Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 653 Suzaku Fan Tearing face!

The golden pagoda exudes thousands of golden lights, which have the power to suppress the universe.

But just as it fell halfway, it was pushed up by a Suzaku firebird transformed from endless flames, and it couldn't fall any more.

This Suzaku Firebird was leaning against the golden pagoda, and looked at Zhou Yang with eyes full of agility, and a strong look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

I was despised by the "artifact spirit" of a magic weapon!

Zhou Yang felt depressed and funny at the same time.

Immediately, he wanted to show this rebellious "artifact spirit" a little bit of color, so that he could understand who was the real master.

However, before he could make a move, the Suzaku Firebird had already attacked him first.

I saw that Suzaku Firebird suddenly raised its neck and uttered a clear and bright phoenix cry, and circles of crimson flames suddenly erupted from its body, and countless mysterious and complicated mysterious runes appeared in the flames, which appeared extremely bright.

An incomparably terrifying aura, after these mysterious runes emerged, suddenly rose from Suzaku Firebird's body, causing Zhou Yang's pores to close tightly and goosebumps to appear.

The pupils in his eyes shrank, as if thinking of something, he shouted fiercely: "The power of law, this is the breath of power of law!"

Generally speaking, only true immortals in the Tribulation Transcendence Stage can control and use the power of law.

Any supernatural spell, once the power of law is injected into it, will explode far beyond its original power.

Since Zhou Yang saw that the Suzaku Firebird was gathering the power of law to launch an attack, how dare he let it actually launch this attack.

If this blow is really used, let alone whether he can survive it, this 【Refining Palace】or even half of the Dao Palace may be destroyed by this blow, and the consequence is that he absolutely does not want to seen.

After all, there is still a [jasper flat peach] tree and several spiritual fruit trees in this palace. If they are destroyed, Zhou Yang will not feel sorry for them to death.

He hastily sacrificed [Qianyang Orb], a seventh-level fairy artifact, and hit it at the Suzaku Firebird.

Suzaku Firebird was accumulating energy at this time and could not move its body. In addition, it didn't think that the [Qianyang Orb] whose breath was only equivalent to a sixth-level low-grade magic weapon could hurt itself, so it didn't take any action.

This made the golden orb easily penetrate the circles of red flames outside its body, and hit its flaming body condensed from pure flames.

"Leave me alone!"

Zhou Yang shouted loudly, and the golden orb suddenly burst into a circle of red-gold flames, and mysterious and complicated law runes also circulated in it.

A strange scene appeared. Under the impact of the law runes emerging from the golden orb, the law runes in the red flame on Suzaku Firebird's body suddenly melted away like spring snow.

At the same time, the terrifying aura on Suzaku Fireniao that made Zhou Yang's scalp tingle quickly fell back along with the dispersal of these law runes.

Even its flame-condensed body couldn't maintain its shape and began to dissipate.

This change also stunned the Suzaku Firebird.

In its pair of nimble eyes, a humanized look of panic flashed across it.

I saw it screaming in shock and anger, and its body quickly shrank and turned into an ordinary firebird with a wingspan of less than three feet. It forcibly squeezed out the golden orb that was squeezed into its body, and stabilized its body that was about to collapse. .

Then, with a flash of fire on its body, it was about to flee towards the fire pool below.

"Where to go! Give it to me!"

Zhou Yang shouted loudly, and hurriedly urged [Qianyang Golden Pagoda]. Suddenly, a golden light shot out from the pagoda, covering the Suzaku Firebird who wanted to escape.

Illuminated by the golden light, Suzaku Fireniao's body felt as if stuck in a quagmire, unable to move.

Naturally, it was not willing to be taken away like this, and immediately flapped its wings vigorously, and the flames radiated from its body, intending to break free from the imprisonment of the golden light.

However, at this moment, a purple-gold ruler suddenly appeared beside it, and hit it fiercely before it could react.

Being hit by the purple-gold ruler, the Suzaku Firebird suddenly let out a wail, and its body was quickly taken in by the falling golden pagoda.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang felt a big stone in his heart finally fall to the ground.

[Qianyang Golden Pagoda] As his natal magic weapon, he has not been disappointed yet.

Although Suzaku Firebird is much stronger than this magic weapon in essence, it is water without roots and tree without roots. It is not like the golden pagoda that has him continuously providing magic power support.

