Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 654 The Demon King Qi Appears, Zhou Yang's Helplessness! [9000-word chapter]

On Donglai Xianshan, the atmosphere was chilling.

Facing Zhou Yang, who was holding a seventh-order fairy talisman, Mu Qingyun, a ten thousand year old demon, was also somewhat at a loss, and his face was ugly and scary.

A seventh-order immortal talisman might not be able to kill him.

However, hitting his body with the metallic seventh-level fairy talisman would definitely injure his body and damage his foundation.

Once the foundation is damaged, it will take him hundreds of thousands of years to recover slowly, or it may directly cut off his path to the seventh level.

This is something he absolutely cannot bear.

But if Zhou Yang is just let go like this, he is absolutely unwilling.

The true spirit catastrophe is dangerous and unpredictable. Whether it is the central control magic weapon that controls the guardian circle of Xiandao, or the Taoist treasure left by [Donglai Zhenren] to the orthodox successors, he is determined to obtain it.

Only by holding these things in his hands can he dare to go through the true spirit calamity with peace of mind.

I saw him looking at Zhou Yang with fierce eyes flashing, and his aura remained solid, as if he was about to strike at any time.

Facing his threat, Zhou Yang just held the golden talisman calmly, stared at him without saying a word.

The silence speaks.

In the hearts of both parties, there is a battle between heaven and man, repeatedly weighing the pros and cons.

There is no turning back when you open the bow. Once you really make a move, there will be no possibility of peace talks.

After confronting each other for a long time, it was Mu Qingyun who spoke out first.

"Junior, do you think you can really threaten this old man with a seventh-order talisman? The strength of this old man is beyond your comprehension!"

As if he wanted to prove his words, he suddenly stomped his feet vigorously. Suddenly, the entire Donglai Xianshan shook violently, as if there was an earthquake.

"You, Mu Qingyun, will be able to trigger the true spirit catastrophe in no time, so Zhou naturally dare not underestimate your strength!"

Zhou Yang looked at the swaying fairy mountain under his feet, his eyes flashed with surprise, and then he said with a cold smile: "But you also said before that the weakness of a dryad like you is that the body cannot move easily. Zhou only needs to be aware of this point. , whether you use this seventh-order magic talisman in your hand, or explode your own Nascent Soul, it will make you regret your decision!"

"Hahaha, you are a junior who has just successfully conceived a baby, so what if you blew up your Nascent Soul? Who can you scare?"

Mu Qingyun laughed loudly, looked at Zhou Yang with disdain and said: "It's not that the old man looks down on you, but with your strength, even if you blew up the Nascent Soul, it's just to make the old man lose his skin, and it won't take a few years. recover!"

"If that's the case, why don't you do it?"

Zhou Yang hit the nail on the head with one sentence, making Mu Qingyun unable to pretend anymore.

"Junior, the old man admits that you have the strength to hurt the old man, but as long as the old man is willing to pay some price, killing you is not a problem at all!"

He looked at Zhou Yang angrily, and threatened in a cold tone: "So, don't challenge the old man's bottom line again and again, or you won't be able to bear the consequences!"

Zhou Yang's expression sank when he heard his threatening words, and he said in a loud voice without fear: "The same thing, I will give you the exact same words, if you think Zhou can be bullied and manipulated by you, then you dare But do it now, and see if Zhou is a soft persimmon for you to knead, or a hard stone that will break your old teeth!"

"Okay, okay, okay, you are so courageous, junior, you are so courageous!"

Mu Qingyun's beard and hair were all stretched out, and he laughed back in anger.

He has been domineering on this fairy island for tens of thousands of years, and even the sixth-rank high-grade demon kings on the island have been tamed by him, and he dare not show any disrespect to him.

Now Zhou Yang, a junior who has just conceived a baby, dares to say in front of him that his old teeth will be broken, how can this not make him angry.

He waved his hand violently and shouted loudly: "Come here, old man!"

Suddenly, there was a flash of figures on the mountain road below the summit square, and soon three figures of two men and one woman appeared.

All three of them were transformed by the demon king of the demon clan, and they retained some of their respective racial characteristics in their human form.

The two male demon kings were a rough man with a rough face and a handsome young man with a handsome face.

The burly man was two feet tall. Except for his head, his whole body was covered with a set of black battle armor. There was also a black turtle shield on his back, and he held a black battle ax in his hand.

