Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 647: Transformation Elixir!

Are you willing to accept the inheritance test of [Donglai Real Man]?

Of course Zhou Yang is willing!

But he is not a three-year-old child, how could he believe what others say.

Although he couldn't see the origin of the green-haired old man in front of him, and he didn't know the specific cultivation level of the other party, but he definitely hadn't crossed the catastrophe and became a fairy yet.

In this way, the other party belongs to the Nascent Soul stage monk or the sixth-order demon king just like him.

And among the Nascent Soul stage monks, can anyone really be indifferent to the inheritance of a true immortal in the Transcending Tribulation Stage?

Moreover, the other party avoided answering his question just now, even refusing to disclose his name, which in itself showed a lack of sincerity.

"Seniors have taught us a lesson. It's not that the younger generation doesn't believe in the older generation, but that the matter of inheritance is too important to be taken lightly."

He bowed his hands to the green-haired old man with a serious face, and asked in a deep voice: "Senior keeps saying that he was entrusted by the senior [Donglai Zhenren] to find a Taoist successor for him. I wonder if there is any proof?"

"What proof do you want?"

The green-haired old man glanced at him indifferently, and asked with a half-smile.

"[Donglai Daoist] Since the senior entrusted his orthodoxy inheritance to the senior for protection, he must have a lot of trust in the senior, so the formation on the fairy island, the senior must be able to control it?"

Zhou Yang looked at the green-haired old man, and said with bright eyes: "It's not difficult for seniors to ask juniors to trust you, as long as you show juniors the authority to control the Immortal Island Formation."

Hearing this, the green-haired old man couldn't help looking at him with a half-smile and replied: "What if the old man says he doesn't have this authority?"

"The junior can only pretend that he didn't hear what the senior said earlier!"

Zhou Yang said firmly.

"You are very brave."

The green-haired old man smiled lightly, and suddenly waved his hand.

Suddenly, the mountains and rivers turned upside down, and in the blink of an eye, Zhou Yang and him had already appeared under a giant tree that was thousands of feet high.

"Now do you believe the old man's words?"

Under the giant tree, the green-haired old man looked at the shocked Zhou Yang with a smile, and seemed to enjoy his shock.

"Shrink the ground into an inch? No, this is the real method of space transfer!"

Zhou Yang exclaimed a little out of composure, then looked at the green-haired old man, and then at the giant tree next to him, whose trunk was tens of feet in diameter, and seemed to have guessed the origin of the green-haired old man.

"It seems that you have already seen it. That's right, this is the old man's body. In the words of your immortal cultivators, the old man should be a sixth-level high-grade tree demon king."

The green-haired old man smiled lightly, and told his story without any hesitation.

"Second-rank low-grade spirit wood [Qingyun wood], I didn't expect the body of the senior to be this kind of spirit wood!"

After Zhou Yang stared at the giant tree for a long time, he let out a long breath and told the real roots of the green-haired old man.

[Qingyun Wood] is a low-level spiritual wood with a wide range of functions.

The living [Qingyun Wood] can gather spiritual energy to improve the environment. Many low-level monks will plant one or two [Qingyun Wood] around their residences to gather spiritual energy and increase the concentration of spiritual energy. Some spiritual orchards will also plant this kind of spiritual wood specially Gather aura and benefit other fruit trees.

The dead [Qingyun wood] is an excellent building furniture material. It is hard and can last for thousands of years without decay, and it does not have any moths, and it does not have any peculiar smell.

Under normal circumstances, even if [Qingyun Wood] grows for 10,000 years, it is still a second-order spiritual wood, and it is impossible to be promoted to a third-order spiritual wood.

What needs to be explained here is that most of the spiritual woods will not increase in grade due to the age of the tree.

Those spiritual trees that can improve their rank with the growth of tree age are actually only a small number of spiritual trees, and many immortal cultivators are not very willing to plant such spiritual trees on a large scale.

The reason is simple. High-level spirit trees also need to consume enough heaven and earth spiritual energy to maintain their own survival. The world spirit energy consumed by a fifth-level spirit tree every year is incomparable to a thousand second-level [Qingyun wood].

