Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 663 Lost and found again, looking for the true treasure 【Seeking monthly ticket, asking for

The death of Yulong Xuanyong undoubtedly became the turning point of the whole war.

On the one hand, Yulong Xingyu and Yulong Xinghe were extremely saddened by the death of this family junior, and hated Jiang Fengxian and Zhou Yang who killed him.

On the other hand, because of Yulong Xuanyong's death, Jiang Fengxian Yujian joined the battlefield, making Yulong Xinghe even more clumsy and clumsy when facing her and Lu Caixia's attack.

And Zhou Yang in the distance also seemed to have signs of joining the siege of the battlefield after taking a short rest.

In the eyes of Yulong Xingyu and Yulong Xinghe, this scene forced them to consider retreating.

The death of Yulong Xuanyong has already caused a lot of damage to the strength of the Yulong family. If another Yulong Xinghe dies, it will really hurt the bones.

In particular, after the successive deaths of three Nascent Soul cultivators, both Yulong Xingyu and Yulong Xinghe knew that their side had already lost today's battle.

Even if they procrastinate and do not retreat, and try their best to procrastinate with the two demon kings, until the two demon kings can no longer maintain the magical power of true spirit transformation, it will be difficult to gain anything.

Both are veterans who have lived for more than 2,000 years, and these two people do not lack the courage of such strong men to cut their wrists.

After confirming that he could not gain much in this war, Yulong Xingyu issued a retreat order to stop losses in time.

When retreating, Yulong Xinghe tried to collect and take away the remains of Yulong Xuanyong after his death, but was stopped by Zhou Yang in time.

In view of Zhou Yang's ferocity in beheading Lou Feifeng, he didn't dare to stay any longer, so he could only break out of the encirclement with Yulong Xuanyong's sixth-order ink dragon with hatred.

Zhou Yang wanted to chase him down for a while, but his magic power is really low now, and the Thunder Feather Demon King is also under great pressure against Yulong Xingyu who is holding a seventh-order fairy weapon, and urgently needs support.

At the end of the battle like this, after Yulong Xingyu confirmed that Yulong Xinghe had escaped from the safe range, he also rode his sixth-order middle-grade golden flood dragon and evacuated from the battlefield, but Zhou Yang and others did not chase after him.

In fact, after Yulong Xingyu retreated, Zhou Yang only had time to collect all the corpses left by Yulong Xuanyong after his death, and he, Jiang Fengxian and Lu Caixia were taken away from the battlefield by the Thunder Feather Demon King.

He also knew his own family affairs, and it was extremely rare for the two demon kings to be willing to burn the blood of the true spirit for him. It is really impossible to demand that they continue to waste their vitality excessively for him.

Anyway, after killing two Nascent Soul cultivators from the Goddess Palace and a Nascent Soul cultivator from the Yulong Family, their vengeance can be said to be over.

It would be too unrealistic to destroy the entire Yulong family like the Goddess Palace, at least not until Zhou Yangxiu reached the ninth level of Yuanying's "half-step true immortal" realm.

People are self-aware, Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian are undoubtedly very clear about how much they weigh.

With the speed of the Thunder Feather Demon King, there is no need to worry about whether someone is following him, because he will definitely not be able to keep up with him.

After Zhou Yang asked him to send himself and Jiang Fengxian to a remote wilderness less than ten thousand miles away from Donghua Immortal City, he said his final farewell to the two demon kings.

"Fellow Daoist Lei, Fellow Daoist Lu, thank you two fellow Daoists for today's matter. We will meet again in Shanshui, and we will meet later!"

In the barren mountains and wild mountains, Zhou Yang bowed his hands to the two demon kings who had regained their human form, and expressed their gratitude with a face full of gratitude.

Seeing this, the two demon kings bowed their hands together and said: "Zhou Daoyou and Jiang Daoyou also take care, we will meet again someday!"



The two and the two monsters said their farewell words to each other, and then they separated into two ways and left.

Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian are going back to Donghua Immortal City to thank the Young Palace Master of Donghua Immortal Palace for his kindness.

The two demon kings Lei Yu and Lu Caixia are planning to travel the entire "spirit world" to find a place suitable for their own practice.

If there is no fate, the two parties may never meet again in this life.