The handsome young man was also more than one foot tall. He was wearing a feather coat made of silver feathers, and the two silver wings on his back flickered as he walked, which looked rather weird.

The last woman is a beautiful girl wearing a colorful garland, a colorful leather skirt and two colorful antlers on her head.

These three people are the three monster kings of the monster race on the island except for Mu Qingyun. Monster beast [five-color deer].

In terms of roots, whether it is [True Water Turtle] with the blood of the True Sage Xuanwu, [Five Colors Deer] with the blood of the True Sage Qilin, or [Silver Wing Lei Peng] with the blood of the True Spirit Lei Peng , are many times stronger than the tree demon Mu Qingyun, and they are all top monsters that are expected to be promoted to the seventh rank.

But on this [Donglai Immortal Island], they all have to rely on Mu Qingyun to live, and no one dares to disrespect Mu Qingyun.

At this time, the three demon kings quickly came down from the mountain to the square on the top of the mountain. After sweeping their gazes over Zhou Yang and Mu Qingyun, they all bowed their hands to Mu Qingyun and said, "I've seen Mu Lao."

"Xuanjia, Leiyu, Caixia, the three of you were deliberately taken care of by the old man so that you can stay on this fairy island to practice. Now the old man needs your help with something, what do you say?"

Mu Qingyun swept his eyes over the three demon kings, and asked in a low tone.

"Mu Lao, we certainly don't dare to forget your kindness of knowing you. If you have any orders, just say yes, and we will definitely help!"

The Xuanjia demon king whose main body is [True Water Xuan Turtle] immediately stretched out his hand and slapped his chest, showing a simple and honest smile, expressing his attitude very boldly.

His attitude is also the attitude of the other two demon kings behind him.

A smile from the heart finally appeared on Mu Qingyun's face.

A smile flashed on his face, he looked at Zhou Yang with cold eyes and said, "Junior, do you think you are still qualified to negotiate terms with this old man?"

Zhou Yang was indeed startled when the three demon kings appeared.

After all, although he had already guessed that Mu Qingyun was not the only living person on this island, he did not expect that there would be as many as three demon kings, and among them were two sixth-rank top-rank demon kings.

And judging from the current situation, the three demon kings seemed to be extremely respectful to Mu Qingyun, as if they regarded themselves as subordinates of the younger generation.

With the help of such three demon kings, not to mention that the seventh-rank fairy talisman in his hand is not genuine, even if it is genuine, it will be difficult for him to get out of this [Donglai Immortal Island] after making a move.

But as the old saying goes, you don't lose if you lose.

When the two armies are fighting, momentum is the most important thing. Once the momentum is weakened before the battle, the outcome of the war is probably doomed.

Facing the threats from Mu Qingyun and the three monster kings of birds, beasts and fish at this time, he just pursed his lips lightly, then grinned at the four monsters and said, "That's right, if you do it together, Zhou will It is true that I have to explain it here, but if Zhou dies, you will never think of this [Donglai Immortal Island] in this lifetime!"

"Junior of the human race, what do you mean by that?"

Among the three monsters of birds, beasts and fishes, the Thunder Feather Demon King's handsome face suddenly sank, and he looked at Zhou Yang with an unkind expression and began to shout and ask.

[Donglai Immortal Island], which is like a fairyland outside the world, is indeed a treasure land of practice that is hard to find in the world. If it hadn't been for thousands of years of cultivation here, even if several of them demon kings have outstanding roots, it would be difficult for them to be so peaceful His practice has reached his present level.

But this [Donglai Xiandao] is also equivalent to a large prison cell, it is difficult to get in, and even harder to get out!

Even if the strength of several demon kings is already at the top of this world, it is difficult to pass through the fairy formation to reach the outside world without the central control magic weapon of the guardian fairy formation.

Several demon kings have been trapped here for tens of thousands of years, and they have long been tired of this prison-like life.

Bird monsters like the Thunder Feather Demon King are especially uncomfortable.

Because even if he wanted to spread his wings and soar, he couldn't do it by himself, and he had to ask Mu Qingyun to do it reluctantly.

Among the three demon kings, he may be the worst in terms of origin, but he is the strongest in terms of pure blood.

His main body [Silver Wing Lei Peng], under normal circumstances, has a 20% to 30% chance of being promoted to a seventh-order true spirit [Lei Peng]. The probability is not low!

