This book was posted on the home page of the Qidian Chinese website today, and according to the usual practice, a testimonial has to be posted.

For most starting-point books, Dafengtui can be said to be the best recommendation that can be obtained, and it is also a website honor.

Here I would like to thank my editor-in-chief, Beihe, and my editor-in-chief, Fuchen, for helping me win this big recommendation.

Of course, I would also like to thank those readers who have been supporting genuine subscriptions on It is your subscription support that has made the data of this book rise steadily to the recommended standard. It is also your persistent subscription support that allows me to continue to create. until now.

This book was released on November 25th last year, and it was released on January 17th. The free period has 320,000 words, and the total number of words has reached 2.38 million so far!

To be honest, I never thought that I could write such a long book before, and I never thought that I could achieve the current results.

In less than a year, I wrote nearly 2.4 million words, an average of more than 200,000 words per month, which was really unthinkable before!

Really, without the subscription support of all book friends, no editors have been arranging recommendation support. I definitely can't hold on to the present!

The main creator of a book is of course the author, but the support of genuine subscription readers and editors are all important indicators that affect the author's enthusiasm for creation.

There are a lot of eunuch books at the starting point, and 80% of the eunuch books are really bad grades, so they have to be cut off. After all, things like generating electricity for love can only last for a while, and cannot last for a year...

Compared with those books, I am undoubtedly lucky, so I sincerely thank the two editors in charge of the website and all the readers who support the genuine subscription of this book on the Qidian Chinese website. It is you who made me this lucky one.

The only thing I can do to repay you is to try my best to finish this book normally, so that it can have a successful curtain call from beginning to end.

Then, under the circumstances of normal creation, I will try my best to repay everyone's support.

I have been writing a book for a year, and my reputation is known to all book lovers who have basically fulfilled what they promised. Even if the update is delayed for half a day, I will ask for leave and notify everyone in time to prevent everyone from waiting for a long time and not being able to wait.

The road ahead is long, let's encourage each other!

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