These high-level spirit trees are not spirit fruit trees, they can often produce spirit fruits with unique effects for monks to consume. If they are not cut off, their use value for immortal cultivators is actually very low, and they will consume a lot of heaven and earth spirit energy every year support.

Therefore, when cultivators plant spiritual trees, they usually give priority to planting spiritual fruit trees and special spiritual trees with special value, then economical spiritual trees such as [Qingyun wood] that can be cut down and used as long as they reach a certain age, and finally those A spiritual wood that can increase in grade as the tree grows older.

But everything is not absolute, a spiritual wood like [Qingyun Wood], it may also evolve under certain circumstances.

There are two routes for the evolution of spirit wood. One is that it mutated by chance and chance, and mutated into another kind of spirit wood.

The second route is to generate self-awareness and become a tree demon like the green-haired old man.

Monsters can grow and practice, and tree demons are no exception.

As for the realm of the tree demon's cultivation, its body is equivalent to the level of spiritual wood.

So the giant tree that Zhou Yang sees now is actually a sixth-order high-grade spiritual tree that is rare in the world!

"Originally, the old man was just an ordinary [Qingyunmu], but because of a lightning strike, he became self-aware and became a tree demon. After [Donglai Zhenren] discovered that the old man's innate supernatural powers can improve the spiritual veins and gather spiritual energy, he used his great supernatural powers to kill the old man. Transplanted here, you can see that the reason why the aura of heaven and earth in [Donglai Xiandao] is so strong is because the old man's body is rooted here!"

"I'm sure you know the shortcoming of my tree demon. Even a sixth-rank high-grade tree demon king like this old man can't move his body lightly. That's why [Donglai Daoist] entrusted the Dongfu dojo to the old man, and let the old man Help him find a Taoist heir who truly suits his wishes!"

"Now do you have any doubts about what the old man said earlier?"

The green-haired old man looked at Zhou Yang indifferently, and answered the questions he had avoided before.

After Zhou Yang heard his words, he also remained silent, weighing the truth and falsehood of his words in his heart.

After a long while like this, he looked at the green-haired old man and asked: "The junior has one more question. Are you the only senior on this fairy island?"

"That's not true."

The green-haired old man shook his head slightly, waved his hands and said: "But don't think about what the old man told you about other fellow Taoists. You are not qualified to touch these things now, unless you pass the test and inherit the legacy of [Donglai Zhenren] The orthodox inheritance!"

When Zhou Yang heard the other party's words, he suddenly felt a chill for no reason, and felt something bad.

He soon understood where his bad feeling came from!

Regardless of whether the green-haired old man was really ordered by [Donglai Daoist] to find a Taoist successor for him, now he, Zhou Yang, has arrived at the opponent's body, entered the effective attack range of the opponent's body, and separated from Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter.

Under such circumstances, if the green-haired old man wanted to be unfavorable to him, he could easily suppress or kill him even without the power of the [Donglai Xiandao] formation.

Thinking of this, he quickly said: "Since the senior is really the person appointed by [Donglai Zhenren] to protect the way, the junior is of course willing to accept the test."

After expressing his attitude in this way, without waiting for the green-haired old man to speak out, he said with a look of embarrassment on his face: "But the junior has reached the Nascent Soul stage, and it seems too late to change the main practice. I'm afraid it will be very difficult." Meet the test conditions left by the predecessors of [Donglai Zhenren]!"

When the green-haired old man heard what he said, he waved his hands indifferently and said, "You don't have to worry about this, for an existence like [Donglai Master], the orthodox inheritors it selects pay attention to fate, potential, and disposition. "

"You can come here after [Donglai Xiandao] has been closed for ten thousand years. This is the fate in the dark. As for the potential, the old man should not exceed seven hundred years old according to your age. There is a great chance. In the end, in terms of temperament , as long as you're not a treacherous and evil person, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

Sounds plausible!

Zhou Yang nodded slightly, accepting the words of the green-haired old man.

Then he continued to ask: "The junior still has a question, please ask the senior to clarify. If you dare to ask the senior, do you know what the content of the test is? How dangerous is it?"