However, if [Silver Wing Lei Peng] wants to successfully advance, he must fly above the Nine Heavens and Qingming, forge with the power of the thunder to temper the demon body, and absorb the essence of the thunder to purify the blood.

Obviously, he couldn't do these things on [Donglai Immortal Island].

Therefore, among the demon kings, he had the strongest intention to leave [Donglai Immortal Island], and he had the most intense reaction to Zhou Yang's words just now.

"What do you mean? Of course it means to kill you!"

A frenzied look flashed across Zhou Yang's face, and he waved his hands resolutely at the demon kings, revealing the space treasure [Lingzhi Picture] in his hand.

"Mu Qingyun, you want to kill Zhou so much, don't you just want to use the Immortal Island Guardian Formation to help you survive the true spirit catastrophe? If Zhou dies, he will definitely destroy this space treasure before he falls. The central magic weapon of the island guardian formation, or the magic weapon and Taoist inheritance that Zhou inherited from his master, will be involved in the turbulent flow of space together, and will never fall into your hands again!"

The expressions of Mu Qingyun and the demon kings suddenly changed wildly.

Compared to Zhou Yang's threat of self-exploding Yuanying, this threat made them more afraid and troublesome.

"Hand over the magic weapon of the Xiandao Guardian Formation Control Center, and I can spare you!"

The Thunder Feather Demon King fixed his eyes on the scroll in Zhou Yang's hand, and angrily expressed his request.

After he finished speaking, Mu Qingyun's face clearly revealed a look of displeasure, as if he was blaming him for making his own decisions.

But he didn't immediately refute it.

After all, what he cares most about is also this thing.

However, facing the request of the Thunder Feather Demon King, Zhou Yang shook his head directly and said: "It is impossible to hand over the magic weapon that controls the fairy island's guardian formation, but Zhou can swear to the three Demon Kings that as long as three If the demon king does not interfere with this matter, Zhou will take care of the three demon kings so that they can leave the fairy island safely, and they will no longer have to live a life like confinement!"

Hearing his words, Mu Qingyun's face darkened suddenly, and he couldn't help saying angrily: "Young man, you are dying, and you are trying to divide us with such a clumsy trick. I see that you really don't want to live!"

"What Elder Mu said is absolutely true. We will never be fooled by this human junior. If we stand shoulder to shoulder together, I don't believe that he, a junior who has just successfully conceived a baby, really has the courage to fight us to the death!"

The Xuanjia Demon King nodded repeatedly in response to Mu Qingyun's words, and suddenly swung the black battle ax in his hand, looking at Zhou Yang with fierce eyes, his face full of eagerness to try.

"Brother Gui is right. Human beings are greedy for life and afraid of death. This little guy has just successfully conceived, his lifespan has increased significantly, and he has just received the inheritance of a true immortal like [Donglai Daoist], how come Willing to die? He must be bluffing us, we must not be fooled!"

The girl with antlers, who had never made a sound, also sneered and supported the words of the Xuanjia Demon King, and raised her hand, showing a pair of sharp knives with antlers, also advocating fighting.

Only the Thunder Feather Demon King remained silent and did not express his attitude, but he looked at Zhou Yang with a fierce look.

For Zhou Yang, the situation became dangerous all at once.

Seeing this situation, Mu Qingyun finally showed a look of relief on his face, and then sneered as he watched Zhou Yang issue an ultimatum: "Junior, don't say that the old man didn't give you a chance, hand over you immediately from the Dao Palace." The magic weapon you got, the old man can still decide to let you leave the fairy island safely, otherwise..."

"Otherwise how are you doing?"

Zhou Yang glanced at Mu Qingyun indifferently, then put his gaze on the three monster kings of birds, beasts and fish and sneered, "Zhou is indeed afraid of death, but aren't you? This seventh-order magic talisman Zhou hits anyone at will, There is an 80% certainty that one of you will die, don't say that you can even die for Mu Qingyun!"

"Who are you scaring? I'm not afraid of your broken talisman, use it if you have the ability, and see if it can kill me!"

Xuanjia Demon King reached out and touched the turtle shield behind him, hooked Zhou Yang with a reassuring smile on his face, and said provocatively.