In order to hide his whereabouts, Zhou Yang took Jiang Fengxian and his daughter Jiang Yufeng into the [Dong Xuanzhu], and entered Donghua Fairy City alone.

After he entered the city, he was not in a hurry to contact Ling Chao, the young master of the Donghua Immortal Palace, but pretended to be a cultivator of the Zifu period, and rented a fairy inn at random to live in another courtyard.

Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian were not injured in the battle in the Goddess Palace, but they both consumed a lot of mana, and they have not fully recovered yet.

He was going to visit the Palace Master Ling after recovering his mana and sorting out the harvest of this battle.

The aura in the Xianzhan Bieyuan is a drop in the bucket compared to the monks in the Nascent Soul stage, so Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian can only recover their mana by refining high-grade spirit stones.

It took the two of them two or three full days to recover all their mana.

After that, I sorted out the harvest of that battle.

Zhou Yang first took out the broken corpses of Yulong Xuanyong, and used secret techniques to extract a piece of [True Dragon Essence and Blood] from the broken flesh and corpses.

Because the corpse was too damaged, the amount of [True Dragon Blood Essence] was much smaller than the one extracted from Yulong Jinhuang, but the quality was much higher.

It is a pity that when the power of the thunderstorm formed by the two [Sky Thunder Beads] erupted, the storage ring on Yulong Xuanyong's body was also destroyed, and the only real treasure left behind was the sixth-grade treasure. The lower-grade natal artifact [True Dragon Seal].

Fortunately, the storage rings of Lou Feifeng and Shen Luoyan, two Nascent Soul stage monks, were preserved intact.

Zhou Yang opened Lou Feifeng's storage ring, and easily found all kinds of treasures that Jiang Fengxian had looted by her back then, including the Holy Baby Fruit, a holy object that assists in conceiving babies.

It's a pity that the [Moon Toad True Blood] has disappeared. I don't know if it was used by Lou Feifeng to configure [Taiyin Spiritual Liquid].

Although it was a pity for Zhou Yang to lose [Moon Toad True Blood], the other treasures in Lou Feifeng's storage ring were more than enough to make up for the loss of this item.

First of all, the magic weapon. Lou Feifeng’s battle magic weapon was completely destroyed by the hit of the [Suzaku Fan] and could not be repaired. However, there are still two auxiliary sixth-order magic weapons in his storage ring. .

These two magical artifacts are the sixth-grade low-grade magical artifact [Misty Cloud Chariot] and the secret treasure [Goddess Flying Statue].

Among them, [Piaomiaoyun Chariot] is a flying instrument, which is a special car for the masters of the Goddess Palace in the past, and is generally used for travel on formal occasions.

And [Goddess Flying Statue] is the source of the name Goddess Palace, which is said to contain a big secret.

It is said that the patriarch of the Goddess Palace was originally a maid beside a certain female fairy. Later, that fairy ascended to the "True Immortal Realm", she was freed and created the sect of the Goddess Palace.

And this [Flying Goddess Statue] was refined by the founder of the Goddess Palace using a piece of almost extinct top spirit jade [Tianyang Nuanyu] according to the appearance of the goddess when she ascended.

This object is the true inheritance treasure of the Goddess Palace. It has been kept and protected by the palace masters of the past dynasties. Only when some important sect ceremonies are held, it will be taken out for disciples to pay homage to.

The owners of the Goddess Palace in the past have wanted to find out what secrets are hidden in this [Goddess Flying Statue], but no one has been able to break through the legendary secret.

Therefore, most of the time, this object was used by the palace masters of the Goddess Palace as an auxiliary practice treasure.

As long as this object is placed on the spiritual vein, the place where this object is located will be the spiritual eye of the spiritual vein, and it will be the place where the spiritual energy is the strongest.

Gathering spiritual energy is only the basic function of this [Goddess Flying to the Apsaras], its truly exciting function can still enhance the understanding of monks.

It's a little hard to understand, but the fact is that if you practice near this [Goddess Flying Apsaras], there will be a strange power that will affect the nearby monks and improve the monks' thinking and understanding.

The Goddess Palace has been passed down for thousands of years, and there has never been a chronology on the monks of the Nascent Soul Stage. This [Goddess Flying Statue] has contributed a lot.

Unfortunately, Zhou Yang cannot enjoy this benefit.

The reason is that this [Goddess Flying Apsaras Statue] is only useful to female cultivators, and only female cultivators can enjoy the benefits of improving understanding.

