Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 648 Inheritance test [9000-character chapter]

Under the urging or threat of the green-haired old man, Zhou Yang didn't have much time to think, so he had no choice but to step up the stone steps leading to the Taoist palace on the top of the mountain.

As soon as he stepped up the first stone steps, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and he appeared in a large hall.

There are four bookshelves in the hall, with four big characters of Zhen, Qi, Dan, and Talisman written on them, and a large number of jade slips are placed on them.

"All my life, I have been known as the hero of the spirit world by the way of formation. I have already been at the top of this world in terms of way of formation. I haven't seen the ancients before, and it will be difficult to find those who come later!"

"In addition to the Dao of Formation, I am also proficient in all aspects of Dao of Qi, Dao of Alchemy, and Dao of Talismans, which is not inferior to many people."

"My descendants may not practice my skills, but they must inherit my skills."

"Obtain my orthodoxy, revitalize my inheritance, and promote my reputation, this is what I hope for."


A majestic and powerful voice appeared in Zhou Yang's ears as if spanning endless time and space.

Soon he understood the content of this test.

The content of the test is very simple, he must learn the four ways of array, device, pill, and talisman within a limited time and reach a certain level.

Zhou Yang didn't know what method that [Donglai real person] would use to test whether he met the requirements, but time was running out, and he didn't have time to think about it so much, so he hurried to the bookshelf with the word "zhen" written on it. He picked up a jade slip with the "General Outline of Formation" written on it and began to study it.

He himself is a fifth-level middle-grade weapon refiner and a fourth-level middle-grade talisman maker. He is above both weapons and talismans, so he doesn't have to worry about failing the test.

But formation and alchemy are areas that he has not dabbled in before, and his understanding of these two immortal cultivation skills is only superficial.

Now he can only hope that his cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage will allow him to make achievements in these two areas.

The array is vast and all-encompassing, and the knowledge involved in all aspects is indeed far beyond other immortal cultivation skills.

If middle and low-level monks want to make achievements in this way, unless they are talented, they will hardly achieve much in their lifetime.

But Nascent Soul stage monks are different. Nascent Soul stage monks' strong reading comprehension ability, and Nascent Soul stage monks' subtle insight and control ability are far behind middle and low-level monks.

It's like a child swinging a sledgehammer. Only those talented children can swing the sledgehammer skillfully with force, but adults can swing the sledgehammer with force instead of skill.

Zhou Yang used Yuan Yingqi cultivation as a way to comprehend the formation, and he arranged a second-order formation in one day, and was promoted to a third-order formation master in five days, and he was able to arrange a fourth-order formation after a month.

A fourth-tier array mage can already be called a high-level array mage, and his status is extremely high in the world of cultivating immortals. A fourth-tier top-rank array mage is even higher than some golden core stage monks.

At this stage, Zhou Yang's advantage of being a high-ranking man has disappeared, but he has lost most of it. If he wants to make rapid progress like before, it is impossible to achieve it.

So he could only temporarily put aside the way of comprehending the formation, and turned to learn alchemy.

Zhou Yang didn't have any elixir that could refine low-level panacea, but that didn't matter. When he was preparing to concoct alchemy, plants and plants of elixir would naturally fall in front of him out of thin air for him to use, and magical furnaces of pills would appear out of thin air. in front of him.

He was originally a fifth-level refining master, and refining and alchemy have a lot in common, and it didn't take much effort for him to learn.

In just five months, he has raised his alchemy to the fourth-level high-grade level by relying on the almost endless supply of elixir!

Back then, even Xiao Ying, who was very talented in alchemy, had spent more than three hundred years to become a fourth-rank top-rank alchemist, but now Zhou Yang did it all in just five months.

This is the benefit brought by the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Nascent Soul Stage monks were also called "half immortals" a long time ago, and this was not just for nothing.

But going further up, if he wants to be promoted to the fifth-rank alchemist, Zhou Yang is not very sure.

His Taoist partner, Xiao Ying, struggled on this step for more than a hundred years, and failed dozens of times before succeeding.