"I can't answer this question for you, because I can't enter the assessment place, only you human monks can enter!"

A gloomy look flickered between the green-haired old man's eyebrows, and he answered Zhou Yangzhi's question in a displeased tone.

"Is that so?"

Zhou Yang's heart moved, he looked at the displeased green-haired old man, and soon understood where the other party's displeasure came from.

[Donglai real person] made this arrangement, obviously because he didn't fully trust the green-haired old man, fearing that he would steal his inheritance.

He put himself in another position, if he were a green-haired old man, who had clearly guarded the inheritance of a true immortal in the Transcendence Tribulation Period for ten thousand years, but could only be greedy and unable to enter, he would probably be full of resentment.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help nodding his head and said: "This junior understands, it's just a matter of accepting the test, which is of great importance, and I would like to ask the senior to explain it to his wife and children, so that they can be mentally prepared."

"As long as you are willing to accept the test, these are trivial matters."

The green-haired old man waved his hand, his body flickered, and he disappeared from Zhou Yang's eyes suddenly.

After a while, Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Yufeng's mother and daughter were brought under the tree by the green-haired old man to reunite with Zhou Yang.

"Zhou Lang, this senior is..."

Seeing Zhou Yang under the tree, Jiang Fengxian first looked happy, and hurriedly pulled her daughter to his side, then glanced at the green-haired old man with vigilance, and cast a probing look at him.

"Fengxian, don't worry, this senior has no ill intentions towards us, I asked this senior to bring you here."

Zhou Yang grabbed the beautiful woman's jade hand, patted the back of her hand lightly to reassure him, and then said to the green-haired old man, "Senior, I'm sorry, but this junior needs to explain to them in private."

"It's okay, you can explain it as much as you want."

The green-haired old man waved his hand, and with a movement of his body, it turned into a green light and merged into the main body.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Fengxian's pretty face changed, she already understood the origin of this green-haired old man.

On the other hand, Zhou Yang patted her jade hand lightly, and Dang even explained the situation to her and her daughter Jiang Yufeng through voice transmission with his spiritual consciousness.

He didn't hide anything this time, and told the second daughter all about his conversation with the green-haired old man, some guesses in his heart, and his own plans.

After hearing what he said, the faces of the two daughters were very ugly.

Originally according to Zhou Yang's plan, it would be best for them to gain something on the fairy island. If there is nothing to gain, they just need to find a way to leave the fairy island.

But now, he has to take unknown risks to accept the test arranged by a true immortal in the Tribulation Transcendence Period. This change is indeed unacceptable.

But the situation is stronger than people, and Zhou Yang's worry is not unreasonable. If he does not accept the test, the green-haired old man, the sixth-rank top-rank demon king, will never let them leave [Donglai Immortal Island] easily.

But in the face of such an old monster who has lived for more than 10,000 years, he and Jiang Fengxian combined may not be enough for the opponent to fight, and toughness is only the next strategy.

The best way is to obey the other party's wishes first, and then play by ear to find an opportunity to escape.

"Senior, this junior has already explained to his wife and children,"

About half an hour later, Zhou Yang stopped the voice transmission with Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter, and bowed to the giant tree next to him, expressing that he was ready.

With a flash of green light, the figure of the green-haired old man flew out of the giant tree again.

As soon as he came out, he nodded slightly to Zhou Yang and said, "Since you are ready, follow me to the testing place."

Seeing this, Jiang Fengxian suddenly interjected with a sincere expression: "Senior, the junior mother and daughter want to see Zhou Lang off for a while, and please forgive me so that my mother and daughter can accompany you."

"I also ask the seniors to be merciful, so that the little girl can see her father off."

Jiang Yufeng also hurriedly saluted, her tone full of pleading.

Seeing this, the green-haired old man squinted his eyes, and after looking back and forth between Zhou Yang and the second daughter, he suddenly smiled and said: "Alright, if this kid fails, you can also go in and try. "

"Thank you for your kindness, senior."