His main body [True Water Profound Tortoise] was originally known for its strong defense. With his strength of a sixth-level top-rank demon king, it might not be possible to kill him with a seventh-level talisman.

But if he dared to say that, the antler girl and the Thunder Feather Demon King would not dare to say anything.

If it was outside, the Thunder Feather Demon King, relying on the supernatural talent of Thunder Escape, would be sure not to be hit by Zhou Yang's seventh-order fairy talisman.

But on this [Donglai Immortal Island], whether it is him or the girl with antlers, facing the attack of the seventh-order fairy talisman, it is almost certain to die!

"How? Keep quiet, it seems that you are also afraid of death!"

Zhou Yangnian looked at the two silent demon kings with a sneer, and automatically ignored the provocative words of the old turtle.

The demon kings practiced for tens of thousands of years before they could achieve what they are now, and seeing that they could leave the [Donglai Immortal Island] that had trapped them for thousands of years, they certainly didn't want to die before dawn.

This is the same reason that Zhou Yang didn't want to die young after finally getting a true immortal in the Transcending Tribulation Period to inherit his Taoism.

In this psychological game, whoever shows cowardice first loses.

However, at this moment, Mu Qingyun, who had not moved after being choked by Zhou Yang just now, suddenly moved.

He suddenly flickered and turned into a blue vine-wood armor and put it on the Xuanjia Demon King next to him.

Immediately, a blue light flashed on Xuanjia Demon King's body, he got up off the ground, and flew towards Zhou Yang with the black battle ax in his hand.

At the same time, the space in front of Zhou Yang suddenly flickered, and a turquoise vine appeared out of nowhere, suddenly wrapped around the [Spiritual Plant Picture] in his hand, and snatched it from his hand.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. Zhou Yangming's spiritual consciousness had been firmly locked on the four monsters, but he still didn't find out when Mu Qingyun did it.

When he realized something was wrong and wanted to fight back, the turquoise vine had already disappeared from his face with the [Spiritual Plant Picture], as if it had suddenly appeared.

And the Xuanjia Demon King flying over with a black battle ax in his hand left Zhou Yang no time to think about it, so he quickly summoned his natal artifact [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] to cover himself in it.


Deafening screams resounded through the top of the mountain. Zhou Yang, who was hiding in the golden pagoda, was hacked away by the Xuanjia Demon King's ax together with the golden pagoda that was seven or eight feet high, and flew thousands of feet. Out of Donglai Xianshan.

Then, before the golden pagoda flying in mid-air stabilized the pagoda, the Xuanjia demon king had already flew in the sky to catch up again, and continued to chop the golden pagoda with the big ax in his hand, driving him away from Donglai Xianshan. It flew out again.

Seeing this situation, the Thunder Feather Demon King and Caixia Demon King who were still on Donglai Xianshan couldn't help but look at each other, and they both saw a hint of worry in each other's eyes.

"Brother Lei Yu, Mu Lao has teamed up with the old tortoise now, and has obtained the magic weapon of the control center of the Xiandao Guardian Formation, and drove that human kid out of Donglai Xianshan, so that the seventh-order fairy talisman in his hand can no longer threaten Mu Lao himself, but you and I were excluded by them, this is not good!"

Caixia Demon King's pair of colorful beautiful eyes flashed with worry, and secretly sent a voice transmission to Lei Yu Demon King to express his worries.

The speed at which she changed her face was also extremely fast. Before, she was still a "big brother turtle", but now she immediately became an old turtle.

If it wasn't for the Thunder Feather Demon King not thinking about this right now, he would definitely have to taunt her a few words because of this.

But now, he nodded with a gloomy face, and replied through voice transmission: "That's it, Mr. Mu is not a good person. He left us to practice on the island, and he wanted to help us with our strength. He practiced supernatural powers, and we have been drawn blood and plucked by him all these years, using the spiritual things we have worked so hard to refine for him to make magic tools and magic charms!"

"Yeah, if it wasn't for our extraordinary roots, which would be of great use value to him, I'm afraid we would have been killed by him to refine that magic weapon just like those monsters that existed on the island before!"

The Caixia Demon King nodded in deep agreement, a pair of beautiful eyes flashed a look of fear and resentment, as if recalling an unbearable past event.