Next, as long as he stabilized the pagoda and exhausted the power accumulated by the Suzaku Firebird, he would naturally be able to completely subdue it.

With a move of his hand, he recalled the purple-gold ruler that made a surprise attack just now into his hand, turned his hand over and put it away, and then sat down cross-legged and suppressed the Suzaku Firebird in the golden pagoda with all his strength.

After sitting cross-legged like this for three days and three nights, Zhou Yang finally completely subdued the Suzaku Firebird in the golden pagoda, forcing it to show its original shape.

I saw the original shape of the Suzaku Firebird, which was a simple vermilion feather fan.

The vermilion feather fan is refined from twelve vermilion feathers. Those vermilion feathers are vermilion in color, covered with countless mysterious golden runes, exuding a mysterious halo. Looking at it makes people feel dizzy.

The fan bone and handle of the feather fan are all refined from a kind of animal bone that is as vermilion as ink and as shiny as jade, and the surface is also imprinted with dense golden runes.

Zhou Yang's impression of the whole feather fan is just two words, powerful!

Strong, of course, for a reason.

First of all, the refining materials of this lupine gave it a strong foundation.

At the beginning [Donglai Zhenren] visited the "Spirit World", and accidentally found the remains of a Suzaku in a forbidden area in the extreme northern ice field.

At that time, because the remains had existed for too long, and it was in the severe cold environment of the extreme arctic ice sheet, most of the materials had lost their spirituality and become ordinary things. There were only twelve fire feathers from the tail of Suzaku and a piece of throat. The bones, part of the ribs still retain part of the spirit.

Now this feather fan is made by refining the twelve fire feathers from the tail of the seventh-level true spirit Suzaku as the fan surface, and the throat and ribs of Suzaku as the fan handle.

The "artifact spirit" in the magic weapon was conceived by the remnant soul of the Suzaku that [Donglai Master] found from the skull of the Suzaku remains.

When refining this [Suzaku Fan], [Donglai Immortal] refined it for seven to forty-nine years using the method of the immortal family to make it take shape. The law of the "conceived vessel" made it grow by absorbing the essence of the earth fire continuously, and bred and strengthened the remnant soul of the Suzaku that was sealed in the magical vessel.

After ten thousand years of gestation, the remnant soul of Suzaku in [Suzaku Fan] has completely merged with this magic weapon, becoming the "spirit" of the magic weapon.

And [Suzaku Fan], which was originally only a sixth-order high-grade magic weapon, was successfully promoted to a real seventh-order fairy weapon because of the birth of the "artifact spirit" and the ten-thousand-year "pregnancy device"!

If it wasn't a real seventh-order fairy weapon, how could it be treated so seriously by the dignified Nascent Soul Stage monk Zhou Yang.

"It's a pity, a pity! It's a pity that my cultivation is still too low. Even if I refine this treasure, it will be difficult to display half of its true power. Otherwise, with this treasure in my hand, why would I be afraid of Mu Qingyun!"

Zhou Yang stroked the feather fan in his hand with regret on his face, his eyes full of helplessness.

A complete seventh-order fairy weapon consumes too much mana to use. Even if he injects 80% of his whole body's mana into this [Suzaku Fan], it can only activate 30% of its power at most, and there is only one blow. Power.

Although the power of this blow would even change the color of a monk in the late Nascent Soul, but in front of Mu Qingyun, who could already trigger a true spirit disaster, it was still not enough to look at.

Mu Qingyun's strength is probably stronger than any Nascent Soul stage monk and sixth-order demon king that Zhou Yang has seen before.

After all, the other party is an old monster who has lived for more than 10,000 years, and he is guarding a resource-rich fairy island like [Donglai Immortal Island]. No one knows how he has practiced in these ten thousand years. How many powerful magical powers have been cultivated, and how many powerful magic weapons have been refined.

Anyway, Zhou Yang dared not have any thoughts of underestimating this old monster.

Next, Zhou Yang spent a full year wrestling with the "artifact spirit" in the [Suzaku Fan], and finally succeeded in subduing it, leaving a brand of his own spiritual consciousness in the magical instrument, refining it. I took this magic weapon.

After refining [Suzaku Fan], there is nothing in this palace worth Zhou Yang's stay.

After resting for a few days, he recovered and walked down the mountain along the road he had come from.

At this time, he had initially refined the control stele of the immortal island's guardian formation, and the formation on the stone steps would naturally no longer affect him.