Although Zhou Yang is at the Nascent Soul stage, he dare not say that he can do better than Taoist companion Xiao Ying.

So, like before, he paused alchemy and started making talismans instead.

On the talisman-making one, he himself has a certain talent, and he has spent a lot of effort on this way before. This time, he studied the talisman-making experience of the person in front of him on the book shelf, and combined his own learning with each other. After spending half a year, he was successfully promoted to a fifth-rank talisman maker.

Afterwards, he turned to weapon refining, and successfully refined a fifth-level low-grade magic weapon in less than a month.

So far, out of the four requirements, he has achieved two.

That's right, the test given by [Dong Lai Zhenren] is for people to upgrade all four kinds of immortal cultivation skills to the fifth level within five years. If someone meets the standards before taking part in the test, they can pass the test directly.

Zhou Yang actually didn't understand the significance of doing this. Even if someone could pass this test by relying on his cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage, it didn't necessarily mean that this person would be able to raise these immortal cultivation skills to the sixth level in the future.

The sixth-level cultivation skill is the same as the Nascent Soul stage, and it is also a difficult hurdle to overcome. The four kinds of cultivation skills of the alchemy and talisman, no matter which one can reach the sixth level, can be called a master. In a class of its own.

Even for Nascent Soul stage monks who specialize in a certain skill, it is extremely difficult to reach the sixth-order master state in their lifetime.

It's just that if you don't understand, you don't understand, he still has to do what should be done.

He has used up one year of the five years, and in the remaining four years, he must upgrade both formation and alchemy to the fifth level.

Time was running out, and Zhou Yang could only concentrate on learning these two skills of cultivating immortals.

Three years, he spent three years, three years of non-stop research, and finally raised the formation to the fifth level.

Then he just rested for three days, and then he cheered up and devoted himself to alchemy.

Even for the refining of the fifth-order elixir, the materials supplied to him are still sufficient, but even the shortest and simplest fifth-order elixir for a batch of fifth-order elixirs will take ten and a half months to see the results .

Therefore, Zhou Yang actually did not have many attempts.

Fail, fail, fail again!

Batch after batch of elixir turned into waste in the elixir furnace, and Zhou Yang felt heartbroken when he saw the lost elixir.

Fifth-level elixir is not Chinese cabbage, and many of them take thousands of years to mature. Golden core monks wait their entire lives, but they will not wait for the day when the elixir they plant will be promoted to fifth-level.

Now that such a large amount of fifth-order elixir has turned into waste in his hands, it is impossible for Zhou Yang not to be heartbroken.

However, besides heartache, he was more worried about whether he could succeed.

Seeing that the year was getting closer and closer, the pressure in his heart made his breathing rate drop a lot.


With a muffled sound, Zhou Yang waved his sleeves with a livid face and opened the furnace cover, staring at the dan slag that had been blown into powder in the furnace for a long time, speechless.

This is already his twentieth failure!

This time, he had come to the last step of alchemy, but after all, the elixir exploded because of the uneven mixing of medicinal power in the elixir.

At this point, in fact, the success of alchemy is only a matter of time. As long as he tries a few more times, Zhou Yang will definitely be able to find the right ratio to successfully condense alchemy.

But he's running out of time!

At this time, four years, eleven months and eight days have passed since he climbed the stone steps, and the time left for him is less than one month.

In less than a month, he can only start alchemy twice at most, and one of them must be successful.

"Twenty times of alchemy, refining the same kind of elixir, but I didn't succeed even once. It seems that my alchemy talent is really common, and I don't have any talent at all!"

Zhou Yang's face was full of wry smiles, and he looked at the danza in the furnace with gloomy eyes, full of frustration in his heart.

His Taoist companion, Xiao Ying, had failed more than ten or twenty times when he challenged the fifth-level alchemist, but that was because he did not have enough materials, so he could only choose several fifth-level alchemists to refine, and got together Which kind of panacea is made of the material, which kind of panacea will be refined.

If she had refined the same kind of elixir like him, with Xiao Ying's alchemy talent, she would have succeeded long ago.