Then he continued: "Now I'm afraid to use this incident as an excuse to attack you and me afterwards. You must know that the higher the quality of the demon soul refined by his magic weapon, the stronger the power of the magic weapon. This magic weapon was originally made to deal with the true spirit's catastrophe, in order to be able to successfully overcome the catastrophe, I am afraid he will not be stingy at sacrificing you and me!"

The Thunder Feather Demon King's expression changed immediately, and then he shook his head again and again: "It shouldn't be like this, you and I are not weak, if we try our best, it will not be difficult to hurt him, he will cross the true spirit catastrophe soon, it is impossible to make such an accident Bar!"

"My good brother, don't forget that he has now obtained the control center magic weapon of the Xiandao Guardian Formation. Once he refines this thing and controls the Xiandao Guardian Formation, let alone you and I , even a real immortal of the tribulation stage, a seventh-level true spirit, may not be able to defeat him on this fairy island!"

Caixia Yaowang's words made Leiyu Yaowang's whole body tremble, and he stood on the spot in a daze.

"Then what should we do? Now that the magic weapon is in his hands, can you and I still grab it? On this fairy island, if he is not willing, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you and me to even get close to him!"

He said with an ugly face, his words were full of frustration.

The Xuanjia Demon King was able to fly because of Mu Qingyun's help. If they didn't have Mu Qingyun's help, they would not be able to break free from the air-forbidden magic circle on the fairy island. In front of the body.

Caixia Demon King saw that he was moved, he was overjoyed, and quickly said his plan: "The magic weapon has been taken away, and we can't get it back, but the seventh-level magic talisman in that human boy's hand is still there. Maybe we can help him, let him use that seventh-order talisman to break through a corner of the formation for a while, and take you and me out together."

When the Thunder Feather Demon King heard her words, his eyes lit up first, and then he said hesitantly: "But will that human kid believe us? He is not afraid that we will turn around and kill him after we go out?"

Caixia Demon King heard the words, but replied confidently: "Does he still have a choice? Believe us, he can escape with his life, otherwise, if he stays on the fairy island, can Mu Lao let him go?"

"Okay, then listen to sister Caixia, let's go after Xuanjia and the others right away!"

The Thunder Feather Demon King gritted his teeth, and was finally persuaded by the Caixia Demon King, agreeing to the opponent's plan.

Immediately, the two demon kings directly yelled at Mu Qingyun's body at the foot of the mountain, saying that they were going to help the Xuanjia demon king kill Zhou Yang, and then galloped down the mountain at a fast pace, flying towards the Xuanjia demon king. The direction followed.

Besides, Zhou Yang, hiding in the [Golden Pagoda of Qianyang], was struck and flew by the Xuanjia Demon King like a volleyball, and he was shocked and angry.

[Qianyang Golden Pagoda] is extremely strong, he doesn't have to worry about this magic weapon being smashed by the Xuanjia demon king, but the power of each attack of the opponent is transmitted to him through this natal magic weapon, which still makes him turbulent , The body is as uncomfortable as being hit hard.

And these are not the most uncomfortable things for him. What makes him most uncomfortable is that as he gets farther and farther away from Donglai Xianshan, his chance to threaten Mu Qingyun has disappeared.

Now the fake seventh-order magic talisman in his hand is no longer a threat to Mu Qingyun, except that it is a deterrent to the Xuanjia Demon King.

In other words, he has only one way to go now, and that is to leave [Donglai Immortal Island] temporarily, and come here to clean up the mess after Mu Qingyun fails to cross the tribulation.

But in this way, the "transfiguration elixir" and many spiritual objects on the fairy island may completely miss him.

As for the [Ling Zhi Tu] that was taken away, Zhou Yang didn't feel bad at all.

What he said before was to lie to Mu Qingyun and other demon kings. The magic weapon of the control center of the Xiandao Guardian Formation is very special, and it cannot be collected into any space magic weapon at all, and it has always been stored in his body.

From this point of view, being away from Mu Qingyun's body seems to be a good thing, at least it is basically impossible for the other party to catch him after they find out that they have been fooled.


As the black battle ax struck the golden pagoda again, Zhou Yang, who was hiding in the pagoda, finally stopped being passively attacked and launched a counterattack.

I saw the space above Xuanjia Demon King's head sway slightly, and a purple-gold ruler appeared out of thin air, and hit him hard on the head.

This blow came so suddenly, the Xuanjia Demon King also didn't notice anything beforehand.