Under the leadership of the green-haired old man, the three of Zhou Yang left the foundation of the giant tree and climbed towards the mountainside where the giant tree was.

At the foot of the mountain, there are stone steps leading directly to the top of the mountain. Even after more than 10,000 years, these stone steps are still as new as new, and are not occupied by lush vegetation on both sides.

Zhou Yang and the others climbed up the stone steps. Looking around, all kinds of exotic flowers and plants emerged one after another, many of which were rare and rare medicines that were rarely seen outside.

When they passed by a elixir garden, Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter almost cried out.

It turned out that in the elixir garden, they saw a white rabbit transformed from ginseng and a sesame horse transformed from ganoderma!

Whether it's the white rabbit with green ginseng leaves on its head, or the sesame horse with red sesame leaves on its sides, they all have a collective name, that is "transfiguration panacea".

This kind of "transfiguration elixir", in the words of mortals, means that the elixir has become refined and opened up spiritual wisdom.

And no matter what kind of "transfiguration elixir", it must be a sixth-level elixir, which can be used to refine a sixth-level elixir that improves the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul stage.

In the outside world, this kind of "shape-changing elixir" has almost disappeared, and they can only be seen in a few inaccessible places and in the elixir gardens of some top sects.

If they knew where a wild "shape-changing elixir" appeared, monks in the Nascent Soul stage would fight for this kind of elixir, and would fight to the death.

Zhou Yang is well-informed, but this is the first time he has seen this "transformation elixir", and he saw two plants at a time, how can this not shock him.

For a moment, the steps of the three of them were a little bit immobile, and they all stopped in place, staring straight at the two "transfiguration elixir" plants in the distance, and their eyes were full of longing.

"These two little guys have some luck. It is more difficult for us to transform spiritual medicine into a demon than our spirit wood. If they hadn't been closed for thousands of years because of this [Donglai Immortal Island], they would have already been in the pill furnace." Furnace ashes, how can you be as comfortable as you are today!"

As if hearing the words of the green-haired old man, the ginseng that was sleeping with half a thousand-year-old spiritual ginseng in the medicine garden suddenly opened a pair of pale golden eyes and looked at this side, and then threw away the ginseng in his hand in fright. In an instant, his body disappeared into the ground and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, Zhima, who was resting on a spiritual fruit tree, was also startled by Shentu's movements, and immediately turned into a green light and merged into the spiritual fruit tree, hiding his figure with the help of the mysterious "wood escape" technique. .

Like this kind of "shape-changing elixir", although they don't have much fighting ability, they are all proficient in the techniques of earth escape and wood escape. If monks in the Nascent Soul stage want to catch them, they have to spend a lot of hard work, and they may be caught by them. run away.

"Senior, are there many such shape-changing elixir on Xiandao?"

Zhou Yang pursed his lips, and couldn't help asking about the green-haired old man.

Before he came to [Donglai Immortal Island], he had fantasized about using the elixir resources in it to help him shorten the time for practicing in the Nascent Soul Stage.

It's a pity that since he landed on the island, although he has picked many rare elixir, he has never seen a real sixth-order elixir.

Seeing Santu and Zhima now, his heart became hot again.

"How could there be so many of them! The transformation of elixir is difficult. Even if [Donglai Xiandao] has been closed for thousands of years, it has provided a good growth environment for many elixir on the island, and there are not many elixir that can be predestined to form. , the sum does not exceed the number of palms."

The green-haired old man said, glanced at Zhou Yang, seemed to understand what he was thinking, and continued: "However, there are quite a few sixth-order elixir on Xiandao, all of which were transplanted by the old man to a special elixir on the mountain. In the garden, if you can pass the test left by [Donglai Immortal], these elixirs may be given to you."

"Senior, are you serious?"

A fiery look flashed in Zhou Yang's eyes, and he looked at the green-haired old man with surprise on his face, and exclaimed in disbelief.

"Why did the old man lie to you? With the old man's cultivation, can you still use those elixir?"

The green-haired old man looked at him with displeasure, and the words in his mouth left Zhou Yang speechless.