Zhou Yang now has the alchemy notes of the sixth-level alchemy master to study, and he has a lot of elixir to practice refining, but he has not succeeded so far, which can already show how bad his talent in alchemy is.

In the past, even if he knew this, he would not be depressed. After all, every immortal cultivator has his strengths and weaknesses, and his lack of talent in alchemy does not affect his achievements in refining weapons and making talismans.

But now, seeing that the time limit for the test was about to pass, how could he not be anxious and frustrated.

"Judging from the content of this test, even if you fail the test, there shouldn't be any danger to your life. At least this test should be like this!"

"If that's the case, even if I fail, I can still accumulate experience for Fengxian's wayfinding. After she has cultivated all four kinds of skills to the fifth level outside, she can easily pass this level."

"The tree demon king seems to just want someone to pass the test to get the orthodox inheritance of [Donglai Daoist], and it doesn't necessarily need to be me, so before Fengxian succeeds, he shouldn't turn his face!"

Before winning, think about defeat first.

Now Zhou Yang didn't dare to have much hope for himself to pass the test, but began to think about his survival after failure.

Of course he understands that the green-haired old man is not a good person, no, it should be said that he is not a good monster.

Although the other party's rhetoric seems to be justified, some loopholes are unavoidable, but Zhou Yang, as the weaker side, even if he finds out, he can only pretend that he didn't see it.

However, it should be true that the green-haired old man guards the inheritance of [Donglai Immortal], and it is also true that he hopes that someone will get the inheritance of [Donglai Immortal].

As long as these two things are true, they can still use this to fight against it.

"Forget it, the remaining time is too tight to refine two furnaces of elixir, so it's better to just refine it once, and rest and record the elixirs and arrays on these bookshelves in the remaining time. Anyway, it’s not in vain!”

Shaking his head with a complicated complexion and sighing, Zhou Yang didn't rush to start alchemy again, but simply lay down and went to sleep.

Years of sleepless and restless cramming study, even with his Nascent Soul stage cultivation base, he actually feels physically and mentally exhausted until now, and he is very mentally exhausted.

In fact, if it wasn't because of his high cultivation base, if he was replaced by a Jindan stage monk, not to mention that his learning efficiency is not as good as him, even such a few years of non-stop study and formation of alchemy would be enough to wear him down.

After sleeping like this for three days, Zhou Yang woke up and started working.

He first memorized and copied all the alchemy formulas and formation diagrams on the bookshelves, and then copied all the experience and experience of alchemy and formation. In order to ensure that there will be no omissions, the more important parts , He read it himself and kept it in his heart.

After spending five days in this way, he read and memorized all the important notes on the four bookshelves.

After that, he took a copy of the material and started the last attempt.

Dispensing medicine, purifying, combining medicine, congealing alchemy... Every step of alchemy cannot tolerate any mistakes, and even a slight mistake may lead to the failure of alchemy.

When Zhou Yang was "combining medicine" last time, he didn't allow the potency of various elixir to mix evenly according to the proportion, which resulted in the direct failure of the step of "condensing pills", forming a frying furnace.

Mixing the power of the elixir according to the ratio is easy to say, but it is too difficult to do.

The higher the level of the panacea, the greater the number of panacea that needs to be used, and it is the most important test for an alchemist to mix these many panacea essences with different medicinal properties in precise proportions so as not to make them confused. technology.

Although there is a Dan recipe as a reference, if everything is done according to the Dan recipe, it will definitely die.

Because the elixir only guarantees that you use these elixir and follow certain steps to refine this elixir.

But in actual operation, you will find that because the year of the elixir you use is not exactly the same as the requirements on the alchemy formula, in terms of proportion deployment, you must make fine adjustments according to your own experience and feelings, otherwise the alchemy will fail. Yes for sure.

The so-called alchemy talent is actually the alchemist's extraordinary sensory ability beyond ordinary people in alchemy. The stronger the talent, the easier it is for them to find the correct ratio based on their own induction when they make such fine adjustments, and the alchemy is successful.

Zhou Yang's talents are mediocre, so he can only rely on experience to make corrections and adjustments.

But a quick-fledged alchemist like him is lacking in the first level of experience.

