Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 646 The five great supernatural powers, the test of inheritance

[Qianyang Orb] This magic weapon has been with Zhou Yang since he first built the foundation, and it has saved his life many times over the years.

He was able to achieve what he is today, thanks to this magic weapon.

If he didn't have [Qianyang Xianguang] to temper his body and get rid of erysipelas, and didn't practice the "Qianyang Xianjing" which is the most suitable fairy family technique for his physique, Zhou Yang might have difficulty even opening up the Zifu, let alone marrying him. Dan and have a baby.

It's just that in the past, he was limited by his cultivation, and his understanding of this magic weapon was very limited. All he knew was obtained from the inheritance information in the magic weapon.

Now that he has successfully conceived a baby, he has become a Nascent Soul Daoist admired by thousands of people, and finally has the capital to learn more about this magic weapon.

At this moment, Zhou Yang's consciousness sank into the golden orb held by Yuanying, and a huge amount of information was quickly received by his consciousness.

With his current cultivation base, it only took less than an hour to completely sort out the received information.

Among this piece of information, the most important thing is of course the cultivation techniques of the Nascent Soul stage in the "Qianyang Immortal Classic", and then there are a few great supernatural powers that can only be comprehended by monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

These great supernatural powers are [Nine Heavens Dry Sun Extinguishing Demon God Thunder], [True Fire Refining Form], [Zongdi Jinguang Escape], [Burning Fire and Burning Heaven Jue], [King Kong Immortal Body].

Supernatural powers are more expensive than refined ones. Although there are only five ways to practice supernatural powers, they have already benefited Zhou Yang endlessly.

Among the five magical powers, [Nine Heavens Qianyang Extinguishing Demon God Thunder] is Chunyu's offensive technique, which is even more powerful than the [Xuanyang Zixiao God Thunder] that Zhou Yang has used several times.

[True Fire Refining Form] is a strengthening supernatural power, which allows Zhou Yang to further refine [Qianyang True Fire], greatly enhancing the actual combat effect of this supernatural power.

[Zongdi Golden Light Escape] is a very mysterious escape method, which can be used for rushing or escaping, and can also be used in actual combat. .

[Burning Fire and Burning Heaven Art] is an explosive supernatural power. Its function is very unique. It is not to improve the cultivator's mana cultivation base, but to enhance the power of the monk's fire magic spells, and the sequelae are minimal.

[King Kong Immortal Body] sounds like a supernatural power of body training, but it is not. This supernatural power is quite similar to the supernatural power of [Qianyang Golden Body] that Zhou Yang practiced in the Zifu period. It is a defensive and life-saving power. Supernatural powers can be exchanged for powerful physical defense in a short period of time at the cost of overdrawing the body.

This kind of supernatural power is actually created by the monks of the immortal method to deal with physical cultivation and monsters. It can allow monks in the Nascent Soul stage to obtain a powerful physical defense that is not inferior to monsters of the same level in a short period of time, ensuring that under certain circumstances It will not be killed in one hit by close physical training or monsters.

Zhou Yang obtained these five supernatural powers. After seeing the description of the effects of these supernatural powers from the supernatural power practice method, his heart was fluctuating for a while, and he wished to retreat for hundreds of years to learn all these supernatural powers.

Of course this is impossible.

He silently recited the method of meditation in his heart to calm down the excitement in his heart, and then continued to study the magic weapon [Qianyang Orb].

In the past, he could not accurately judge the recovery level of this magic weapon, but now he has finally understood the current level of this magic weapon through research on the power of the magic weapon.

If his judgment is not wrong, the power recovered by this magic weapon should have reached the level of a sixth-order low-grade magic weapon, which corresponds to his cultivation base.

And just like what Zhu Zizhen said in [Suzaku Secret Realm] that day, the real function of this magic weapon is to assist monks to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, adjust and control the laws of the fire system, and even assist in the practice of supernatural powers and increase the speed of practice.

As long as he activates this magic weapon, he can use the power of the magic weapon to strengthen the aura of the nearby fire attribute, making the law of the fire element active, and it is easier for him to see and comprehend it.