Indeed, the green-haired old man is not like Zhou Yang, who has children and descendants who need to support and support him. With his cultivation and roots, the sixth-order elixir is of no use to him at all.

But to say that the green-haired old man would really give him so many sixth-order elixir so easily, Zhou Yang was also dubious in his heart.

Even if the opponent doesn't need these elixirs, they can be used to exchange for what they need with other Nascent Soul stage monks and demon kings, or they can simply be used as favors.

Of course, he definitely wouldn't ask these questions face to face right now, wouldn't that just make it clear that he didn't trust the other party?

Therefore, he quickly apologized to the green-haired old man with an apologetic face and said: "Senior, forgive me, this junior has no intention of questioning senior, it's just that I couldn't help myself for a while, so I made a slip of the tongue."

"Okay, there's no need to say more about these words, let's continue with the old man."

The green-haired old man waved his hand, then stepped up and continued to climb up the stone steps.

On the next road, Zhou Yang saw many rare elixir and spiritual fruit trees on both sides of the road, but because of the existence of the green-haired old man, it was difficult for them to stop and observe, so they could only follow each other all the way up.

After climbing like this for half a day, a group of people came to a square near the top of the mountain.

The square on the top of the mountain is very large, nearly 2,000 feet long and more than 1,500 feet wide, in a square shape, with a nine-foot-high circular pulpit in the middle.

Standing on the square on the top of the mountain, you can look down at the green-haired old man at the foot of the mountain. There is still a distance of nearly a thousand feet between the crown of the tree and the square on the top of the mountain.

It's just that because of the spiritual mist on the mountain, if you look up from the bottom of the mountain, it's hard to see the square on the top of the mountain.

"This is the place where 【Donglai Immortal】 used to preach. The largest preaching conference here was held. There were three true immortals from the Transcendence Tribulation Stage who discussed the Dao here. At that time, there were more than 300 monks from the Nascent Soul Stage who came here to listen. There are more than 3,000 monks in the golden core period, and there are no less than 10,000 monks in Zifu and Foundation Establishment brought by these monks!"

The green-haired old man took the initiative to speak, and introduced the function and past glory of this square to the three of Zhou Yang.

His words were full of emotion, and his eyes were slightly erratic, as if he was recalling the grand and glorious scene in the past.

When the three of Zhou Yang heard his words, they were also shocked, and their faces showed infinite longing.

It is basically impossible for a real immortal to preach in public, which is basically impossible in the current world of cultivating immortals. Over the past ten thousand years, the number of times this kind of thing has happened is also very few.

The scene where the three true immortals of the tribulation period sit together and discuss the Tao has never been heard before.

Seeing the fascinated faces of the three, the green-haired old man couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Zhou Yang: "In that preaching ceremony, the [Donglai real person] used the magic weapon [Xuanguangying mirror] to complete the whole process. For the record, he probably put this object in the Dao Palace on the top of the mountain, if you can pass the test, you may also be able to get a glimpse of the magnificent scene through this magic weapon!"

After speaking, he pointed to a row of stone stairs above the square leading to a higher place on the top of the mountain.

"Starting from there, and going up nine hundred and ninety-nine feet, it is the place [Donglai Taoist Palace] where [Donglai Daoist] stores the inheritance of Taoism. As long as you can enter [Donglai Taoist Palace], you can inherit the [Donglai Taoist Palace]." Daoist]'s orthodox inheritance, become the new owner of this fairy island!"

Zhou Yang looked in the direction of the green-haired old man's finger, and saw that except for the dozen or so stone steps that he could see, everything was covered by the dense fog of the formation, and it was impossible to see what was above the stone steps.

"Go ahead, I hope you succeed."

The voice of the green-haired old man sounded from the side again, but it already carried a hint of urging.

ps: Let's see if we can add more tomorrow!

Tired? Tired is right, comfort is reserved for the rich! Is it bitter? Suffering is right, the poor are born to suffer! Feel like a failure in life? Failure is right, success is synonymous with successful people! Don't want to fight anymore? Wake up, what do you eat if you don't struggle? — Good morning, comrades of the proletarian workers!

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