tribulation] will make the best use of the situation and make changes at any time.

If you encounter such a monk with a firm heart towards the Tao, [Heart Demon Tribulation] will lure you with benefits, and show various Dao laws to make such monks addicted to it and gradually get lost.

So even if those Nascent Soul stage monks who have already passed the [Heart Demon Tribulation], if they are allowed to go through the [Inner Demon Tribulation] again, I dare not say that they will be safe and sound.

Zhou Yang's state of mind cultivation is top-notch among monks of the same level, and he has never encountered any regrettable things in his life. He thought that when he crossed the [Heart Demon Tribulation], he should have a great advantage.

But in fact, he was completely overthinking. The cunning and power of the "heart demon" far exceeded his expectations.

To use the words of his previous life, he thought he was on the second floor, but the "inner demon" was on the fifth floor.

When he thought that he had overcome the illusion and killed the "Demon of Heart", in fact, the "Demon of Heart" he saw through was just the clone of "Demon of Heart" that paralyzed his consciousness.

He was deluded by the illusion created by the "heart demon", thinking that he had passed through the [Heart Demon Tribulation], and was promoted to become a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, and with the help of the [Qianyang Orb], he had a glimpse of the mysterious laws of heaven and earth. Among the mysteries of the laws woven by the "Demon".

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the "Ice Tears" that he took out in advance from the [Ice Tears] had an effect, releasing a cold chill to awaken his consciousness, allowing him to wake up from the beautiful illusion displayed by the "Demon" Come here, and use this to successfully kill the "heart demon", and truly survive the [Heart Demon Tribulation].

【Heart Demon Tribulation】After passing through, Zhou Yang's Nascent Soul jumped out from the top of his head and appeared in the real world.

At this time, part of his consciousness still remained in his body, but most of his consciousness had entered the Nascent Soul.

"Who are you?"

The three-inch-tall Nascent Soul looked at Zhou Yang's body with a pair of small golden eyes wide open, and asked in a clear and clear voice like a child.

"and who are you?"

Zhou Yang's body narrowed his eyes and looked at the baby in front of him who was exuding golden red light, and asked in a low voice.

"I'm Zhou Yang." Yuan Ying said with certainty.

"I'm Zhou Yang too." Zhou Yang's tone was equally firm.

"We are all Zhou Yang."

Yuan Ying and Zhou Yang's body shouted together.

Then with a flash of golden light, the little Nascent Soul turned into a golden light and submerged into Zhou Yang's body, and the two consciousnesses merged into one consciousness again.

"It's weird. Fengxian said that after her Nascent Soul came out, all her consciousness was transferred to it. How could I still have a part of my consciousness in the main body just now? Could it be because I was reborn once?"

In the cave, Zhou Yang opened his eyes, recalling the conversation just now, his face was full of strange colors.

When every monk in the Nascent Soul stage first forms a Nascent Soul, the newborn Nascent Soul will go out of the body once uncontrollably, so that the monks can get used to this new supernatural power.

But under normal circumstances, when a cultivator's Nascent Soul leaves his body, the body will fall into dormancy and lose all consciousness.

Therefore, if it is not absolutely safe, monks in the Nascent Soul stage will never let the Nascent Soul out of the body, lest someone will assassinate their own body while the Nascent Soul is out of the body.

But just now, Zhou Yang still retained part of his consciousness in his body.

Zhou Yang thought about this kind of unique thing, and felt that the reason was due to his special background.

Of course, in essence, this is a great thing.

This means that even if his Nascent Soul is out of his body, his main body can still have a certain amount of self-protection power.

"Forget it, don't think about it, let's see how much my strength has increased!"

Shaking his head slightly, Zhou Yang didn't think about this bizarre matter anymore, and focused on his own strength.

After breaking through to the Nascent Soul Stage, his strength has naturally increased many times.

First of all, his mana has at least tripled compared to that at the ninth level of the Golden Core, and its quality has completely crushed the quality of the mana of the Golden Core monks.

This is still the breakthrough in his cultivation base, and the gap will definitely become bigger and bigger in the future.

The other one is the aspect of spiritual consciousness. Zhou Yang's spiritual consciousness is already strong, but this time he was promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, the range of his spiritual consciousness has reached hundreds of miles.

You must know that he is now on [Donglai Immortal Island], and Jiang Fengxian, who is also just a baby, can only release his spiritual consciousness for fifty or sixty miles here.

what does that mean?

It means that Zhou Yang's current spiritual consciousness is twice that of a monk of the same rank!

In addition to mana and consciousness, Zhou Yang's [Qianyang True Fire] supernatural power leapt to the stage of Dacheng as his cultivation reached the Nascent Soul stage.

The [Qianyang True Fire] in the Dacheng realm is much more powerful than his previous boost through the [Qianyang Orb], and the mana consumption has actually become less.

At the same time, as his cultivation level broke through to the Nascent Soul Stage, the two sixth-order magic weapons, [Suppressing Canglong Cauldron] and [Evil-Repelling Treasure Clothes], which he could barely drive before, can now be used at will, and the power they exert is comparable to that of It was not the same before.

The rest of the supernatural powers and secret techniques he practiced in the past are generally much stronger than before when he uses them now because of his breakthrough in cultivation.

A simple example, now he uses a second-tier low-grade fire spell "Fire Bomb", which is more powerful than the third-tier low-grade spell "Pyroblast" used by monks in the Foundation Establishment period, and comparable to a third-tier top-grade spell.

"Even if you don't count the [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] that is still in progress, my strength is at least five times stronger than that of me before I was born. If I were to compete with [Black Bone] Demon King] I have the confidence to hit him hard in the first battle!"

Zhou Yang made a rough judgment on his own strength in his heart.

This judgment made him quite satisfied. After all, apart from the fact that he had just successfully conceived a baby, he hadn't replaced a single new magic weapon, and he hadn't practiced a single new supernatural power. In this way, his strength has grown so much, so why is he dissatisfied? of.

Then there was a flash of light in his eyes, he closed his eyes suddenly, and sank his consciousness into the [Qianyang Orb], ready to accept the inheritance of the Nascent Soul Qigong, and at the same time truly understand the state of this seventh-order fairy weapon.

Well, the expected goal was achieved. At the end of last month, it was said that the baby will be born this month, and it was finally achieved at the end of the month as scheduled. I didn't take the opportunity to add more words, and I didn't cut any plot!

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