At the same time, he can also use the power of magic tools to mobilize the laws of the fire system, amplify the power of the fire magic powers and magic spells he casts, weaken the power of the fire magic powers and magic spells released by the enemy, and even directly annihilate the fire magic powers released by the enemy. Department of supernatural powers and spells.

If he has a deep understanding of the laws of the fire system, he can even achieve the situation in the original [Suzaku Secret Realm], by controlling the laws of the fire system, the enemy will be directly injured by the laws.

And when practicing certain fire-type supernatural powers, he can also stimulate the power of [Qianyang Orb] to gather various fire-attribute auras in the world, so that he can absorb and refine them.

All in all, [Qianyang Orb] may not have any powerful offensive powers, but its role is no less than any killing treasure, and even more important.

Zhou Yang was also due to luck, and inherited the magic weapon refined by [Tianyang Daoist], a true immortal during the tribulation period, otherwise he would search all over the "Spiritual Realm", and probably would not be able to find the refined [Qianyang Baozhu] Materials needed.

After understanding the specific function of [Qianyang Orb], Zhou Yang really wanted to activate the magic weapon to test it out.

But he eventually held back.

There are two reasons, one is that he hasn't reported the safety of Jiang Fengxian and her daughter who are waiting outside, and he doesn't want to let the two of them continue to suffer because of his delay.

The second is to worry about abnormal changes in the nearby laws of heaven and earth, which will attract the attention of certain existences.

Even though he is blind to the situation on [Donglai Immortal Isle], Zhou Yang does not believe that there is really not a single living thing on this huge and aura-rich Immortal Island.

So for the sake of prudence, he decided it would be better not to reveal his hole cards.

"Huh, I knew, Zhou Lang, you will succeed!"

Outside the cave mansion, Jiang Fengxian, who had been waiting anxiously after seeing Zhou Yang coming out with a steady breath, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't look at how confident she was in front of her daughter Jiang Yufeng before, in fact she was also worried.

As someone who has experienced it, she understands the danger of conceiving a baby better than anyone else. Although Zhou Yang is fully prepared, it is impossible to say that he can succeed 100% of the time.

It was only in order to calm her daughter's mind at that time, and she really needed to give herself some comfort, that's all.

"There was a delay for some time before, but it made you worry."

Zhou Yang smiled apologetically at the two daughters, explained something casually, and then asked, "When I was conceiving a baby, there was no abnormal situation outside, right?"

Of course Jiang Fengxian understood what he meant by asking this question, and immediately shook her head after hearing the words: "No, everything is normal."

After she finished speaking, she added with a solemn expression: "It's a bit too much to be normal!"

"Yeah, everything is normal, but the biggest abnormality!"

Zhou Yang nodded approvingly, and then said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "The baby-forming phenomenon is so big that all the powerful people on the island can sense it, but there is no movement at all. Use us to do something."

Jiang Fengxian nodded slightly, expressing her agreement with him, then looked at him and asked, "Then according to Zhou Lang, what should we do next?"

"In my opinion, we might as well wait a few more years, and after my natal magic weapon is successfully advanced, let's go deep into the island to find out!"

Zhou Yang pondered for a while, and then revealed his plan.

His natal magic weapon [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] still needs a few years of nurturing before it can be promoted to the sixth level. He himself also needs to be familiar with the cultivation methods of the Nascent Soul Stage and how to use his current strength.

"Yes, I have no objection."

Jiang Fengxian nodded, and did not object to Zhou Yang's plan.

So, next, while Zhou Yang was familiar with the exercises of the Nascent Soul stage, he often fought with Jiang Fengxian to learn from his current strength.

During this period, he also tried to refine the weapon once, and in the end, he successfully refined a fifth-order middle-grade magic weapon in one attempt, which was incredibly smooth.

However, considering his current cultivation base in the Nascent Soul Stage, it seems to be a matter of course.

The improvement of the cultivation level was originally helpful for monks to learn any kind of skill, not to mention that Zhou Yang was originally only a step away from being promoted to the fifth-level middle-grade weapon refiner.

If he is willing to devote himself to studying the refining technique now, he will definitely become a fifth-rank high-grade refining master within a few decades.