So whether he can succeed in alchemy this time, the test is not his experience, but luck.

Zhou Yang's luck seems to be okay all the time.

This time he proceeded in one breath. After mixing the medicine, when entering the step of "Congealing Pills", the heartbreaking sound of the fryer never appeared.

There is a show!

A look of joy flashed in his eyes, and Zhou Yang immediately played out the spells in his hands again and again, manipulating the liquid in the furnace to condense into a real panacea.

In order to ensure that there were no problems, he voluntarily gave up the refining of several other elixirs when he could produce several elixirs in one batch, and devoted himself to refining one of them.

In this way, when everything was over, a faint scent of Danxiang floated out through the furnace cover.

It's done!

Zhou Yang couldn't hide the joy on his face and typed out the method of collecting pills, and a round and flawless lavender pill flew out of the pill furnace and landed in his hands.

"That's right, that's right, it's exactly the same as [Zihe Pill] recorded on the pill recipe!"

Holding the elixir in his hand, he couldn't stop nodding, his face was full of joy and relaxation.

Although only one pill was produced, as long as he successfully produced the pill, according to the standards of the world of cultivating immortals, he would be a real fifth-level alchemist.

So far, he has reached the fifth level in the four most important skills for a cultivator of immortals, namely pill, weapon, talisman, and array.

Even many Nascent Soul stage monks who have been born for thousands of years may not be able to achieve this achievement.

It's not that those monks in the Nascent Soul stage are so much worse than him in learning ability, but that for many monks in the Nascent Soul stage, there is no need to be so comprehensive.

In the absence of being able to advance to the realm of the sixth-level master, those monks in the Nascent Soul stage would of course prefer to let those talented juniors learn these skills of cultivating immortals, and allocate their time to practice.

If Zhou Yang hadn't been distracted by alchemy and formations this time to pass the test, at least he wouldn't waste time on these things before his cultivation stagnated.

A few days later, when the five-year limited time passed, Zhou Yang's eyes flickered again, and he appeared on the stone stairs again.

He checked the storage ring carefully, and found that the jade slips he copied and recorded were still there, which convinced him that the experience of the past few years was not an illusion, but a real experience.

Don't know what the next test is?

This thought flashed through his mind, and he immediately stepped up and climbed up.

Counting steps like this, after climbing about three hundred stone steps, a small resting platform suddenly appeared in front of him, on which stood a white wordless stone tablet.

When Zhou Yang cast his eyes on the wordless stone tablet, a huge suction force suddenly emanated from the stone tablet, instantly sucking all his consciousness into it.

The next moment, Zhou Yang found himself in a seaside fishing village.


Zhou Yang looked at the fishing village in front of him in the morning mist, his eyes flashed strangely.

Just as he was thinking about the meaning of this illusion, the wooden door of a nearby farmhouse was suddenly pushed open with a "squeak", and a round-faced little woman in a gray coarse cloth dress walked out with a wooden basin. come out.

This little woman doesn't seem to be very old, she should be less than twenty years old, but because of the wind and sun on the beach, her skin looks dark and rough, only her face is still fair and smooth.

And when Zhou Yang looked at the little woman, the little woman had already warmly greeted him: "Brother Big Niu, I went out so early today, the fog is too heavy, I advise you not to Let's go to sea, don't waste a day or two."

"Well, I just came out to take a look."

Zhou Yang nodded slightly, and replied.

"Okay, big cow brother, you are busy with your work, I will fetch water first."

The little woman smiled slightly, and walked towards the well behind the village with a wooden basin in her hand.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help but lower his head to look at himself, and found that the magic robe on his body had turned into a coarse linen garment at some point, and his skin was also dark like an old farmer in the country.

Although he couldn't see his own face without a mirror, he seemed to have already guessed what he looked like at this time. He must be a dark and rough fishing village man.

Of course, the changes are not limited to these. When Zhou Yang found himself in this fishing village in the fantasy territory, he found that his mana and consciousness were gone, and even his powerful physical body was gone.

Reminiscent of his consciousness being sucked into the stone tablet, he understood that his consciousness had left his body and entered a deep illusion.