However, just when [Purple Gold Qiankun Ruler] was about to hit his head, he suddenly retracted his head, relying on the instinct of a turtle to retract his head into the one-piece battle armor.

The one-piece battle armor on his body was originally refined from the tortoise shell that fell off itself, and it was actually one body with his body.

At this moment, his head retracted into the battle armor, and a thick scale immediately popped out to cover the hole.

The purple-gold ruler hit the scale that popped out. Although it was successfully broken into dozens of pieces, it also exhausted its power and had to return to Zhou Yang's hands.

"What a shrinking turtle!"

In mid-air, Zhou Yang stood holding a ruler in his hand, looked at the Xuanjia Demon King with a sarcasm, and taunted: "The animal is indeed an animal, even if it has been cultivated for thousands of years, it still cannot change the instinct of this animal. No wonder it has been cultivated for thousands of years. No fairy!"

Now that the two sides have completely torn their skins apart, Zhou Yang certainly doesn't need to be used to the enemy anymore. The words mocking the enemy are also uttered smoothly, without being abrupt at all.

"Wow, I'm so angry! Damn you child of the human race, this king will chop off your head and use it as a chamber pot. Let's see if you can still open your mouth to swear!"

The Xuanjia Demon King was really enraged by Zhou Yang's powerful and mocking words, so angry that he yelled and bared his head, and swung his battle ax angrily and flew towards him.

Then his head flicked, and suddenly turned into a turtle head with hideous thorns, opened his mouth wide, and directly spit out a black thunderball and hit Zhou Yang.

At the same time, countless cyan vines suddenly appeared from mid-air, and quickly weaved into a large net of vines to cover Zhou Yang, and even cyan spears condensed out of thin air, forming a rain of arrows and shooting towards him.

"One fan is clean!"

Zhou Yang raised his hand, a bright light flashed in his hand, and a vermilion feather fan emerged, and then he held the feather fan and slapped it hard, and nearly 30% of his mana was instantly drawn by the feather fan.

Immediately afterwards, there was a clear and clear phoenix song, and when the feather fan waved, a huge fire was released. Countless mysterious golden runes floated on the fire, and the aura of heaven and earth around it was like a hundred birds returning to their nests. Suddenly rushed into the flames.

In the blink of an eye, the flame quickly expanded to tens of feet in size, and then turned into a Suzaku firebird and rushed towards the Xuanjia Demon King.

At the moment when this Suzaku Firebird took shape, the soaring flames illuminated half of the sky, instantly burning the vine net and blue wooden spears covering Zhou Yang into blue smoke.

Then, the black battle ax thrown by the Xuanjia Demon King directly melted into a puddle of molten iron in the contact with the Suzaku Firebird, and the black thunderball spat out behind him had not had time to explode. It has been incinerated and dissolved.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of the Xuanjia Demon King, his two tortoise eyes as big as copper bells stared at him, and his eyes were full of horror.

Although his black battle ax is not a magical weapon, it is also forged from the [Wan Zai Han Xuan Iron] in the deep sea.

In order to refine this magical weapon, he burned it with demon fire for seven days and seven nights before melting the [Wan Zai Han Xuan Iron].

The magic weapon made of such a hard and high-temperature-resistant material turned into molten iron on the body of the Suzaku Firebird without even holding on for a breath. How could this not frighten the Xuanjia Demon King.

"The fire of the law, that is the flame that contains the power of the law!"

With a terrified cry, he instantly recovered the body of the hundred-foot-long [True Water Turtle].

Then, when the blue water light appeared on his body, faint law runes also appeared one by one, and quickly formed a water blue light mask to cover his whole body.

Xuanwu was originally a divine beast in the water, and [True Water Xuanwu], as a descendant of the blood of the true sage Xuanwu, is even better than the flood dragon in controlling water.

By virtue of his blood talent, the Xuanjia Demon King also comprehended the laws of the water system and mastered the use of the power of the water system, and based on this, he created a unique defensive magical power.

Only the law can fight against the law, which is common sense that top monks know.

The power of law mastered by the Xuanjia Demon King is of course not as good as the seventh-order fairy artifact [Suzaku Fan], but his cultivation base is much higher than Zhou Yang's, and his mana is several times that of Zhou Yang.

With the support of powerful magic power, after the Suzaku Firebird pounced on him, he was finally wiped out by relying on his profound magic power.