But that was obviously impossible, at least before he returned to Liuyunzhou's world of cultivating immortals, he didn't intend to expend energy on deliberate practice of this art of refining.

Three years passed in a flash.

After three years of nurturing, Zhou Yang's natal magic weapon [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] has finally been promoted to the sixth-rank low-rank, and he himself is fully familiar with the power he has at this time.

It is worth mentioning that in three years, Jiang Yufeng's cultivation has also broken through to the fourth level of Golden Core, officially entering the middle stage of Golden Core, and she is only in her early three hundred years old at this time.

At this rate, she should not have any problems if she cultivated to the ninth level of the Golden Core before she was six hundred years old.

After everything was ready, Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian kept their daughter Jiang Yufeng in the middle, and officially marched towards the depths of [Donglai Immortal Island].

In fact, Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian did not agree on whether to bring their daughter Jiang Yufeng with them.

Zhou Yang wanted his daughter Jiang Yufeng to wait for them to come back, but Jiang Fengxian was worried that after they left, the enemy would take Jiang Yufeng as a hostage and threaten them.

The two also said that the public was right, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was right. In the end, Jiang Yufeng herself chose to go with them.

Due to the inability to fly, and the fear of accidentally entering some forbidden areas due to excessive speed, the three of Zhou Yang and the others did not travel fast, less than a thousand miles a day.

For three days, they have been advancing towards the depths of the island. They did not encounter any danger, but picked a lot of long-lasting elixir.

[Donglai Xiandao] The rich aura on it, coupled with the ten-thousand-year-long closure, has allowed various elixir to grow wildly in many places on the island.

Many elixirs rotted and buried in the soil because of too long time, turning into fertilizer.

There are also some elixir medicines, because they missed the year when they were actually used as medicines, not only have no medicinal value, but have become poisonous weeds.

And the elixir that Zhou Yang and the others could pick was at least a fourth-order elixir, and most of them were fifth-order elixir.

Zhou Yang even picked a strain of [Millennium Ziyuzhi] that was over 5,000 years old, a [Thousand-year Scrophulariaceae] that was over 7,000 years old, and many other elixir that were over 3,000 years old. Up to ten plants.

In addition, there are many spiritual fruit trees on this fairy island that evolved into spiritual trees through natural psychics, and there are various spiritual fruits hanging on them. Zhou Yang specially set aside a storage ring to hold various spiritual fruits, and prepared to take them back to make wine later.

His biggest regret at this time is that Taoist companion Xiao Ying is not around, otherwise, whether it is the elixir that is everywhere here, or all kinds of spiritual trees evolved from ordinary trees in a rich spiritual environment, they will be of great help to her.

"Zhou Lang, I seem to have heard you say that sister Xiao Ying's martial arts and supernatural powers all need the essence of Yimu to assist her practice?"

When passing by a spiritual wood forest full of various green spiritual trees, Jiang Fengxian suddenly stopped, with a strange look in her beautiful eyes, she looked at Zhou Yang and asked about it.

Zhou Yang was startled when he heard her words, and then seemed to understand something, his face was suddenly happy, and he nodded quickly: "Yes, Ying'er does need a lot of Yimu essence to assist her cultivation."

Seeing the joy on his face, Jiang Fengxian couldn't help curling her lips and said: "Then let's stay here for a few days, this concubine just took away the rich Yimu essence in this spirit wood forest, as a gift for sister Xiao Ying in the future." Meet and greet."

Zhou Yang acted as if he didn't see the tasteful look on the beauty's face, and said with a smile: "Fengxian, this gift from you, I think Ying'er will be very moved and satisfied when she receives it in the future."

"Hmph, I think someone is very satisfied!"

Jiang Fengxian snorted coquettishly, her phoenix eyes shot Zhou Yang angrily, and with a movement of her figure, she stepped into the spirit wood forest.

Next, under the collection of Jiang Fengxian, most of the essence of Yimu stored in the spirit trees and ancient trees in the Lingmu Forest was collected by her and condensed into [Oimu Lingzhu] with secret methods.

In the past five days, Jiang Fengxian stopped casting spells on those spirit woods and ancient trees after condensing eight [Yimu Lingzhu].