This is also the biggest reason why the Goddess Palace was able to keep this treasure.

Zhou Yang didn't go into the matter of why the [Goddess Flying Statue] is only effective for female cultivators.

Because there was once a true immortal in the Transcendence Tribulation Period who heard about the wonders of this treasure, went to the door and "borrowed" this treasure to study it for decades, but failed to find out the reason.

Naturally, he would not feel that he could be an exception.

He just looked at the three feet tall jade statue and gave it to Jiang Fengxian.

In addition to [Misty Cloud Chariot] and [Goddess Flying Statue], Lou Feifeng's storage ring also contains many panacea and elixir, including two sixth-order panacea. A low-rank alchemist.

In addition, in Lou Feifeng's storage ring, Zhou Yang also found more than a hundred [Blood Dragon Rice], a piece of [Dragon Pattern Fine Gold], and a [Wannian Dragon Blood Ginseng].

The [Wannian Dragon Blood Ginseng] is a top-notch elixir that is not inferior to the "transformation elixir". It can be used to refine the precious sixth-order top-grade elixir, and it can also be directly refined into a liquid to be taken for intensive cultivation. very precious.

When the age of this thing is less than a thousand years, it only needs to be watered with the blood of a spirit beast with the blood of a dragon to grow.

But once the year passes a thousand years, it can only continue to grow if watered with the real dragon's blood, and the [Dragon Blood Ginseng] that is more than eight thousand years old can only grow into a [Ten Thousand Years Dragon] if it is watered with the sixth-level dragon's blood. Blood ginseng].

Although it is said that the growth of [Dragon Blood Ginseng] does not need to be irrigated with dragon blood every day and every month, it can cultivate the power of [Ten Thousand Years Dragon Blood Ginseng]. , it is estimated that there will be no second one.

It is not difficult to guess why Lou Feifeng can possess such spiritual objects, most likely it was the "betrothal gift" given by the Yulong family when they married Jiang Yufeng.

"This old hag really deserves to be killed!"

Zhou Yang cursed bitterly with an ugly face, suddenly stopped to count the treasures, waved his hand, and took out a jade box.

He opened the jade box, revealing Lou Feifeng Yuanying with closed eyes inside.

After suppressing Lou Feifeng Yuanying at that time, he did not kill him directly, but used the sixth-order top-grade spirit talisman [Qiantian Town Spirit Talisman] that was removed from the gate of [Donglai Dao Palace] to seal and suppress him.

Originally, he planned to hand Lou Feifeng's Nascent Soul to Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter to torture them after returning to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, so as to eliminate the hatred in their hearts.

But now, Zhou Yang felt that it was just pure torture, and it was difficult to vent his hatred.

"Old witch, since you want to trade my daughter's life and future for your own improvement, then don't blame Zhou for being cruel and using your Nascent Soul as rations for spirit beasts!"

A fierce light flickered in his eyes, and Zhou Yang immediately decided to eat Lou Feifeng's Nascent Soul to the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] after he settled down, to see if he could be promoted to the sixth rank.

The Nascent Soul of an immortal cultivator is a great supplement to the sixth-level monster king, and the [Water-avoiding Golden Eyed Beast] is already the top fifth-level top-rank monster. , it is not that there is no chance to advance to the sixth level.

Compared with the many treasures in Lou Feifeng's storage ring, the treasures in Shen Luoyan's storage ring are much less, and the grade is completely inferior to the treasures in Lou Feifeng's storage ring.

However, two of Shen Luoyan's sixth-level magic weapons were preserved, namely, the sixth-level low-level flying sword [Golden Bamboo Sword] and the sixth-level low-level magic weapon [Green Bead], which happened to be one attack and one defense.

In this way, adding the 525 high-grade spirit stones obtained from the storage rings of the two women, and more than 43,700 middle-grade spirit stones, it is also worthy of the three that Zhou Yang consumed in this battle. 【Sky Thunder Bead】It's gone.

Of course, the favors of the two demon kings don't count. If the favors are counted, he will be at a loss no matter what.

After spending half a day counting everything in this way, Zhou Yang sorted everything out, and then sent a message to Ling Chao, the young master of Donghua Immortal Palace, Feijian.