When passing by the [Knocking Heart Monument], Zhou Yang flicked his sleeve, uprooted it and put it into the storage ring.

This object is also a rare treasure personally refined by [Donglai Master]. It was originally used to sharpen the minds of disciples and grandchildren, and it stands here to test the minds of the heirs of the orthodoxy.

The voice that was answering Zhou Yang that day, as he expected, was actually a divine consciousness avatar that [Donglai Master] deliberately left inside.

After he passed the test, the avatar of the divine consciousness dissipated, and this [heart-knocking tablet] could be taken away because of this, but he didn't know it at the time.

Now that Zhou Yang knows, of course he will not let go of this rare treasure.

All the way down, nearly a thousand steps of stone steps will soon be completed, leaving only the last three steps.

Zhou Yang paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and resolutely stepped over the three steps and walked out of the mountaintop area.

At this time, more than seven years have passed since Zhou Yang accepted the test.

Just as he thought, for more than seven years, Jiang Fengxian, who was worried about his safety, tried to climb the stone steps to look for him many times, but was stopped by Mu Qingyun who had other plans.

When he returned after seven years, he saw Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Yufeng, mother and daughter, imprisoned in a wooden prison in the square on the top of the mountain.

The wooden prisons are surrounded by nine wooden stakes and stand on the square, forming a circle of cyan light curtains to imprison Jiang Fengxian, mother and daughter in cages less than three feet wide, so that they can do nothing except meditate and practice inside. Can't do it.

"Senior Mu, what do you mean by this?"

Zhou Yang looked at Mu Qingyun in shock and anger, his eyes were full of anger.

It is also because he now clearly knows how terrifying Mu Qingyun is, that's why he didn't immediately save people. If it were him before he accepted the test, he might have already done so.

"Oh, you actually know the old man's name. It seems that you have really succeeded in inheriting the Taoist inheritance of [Donglai Daoist]!"

Mu Qingyun narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhou Yang with joy, his words were full of joy.

Zhou Yang never thought that he could hide this matter from the other party. After hearing the words, he admitted it openly: "Senior Mu is right, this junior has indeed inherited [Donglai Zhenren] orthodoxy."

Hearing his words, the smile on Mu Qingyun's face became even brighter, and Dang Li stretched out his hand to him: "In this case, take out all the gains you have obtained in the Dao Palace!"

It turned out that he no longer concealed his desire to swallow up the inheritance of [Donglai Zhenren].

"Senior, are you joking?"

Zhou Yang's face darkened, and he didn't expect Mu Qingyun, an old monster, to be so arrogant.

"Are you joking? Do you think the old man is in the mood to joke with you?"

As Mu Qingyun said, he made a random move, and immediately, green and black thorns grew out of the cage that trapped Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter, surrounding the mother and daughter in the thorn bushes.

"This old man [Spirit Devouring Poisonous Thorn] specializes in absorbing the mana essence and blood of immortal cultivators, and when it penetrates into the human body, it will inject a terrible toxin into the human body, causing people to suffer unimaginable pain, and then in the endless pain Watching myself being devoured little by little."

"Now, do you still think the old man is joking with you?"

He looked at Zhou Yang with cold eyes, and directly expressed his meaning with practical actions.

But this can't scare Zhou Yang.

I saw that Zhou Yang first cast a calm and calm gaze at Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter, and then looked at Mu Qingyun with the same sharp gaze. When he raised his palm, there was an extra blue wooden sign in his hand, which was exactly ten thousand years ago. Donglai real person] intercepted Mu Qingyun's [Natal Soul Card] refined by a section of [Tree Demon Heart].

Holding the cyan wooden sign in his hand, he said in a deep voice: "If senior Mu doesn't want to have no hope of reaching the seventh level in this life, it's better to let their mother and daughter go, otherwise the junior will have to compare with the senior, who can do better?" Be cruel!"

Seeing this, Mu Qingyun suddenly laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha, do you think the old man has spent these ten thousand years in vain? A mere piece of [Tree Demon Heart], the old man has long since grown back in ten thousand years. Now, if you want to use this thing to threaten the old man, it is a big mistake!"

"Really? The junior really wants to give it a try!"

As Zhou Yang said, a ball of real golden fire suddenly burst out from his palm, burning towards the blue wooden sign.

The smile on Mu Qingyun's face froze when he saw this scene, he didn't expect him to dare to do this.


An angry shout sounded from Mu Qingyun's mouth, and he glared at Zhou Yang angrily, his face full of frustration.