"A seventh-order fairy weapon, is this the treasure of Dao protection left by [Reverend Donglai]?"

Mu Qingyun's incarnation condensed again at some point, he looked greedily at the vermilion feather fan in Zhou Yang's hand, it could be said that greed was written on his face.

For him who is about to cross the catastrophe of the true spirit, if he can have an extra seventh-order fairy weapon in his hand before the catastrophe, then the success of the catastrophe can be increased by at least 10%!

The monster clan is not good at refining weapons. When the sixth-level monster kings cross the true spirit catastrophe, they rely more on their own bodies and supernatural powers. Therefore, the probability of success for the monster kings in this level is higher than that of human immortal cultivators. Much smaller.

For a tree monster like Mu Qingyun, it would have been more difficult for a tree monster like Mu Qingyun to cross the catastrophe than birds, beasts, insects, fish and other monster races. If he didn't have a powerful magic weapon as a reliance, the probability of his success would be too low.

He himself knew this, so he was determined to get the magic weapon that Zhou Yang got from [Donglai Zhenren].

Now seeing Zhou Yang take out a intact seventh-level fairy weapon, and seeing the power of this seventh-level fairy tool in Zhou Yang's hands, how could he not be excited.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, stared at Zhou Yang and shouted in a deep voice: "Hand over this magic weapon, I will give you a good time, otherwise you will definitely suffer the punishment of refining your soul, you will not be able to live or die !"

"Since you want this magic weapon so much, I will give it to you!"

A sneer flashed on Zhou Yang's face, and another feather fan was in his hand, and the flames soaring into the sky reappeared in the sky.

What surprised him was that Mu Qingyun didn't dodge or avoid the Suzaku firebird that was rushing straight at him. He just opened his mouth and blew lightly at the Suzaku firebird, blowing a withered yellow wind towards the Suzaku firebird. Birds swept away.

The withered yellow Fengjuan collided with the Suzaku Firebird in mid-air, and it was like a gust of wind sweeping away fallen leaves, instantly blowing out the menacing Suzaku Firebird!

As the instigator, Mu Qingyun didn't seem to be surprised by this at all, but shook his head at the shocked Zhou Yang and said: "The majestic seventh-level fairy weapon is really wasted in the hands of a junior like you, so let's use it Leave it to the old man for safekeeping, let it truly bloom its own glory!"

After finishing speaking, he pinched the magic weapon with both hands, intending to use some kind of supernatural power to snatch the magic weapon in Zhou Yang's hand.

However, at this moment, his complexion suddenly froze, and the movements of his hands stopped.

"Do you dare to play the old man?"

He stared at Zhou Yang with both eyes, his body was trembling, it was angry.

It turned out that at this time, his body had already checked the [Ling Zhi Tu] inside and out, but he didn't find the central control magic weapon of the fairy island guardian formation that he wanted.

"Hahahaha, have you finally found out that you have been fooled? You are so stupid that you really believe that Zhou will put such an important thing as an array control magic weapon into a space treasure!"

Zhou Yang laughed for a while, he didn't care at all about Mu Qingyun's shame and anger.


The Xuanjia demon king on the battlefield, as well as the two demon kings Lei Yu and Caixia who were rushing towards this side, all changed their complexions, and were startled by the news Zhou Yang said.

"Death to the old man!"

Finally, Mu Qingyun's anger could no longer be held back and broke out completely.

With a roar, he pinched the magic formula with both hands, and a green wooden spear covered with law runes quickly appeared, piercing straight towards Zhou Yang.

At the same time, Zhou Yang only felt that the space around him was tight, as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and he couldn't move.

He knew that this must be Mu Qingyun's use of the power of the law of space to display a confinement magical power similar to "space confinement".

But he didn't panic, because at this time, he had already made a very painful and helpless decision, which was to temporarily abandon this [Donglai Immortal Island].

"Old monster, write down today's vendetta for now, I will take a step ahead and won't play with you anymore!"

A smile flashed on his face, pretending to be a free and easy smile, and the silver-gray fairy island guardian formation control stone tablet suddenly appeared in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yang's figure disappeared on the fairy island in an instant with a flash of inspiration on the silver-gray stone tablet.

Although there are no updates, this chapter is the fourth chapter of those 2000-word chapter books!

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