Since it's just his consciousness leaving the body, of course he can't have his powerful mana and physical body.

"So, what is the test of this level?"

Zhou Yang sat down under a big tree in the fishing village, looking at the fishing village gradually recovering from the morning mist, his eyes were full of thoughts.

Everyone in the fishing village seemed to know him, and would say hello to him when they passed the big tree.

If he doesn't respond, these people will also show displeasure.

After half a day, Zhou Yang even felt a sense of hunger rising in his stomach, telling him that he should stop thinking and look for food.

Zhou Yang had never been hungry in his life, and this kind of hunger made him really uncomfortable.

He knew that he couldn't ignore this hunger, otherwise, if his physical strength was reduced due to this hunger, it would be difficult to handle anything.

Of course, he didn't plan to cook by himself, but returned to the place where he first appeared, and went to the little woman's house to eat.

From the previous conversations with the villagers, he already knew that the little woman's name was Cuilian, and she had a husband and two children. Her husband was paralyzed in bed now, and she had to take care of her alone.

And Zhou Yang's current incarnation of "Zhang Daniu" seems to have helped the little woman's family many times before, so the other party persuaded him like that at first.

Sure enough, facing Zhou Yang's door-to-door dinner, the little woman Cuilian warmly entertained him, and Zhou Yang also saw her husband who was paralyzed in bed, and two children, a son and a daughter, in the room.

After a meal of salted fish and rice, Zhou Yang's hunger was finally relieved, and he was ready to say goodbye and leave.

But at this moment, the gong of "Dang Dang Dang" suddenly sounded from the fishing village, and at the same time, there was an exclamation full of panic.

"The monster has entered the village, everyone run away, the monster has entered the village, everyone run away!"


Zhou Yang's face changed, as if he realized something, he quickly got up and wanted to go out to check the situation.

But at this moment, the little woman Cuilian suddenly knelt on the ground with a "plop" and grabbed his trousers.

"Brother Big Niu, Brother Big Niu, I beg you not to leave, please take my husband with you, if he stays here alone, he will definitely die at the mouth of monsters!"

The little woman tearfully grabbed Zhou Yang's trousers and begged non-stop, and the man paralyzed on the bed also cast a pleading look at Zhou Yang.

Is this also a test?

Zhou Yang looked at the little woman crying on the ground, and at the man paralyzed on the bed, hesitating for a moment.

Hearing that there were monsters attacking just now, he thought that the test of this level was to kill the monsters and save the fishing village, so he was anxious to see the situation of the monsters and judge the level of strength of the monsters.

But the pleading of the little woman made him feel that things might not be that simple.


The little woman seemed to have sensed something from Zhou Yang's hesitation, sobbing, shaking Zhou Yang's trousers, and kowtowed desperately.

At this moment, Zhou Yang's gaze fell on the half fish tailbone left in his bowl on the table next to him.

During the meal just now, the little woman Cuilian specially put the thick fish tail and belly meat into his bowl, and gave the rest to her husband. She and her two children just ate rice with soup.

Seeing this, his eyes flashed, and suddenly he picked up the little woman who was kneeling on the ground and said, "Sister Cuilian, get up, I'll take you to escape together."

After he finished speaking, he immediately strode to the bed, carried the paralyzed man on his back, and walked straight out the door.

Although he doesn't have any magic power now, but fortunately Zhou Yang's mortal body is quite strong, and with one person on his back, he can still run no slower than the little woman Cuilian and her two children.

They went out of the house and quickly ran towards the hill behind the fishing village.

The fishing village is close to the sea, and monsters can only come from the sea. These sea monsters usually don't go up the mountain to stay away from the sea.

At this time, people in the fishing village were fleeing for their lives up the mountain, and the roar of sea beasts and the screams of human beings before they died could be heard near the sea.

It sounds like there is more than one monster.

Zhou Yang wanted to turn around several times to see what kind of monster was the monster that came ashore, but as soon as he slowed down, the man on his back and the little woman behind him urged him incessantly, making it hard for him to leave Several people returned alone.