At this time, those spiritual woods and ancient trees that had collected most of the essence of Yimu were all sickly, without the original vitality.

In the next few decades, these spiritual woods and ancient trees will no longer bloom and bear fruit, nor will they grow. Only when they replenish the lost Yimu essence can they return to normal.

Harvesting the essence of all things in the world to replenish oneself is a cultivator of immortals.

The group of people continued to move forward, and after going deeper into the island for more than a thousand miles, they were blocked by a high mountain in front of them.

The mountain is two to three thousand feet high, and there are five peaks on the mountain. There are palaces, pavilions and other buildings built on each peak. Many of the buildings have collapsed and turned into ruins, but many buildings have been preserved and still stand there.

Zhou Yangyun used his pupil skills to look around, and saw the plaques of "Danhua Palace", "Shidao Palace", "Yingxian Pavilion", "Qingyun Xianju" hanging high in front of the well-preserved buildings, still shining brightly , Seeing him was greatly moved.

According to the inheritance information he got from [Evil Repelling Treasure Clothes], when [Donglai Immortal Island] was suddenly closed, the monks on the island were forcibly moved out of the island, and many people had no time to take away those who stayed on the island. treasure.

You must know that [Donglai Immortal Island] is a true immortal dojo during the tribulation period, and those who were able to stay here to practice at that time were all disciples of [Donglai Immortal], the true immortal of the tribulation period, and most of them were Jindan The cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage and even the Nascent Soul Stage.

These people have extraordinary cultivation bases and great backgrounds. In addition, in the world of cultivating immortals more than 10,000 years ago, many spiritual resources were not as rare as they are now. Zhou Yang is looking forward to the treasures they left behind.

He looked at those mountain peaks with piercing eyes and said: "From the perspective of the concentration of spiritual energy and the scale, this is definitely not the cave of [Donglai Master], it should be the place where one of his disciples practiced at that time."

"Spiritual consciousness has encountered obstacles on the mountain. Is there any god-forbidden magic circle set up on this mountain?"

Jiang Fengxian frowned, and said the result of her test.

"My spiritual consciousness can't go deep in it."

After Zhou Yang tried it, he shook his head slightly, expressing that he was no exception.

Then he pondered for a while, and then resolutely said: "I'll go up to have a look first, if there is no danger, you can follow."

"Okay, be more careful."

Jiang Fengxian glanced at him, and readily agreed.

There are only the three of them here, someone has to go up to open the way, either Zhou Yang or her, there is really nothing to argue about.

Zhou Yang immediately sacrificed the [Golden Pagoda of Qianyang] suspended above his head, hanging down a thick golden light to protect himself. In this way, coupled with the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] on his body and his powerful physical body, even if it is a monk in the late Yuanying stage , and it is difficult to kill him with one blow.

Upwards from the foot of the mountain, a large number of spiritual fields are opened up, in which are planted a spiritual plant [five-color fairy cloud rice] that Zhou Yang has only seen in ancient books.

This is a kind of spiritual plant in the shape of rice. The ears of rice are multicolored, and the spiritual grains produced are also divided into five colors.

Compared with the [Golden Bead Rice] that is popularly grown in the Immortal Cultivation World, this [Five-Color Immortal Cloud Rice] is obviously much more advanced. Not only can it be successfully grown in spiritual fields above the third level, but it can only be cultivated once every ten years.

If it's just that, it's fine. The biggest reason why the monks in the world of cultivating immortals give up [Five-Color Immortal Cloud Rice] and plant [Golden Bead Rice] is because of the consumption of spiritual energy from the spiritual field.

If one mu of third-grade spirit field is planted with [Golden Pearl Rice], it can produce more than 1,000 catties per mu in a year, and it can be sown every year.

If it is replaced by [Five-Color Immortal Cloud Rice], the yield per mu will be less than 500 catties in ten years, and the field will have to be rested for three years before it can be sown again after harvesting.

Because of these harsh conditions, although [Five Colors Immortal Cloud Rice] is far superior to [Golden Pearl Rice] in terms of taste and nutritional value, it is still abandoned by current cultivators.