No matter how close Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter are to Zhou Yang, it is only close.

But to him, his [Natal Soul Card] is equivalent to a part of his heart, an inseparable part.

He really didn't dare to fight Zhou Yang in this respect.

Just like what Zhou Yang said, he waited for ten thousand years just to get back this [Natural Soul Card], and then devote himself to crossing the Heavenly Tribulation of the True Spirit.

Seeing that the opportunity to regain the [Original Soul Card] is in front of him, how could he be willing to see his hope of being promoted to the seventh rank shattered before his eyes.

There was a fierce light in his eyes, and he looked at Zhou Yang with a ferocious expression and shouted angrily: "Young man, be cruel, give the old man's [natal soul card] to the old man, and the old man will return your wife and children to you!"

"If senior has been like this for a long time, wouldn't there be nothing left?"

A smile flashed on Zhou Yang's face, and the golden fire in his hand dissipated at once, then he looked at Mu Qingyun and said, "Then please let me go, senior!"

"for you!"

With a wave of Mu Qingyun's hand, the wooden prison that trapped Jiang Yufeng was automatically opened, and then a cane was drawn on her back and she flew towards Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang reached out and grabbed the flying daughter, his eyes stayed on the bloody welt on her back for a while, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he quickly took out a healing elixir and fed her, then looked gloomy. Looking at Mu Qingyun, he shouted: "Is there another person?"

Mu Qingyun heard the words, but it was "Jie Jie" with a strange smile: "Jie Jie Jie, the old man's sincerity has been given to you, and the remaining hostage, of course, will have to wait for you to return the old man's [Natural Soul Card] Give it to you again!"

Hearing what he said, Zhou Yang stretched out his hand without saying a word, and a golden flying sword appeared in his hand, and then put the blade against the blue wooden sign and said: "If you are sincere, then Zhou Yang A certain person can only cut this [Original Soul Card] into two pieces, and I will give you half first!"

"Junior, you are so bold! I really dare not kill you as an old man!"

Mu Qingyun's face was furious, and his gaze towards Zhou Yang was full of killing intent.

Zhou Yang didn't seem to notice it, just looked at him coldly, and shouted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, let him go immediately!"


Mu Qingyun let out a growl with trembling face, and whipped Jiang Fengxian on the back again, sending her flying towards Zhou Yang as well.

This time, Zhou Yang didn't reach out to pick up the person, but directly activated the [Dongxuanzhu] magic weapon, and took Jiang Yufeng and the flying Jiang Fengxian into it.

Then he threw the cyan wooden card in his hand, raised his sword and slashed at it fiercely, flying towards Mu Qingyun.

The sword struck the blue wooden sign, and a crisp "click" sound clearly rang out in the ears of the man and the demon.

As the instigator, Zhou Yang only had a sneer on his face when he heard the voice, and he didn't care.

As for Mu Qingyun, who was directly related, his body at the foot of the mountain suddenly shook violently, and a large number of dead branches and leaves fell off in an instant, and he suffered a lot of trauma.

"Damn junior, let the old man die!"

Sensing the change in his body, Mu Qingyun was instantly furious. While waving his sleeves, he directly captured the [Natural Soul Card] and drove it into his body at the foot of the mountain, while trying to make Zhou Yang, who had hurt him, look good.

But at the next moment, the supernatural power that he was going to attack was abruptly withdrawn.

I saw a high-quality jade box suddenly appeared in Zhou Yang's hand, and then he quickly uncovered the forbidden magic talisman on the jade box, revealing a golden magic talisman with a terrifying aura inside.

The sharp aura emanating from the golden talisman, in the perception of a wood-attribute dryad like Mu Qingyun, is like a light on his back, and he feels unspeakably uncomfortable.

"Mu Qingyun, do you think you can really do anything wrong on this fairy island? [Donglai Master] How advanced is his cultivation, how can he not see your wolfish ambition? This seventh-level fairy talisman was specially left by him. Come down to deal with you, would you like to try its edge?"

Holding the golden talisman in his hand, Zhou Yang looked at the body of the thousand-foot giant tree at the foot of Mu Qingyun Mountain with a cold expression. The mana in his palm fluctuated, as if he was about to activate the talisman at any time.

I recommend similar novels of the Xiuxian Family "The Xiuxian Family Can't Gone with the Wind", it is very good, only a little worse than this book (ω)

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