After running for several miles like this, when he was about to go up the mountain, an accident suddenly appeared.

At the foot of the hill, a giant cyan crab standing up to three feet high suddenly burst out from the forest, and in an instant it swung the crab's claws and cut several villagers who were about to go up the mountain into two pieces.

"Killing, monsters killing!"

Shouts of exclamation rose from all directions, and the villagers who were going up the mountain to hide, all retreated desperately to escape.

"Brother Big Niu, Brother Big Niu, let's run away, or the monster will be killed if we don't run away!"

The little woman Cuilian also pulled Zhou Yang's sleeve with a pale face, telling him to run away quickly.

"What are you running away from? It's just a top-rank monster."

Zhou Yang looked at the blue giant crab with disdain, and his tone was very casual.

"What? Brother Big Niu, what do you mean by that?"

The little woman looked at him puzzled, her eyes full of doubts.

"I said it's just a top-rank monster beast, there's no need for us to run away!"

As Zhou Yang said, he was about to put down the man on his back, and prepared to kill the giant blue crab.

However, the man on his back hugged his neck desperately at this time, and shouted in horror and horror: "No, don't abandon me, Da Niu, please, don't abandon me, okay? I don't want to Die, I don't want to die in the mouth of monsters!"

"Brother Big Niu, what are you doing?"

The little woman was also startled and angry, holding Zhou Yang's arm tightly with her face full of shock and anger, thinking that he wanted to leave the man on his back and escape alone.

"When did I say I would leave you guys behind? I'm just going to kill that monster!"

Zhou Yang looked at the little woman speechlessly, and said in a deep voice, "As long as we kill that monster, we can go up the mountain. Letting go of your husband is just to make it easier for me to kill the monster."

Hearing his words, the man on his back immediately cursed angrily: "Daniu, are you crazy? How could you kill a monster? Do you think you are an immortal teacher?"

The little woman also nodded repeatedly and shouted: "Your husband is right, big cow brother, don't be arrogant, that is a monster, not the ordinary sea crab you usually catch when fishing, but a monster can be sorcerer and can eat people !"


Zhou Yang was about to say don't worry, suddenly his face changed, and he quickly pulled the little woman to the ground.

It turned out that it was their quarreling and shouting that attracted the attention of the giant blue crab, and the other party grabbed a piece of wood as a hidden weapon and threw it towards them.

"I don't have time to talk to you so much. I'll explain it to you after I kill that monster."

Zhou Yang got up from the ground, grabbed the hands of the man on his back that were wrapping around his neck, forcefully pushed them away and put them down, and then rushed directly towards the giant blue crab.

Halfway through the rush, Zhou Yang picked up an abandoned dagger from the ground, it was the kind of boning dagger that was less than a foot long.

Villagers in fishing villages often use this kind of knife to cut open the belly of fish and take out the internal organs. The knife edge is very sharp, and the tip of the knife is also very suitable for stabbing.

At this time, the giant cyan crab just killed a fleeing villager. Seeing Zhou Yang coming to his door, it immediately swung its pair of pincers and swept away at Zhou Yang.

Although Zhou Yang has a mortal body at this time, his fighting consciousness is at the level of a Nascent Soul Stage monk.

As soon as the giant cyan crab moved its pincers, he pre-judged the opponent's attack method, and quickly jumped back to avoid the sweep.

Then he threw another stone he picked up at random in his hand, and it just hit one of Cancer's eyes.

This cyan giant crab is just a top-rank monster beast of the first rank, and cannot possess the ability of mana protection like a monster beast of the second rank. The eyes were smashed by Zhou Yang, and immediately burst into a ball of paste.

The pain caused by the shattering of the eye is secondary. The most important thing is that after losing one eye, the cancer's vision is greatly reduced, which is very unfavorable for it to walk.

And Zhou Yang took advantage of this, and directly played a game of circling with the giant crab, leading the giant crab to turn around and around in the wilderness.

In the distance, the little woman Cuilian's family was stunned when they saw this scene.

They never imagined that Zhou Yang could really fight the ferocious monster, and even blinded one of the monster's eyes and injured the monster.