Low-level cultivators cannot afford this kind of spiritual rice that can only be grown at a huge cost, but high-level monks can use other foods to replace it.

Zhou Yang has never eaten [Five-color Immortal Cloud Rice], and he is quite curious about this kind of spiritual rice that he has only seen in classics. On the way up the mountain, he also harvested some mature spiritual rice and put them in the storage ring .

This [Donglai Immortal Island] is full of aura, even if the [Five-color Immortal Cloud Rice] at the foot of the mountain is not taken care of by Ling Zhifu, the yield is still very high. According to visual inspection, there is no problem with the yield of 1,000 catties per mu.

[Five-Color Immortal Cloud Rice] is planted in the spiritual field at the foot of the mountain, but many elixir gardens and orchards have been opened up on the mountainside, where many ancient elixir are also growing.

Those elixir gardens were protected by formation restrictions, but in front of Zhou Yang, these formation restrictions that had been in operation for tens of thousands of years were all broken with a single poke, and he picked all the high-level elixir that could be picked inside.

He walked up unhurriedly like this, and it took nearly a full day before he actually came to those palaces and pavilions.

"More than 10,000 years have passed, are today's young people so frugal? With your cultivation base in the Nascent Soul stage, those elixirs that are only at the fifth level at most seem to be of little use to you, and they are worth it. Picking? Are you not afraid of encountering any traps?"

Suspicious voices suddenly reached Zhou Yang's ears.


With a loud shout, he suddenly turned his head to look where the voice came from.

Then he saw an old man with green hair and green hair coming out from behind a spiritual tree.

The green-haired old man did not leak a trace of breath, as ordinary as an ordinary mortal.

But when Zhou Yang saw this scene, he was startled and his face tightened, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Obviously, there will be no ordinary people on this [Donglai Xiandao], so the situation of this green-haired old man is surprising.

Zhou Yang is not someone who has never seen the world, he has personally dealt with it, and he has seen several "half-step true immortals" on the ninth level of the Nascent Soul.

But even a "half-step true immortal" at the ninth level of the Nascent Soul like Lu Xuanji couldn't be as tight as the green-haired old man.

"No, I was almost deceived. This person's breathlessness should be a kind of innate supernatural power, not necessarily because his cultivation level is so high!"

As thoughts turned in his mind, the tension on Zhou Yang's face eased a little.

But immediately, he thought of something again, and a look of incomparable horror appeared on his face.

"Senior just said that more than 10,000 years have passed. Could it be that senior has lived for more than 10,000 years?"

Zhou Yang stared at the green-haired old man dumbfounded, his voice trembling.

"Yeah, more than 10,000 years, this is really a long time, even an existence like this old man is a little tired of this boring life!"

The green-haired old man nodded slightly and let out a sigh, his turquoise-like eyes showed a strong look of vicissitudes.

Only then did Zhou Yang realize that he seemed to be thinking wrong again.

This green-haired old man obviously doesn't look like a human being. How can he use the lifespan of a human monk to measure alien creatures?

But even if it is a strange creature, it is very rare that it can live for more than 10,000 years. Even those sixth-order flood dragons probably can't live for so long!

For a while, Zhou Yang became very curious about the origins of the green-haired old man.

But curiosity is curiosity, but he dare not ask directly like this, it is a very taboo thing.

Although the green-haired old man didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, he couldn't take such a risk.

Fortunately, he was quick-witted, and immediately thought of a side-splitting method, and immediately bowed his hands to the green-haired old man and said: "Junior Zhou Yang, because of a coincidence, he got this [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] on his body, so I know from it. The existence of [Donglai Immortal Island] is predestined to enter this place, but I don’t know the relationship between senior Gao’s name and the legendary [Donglai Immortal]?”

Unexpectedly, the green-haired old man avoided answering his question, instead, he looked at him and said, "[Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] was originally a treasure of inheritance given to Huang Yaohua, the fourth disciple by [Donglai Master], since you can get this The old man was entrusted by [Donglai Daoist] to find a real Taoist inheritor for him, and to inherit the Taoist inheritance left by him. As the first person in ten thousand years, you Human monks who have entered this place, are they willing to accept the test left by [Donglai Immortal]?"

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