At this time, the news of the battle in the Goddess Palace had just been transmitted to the mountain gate by the intelligence personnel of Donghua Immortal Palace, and it took Ling Chao and other high-level officials of Donghua Immortal Palace to get the news in less than half a day.

After receiving Feijian's message from Zhou Yang, he quickly sent Zhou Yang to a secret courtyard of Donghua Immortal Palace in the city, where they had a meeting.

"This place is simple, if there is a lack of hospitality, I hope Senior Zhou and Senior Jiang will forgive me. This junior apologizes to the two seniors first."

In an underground palace, after Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian brought their daughter Jiang Yufeng down here led by an organ puppet, Ling Chao, who was waiting here, hurriedly bowed his hands to them and apologized endlessly.

A hundred years later, Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian, who were lower than him at the beginning, have successfully conceived babies, but he still stays at the ninth floor of the Golden Core and dare not attack the Nascent Soul, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, he is also an accomplished person in practice, so he will not let these negative emotions in his heart affect his behavior.

The two "senior" calls did not reveal any unwillingness.

But when Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian heard his words, they quickly dodged to avoid his salute, looked at him seriously and said: "Fellow Daoist Ling, this would have ruined us. If there was no help from Daoist Ling back then, the two of us would have already died." Falling under the hands of the Goddess Palace and the Yulong Clan, Fellow Daoists have done us a great favor, and the two of us, seniors, absolutely dare not accept it, and we should continue to talk about friendship as equals."

Jiang Fengxian also said with a full face of agreement: "What Zhou Lang said is very true. I waited to see Fellow Daoist Ling this time to thank Fellow Daoist Ling for helping me last time. How could I receive such a gift from Fellow Daoist!"


Ling Chao looked at the faces of Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian, and after seeing the solemn expressions on their faces, he knew that what they said just now was not modest words, but sincere words.

This really made him feel a lot better, and he said with a smile on his face: "Then Ling will not be polite to the two fellow Taoists."

"As it should."

Zhou Yang nodded, and a smile appeared on his face.

Then he raised his hand, and took out three jade boxes, opened them in a row in front of him, and opened them all, revealing the three emerald green spiritual peaches contained in the jade boxes.

"Zhou had some adventures in the world of cultivating immortals overseas this time, and was lucky enough to get some [jasper flat peaches]. These three spiritual peaches were given to Palace Master Ling and Father Lingtang to thank the three for helping Zhou's family back then. Grace!"

"At the same time, the two of Zhou also promise here that if Palace Master Ling needs help from the two of Zhou in the future, they will definitely help each other as long as they can!"

After Zhou Yang finished speaking, he waved his hand, and three jade boxes containing [Jasper Peach] flew to Ling Chao.

Looking at the jade box in front of him, Ling Chao was momentarily stunned.

When he helped Zhou Yang back then, he really didn't want to repay Zhou Yang. After all, with his status at the time, Zhou Yang couldn't offer anything enough to repay him.

Unexpectedly, only a hundred years later, Zhou Yang took out such a spiritual object that he could not refuse as a gift of gratitude to his door.

Even in a superpower like Donghua Immortal Palace, life-extending spiritual objects like [Jasper Peach], which can also have an excellent life-extending effect on Nascent Soul stage monks, are very rare.

Ling Chao's parents are "Half-Step True Immortal" monks on the ninth floor of Yuanying, so of course there is no shortage of this kind of spiritual thing, but he is indeed not qualified for this kind of spiritual thing right now.

Now Zhou Yang gave away three [jasper flat peaches], even the second generation of super immortals like Ling Chao, he couldn't help but be shocked by his boldness.

"This, this is too precious!"

He looked at the three jade boxes in front of him with flickering eyes, and didn't dare to accept this heavy gift for a while.

However, Zhou Yang said with a straight face: "Young Palace Master was willing to help Zhou in the most difficult time. This kindness cannot be repaid no matter how heavy a gift is, so I ask Young Palace Master to accept this thing. Otherwise, Zhou will have a bad conscience!"

Hearing his words, Ling Chao's expression relaxed, as if he had figured something out, he smiled heartily and said, "Okay, since Fellow Daoist Zhou has said that, Ling is ashamed to accept it!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and put all three jade boxes into the storage ring.