Besides, after Zhou Yang took the giant crab around for a few laps, he suddenly reversed direction and started turning in the opposite direction.

The cyan giant crab was stunned for a while by his actions. While following him around, it was suddenly tripped by a pit on the ground and fell to the ground.

It's now!

Zhou Yang, who had already calculated, jumped onto the back of the blue giant crab that had tripped and lay down. He stabbed the sharp bone-eviscating knife in his hand along the nostril where the crab exhaled, and then stirred it vigorously, stirring up all the organs inside. into pieces.

After doing all this, he jumped off the crab's back without hesitation, preparing to stay away from this severely wounded and dying monster.

But just a few steps before he escaped, a crab leg with sharp stabs swept across his feet, cutting off his right leg on the spot.


Zhou Yang could not help but let out a scream from the pain of the broken leg, and the instinct to escape drove him to hug the broken leg and roll desperately towards a place away from the giant crab.

After rolling out seven or eight feet like this, he took off his clothes to cover the bleeding broken leg, and at the same time shouted to the little woman Cuilian who was looking stupid over there: "Sister Cuilian, come quickly and pull me away." Bundle."


The little woman, Cuilian, exclaimed, stepping forward to do so reflexively.

But as soon as she moved, her trousers were grabbed by her paralyzed husband, who directly pulled her to the ground.

"What are you going to do? Are you desperate? Didn't you see that the monster is still alive?"

The man glared at his mother-in-law fiercely, cursing as if he hated iron but not steel.

"But Brother Big Niu..."

The little woman was so frightened by her husband that she shrank her head and pursed her lips to explain something, but her husband scolded her back in a harsher tone.

"But what is it? Daniel is going to provoke monsters recklessly, and he can't complain when he dies. Do you want to go and be buried with him? Your man is not dead yet!"

The man yelled angrily, and while he was yelling, he grabbed the little woman's hair and shouted: "Listen to me, I am your husband, now you carry me up the mountain immediately, or don't blame me for killing you!" The bitch!"


The little woman nodded repeatedly while crying, and didn't dare to look at Zhou Yang again. With a face of difficulty, she lifted the man up on her back, and walked slowly towards the mountain with the support of the two children.

In the distance, seeing this scene, Zhou Yang's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He didn't expect that the two people he saved with all his might would do such an ungrateful thing.

If it wasn't for the dignity of the Nascent Soul Stage monk that made him suppress the anger in his heart, he might have to follow the example of that shrew and curse at this ungrateful couple.

"It's sad, it's ridiculous! Is it possible that I am a dignified Nascent Soul cultivator, and I am going to die here so aggrieved?"

He looked at the couple who left with grief and indignation, and then at the blue giant crab crawling towards him not far away, his eyes full of aggrieved look.

Then he didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly his face changed drastically: "I don't know if I die here, my consciousness will return to the original body, or it will really disappear. If the latter..."

If the latter, then he is really the Nascent Soul stage monk who died the worst in history!

However, just when Zhou Yang was worried that he would really die here, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared on him, and he recovered part of his mana, even though it was only equivalent to that of a monk in the Foundation Establishment period.

"What's the meaning of this?"

Feeling the surging magic power flowing in his body, Zhou Yang's face was happy at first, and then he was confused by the sudden change.

Since his magic power will be restored, why make him a mortal again before?

What exactly is this test trying to test him?

"No matter what the test is, first solve the immediate threat."

With his eyes clear, he glanced at the giant blue crab, and with a wave of his hand, he shot a fireball and blasted it into pieces.

Then he took his broken leg and connected it with the "Rejuvenation Technique".

After finishing all this, he looked at the little woman couple who were about to enter the mountain in the distance with cold eyes.

Today's condition is not very good, and Jiageng can't do it anymore. I only wrote 9,000 words, so let's send a 9,000-word chapter! Also, thank you book friend [Yu Tianzun] for the reward of 20,000 starting coins the day before yesterday. By the way, big brother, don’t just reward and not subscribe. I said that I don’t value rewards. I just want you to subscribe. I am sad to say!

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