Perhaps it was due to lack of manpower. After receiving Zhou Yang’s great gift, Ling Chao took the initiative to say without Zhou Yang’s questioning: “Ling has also received news about Zhou Daoyou showing his power in the Goddess Palace, so I have to say You are really powerful, it is the first time in Donghuazhou's immortal cultivating world for tens of thousands of years to kill a monk at the sixth level of Yuanying with a cultivation level of Yuanying level across a small realm!"

"However, Daoist Zhou's great vengeance was rewarded for a while, but it also completely angered the two major forces of the [Longevity Immortal Alliance] and the Yulong Family. He was hunted down endlessly by the forces of both of them."

"Perhaps with the strength of Daoist Zhou's current cultivation base, he won't be afraid of these things, but it will always affect the normal practice of Daoist. If Ling thinks about it, fellow Daoist definitely doesn't want to delay his own practice because of these things. I don't know what Ling said. Right?"

Zhou Yang had to admit that Ling Chao saw it thoroughly, and he didn't deny it, Dang even nodded calmly in response: "What Fellow Daoist Ling said is right, now that Zhou has avenged his revenge, he just wants to return to Yunzhou to practice quietly in the world of immortal cultivation. "

"Zhou Daoyou wants to return to Liuyunzhou's world of cultivating immortals. The Yulong family and [Changsheng Xianmeng] must have guessed this point. Although the news of their movements has not yet been released, Ling guesses that their masters have traveled westward and gathered at the border. Just wait for the whereabouts of fellow daoist Zhou to be found, and then initiate a beheading operation against fellow daoist!"

Ling Chao said affirmatively, as if he really placed a pair of eyes on the two major forces.

"It can be guessed, but they may not be able to find Zhou's whereabouts."

Zhou Yang nodded first, then shook his head, still very confident in the effect of "Hidden Dragon Avoiding Tribulation Technique".

"If Zhou Daoyou thinks this way, you are making a big mistake!"

Ling Chao shook his head, looked at him solemnly and said: "You Daoist Zhou doesn't seem to know that there is a rare treasure in [Tongxuan Daoist] in [Changsheng Xianmeng] called [Xunzhen Treasure Mirror]. Pour a ray of mana breath from a fellow daoist into it, even if you are separated by a million miles, you can still find the location of your fellow daoist, leaving you nowhere to hide!"

"What? There are such rare treasures in the world!"

Zhou Yang was taken aback and couldn't help but exclaim.

He had some doubts about the authenticity of Ling Chao's words, but after thinking about it carefully, there was no need for Ling Chao to lie to him in this regard.

The matter was so important that he didn't care to hide anything, so he said, "I don't want to hide from Daoist Ling, Zhou has a supernatural power that can avoid being tracked by others. Could it be that this supernatural power can't escape the tracking of the [Searching for the True Treasure]?" Is it?"

Ling Chao didn't ask what kind of supernatural power he was, and had no intention of prying into his privacy, but shook his head and said: "If Zhou Daoyou's supernatural power has reached the level of great achievement, it may be useful, but if he has not reached the level of great success, he will definitely not be able to escape the [Looking for True Treasure] Jian】Followed!"

Zhou Yang wanted to practice "Hidden Dragon Avoiding Tribulation Art" to the level of great success, but he also had to have that time. It has only been more than ten years since he was a baby. Lei] I haven't even had time to cultivate my supernatural powers, so how can I have time to practice "Hiding Dragon Avoiding Tribulation Art".

At this time, he suddenly regretted parting with the Thunder Feather Demon King too early, otherwise, if the Thunder Feather Demon King were to take him to the Immortal Cultivation Realm of Liuyun Continent, even if the enemy knew his location, they would not be able to catch up with the Thunder Feather Demon King King's speed.

It's just that the Thunder Feather Demon King doesn't know where to hide to heal his injuries, so how can he still find him.

Then he suddenly realized something, his eyes lit up, he looked at Ling Chao expectantly and asked: "Your fellow Daoist Ling said that, could it be that there is a way to help Zhou avoid this disaster?"

"Ling's cultivation base is low, of course he doesn't have this kind of ability, but Ling can help Zhou Daoyou to ask my father, if he is willing to help, Zhou Daoyou will be fine."

With a slight smile on Ling Chao's face, he finally revealed his true intentions.

The next chapter returns to the world of cultivating immortals in Yunzhou. I have returned to my hometown in good clothes. Please ask for a monthly ticket and full order support

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